"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation." -Prince Philip
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The above is just a small portion of the British plandemonium graph that I've been working on for a couple of months now. This graph could spawn a hundred articles, and has helped me understand just how much of the "pandemic machinery" spawned from the UK, but in ways that were pinned on other nations. EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) is one such example. Run by a British zoologist, EHA was originally the "Wildlife Trust"—one of several dozen Wildlife Trusts spawned from the UK, highly associated with British intelligence. EHA created the OneHealth paradigm connecting human disease to everything in the world with excessive implications of delicate sensitivity that strangely justifies eugenics goals.
But that's an article for another day.
Briefly, I do apologize for a long absence that has been the result of a painful (re)injury. I have more to catch up on than I will ever catch up on, but I simply have to do my best to keep myself from working 80+ hour weeks as I have for most of the past 4.5 years.
The Unissant Question Nobody Touches
This turns out to look a lot like a British Empire question, but we'll get to that. First, some background…
I was asked by Robert Malone to be the Statistician who would examine the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database (DMED) after two lawyers and three whistleblowers took evidence to Senator Ron Johnson purporting to show a ten-fold increase in injury and illness in the military following rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Since first meeting Malone in San Juan in September 2021, where I briefly discussed my vaccine analysis with him, then cringed as I heard him tell the Honolulu City Council (with whom we both spoke) a month later telling them that the vaccines were "working as expected" [but were not worth it just for kids], I'd grown wary of him. After all, as he informed me when I met him, he was warned by Oracle's chief biostatistician all the way back in January 2021 that there were safety signals indicating vaccine harms. But his inviting me into the DMED project suggested to me that perhaps he had come to see things my way? There are times when you hope that people are flawed and overcome their flaws over time.
I also wanted to climb above what I'd felt was becoming noise in the conversations over vaccine data. While everyone else doing statistical work seemed to be promoted, sometimes excessively, I seemed to be facing a strange level of silence—oh, and my home was destroyed shortly after returning from San Juan.
While I'd tried not to brag too much, I felt as if I could be a sort of secret weapon for the dissident movement. While I dodged the academic route, I'm somebody who has been online since the age of 12, talking mathematics with college professors, successfully pretending to be one myself (nobody doubted it). While having hardly read a math book, making up my own methods through childhood, gradually incorporating the lingo as I encountered it, I won first prize in most U.S. math competitions, often finishing tests with most of the time left on the clock. I've written multiple math textbooks, and part of an economics textbook, and tens of thousands of pages of curriculum that Kiran Kedlaya (a math professor who was at MIT when I last ran into him) told me resulted in MIT restructuring their undergraduate math program. My students routinely won [mostly gold] medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad, and I was famous for starting (or helping build) some of the world's largest online math communities such as the large BBS (AOL/Matrix before there was the big corporate AOL), the Mathematics Livejournal blogring, and the Art of Problem Solving forum that has seen over a million participants.
While I'm not a mathematician who can talk on all topics (I never could get into topology, or subjects that I did not first have a spark of motivation to explore), and have holes in my education that often confuse people with PhDs whom I talk with, I have done things like sat for the Putnam exam and solved nearly all the problems (11 out of 12 in 2002), something that perhaps 1% of 1% of math professors could achieve. While I deleted my first LJ account years ago (a great regret, since I was writing up a lot of takedowns of corrupt academic research), my solution sketches from the day of that exam are luckily still online (as "ex_thehat388"; "Infopractical" was my more recent account). I admit that this is part of the reason I wrote up this reframed problem and solution, which showed up at one of the Olympiads. My solution was simpler and more creative than the two published solutions by two well-respected math professors. I was curious to see if a single one of the data minds in the MFM community would even comment (none did).
Some of my friends who are math professors still send me hard problems, though far less often since the plandemonium began. Given that I basically stopped studying math seriously around the time I turned 15, I can't approach a few of the problems. But after solving some, I'm often told things like, "This was a problem passed around internally in the 1970s, and the solution opened up [insert field/tech here]." I've hoped to have time to post some of those problems/solutions/conversations, but I doubt that's ever again going to rise to the top of the priority stack.
I currently believe that the entity running the controlled dissident opposition did its homework on me, tried and failed to control me, and then threw me into a project [outside of my comfort zone…littered with the task of absorbing medical data trivia like ICD-10 codes] where I would either fail to locate the problem [and support the psyop], or that would be an exhausting landslide under which I would be forgotten.
After four days studying the DMED data and finding old database snapshots, I [correctly] found that both sides of the argument (the DoD and the whistleblower team) were incorrect in their summary assessments. However, I did find indications of dose responses to transfection/vaccination [not that anyone uses my graphs].
Perhaps more importantly, I felt that the coincidental mishandling of the database, which caused a large portion of data to go missing during the period when it should have been used to track safety signals as per the CDC's Vaccine Safety Technical (VaST) workgroup, was highly suspicious. At the very least, a diligent investigation was due.
I encouraged Thomas Renz to file FOIAs requesting communication between the U.S. military and the data contractor, Unissant, that handled the database. He told me that he would, and I put him in contact with a former federal insider who has been on both sides of the FOIA process, advising (and testifying) in cases involving the pharmaceutical industry. Renz told me that those FOIAs would be filed, and I continued to work on data and presentations that I thought would be sent to Congress. More than a month later, he said he hadn't filed them and handed them off to another lawyer. A series of handoffs took place over several months with none of the lawyers (including at CHD) ever filing the FOIAs.
In that first month of investigation, I pulled numerous all-nighters, spending perhaps 400 hours on the project. I had relayed my findings to Malone, Steve Kirsch, Kirsch's steering committee, and as many others as I could manage, including the scientists and data minds at Pandata. Strangely, I seemed to be getting the runaround, and probably deliberately misled by everyone close to the story. As I began to question what was going on, I was threatened, intimidated, had my car vandalized, assaulted, then nearly run off the road. Oddly, nobody seemed to care, and that was the beginning of the so-called Medical Freedom Movement freezing me out entirely—acting as if I no longer existed, despite the thousands of hours I had spent organizing data, going all the way back to February 2021 when I was, so far as I can tell, the first person publicly pointing to data showing that the quasi-vaccines were neither safe nor effective and I had twice estimated a vaccine mortality rate consistent with the massive German Health Insurance (BKK) study published in early 2022.
You'd think that such highly concerned MFM leadership would promote such a statistical bullseye, no? Would there be any reason not to celebrate the moment, aside from keeping me invisible?
Oddly, while performing all this work pro bono, I was not informed that Senator Johnson received communication from Unissant which admitted that they were aware of the data issues! Emphasis not mine:
On March 7, 2022, Sen. Johnson wrote to Unissant requesting documents and information about its awareness of DMED’s data integrity issues. Unissant provided some responsive materials on May 4, 2022.
“Based on these Unissant records, it appears that as early as August 2021, the DoD and Unissant were both aware that DMED had data integrity issues, but still allowed DMED to ‘go live’ with these issues. Further, in January 2022, DoD and Unissant representatives discussed data issues on DMED with a DoD employee noting on January 31, 2022, that ‘DMED access was restored after the data was corrected,’” Sen. Johnson wrote.
What would it tell us if both the DoD and Unissant were perfectly aware that the DMED was missing most of the 2016-2020 data? And why did nobody inform me about this information as I spent a thousand hours of my time on the issue?
Honestly, this timeline is perfectly consistent with a planned LARP/Psyop! Given that the DMED was immediately fixed following the January 2022 hearing, we can assume that it could have been fixed at any moment. And it is clear that the data was not being used to identify safety signals because it would have rung every bell in the meantime.
Qui bono?!
While I spent so much of my time in 2022 continuing to work on DMED data, averaging barely half-sleep for the whole year, I began to step back and also study who the players were in what increasingly appeared to be a very LARPy network of "leaders" managing the alt media "combat" drawing eyeballs. I simply could not believe that none of them were interested in getting the data correct, and lining up arguments in a way that would draw in the middle, draw in more math/science educated people, give opponents a low surface area of attack, and win lawsuits.
Can you see why I started investigating the propaganda atmosphere among potential chaos agents?
Sometime in mid-2022, I talked with Malone for the first time since I'd shared with him my DMED study results in February of that year. I called him to confirm a theory I'd formed about the quasi-vaccine trials. Chris Masterjohn helped me realize that any new vaccine study would need to test to see whether or not PCR sensitivity/specificity were altered upon the intervention of the product. In other words, do the quasi-vaccines confound the trials? Though Malone confirmed my suspicions, the MFM strangely never picked up on the argument—the trials are simply invalid on that basis alone.
During the call, Malone invited me to visit his ranch in Virginia—to meet with intelligence. This was after I had made observations about military intelligence outlets blasting out the clearly false whistleblower data, and after seeing strange occultic ties between multiple of the participants in what now clearly appears to be an aggressive psyop. The invitation made me uncomfortable, so I mentioned how much I dodge flying these days (which is true). He said something about seeing if he could set up a meeting in Dallas, to which I also made a noncommittal, disinterested statement. I had a bad feeling about an attempt to rope me into playing along through some sort of jingoistic sense of duty to what he called (direct quote), "psyops and counter-psyops." Fortunately, he never called me back about such a meeting.
Sorry, not playing. The data is the data. You don't fight Lysenkoism with Lysenkoism, and expect the world to change. Also, I'm certainly not interested in elevating the likes of the heroic images made out of several of the people involved who have only struck me as more dubious as time has gone on. But the whole story looks even worse now that I've soaked up a few centuries of historical context and gone back to take a look at Unissant.
Who Does Unissant Work For?
It's a bit of a mystery to begin with why a high tech military would use an outside contractor to handle the world's most strategically critical health database. I've known a lot of military people over the years. One of my best friends in San Diego, where I lived 20 years ago, was an XO on a nuclear cruiser, and I've known at least a dozen high-quality tech minds in the military. And with the DoD's budget, I'm certain that they can retain a small crew tasked with handling their sensitive health data internally.
Is there something else at play in the Bigger Picture?
Over the past two years and change, I have spent enormous amounts of time reading and absorbing history, including the threads that tie together the Military Occult Banking Syndicate (MOBS) and its relationship to the British Empire, which went invisible as per the suggestion of Cecil Rhodes. This journey was spurred by the observation of so many Scientologists in the MFM, starting in particular with the lawyer who brought the DMED whistleblowers to Renz—that would be Leigh Dundas.
While dozens of people worked in various capacities on the DMED project, the only information I recall hearing from any of them about Unissant came from Dr. Theresa Long, who claimed to me, without evidence or explanation, that the DMED data was filtered through Israel. I highly doubt that, but Israel isn't exactly helping itself avoid the blame for the British Empire's Quantum New World Order plans.
What I did find is that "unissant" is French for "uniting", as in
"Unissant leurs forces" – "Uniting their forces," and
"Unissant les deux pays" – "Joining the two countries."
While France isn't usually considered "British Empire", Britain pretty much tamed France multiple times over the past 250 or so years. This includes the French Revolution, where the history of Britain's involvement is pretty well avoided in the British-written textbooks (most Americans, believing the U.S. is the most powerful nation, fail to understand that most of the history books and faux-consensus of events is executed through British publishing houses like MacMillan and Penguin that have wound up in the hands of intelligence constructs such as Robert Maxwell). I would also argue that when the Nazis rolled into Paris, the social organization of French elites was existentially compromised. Hitler's men went straight for the Freemasonry archives. The Germans likely mapped all occult relationships in France, and handed that information back to [former German-British King] Edward VIII, who had toured the French defenses along the Maginot line, and likely sent an entire map of those defenses to Hitler. Military historians have run simulations suggesting that France otherwise wins that battle every time.
Decades later, it was the French (INSERM) who built the Level 4 Biosafety Lab (BSL 4) in Wuhan, the only such BSL 4 in mainland China, over the objections of French intelligence.
Is this the point at which it is reasonable to point out that Robert Malone, who spent his career working on vaccines and biowarfare, is the son-in-law of a former British intelligence officer? And that he and his wife Jill have long promoted a variety of social leaders promoting depopulation.
Personally, I think that Malthusianism is behind the mind virus that resulted in "lock step", as described by the Rockefeller publication (which was a prediction of potential reactions, as stated, not a plan). I also think that Malthusianism has "lost all the bets" over the years. It's a fatalist mindset, invented by MOBS bankers, for their advantage. But that's an article for another day.
Is this why Malone has no problem working in parallel with the [eugenics-based] Scientologists such as John Mappin, or those surrounding Bobby Kennedy, Jr.? Is this why he began telling lies about me and dodging of discussion of his knowledge of my work on the DMED? Is he sabotaging the process of getting to the bottom of a big murderous mess?
There are those who defend Malone (sloppily) still haven't faced any of my critique. Saying, "I vouch for Malone," while not handling any of it, including his intelligence network and its mission, stands out as fealty to a network, not a genuine defense.
Malone, as he seems to do with everyone not singing his praises, simply responds with denigration.
What Malone is saying is that I'm not worth him thinking about. That's interesting given that he called me and asked me to examine the military health database (DMED). That's interesting given that he invited me to his ranch [to meet with intelligence]. That's interesting given that he took the time to lie about me in the first place. But once again Malone steps in his own horseshit. You see, before he unsubscribed from this substack, I took a few screenshots of his/their constant reading here.
And that's just a portion of it. I got tired of scrolling. It looks like Malone or the Malones read RTE multiple times a week—sometimes even multiple times a day—even after I was defamed on their substack when I was ramping up reveals on Chaos Agents. In fact, I noted on multiple occasions that the Malone substack covered often topics shortly after I did. However, the only time the Malones ever linked to RTE was when I critiqued Stew Peters (Died Suddenly nonsense) or he/they took the time to lie about me.
What I really think is that I'm dangerous to the Malone polymath image. If I were to have access, I suspect that I could quickly dispute claims made about artificial intelligence algorithms supposedly used by Malone at both Inovio and on the DOMANE program that weirdly came up with "Remdesivir!" I'm also in a position to understand that Fifth Generation Warfare was likely a shiny bauble juggled by Malone in order to keep people from studying Mindwar, the actual intelligence program from which chaos agent activity was spawned. And really, given the crisis at hand, why do the Malones spend so much time on Friday funnies, the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure agenda, and two books blaming American leadership with a clumsy discussion of psychological operations that dodges the British Empire question?
Don't the Malones have unique and actual expertise in mRNA vaccines that they could educate people about? Just asking.
Pay attention to who wrote the forewords, which points strongly to my theory that "Unity" was always a psyop. General Michael Flynn is close with both the DMED lawyers, Renz and Dundas. He is also leading the Great Awakening movement. That would be the fifth Great Awakening, historically speaking. That history looks suspiciously linked to the theosophical drive toward [British-led] one world government. The missionaries and revivalists were right there in the thick of the destruction of China—an event that makes Hitler's carnage look like a picnic. The Second Great Awakening involved a thousand Illinois freemasons becoming the LDS church, which waged wars in the Midwest before finding Utah and conveniently becoming the perfect organization to embed into U.S. intelligence. The LDS also introduced the "many worlds" seed of the UFO religions/cults that came later.
The Third and Fourth Great Awakenings spawned much of the leadership of the United Nations and Interfaith movement. It also spawned cults that committed bioterror events, including both the attack in Wasco, Oregon, but also the Tokyo subway attacks. More recently, we got the suicide cults—some of which were following the "aliens".
Weirdly, it was Renz who [supposedly, if you can believe it without giggling], wrote a book on modRNA. Yeah, that was Renz, not Malone. According to somebody. Them. According to them. According to them who built the MFM's alt media.
That's a whole lot of writing over just two years for a guy who couldn't file a critical FOIA, and failed to file whistleblower papers for Marc Bashaw (who was consequently ejected from the military), travels often with his hand out for donations, runs a continuous podcast, writes a substack, and often fires off more than a dozen tweets in a day.
Having worked with Renz, I very much doubt he wrote any of these books. I very much doubt he could write a coloring book. But if I'm wrong about Renz's prolific authorship, I'd appreciate it if he wrote a book on all the British agents and organizations associated with the so-called pandemic. He could include a chapter on Unissant.
Unissant exploded with government contracts in 2020. They contract with NIH, HHS, and DHS, and do cybersecurity work at a level of national security. Not only do they manage the DMED, but also the U.S. border data used for targeting and analysis, another fact that essentially nobody in the MFM seems interested in, no matter how often I bring it up.
Unissant was founded in 2006 by Manish Malhotra, an IT entrepreneur trained in Pune, India, which is coincidentally where King Charles III's cousin, the now-invisible and maybe dead Prince Welf went to join the cult that ran the largest bioterror attack ever [acknowledge] on U.S. soil. The largest outside capital investor in Unissant is Opulentia Capital, 75% of which is owned by British investor and entrepreneur Paul Seabridge.
After a chapter on Unissant, maybe Renz can write one on Camelot. After all, Mappin lives in Camelot Castle, and his Scientology brethren seem fully wrapped around the current political leader of the American Family of Camelot.
Reminder: the co-lead attorney at CHD is not simply a Scientologist, he was an unindicted co-conspirator in Operation Snow White in which several thousand Scientologists infiltrated the federal government.
If this inclusion feels like a stretch, understand that the last time I talked with somebody from CHD—an ethnically Indian occultist whose wife was headed to Glastonbury to participate in ceremonial rituals where the leyline meet—he ended the call with, "God save the Queen!"
How About NATO?
"Odin still walks the earth, he never left. His enemies and his children's enemies will soon reap what they have shown." -Carl Jung, Wotan (1936)
Would it be fair to call NATO the military wing of the United Nations?
Would it be too obvious to point out that saying "NATO" backwards invokes the god "Wotan", whom the pro-Nazi follower of Madame Blavatsky, Guido von List, worshiped? Is that sort of like "Nazi" being "Zion" in reverse, once we Hebrewify the words (remove the vowels)?
Obligatory reminder: the early NATO supreme commanders were all a bunch of Nazi generals who did not just go free, but were promoted as such. Also, Carl Jung and his colleagues went on to establish the Tavistock Institute, which, on behalf of the British Crown, has been the center of psychological warfare development ever since—particularly that which is aimed at the United States. I wonder if the Malones mentioned any of that in their book on fifth generation warfare.
There are multiple reasons to bring NATO into the conversation, not the least of which is the controversy over Ukrainian biolabs that may well have served as the ante for a planned war. Also, a biohacker named Bryan Bishop, an unabashed transhumanist whose work in the Bitcoin space was partially sucked into the unholy mess that was the FTX disaster, told me personally that he funded one of the mRNA vaccines—work performed at one of those Ukrainian biolabs. Whether or not you've heard his name, you should be concerned. Bishop is growing very wealthy from Bitcoin, which he was in as early as a week after launch, has been interested in genetically engineering babies, and may have solved the technical problems associated with cellular transfection via electrical stimulation of the lipid bilayer. He's the guy who, intellectually speaking, makes Robert Malone look like a useless old has been.
When I told Bishop that I did not think that the COVID-19 quasi-vaccines were ever effective, he shot back, "That depends. Effective at what?" This was at a dinner I hosted with 20 guests, so I never got to dig at what he wanted for them to be effective at doing. Since I am not really an expert on the circumstances surrounding the Ukrainian biolabs, I'll move on.
One of the promoters of the false DMED data, which should have been nipped in the bud in mid-February 2022 upon my findings, was Dr. Pamela Long. Long gave an interview with CHD.TV that has been continually liked and retweeted tens of thousands of times over.
Funny how the thousand hours of actual work I did sorting the data out correctly never gets promoted by the MFM twitter gangs.
Imagine my surprise [sic] when I found out that Pam Long, an author at CHD (the Defender), served as a medical intelligence officer for NATO.
Is it weird that Bobby Kennedy, Jr.'s son suited up for the Ukrainian forces, and also dated NATO's greatest psychological operations asset? Not as weird as his about face on publishing my DMED report at CHD, three days after he asked me to complete the writeup for him. Unless the real point was never to get to the heart of the matter.
It all feels like one big LARP, with players reading lines from a Hegelian script, headed toward the same synthetic outcome. I've started calling it the UniLARPy, and it's precisely the sort of scheme I would expect to be concocted at Tavistock.

"A system is what the system does"
Lots of people are pointing out that in many elections, but especially the USA one that none of the actors are even talking about the Plandemoneum. To me, this is a profound condemnation of the "MFM leaders" as well as the collective effort as a whole.
How many low-hanging fruit victories have been left to wither (like your campfire wiki idea) without support from those with the ability to get the message out?
It's disheartening that people haven't been able to see the waste for what it is.
I give people a lot of slack for positions taken in 2020/21 but 5 years in it would be nice to see more reflection and self-assessment on why we are where we are.
If we can soberly recognize where we are and how we got here... a lot of good can be salvaged.
Curiosity is a blessing for the ignorant and a curse for the intelligent. I can see why Malone is reading you 2-3 times per day.