"A system is what the system does"

Lots of people are pointing out that in many elections, but especially the USA one that none of the actors are even talking about the Plandemoneum. To me, this is a profound condemnation of the "MFM leaders" as well as the collective effort as a whole.

How many low-hanging fruit victories have been left to wither (like your campfire wiki idea) without support from those with the ability to get the message out?

It's disheartening that people haven't been able to see the waste for what it is.

I give people a lot of slack for positions taken in 2020/21 but 5 years in it would be nice to see more reflection and self-assessment on why we are where we are.

If we can soberly recognize where we are and how we got here... a lot of good can be salvaged.

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Yeah, the rotting campire.wiki stands as a testiment to control over the UniLARPy. A thousand Liams would have made that the birth of a star. A hundred would have propelled it on its way. Not a single big platform promotion. Highly suggestive of the need to prevent the sort of information pooling that would have then prevented psyops and LARPs.

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But if your (anyone's) points are too profound, they sail overost people's heads. I feel like if I speak three simple sentences together, the people that I work with have no clue what I am saying.

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We need to get good education back on track. That's primary to regaining a good society.

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Like yourself I am no fan of the Prussian model of education. I recall being pretty excited by the old TED talk by an Indian fellow whose name escapes me about The School in the Cloud. I’m sure you’ve seen it.

Still, my mom born in 1920 went to the same High School I did. The stories she’d tell me about the curriculum, discipline and level of education she received was in my day college level.

Nowadays I doubt many six year college graduates could hack what she went through in High School. When we’d discuss such things at family gatherings the unanimous opinion was this was by design.

Keep the less motivated ignorant and the highly motivated compartmentalized which accomplishes the same thing. Nothing is organic.

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Everything’s a Trojan horse. Nothing is as it seems. We are being led.

If Trump hadn’t gone away in 2020 no self-respecting liberal democrat would have taken the “Trump vaccine.” So he had to go.

Now that the project is complete and his competition are morons (by design) he’s been positioned to rise from the ashes of persecution and death. Heady stuff, no? How can you not vote for that?

Once ensconced he’ll bring a team of transhumanist, climate change, and digital currency advocates with him. Promising to right the wrongs we’ve longed to repair while simultaneously normalizing things we’d have never accepted otherwise.

Crumbs will be thrown. As we are pecking at them the axe will hover over the Republic deftly swung while hordes cheer. By design.

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"none of the actors are even talking about the Plandemoneum" - That was my question about the so called debate. Who asked about the vax / vax damage? Trump? Harris? Press?

Kinda suspicious to leave that one out. Always ask "What are they NOT being asked?".

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Curiosity is a blessing for the ignorant and a curse for the intelligent. I can see why Malone is reading you 2-3 times per day.

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Invisibility and tracking at the same time, and most telling that they never contradicted or dispelled your findings. It was obviously more important for them to make sure you got no attention. Malone’s scrutiny of your work sounds like an assignment given to him from the top.

Whatever- we’d all be fools to think they didn’t meticulously circle the wagons from the beginning to control the direction of everything. 4 years later, the few who have the real info are completely unknown.

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"we’d all be fools to think they didn’t meticulously circle the wagons from the beginning to control the direction of everything."


Unpleasant reminder: Blackwater used to take contracts from organizations like Monsanto to embed chaos agents into dissident groups. Former Blackwater executives and their trainees (also involving MI6, as in Project Veritas training!) have been all over the MFM.

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"Blackwater used to take contracts from organizations like Monsanto to embed chaos agents into dissident groups." I haven't personally come across a real dissident group. They are all manufactured. I work people backwards now to get at the truth.

We have been fed a frame of organizations started by pure actors which then unfortunately get corrupted. The group I grew up in are the people who start these things.

I'm very open to being challenged on this if you or anyone else has an counter example. The normal answer I get is US patriotism. People walk around with the British East India flag and think they are supporting the US.

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What are your thoughts on Naomi Wolf? I fImd her compelling amd sincere.

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The training is to be compelling and sincere. Naomi Wolf specifically comes across as interesting with limited exposure. If you have followed her views over time they are bafflingly inconsistent. Her husband is an intelligence worker (specifics escape my memory not sure if this info is easy to find).

All groups/people have a function. Naomi's is similar to the Bret and Eric Weinstein job: pushing info at the time it is needed to be out there. They imply or state they have degrees in a very wide range of fields - always in the topic in question.

Many others are sleeper accounts. They can sit, gathering credibility and followers, for years. The accounts can be, and usually are, totally unrelated to their function. You can be following a make up tutorial influencer who then has oddly strong opinions on a regional conflict or social issue.

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Thanks. She comes across to me as having fairly normal female views (and baffaingly inconsistencies). She met her husband through his security work, which seems like a very real male/female dynamic as well. Glad you can’t say anything more specific on it.

The thing I am not sure about with her is where Chabad fits in. She uses a Chabad bible translation. Because it is accessible or they are the cat’s meow? As someone says else where in the comments, they are not the cat’s meow. (Or if so, it is a cat that I want nothing to do with.)

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For note: She has said a lot that is incorrect about fertility data. In fact, the U.S. birthrate is flat over four years after falling for a long duration. She interviewed me after I pointed out that she was using the wrong DMED data, then never released it, and so far as I can tell, never issued a correction.

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Chabad is likely the most hidden in plain sight org that exists. They are credited with having a larger intelligence structure than the CIA.

It sounds like you know a decent amount about them already but the Rebbe believed the end of the world needed to be accelerated and implemented - not left to chance. World leaders worshipped on the right (Trump, Putin, Milei, Netanyahu, RFK jr etc) have made an open show recently of Rebbe worship or deference.

Rightly or wrongly, the Talmud and other texts are intepreted as the world must end soon: year 6,000 is the last possible date. Technically we are in 5,785 but a lot of scholars tie themselves in knots proving we are at or around 6,000.

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What a great read, thank you, I’m signing up!

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That was a fantastic amount of work, to put all this together! Well done!

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Thanks. Much more to come. Due to an injury, I have a lot of material in the queue.

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Get well soon. Take care.

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Found your substack yesterday, referred to you by Mees. My first immediate impression is that you are perfect as a counterintelligence operative for the truth movements. Kudos.

My friend, Ole, tried to convince an acquaintance, Peter, about Malone for a long time. When I showed Peter your old article about Malone, he suddenly changed his pro-Malone stance a bit, just because it came from you as he respects you more than Malone. Hilarious, as it shouldn't be appeal to authority that should make him change his stance, but the content of your argument, of course. Now I will tease him with this point again and show him your new article.

I could see quite early in 2022 that there was something spooky about Malone.



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Appeals to authority are, outside of the fallacy within arguments, natural. This is why parasocial Dunbar hacking works. A good defense is to still follow our guts, but far more weakly, able to steer.

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Positive role models, I guess.

Btw: My take on Desmet (whom I interviewed 2021) which I wrote 2022: 'The only thing Desmet’s realization of Mass Formation doesn’t take into account, is that the power elites are instigating mass formation deliberately [your parasocial Dunbar equivalent, I guess] via very refined social sciences PSYOPS for decades.. in order to DIRECT history. His lack of historical consciousness in regard to conspiracy realities constitutes an illiteracy of who, where, when and why, etc.

Officially declassified documents immediately invalidate Desmet’s assumption of ‘coincidence theory’ (“it’s not a malevolent elite” on Corbett Report 2022) whereas the evidence for Directed History is an abundant almost trivial fact.

Directed History: The idea that key events in modern history—wars, revolutions, transformations, concentrations of wealth and power, for at least the past 250 years but possibly longer—have not been random or the mere product of economic forces but were guided: directed. History has been taken in a specific direction by a powerful superelite, especially secret societies.

Thus, Desmet is not aware of the names of the most dangerous individual master nodes of the ruling pathocracy/technocracy/what have you, i.e. the power elites who are invoking mass formation. His frame of theory describes the systemic dynamics causing evil, the evil in and between nameless nodes which constitute the mass formation.

I myself adhere to the point that it’s futile to cut of one head of a Medusa, but it would be a moral logical fallacy if one did not remove evil given the opportunity fx. – not arresting Kissinger or Gates fx. – on the grounds that evil is an exchangeable psychological shadow-virus in each of us. The profound invisible truth of a Wetiko-like psycho-shadow-virus in-all-of-us (like Jung poínted out) on the other hand should not be seen as a moral carte blanche for misapplied mindful bystanding as great deeds have saved many lives by immediate action, whether lacking in uprooting the ultimate cause, i.e. the nameless Wetiko-virus. Should we not pacify a mass murderer if we can save many lives just because he is exchangeable? Knowing that evil does not disappear by arresting Kissinger does not detract immediate action to prevent mass murder fx. as a moral imperative nonetheless…

The process of awakening is layered and Desmet is – as opposed to Superclass whistleblowers, insiders, officers, doctors, etc – still stockholmsyndromistic and ignorant in regard to historical conspiracy realities. Something I noticed about him from the get-go…

Accordingly he is still – however horrific the situation already is from the perspective of nameless mass formation – blissfully unaware of Directed History and key events."

I dont know if he awakened more since 2022 though....

Tucker (most watched news show in US history, allegedly) called his interview with Desmet, the most important interview he ever did. That just tells me that Desmet per definition can't be dangerous to TPTB, an iron-clad rule in my observations. Not that Desmet's points aren't very appealing and interesting, but truly dangerous dissidents to the mafia, are not found on the mafia's own platform with 2-3 digit hits....

Just wanted to share....

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I've talked Desmet over with some of the smarter people I know. He is raised up as some sort of supergenius, but his theories are fairly plain and simple. His book is well written in the sense that it is easily digestible to a larger audience than typical academic work. He dodged an interview me (no call, no show).

I think that the achievement of Desmet's book is the use of "free floating" as a term.

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Desmet's theories seem to be a rehashing of the theories put forth by Erich Fromm in 'The Sane Society'.

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Yes, free floating anxiety, as I remember it....

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to be certain, anyone who at this point believes team R or team b is going to drain the swamp needs their head examined.

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Thanks, Mathew. No surprise to those of us who are well-read that the British banking cabal are the man behind the curtain. Amusing that they are now knocking on doors for the cackler and Elmer Fudd.

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Sir, you have my profound respect and grateful thanks for your work. If what you piece together is even only part of the bigger picture, it is still astounding. I am most interested to know where it leads.

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Mathew, I appreciate all your research and writing; understand the time and brain energy it uses.

But that leads to my questions re: The Malones. I am not a writer, so maybe I am overestimating the amount of time the research/organization/editing takes when one has a lifetime of experience in these tasks.

But jeez, running a farm, remodeling structures,breeding expensive horses with stallions on site, showing in exhibitions, creating sales tools and advertising to sell said horses, hosting buyers, gardening, raising poultry, traveling every week to give presentations (200,000+ miles) and the writings of articles and books - all while at a relatively old age and supposedly suffering from an injection reaction/ injury. Something seems off…

I understand they have hired help, but how much? The farm work/ horse training alone would be $100,000.00 or more a year. Do they have research/ writing employees? Do all the events they speak at cover their expenses? Does Substack bring them these riches?

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I have good reason to believe that military intelligence does the writing for a lot of people in this space. Some might be generated with AI, but I think that a lot was scripted out ahead of time.

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The farm is the giveaway of their nonsense to me too.

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The Brits were certainly dreaming about it, not just Philip...

PM Boris Johnson's father was quite a prolific writer, two books on viruses (notable pandemic fantasy in 2015) and others on climate, population etc...


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Yeah, I've seen that, and it's going to be featured in a future article.

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It's no wonder that Edward 'abdicated' when he did. Perhaps Rhodes staged his own demise, which would fit in with the timeline too. Thank you.

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The UniLARPy has a good ring to it. What worries one is the sheer waste of time, energy and resources, what is the cost of running this infernal theatre and moreover the opportunity cost?

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Well, it's cheaper than conquering people by war, and leaves their limbs intact for when they hit the fields.

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This is a common question. The answer is: "would you do something if it gave you close to complete control over the entire world?". It is that simple. This system runs everything. Despite most people knowing their own job is a massive waste of time, this doesn't dissuade them from participating, it makes them more enthuiastic participants and ruthless enforcers of orthodoxy.

The opportunity cost is vast if you want a good, healthy world of happy and productive people. If you want control, any cost is worth it.

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"Having worked with Renz, I very much doubt he wrote any of these books. I very much doubt he could write a coloring book."

LOL - this sums up my opinion of Renz.

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Okay, the screenshots showing Malone’s obsessive reading of your articles is brilliant and must have sent him into a panic. Exposed.

Can someone inform me or send an educational link on how RFK is nefarious or is at least not to be trusted? I also noticed Ian Carroll on the mapping. Dang it, I just stumbled upon him and was enjoying some of his work. So am I to assume he’s just part of of the complex and running psy-ops for his team? One really must really keep their head on a swivel.

Mathew, I’m grateful for this work, and it seems it has put you on an island. I don’t know of anyone else who is willing to risk this kind of isolation/opposition to promote truth. That’s character.

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Thanks for the kind words.

I am undecided on what Ian is, but a good disinfo op usually involves building trust. He did that. Then he played the lead role in the accusation of Walz as a pedo. While that story may be true, it may be a LARPy truth. It's not clear to me this isn't an engineered election---a UniLARPy event.

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There has been super high quality disinformation attacking Harris and Walz. Palestinian women against Harris, for example. But, you dig into it and there is nothing. Those were real, live LARPs protestimg the convention.

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Whether or not there is disinfo attacking Harris & Co, what strikes me as odd is that the most important thing about her remains undiscussed. I have no sympathy for any of the UniLARPy candidates.


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Politics is a contact sport, so no sympathy from me either. It just strikes me as very, very odd.

Some examplss: Walz and the horse. Walz and the boys in Mankato. The black guy that came out this week is a great example. His tweet was extremely convincing and sympathy-generating. Is he real? No one has followed up that i know of.

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Are Candace Owens and Judge Joe Brown part of that disinfo attack?

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No, it was British media.

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And X.

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It doesn't really matter if someone is a disinfo agent, they can still be useful.

Moreover, they are still humans and thus capable of having separate agendas from the other disinfo agents.

I suspect that all the work using the antivax platform will eventually throw vaccines under the bus. Then they'll need a new lie and counter lie system.

What I think some people forget is that it doesn't matter if the MFM is peddling lies, as long as people believe in it like a religion it will have the same effect of damaging the vaccination program.

We can also note that many of these disinfo people are narcissists who get off on the fame and authority.

Eventually, many of their closest handlers will die of old age, leaving them as an old man with enormous power and little oversight. At that point, it won't matter that it's a larp, as they will want to embody the larp.

To summarise then, they can slow down the process considerably, but they must appear to be doing something.

And the appearance will gradually draw the membership into a delusional version of reality. But as the number of people involved grows, the lies they live in will eventually become the basis of a society.

And it will cease to matter that it's a fantasy as they will have the financial muscle to enforce their lies as reality.

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Here on RFK Jr. exposed (regardless of the motivation of the source, I think it's dr. Shiva): https://rfkexposed.com/ RFK. jr. is completely in the hands of Israel IMO (an epic irony).

I don't know who Ian Carroll is, and pardon me for meddling by belaboring the point of the concept of 'useful idiot' with such a long text, but here is a take from a hardcore Scandinavian study of declassified files on the KGB's MO during the cold war, which I find to be a universal pattern that doesn't change, which I also want to share with Matthew:

"Either one must be able to highlight the parts of the whole that the victim would prefer to take as an expression of the full truth, so strongly that the victim simply sees nothing else. . Or you have to be able to mask the information that the victim should preferably not see" [same technique as the western dissident internet stars/controlled opposition use]


'Another example is the important people who were hired (for a fee, of course, and possibly through a straw man) to carry out certain studies, experiments etc.

The results of these would easily bend in the direction of the client's wishes and could then be presented to the audience with the authority the creator's identity conferred. Nor did the KGB need to put contacts in this category in a situation where they risked becoming aware of the role they were intended for. As a result, charming people from the KGB - in other guises - managed to acquire and maintain an extensive network of contacts not only among political novices within the youth organizations, but also among established politicians, members of the press, persons employed in the state and municipalities and organizations such as was possible to have a "dialogue" with. On the whole, it seems to have been easy to get politically interested Danes into such an interaction. We are here facing the group that, from our point of view, could be called the runners or the political collaborators.

Lenin, however, saw things a little more brutally and simply called them "useful idiots". But as Gordievsky says of them: 'The vast majority of these contacts cannot be called traitors or agents. They were naive, gullible people who had no idea, they were exploited.'

The people who place themselves in this group are particularly characterized by the fact that they were psychologically manipulable. It could, for example, be in such a way that it was easy for them to put an idea in their head, which they then echoed on - perhaps because they actually made it their own.

Or by allowing themselves to be used as extras in an action (e.g. a protest, a campaign or a political change of course in a party) or to create artificial peer pressure in organizations and parties in a direction favorable to the Soviets. It was inherently easier to get people to just run along in this way than to bring them into the role of confidential contacts. After all, a fellow runner could claim that his or her connection to the Soviet Union was purely coincidental - if there was such a direct contact at all. He or she could also cover up, both to himself and to the outside world, that what the person in question did was merely an expression of his permissible political views in a free society - or that he/she was simply subject to ordinary advertising and lobbying.


If it succeeded in establishing a political (facade) party, it might also be possible to achieve "parliamentary" insight into the situation of the defence and intelligence services in the host country. Overall, it can thus be said of the front companies that through them an externally unassailable administrative apparatus and a communication route to and from a large number of people could be established - including people who would have kept their distance if they had known the masterminds. When it was an organization with its own identity that was responsible for the preparation of information material, lobbying, mobilization of public "actions", penetration of the media, etc., it was also the organization that looked like the actual sender, and its messages would be perceived by the public in the light of the organization's official - and of course noble - purpose. Many people could be expected to want to rally behind organizations with reliable-sounding purpose statements - and to be content with just the occasional pleasure of attending congresses.

As part of the facade, there would possibly be reliable and prominent public figures who could also be linked to the organization – as extras in the management, as recommenders, etc. These in and of themselves could well be quite unfamiliar with the real nature of the organization - the decisive thing was simply that it was actually managed by the right people, of whom the people behind it were trusted. These hands-on people could then make the actual decisions and run the organization – typically under the cover of the facade people's lack of desire to put their backs on the practical work.

Levchenko then also tells how the purpose of front organizations was not least to involve and benefit liberal and completely innocent people who were dissatisfied with certain political and military aspects of their government's policy. He estimates that 99.99% of the participants in these organizations were absolutely honest and innocent. They just didn't know who in their leadership or completely outside on the 3rd or 4th link were agents of the KGB.

Levchenko then also tells how the purpose of front organizations was not least to involve and benefit liberal and completely innocent people who were dissatisfied with certain political and military aspects of their government's policy. He estimates that 99.99% of the participants in these organizations were absolutely honest and innocent. They just didn't know who in their leadership or whole"

Beside Epstein-type of networks, blackmail and bribery, senators and politicians with double-citizenship, PSYOPS and certain units on US soil, I think these techniques described above are some of the most plausible reasons for the subversion of the US.

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RFK is hysterically pro killing women and children in Gaza (if you view that as a negative). His handlers are also not subtly Chabad and he worships the Rebbe. The Rebbe's views are slightly problematic for most people that would like to continue breathing.

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Given that Drumpf & RFK are two peas in pod in regards to their position on Israel, it's a puzzle why he would have gone begging to Kamala before finding his natural place in the scheme of things; it's as if he needed to feel the sting of rejection before he could leave his 'families' party behind him.

Drumpf is confirmed Chabad convert, ala his daughter... and it runs in the family since he went to Hebrew summer camp as a youth.

But of course, NO ONE is willing to talk about this. Likewise, you'll get no where here talking about chabad - it's 'off limits' and everyone with something to preserve or protect in the west knows it by now. Or found out too late.

Ironically, Crawford is largely correct in calling them a 'spin of a spin - though for reasons other than what he thinks. The biggest UN-REPORTED event of the past century was the informal alliance between fringe Hasidics like the madmans' cult & the surviving Frankist-Sabbateans who literally own the world of global finance(FINK&co)lox, stocks, and Bar(ack)O, since the 2008 coup d'etat.

The embargo on THAT subject makes chatter bout chabaddies seem mainstream. All the better to fulfil the shared YakobFrank/Schneersohn mandate. Shattering the shells - aka poisoning the cells, of everybody not 'chosen' to participate in the coming disembodied paradise. Ralphie Baric... please stand up!

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Can you point me to information regarding Frankists owning finance? I have put together dossiers on most top dogs in global finance, but haven't seen info relating any of them to Frankism.

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'but haven't seen info relating any of them to Frankism.'

Yes, there's a very good reason for that. After the scandals involving Frank's daughter Eva, the extreme antinomian aspects of the cult were deemed a detriment to it's continued existence, therefore, instead of being 'purged' were adapted to an organizational secrecy which cloaked that group's subsequent activities in various smokescreens ...including the wing which would profess to "Hebrew-Catholicism"

of which there were a surprising number of persons lodged throughout Europe and the Isles. Immigrant ashkenazi's leaving the eastern 'pale' in large numbers became embedded particularly in Irelands' green landscapes, where they put a new slant on the concept of 'crypto-judaism' and... after many name changes/modifications, became a common element of that ethnos.

Though the group continued with an even deeper level of 'crypto-ism' than the traditional marrano code for mixing with the 'goyim,' one thing they shared in common with the orthodox was the traditional division of sons into the three main brackets - one for medicine, one for law, one for finance. And that is where you will find these Frankist personas today - though completely disguised under various chosen veneers - ranging from 'orthodox,' reform, secular, or even new-agey stylings. Larry Fink would no more admit to being of Frankist heritage than Donnie himself will admit to being of 'the tribe.' At least until after the 'election' is settled. I believe you will see an awful lot of masks coming off when the control issue is settled.

At the time I was writing about the NXIVM debacle, it was coincidently the moment when the fluff was flying over the Drumpster's Supreme Court appointee... you'll remember the controversy over Kavanaugh. I detailed that fellow's frankist antecedents and the similar pedigrees of many of his ilk, in high judicial positions previously. (Does it get more obvious than with guys like the famous FRANKFURTER?)John Kerry is another fine example of the breed.

No interest. Nothing. Nobody will raise the slightest concern about the matter, even after Donnie gets proclaimed 'the New Cyrus.' So I just moved on. Larry Fink's family background reads like a textbook example of the Frankist pedigree - the parents on both sides belonging to ashkenazi strains from the Galicia-Podalia-Belorus heartland of the cult of Yakob Frank. But 'what's in a name?'

I know this is NOT the answer you were looking for - but it is indeed an explanation for why you will not find that answer.

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Trump had a private kabbalah tutor throughout his childhood. His tutor is the most influential kabbalah teacher of the modern era. The "conversion" story seems to be more of a leak of something that was already true.

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So, in addition to being protégé of Roy(I'm not gay, I just prefer sex with little boys)Cohn, the Drumpster was actually getting Tikku Olum'd? How crazy is that, in light of the core support base the Drumpf psyop has cultivated among the 'right?'

And how could that has escaped as diligent a researcher as the (much lamented)BLACK MIND CONTROLLED ASSASSINS badass?

Care to share - sources?

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According to the internet: Trump, the way to the top. Page 188. Guys name is Eitan Yardeni.

There are many other non subtle clues he is OTT but this one is a slam dunk. You don't arrange one topic private tutoring in others religious beliefs.

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What is OTT?

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Oh my! Just what I needed - another 'wabbit whole' to dive down. So, not only does your discovery confirm Drumpfs judaic antecedents & continuity of (secret) practice throughout the mentoring he received from Cohn in order to become a 'made man' in Lansky's hebe mafiya...

leading to him becoming the chosen 'mark' to take the joint CIA/Lansky Mafiya RESORTS INTERNATIONAL out of the shadows...

now we have POTUS who studies talmudic necromancy under the gaze of a student of RAVE BERG... in turn, acolyted of Yehuda Ashlag - recognized by the head KOOK..."as a great follower of ISAAC LURIA."

It couldn't get worse. Lurianic Kabbalah was the real deal phase where they went totally nutz with genocidal rage against the goyim of this world... latterly dressed by by suave types like Maimonides to sound innocent and 'mystical.' Unless one chose to READ THE ACTUAL TEXTUAL EVIDENCE.

Kinda like the rabbinical endorsement of "breaking the hymen" of three year old girls"... which 'could not be a sin' for those of the chosen whose choices ran in that direction.

Like Donnie was wont to say - Jeff's a great guy to party with - though he likes em kinda young!"

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The biggest secret of the partially true pedophile stories being promoted is that it is close to 100% little boys. The psyop around elite pedophilia is that world leaders are salivating over young girls which is almost never true. Cults exist to a large degree to provide this access.

The Talmud green lights this behaviour under nine years and one day. It is technically innapropriate for the adult involved, but the area has a lot of grey under Talmudic law. For practical purposes, you are free to do this without guilt (obviously other laws mean you are looking at long prison terms but everyone that does this gets away with it unless they live in a trailer park).

I read that in a paper book: one of his biographies. I looked up the guy mentioned and he was credited with popularizing kabbalah. Internet search is a joke these days but I will try to find out who it was.

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Man, nine years is grandma in the rabbi's sexual paradise!

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Got something for you, unfortunatelyhttps://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/10/25/tucker-carlson-interviews-amaryllis-fox-kennedy/

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Chatham House has been the Spider’s Borghive for more than a century.

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