Totalitarianism of Now: Psyops of the UniLARPy
Plandemonium Psyops of the UniLARPy, Introduction and Living Summary
This article series (or subseries about The Empire) bites off more than I may ever be able to chew. But I plan to write up many of the topics I bring up here, either to reveal [some subset of] the truth, or to educate viewers about facts and methods that can help each person exercise greater discernment in their approach to projected images of the current global chaos.
Readers may wish to review the definition of the UniLARPy:
The UniLARPy is the Hegelian theater crafted by the Military Occult Banking Syndicate (MOBS) for the purpose of social engineering.
The UniLARPy is inclusive of corners of this global theatrical production such as the Uniparties that run many national governments. The name implies that seemingly disparate or rival actors really participate on behalf of the same planning hierarchy.
People have various conceptions of totalitarianism, so I'm going to offer up mine as it is informed by the events of the past few years (the Plandemonium era).
Totalitarianism is governance by control over perception.
Totalitarianism is primarily achieved by controlling information. The result is controlled perception, which leads to control over culture, thus politics, and thus the organization of human beings. This resulting totalitarianism is what we refer to as 'the Matrix' in this postmodern era.
Totalitarianism is governance by control over perception.
Totalitarianism is achieved through a combination of information and perception control, including, by not limited to,
Government by journalism (via Theosophist William T. Stead),
Governance through Aggressive and Nonsensical Guruism, whereby guru leaders can shift demands of perception of truth and values by their followers,
Governance by control over education,
Governance by control over religion and ideology, (Illusory ideologies and religions/cults that adequately handle some aspects of empire, while simultaneously burning some bridges back to sane human governance),
Governance by control over opposition,
Mindwar psyops, including arranged terrorism and culture war, that amplify all of the methods above.
The methods lead to confusion, confusion, confusion; fear, fear, fear; and sometimes hate. This leads people to seek competent, if evil leadership. This competence is usually the combination of earned topical competence, but then combined with inside information controlled by a ruling hierarchy that manipulates asymmetries of information on many levels. The results are used to justify eugenics, which justifies generational control over the world's resources.
All of this is achieved by a Military Occult Banking Syndicate (MOBS) that arranges both sides of the chess board to control the Hegelian synthesis so that resolutions fall into consensus support for the MOBS power bases, enough new divisions to keep the chaos rolling along, and never leads back toward truth that a network of people can use to resist the MOBS Empire.
Psyops of the UniLARPy and Their Effects
Understand that my judgment of the following narratives may be flawed. I am only human, and the level(s) of expertise required to best comment on all of them is beyond any one person—probably even if they are at the top position of the MOBS hierarchy, with pain levers to control the participants, and high degrees of control over the asymmetries of information.
I posit that these psyops, and others, are part of an organized process, compartmentalized like the Manhattan Project, but in an even larger, and broader way. Such compartmentalization means that many participants endeavor to be honest actors. Their sincerity only fuels the illusion.
Some [disinformation-based] psyops begin with true information and narratives, but seek to warp them for the purpose of warping perception. Do not assume that I am taking a specific stance when I list a psyop. Some deeper explorations may take weeks of writing in future articles. For instance, there may be real plans to control or eliminate some populations. That does not mean that every conspiracy theory about these plans is wholly true! There are sometimes a thousand false conspiracy theories surrounding a correct one. It may be the case that 9/11 was a controlled event, but that none of us knows exactly how the magic trick was pulled off. Compartmentalization means even people participating in such an event do not know the whole story. Why would we expect that in a complex world that includes massive black ops budgets?
The following pile of psyops keep opposition to the policies and potential biowarfare of the pandemic obscured while sincere dissidents are trapped in a hall of mirrors both preconstructed and evolving with them.
A list of psyops, as I see them, though I admit to varying degrees of certainty about them. Again, I could be wrong on some of these, but it's important for people to understand as much as possible, and discuss:
COVID-19 causation, along with,
SARS-CoV-2 origins and reality (Bioweapon? Lab leak? Infectious clones? Supply chain poisoning?),
The [Fifth] Great Awakening,
Much of modern medicine, including vaccines (many varied narratives) and mRNA/personalized medicine tech,
Various "Medical Freedom Movement" organizations, and the Wellness movement in general,
The Trump era (generally), including the "alt right" and Trump Derangement Syndrome, but often in ways different than popular commenters profess,
Terrorism, including pandemic/biowarfare terrorism and most other forms,
Aliens/UFO disclosure (another Rockefeller agenda),
The Pedo Psyops: QAnon and Jeffrey Epstein in particular,
Transhumanism, a goal many believe in, but is almost certainly inlaid with psyops,
Artificial (generalized) intelligence (perhaps to falsely explain Cybernetics?),
Paranormal tales, including Remote Viewing,
Trauma-based mind control, MK ULTRA, and other mind control programs are fraught with psyops masking the fundamental nature of totalitarian authoritarianism,
Bitcoin, BRICS, and other monetary wars,
Fifth-Generation Warfare (masking the history of the inclusive Mindwar toolkit while promoting parasocial heroes),
The DMED narrative, which is a great place to start asking, "Do I really know all the details about any of these narratives?"
Fertility and population scares, with false stories muddying the view of eugenics projects,
Immigration and border security,
Election engineering,
The J6 "event",
Lawfare, sabotaging all dissident efforts to make use of tools of governance designed to uncover truth and protect citizens, including "Nuremberg 2.0",
Social engineering of religion (including Theosophy, Neo-Theosophy, and other "spins of spins"),
The "No Virus" campaign,
The "No Pandemic" campaign and concerning variants ("It's just the flu"; "Nobody got sick", etc.),
The "hot lots" narrative may be manipulated to mask some unrecognized experiment or agenda,
The Hegelian "Fascism vs. Communism" conflict,
The "Rubbery clots" story,
Market manipulation schemes,
Deconstructing the Deep State may simply be steered toward tearing down human rights protections,
Half of what we call "History",
Various tales about "Who Runs the World".
Feel free to suggest others. Generally, if it's a mantra retweeted from a thought leader by a thousand bots, you can expect that you're being misled, even when you're being told the truth.
Many of these psyops relate, and support one another, whether directly, indirectly, or in support of engineered Hegalian pinball. I plan to update this list as I recall or recognize more potential psyops.
Finally, I feel as though I should make a statement about people involved in these potential psyops. Many may be well meaning, but blinded by the raging information firehose and also LARPing chaos agents attached to them. One example that came to mind as I wrote this up is Jane Ruby. My current opinion, having had one long conversation with her, is that she is sincere, but may have fallen for a psyop or two. Or, maybe I'm wrong and she's right about our differences of opinion. Or maybe I'm wrong and she is a bad actor, but I lean against thinking this is the case. Whether I am wrong in my assessments, or she is wrong in hers, it is important to be deliberate about looking into who may or may not be bad actors. In a large-scale compartmentalized psyop, maybe half the players have good intentions. Heck, maybe nearly all of them do! I say this because I strongly believe that it is important to be forgiving, in varying degrees, to ourselves and others who are not privy to every plan or agenda.
Regarding the Rockefeller UFO agenda:
Meet Carol Boucher - the mother of Elon’s (Elon is the name of the person Wernher Von Braun predicted would bring us to Mars in the book ‘The Mars Project’, 69 years ago) child, also known as the artist ‘Grimes’. The most notable thing about Carol is that she submitted the following image to her Instagram on September 4th, 2019 - one month and change before the pandemic narrative began. It depicts a story told by emoji laden glyphs which remarkably spell out the very near future:
DNA Coronavirus + Injection Injection Injection = Aliens [image]
Elon’s ex-girlfriend’s prophecy batting average is one thousand here. From DNA (transcription) to the coronavirus to the repeated injections to the alien narrative. How could she—or anyone—possibly know about all of this in advance?
It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that with the fake pandemic of 2020-2021 now in the rear-view mirror - we have been - and are being - primed for the next big lie: a major faux alien invasion narrative. Breathless UFO UAP stories have been mass-injected by the pentagon into every major mainstream Operation Mockingbird news outlet. That in itself is alarming enough but the most concerning part about this anything-goes propaganda bombardment is that this alien marketing blitz has been foretold.
Many decades ago Operation Paperclip’s very own Wernher Von Braun (remember ^ him?) warned his secretary, Dr. Carol Rosin, that this extra-terrestrial dialectic was coming in the future, and that when it arrived it would be an outright lie:
Edit: here is a better, more up to date version but it takes longer to load:
Excerpt from:
Good summary, Matthew. Thank you.
Also appreciate the point about being forgiving, and that many of the actors are well-meaning.
So the big question (as someone who has written pages and pages over the last years in an attempt to help draw people into a more critical state of mind where they might see at least some of these psyops) is this: how does a well-meaning amateur (like myself) avoid falling into the trap of just nudging people out of the frying pan and into the fire? How do we avoid black-pilling ourselves, and our friends and family? 'cos it's all pretty dark.
(I've decided that part of the answer is to live life the full and enjoy every minute with my family. But how to fill my daughters with enthusiasm for the future? And how to prepare them for when the layers of the onion get peeled away, one by one?).