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There is no appropriate image for what Mindwar is, and that's part of the point. I chose a team of soldiers at computers, but that's a very small part of the story. And this may be that story that helps you make sense of the global chaos of the past few years—a chaos that seems to have sprang from the rift in the monetary system when the mortgage bond crisis ripped it open in 2007.
The Inception of Mindwar
Let there be no doubt that what we're about to describe as Mindwar has played out on smaller levels at different times throughout history. Many schemes and power plays may have involved Mindwar at various levels whether or not the processes of Mindwar were fully understood or intentionally implemented.
Let's start with the basics. From Wikipedia's article on Major General Paul Vallely:
In 1980, Vallely co-authored a paper with then military PSYOP analyst Michael Aquino, founder of the Satanist Temple of Set as his commanding officer in the 7th PSYOP Group, titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. MindWar is defined as "the deliberate aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war." The paper contrasts a use of psychological operations such as propaganda with a new approach. In a new 2003 introduction of the paper, Aquino notes how it became a widespread subject of conspiracy theories.[5]
Vallely was the co-author to the primary Mindwar mastermind of his time, Michael Aquino. Shockingly, despite his notoriety as a famous military intelligence officer, the first intelligence officer of the Space Force, the subject of a gruesome child rape investigation (more here), and among the most famous admitted Satanists of modern history (who spoke with Oprah and other daytime talk show hosts)mich, Michael Aquino does not have his own Wikipedia page (this is not him). Make what you will of that factoid.
Interestingly, I've seen those devil-horn-styled eyebrows exactly one other time, but we'll talk about QAnon in another article. Just remember that just because a person LARPs as evil doesn't mean they're not evil. Making a joke out of evil is the easiest way to disguise it. Any good psychological operation specialist worth his or her salt must surely understand that.
So, what exactly distinguishes this "Mindwar" from other forms of psychological warfare?
The eyebrows tell the story: Mindwar is about gaming and sculpting perception of reality. Another way of saying it is that Mindwar is about building the Matrix, or perhaps directing people to build each other's and their own Matrix.
I encourage readers to at least thumb through the Mindwar document.
Interestingly, Aquino added a post hoc introduction that I would describe as a form of Mindwar itself:
With the arising of the Internet in the 1980s, however, MindWar received an entirely unexpected - and somewhat comic - resurrection. Allusions to it gradually proliferated, with its “sinister” title quickly winning it the most lurid, conspiracy-theory reputation. The rumor mill soon had it transformed into an Orwellian blueprint for Manchurian Candidate mind control and world domination. My own image as an occult personality added fuel to the wildfire: MindWar was now touted by the lunatic fringe as conclusive proof that the Pentagon was awash in Black Magic and Devil-worship.
Here is what you need to understand about Aquino, who passed not long before the Plandemonium began in earnest: Everything I've ever heard him say, that I could research or even guess about, seemed to be a combination of truth and lies—sometimes down to the sentence. He was capable of mental gymnastics that I'm not sure I've ever witnessed. It was with him in mind that I wrote up my article on coding/information theory as it relates to the difficulty of forming "clean information":
Now we're getting closer to the proper notion of Mindwar, which involves an overwhelming flood of cognitive attacks too dense for any person to resist with controlled understanding of the truth.
The Mindwar document begins with a discussion of the importance of sonar, though couched in a sort of magical/paranormal way that does little to reveal the point.
LTC John Alexander’s Military Review article in support of “psychotronics” - intelligence and operational employment of ESP - was decidedly provocative.3 Criticism of research in this area, based as it is on existing frontiers of scientific law, brings to mind the laughter that greeted the Italian scientist Spallanzani in 1794 when he suggested that bats navigate in the dark means of what we now call sonar. “If they see with their ears, then do they hear with their eyes?” went the joke, but I suspect that the U.S. Navy is glad someone took the idea seriously enough to pursue it.
At this point, you may want to meditate on the notion that agents of Mindwar, aimed at a population, along with an information feedback loop between the two, is literally cybernetics. It fits the definition of artificial intelligence without the need for the further (and impossible) perfection of genetic algorithms and machine learning techniques.

If it had a name, we might call it "Moloch".
Having grown up in a cult, with operational attachment to one of the so-called paranormal training programs, I'm going to take these notions back down to Earth. They're basically thin code for cybernetics:
Magic/Paranormal are methods or technologies that are sufficiently complex for the general public to understand. Yes, like Arthur C. Clarke's "redefinition". Vallely and Aquino admit as much in their paper.
Sonar is about sending signals out, then judging the space by the feedback so that the controller of the system can steer the whole system [that is visible to the sonar tool].
This is why I tell people that the Stargate Project is a disguise for mind control programs—and why I poke fun at Uri Geller and his ilk along the way. If you can disarm the illusionist of his wand, the war machinery grinds to a halt. Doing that means fully describing their game. And it is a game. Having people play games is the easiest way to create a cybernetic feedback loop through which you gauge the target's responses. Think about that the next time you consider buying a video game console, or download a gaming app on your iGadget.
In the Introduction to Mindwar's re-publication, Aquino makes the process sound like a boon to humanity:
The only loser in MindWar are the war profiteers: companies and corporations which grow fat on orders for helicopters, tanks, guns, munitions, etc. Consequently what President Dwight Eisenhower referred to as the “military/industrial complex” can be counted upon to resist implementation of MindWar as the governing strategic conflict doctrine.
That’s the MindWar prospectus in its most simplified form.
Lower costs usually sound good until you realize that in this case we're talking about making the process of dominating other humans less expensive. This is exactly the reason why I explored the concept of "anti-technology" as per the eye of the beholder.
Even worse, Aquino admits and even takes pleasure in the fact that these PSYOP tools were turned on the American people in support of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
While in the 1980s I had no reason to think that this paper had had any official effect upon U.S. PSYOP doctrine within or beyond the Army, it was with some fascination that I saw specific of its prescriptions applied during the first Gulf War, and recently even more obviously during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In both instances extreme PSYOP was directed both against the object of the attack and upon U.S. domestic public perception and opinion, in 2003 to the extent of “embedding” journalists with military units to inevitably channel their perspectives and perceptions.
Since the nullification of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 in a bipartisan Obama-era amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), aiming these PSYOP tools at the American populace is no longer illegal. Voting Senators even admitted that the amendment simply streamlined what was already taking place. Your tax dollars are now at work pfucking your mind, steered by a literal Satanist LARPing as a Satanist…again from the Mindwar document,
Under existing United States law, PSYOP units may not target American citizens.12 That prohibition is based upon the presumption that “propaganda” is necessarily a lie or at least a misleading half-truth, and that the government has no right to lie to the people. The Propaganda Ministry of Goebbels must not be a part of the American way of life.
This means that in the era of Mindwar, democracy does not mean that the elected government answers to the will of the people, but that the people are led to support the policies of those powerful enough to control the Mindwar. And that is the precise meaning of totalitarian governance—not to mention Governance by Aggressive Nonsensical Guruism.
Aquino and Vallely go on to describe a new kind of PSYOP professional, totally dedicated to the task, and outside of the normal military hierarchy. This should raise some Constitutionally-committed eyebrows. It sounds frankly like treason dressed up as "the greater good". And if you weren't aware already, you should now be on the lookout for sheep-dipped operatives who appear like members of the general public. I have to wonder if we're talking about Robert Malone's friend, Erin Olszewski. We could also be talking about people who were never in the military, like Malone himself. How would we know if he's LARPing or not? We can table that question for now.
This is all oddly and chillingly consistent with the destruction of the lives of patriotic Americans serving in the military through Forever Wars, resulting PTSD/suicide/depression, and retirement-through-vaccination.
The Mindwar document, which reads as the government's total dedication to psychological operations aimed at its people by invisible rulers, justifies itself as a method for optimizing the pain of warfare.
At the root of any decision to institute MindWar in the U.S. defense establishment is a very simple question: Do we wish to win the next war in which we choose to become involved, and do we wish to do so with minimum loss of human life, at minimum expense, and in the least amount of time? If the answer is yes, then MindWar is a necessity. If we wish to trade that kind of victory for more American lives, economic disaster, and negotiated stalemates, then MindWar is inappropriate, and if used superficially will actually contribute to our defeat.
In MindWar there is no substitute for victory.22
Mindwar is a complete escape from morality, and thus destruction of all local communities and culture, for the sake of eliminating legitimate conflicts of interest between the nation's citizens and whoever takes control of the new means of warfare—which may or may not be an American. Aquino and Vallely explicitly put on the table changes in the conditions of the air we breathe, and the frequencies of energy waves emitted by our devices. But that was yesterday's technology. It's unclear exactly how much of what neurocognitive scientist James Giordano tells us is real, but he describes it as reading from and writing to the brain.
Does anyone else wonder if this is at least part of what Steve Jobs was thinking about when he decided that his own children would not use Apple technologies?
If there is a silver lining, it's that at least some of the technologies that we're told are real may simply be part of the illusion, used to instill fear. That fits at least some of what we have experienced during the Plandemonium. And if you thought that your betters could snap their fingers and have you killed at any moment, would that change your behavior? Would that lead you to sit back while they take advantage of you and of others?
If they're so far along, why don't they catch the terrorists?
Now, I will put it to the reader: if the Plandemonium that we have experienced since the outset of 2020 has been Mindwarfare, as described by Aquino and Vallely, do you feel that the toll you have paid is low or minimal?
Minimal for whom?
The Near Non-Existence of Fifth Generation Warfare
Understand that 5GW does not really exist. This is going to take some explaining…
First, let us understand that 5GW exists in a particular taxonomy of warfare that is useful, but not the only way that students of warfare study conflict. Each higher level of warfare is of a "softer" form, and yes, they do bleed together, but each higher form can be assumed to make use of a lower form, where applicable to a party's goals.
0GW is total war, including genocide and what we might call "kinocide", which is my own term, lacking a perfect vocabulary, for events in history in which the murder of all a leader's kin followed defeat of that leader. This is as blunt and bloody as warfare gets.
1GW is organized warfare with specialized population, where only some are trained in combat, but professionally so. Most of the warfare we read about in history books is of this type.
2GW involves the further specialization of combat troops for strategic purposes, such as "aiming" the right weapons at opponents. Think "longbows at Agincourt."
3GW involves the elevation of warfare on strategic levels, utilizing additional maneuverability to allow smart commanders to obliterate opponents. This can be achieved with navies (Opium Wars), air superiority, hit-and-run where range and response time of weapons create asymmetries, and so on.
4GW uses guerilla warfare and nonstate actors to economically reduce the asymmetric advantages of larger, more sophisticated armies. Think Vietnam. Degrade the opponent into turning on each other, or devolving into prior gradients of warfare.
Think about how raising the gradient of N-GW generally results in greater peace due to the economic cost of engagement. When two bucks meet on the boundary of shifting mating territory, the smaller buck usually walks away. But as some young buck grows up to have some substantial probability of winning the fight, the cost is paid, and the fight takes place. Eventually, the elder stud buck is retired from grazing and mating rights by a new champion.
But if the bucks develop technologically and asymmetrically, the larger bucks can sabotage and suppress the smaller bucks so that any confrontation that takes place involves the smaller buck engaging on a lower, more strategically primitive gradient of war, almost certain to suffer defeat, never crossing the threshold where engagement becomes wise. Perhaps he never meets the larger buck, but simply wanders afield of such a meeting, blissfully unaware of his rival. Maturation of a rival to the territorial throne becomes rarer and rarer, so the larger bucks can ensure their offspring will be the only ones capable of replacing them. You might call the changing game theory due to technological advancement of the male deer "The Divine Right of Bucks."
Ironically, this is how the Fabian eugenicists who invented the notion of Social Darwinism prevent the process of meritorious selection. But then, you can't trust wannabe aristocrats to honestly describe their values.
Peace. An increasingly totalitarian peace because the costs of competition are tilted asymmetrically to the point that King Buck is the only one who can choose the time and place for conflict. Perhaps that's when pesky useless eaters "need" to be cleared off the board—or off their real estate.
5GW is where the tools of warfare grow sophisticated enough that the vanquished may never know the enemy they face. While 4GW may involve nonstate actors, 5GW takes this concept to a new dimension where the protagonist and their methods are so invisible that the conquered may never know that they are conquered, much less who conquered them, or how. Methods employed might include the control of knowledge through secret societies, lawfare, psychological techniques of Nudge Units, fake online influencer accounts, and operatives who wear the skins of those they intend to control and defeat.
So, when I say that "5GW doesn't actually exist", I'm technically wrong, but I have a more important point in mind. I'm sharing thoughts on another dimension of the conversation in order to help you understand what is really going on. The N-GW taxonomy of warfare is notably an American conception. And 5GW did not rise to the point of public conversation enough to have its own Wikipedia page until June 28, 2021, shortly after Robert Malone appeared suddenly in the "Jabs bad" camp. He is admittedly not an expert on the topic, but somehow took ownership of the conversation, which bolsters his credibility.
In one of his articles (or Jill's), Malone notes the 2019 paper written by Dr. Waseem Ahmad Qureshi on Fourth- and Fifth-Generation Warfare.
"Oh, so was 5GW just invented prior to the Plandemonium? That would be convenient."
And it would be wrong. But it may be that you're being led to believe that 5GW is that new, which would be a good reason never to mention Mindwar explicitly. Then people would know not to look back and examine the progressions and patterns of Mindwar, perhaps ripping open glitches in the Matrix along the way. In other words, 5GW looks on its face to be misdirection—an unnecessary classification beyond which very few people will engage in the long task of digging into and learning about. I posit that the 5GW discussion that took off as a mind virus is itself Mindwarfare.
But going back to the recent discussions of 5GW…In The Handbook of 5GW, written in 2021 and cited by Malone in a December 2022 Substack article, author Daniel Abbott
This is where we get to the important part: Information and perception. Mathematically speaking, this is where Mindwar becomes the discrete first derivative of the N-GW function, taken from N=4 to N=5.
This is Mindwar, and by hiding or disguising that fact, the audience is left thinking of the "New 5GW Spokesman" Malone as "the white hat sorcerer on whom we depend (started to depend on only after the mass transfection experiment was complete and determined by many others to be a failure)." And he'll pat you on the head for "learning the lessons". Doesn't it feel nice to get a head pat from a white wizard?
Congratulations. As we approach 2023, you are now completing and have survived the third year of the largest, most globally coordinated psychological warfare operation in the history of mankind. During this period, on a daily basis, you have experienced the US Government and many western nations deploying highly refined, military-grade fifth generation warfare technologies against their own citizens. For those who have avoided the jabs which are neither safe nor effective, you deserve a medal for your ability to see through the fog of information warfare. Those, like me, who trusted the FDA and took the initial jabs only to suffer the adverse effects of same, perhaps a purple heart for being wounded in battle. For the millions of battlefield dead, the excess mortality documented by Ed Dowd and so many others, a moment of silent mourning is in order.
Ignoring the history and patterns of Mindwar, and cybernetic nature of imposed globalist machinery, would be foolish and counterproductive. If people are going to have any chance at fighting back against the Molochian foe that strikes terror in their hearts, degrades their willpower, and sets them against one another, they need to understand first and foremost Mindwar, meaning that this war is an alternate reality mass media game. While Malone says, "The only way to win is not to play," riffing on that old War Games quote, he comes back another day and wants for you to be a soldier (under his command?) in the fight.
Malone constantly gets the basic theory of 5GW wrong, but he's working on a book? Is this intentional?
One day he promotes JP Sears as a burgeoning 5GW jedi master, and the next he declares that 5GW means that you do not know who the jedi masters are. And another day, I'm an identifiable 5GW villain based on somebody else editing his Wikispooks page (a falsehood he refuses to correct or return communication about). Then again, Malone declares Twitter to be a tool of 5GW, but he is just certain that Elon Musk (Twitter's new owner, who supports brain chipping much of the populace) is the savior of Western Civilization. He complains about bad jacketing, but sues the Breggins, who were in this fight decades before he arrived, for $25M in a suit that strikes me as obviously contrived (like the one he already lost).
Before proceeding as a foot soldier in somebody else's battle, it may be important to do due diligence to see if you can understand that person's motivation, or who leads them. How can you tell the difference between somebody whose goals are pure, and somebody who is just telling you that their goals are pure?
Ultimately, you should suspect that, since Mindwar can and will be reinvented many times by many people, that the game itself cannot be a secret. And then you should wonder if those playing it at the highest levels would try to win your trust by sending a pied piper to warn you—and maybe confuse you more in the process.
I can't tell you how to win the ever-changing game, but I can tell you that head pats make for good Pavolovian training.
Great post!
Short comments.
First, I didn't know the idea of evil disguising itself using jokes. Thank you for enlightening me once more.
Second, about the undercover epicenter nurse Erin, I was suspicious about her when I watched her episode in the "Perspectives on the pandemic" series in June 2020, because she was abusing the exploitation of cognitive biases. It was blatant in my opinion. Like she knew the audience of that documentary *desired* to listen how doctors were actively murdering patients. I realized that because I have a huge bias against doctors and nurses in the clinical setting, and I try to question my own biases.
Third. I was never suspicious of Malone until he attacked Peter Breggin and Ginger. This is because I was not as biased against "pure" (so to speak) scientists as I was biased against Hospital MDs and Nurses. But I am faithful to Breggin since 2013 or so, so, when someone attacked him I said "wait a fucking minute there, something's wrong!"
Fourth and last comment. About your metaphor of disarming the illusionist of his wand. In the so called 5GW what is the wand and who is the illusionist? I've been saying since 2020 that due to the health emergency it would be reasonable to ban all smartphones and shut down entire media conglomerates if the purpose of the dictatorial governments was to prevent disease. It wasn't done, and the war didn't stop. Fourth comment, bis: The illusion of the pandemic was the PCR "test" wand. Efforts were made to end it, but all failed and the mindwar continued. But, the people who tried to end the PCR spell, were they acting on intuition alone? I remember Roger Hodkinson, he seemed to be acting mainly on intuition.
One last thing. Do you know the difference between a personal dictatorship and a commissioned dictatorship? It's almost self explanatory: the commissioned dictatorship is the Roman Republic idea, that a man is given special powers, for a fixed period of time, in order to take care of a big crisis. The time and purpose are explicit in the will of those who give power to the man. The personal dictatorship has no defined time and no real purpose, other than achieving the apotheosis of the dictator.
Malone's suggestion that he should maybe get a Purple Heart is peak cringe. Thanks for the insightful article Mathew, but now I feel like a tool for naming a podcast after 5GW!