Theosophy and the Social Engineering of a New World Order
The Wars of the Social Engineers, Part 1
Some more active conversation about topics such as this can be found at the RTE Locals channel. This article will be added to the Bigger Picture. Other articles on Theosophy can be found here.
In Frank Herbert's Dune universe, the Bene Gesserit are a powerful sisterhood that appears outwardly as a religious organization advising the Empire and its Great Houses. The disciplined Bene Gesserit, sometimes referred to pejoratively as "witches" by others who intuitively distrust them, teach specialized talents that appear as magic. And they are only inwardly loyal to their own order, presenting an internal contradiction to any humanistic justification of its scheming.
The [perhaps barely] fictional Herbert "Duniverse" is filled with specialist groups who might each be said to have magical powers relative to the others. The reality of the Bene Gesserit is that their talents are honed for the purposes of social engineering, some important aspects of which they seek to accomplish through an imperial breeding program that smacks of eugenics, and that goes awry at the outset of the most highly consumed science fiction series of all time.
Readers who stop at the first book along those who have consumed only one or more of the various movies and TV series often never get so far as understanding the Bene Gesserit as fanatical social engineers. Key scenes from the Dune filmography can and have disguised the depths of the story that any cinematic production is already at a disadvantage in covering,
There is a particular moment in one of my favorite novels, Dune, in which the protagonist Paul Atreides is put to a brutal test known as the Gom Jabbar. Passing the test would mean continuing to live, while failure would be punished with instant death by way of a poison needle. Don't look the Gom Jabbar up online because this is one of those books and one of those moments where the vast majority of the people commenting get at least one element of the story wrong. The movies aren't that helpful on the finer points either, pardon the pun. The lesson seems to have gone over the head of the director of the most recent film.
There is a key part of the dialogue missing. The most important part. Here is what the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam had to say to Paul [in the book]:
You've heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap? There's an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove a threat to his kind.
The Gom Jabbar thus sifts for humans who are defined as people who can endure the pain for the sake of a particular aspect of agency in the face of death.
The lesson is game theoretic. The human facing their own death still makes the decision that protects every other member of their tribe. The ability to do so requires a fitness of will, an alpha sense of community, and exceptional training. A tribe including members capable of such acts has far greater chances of survival when in competition with those that do not. And in particular, those tribes that are handicapped by limitations in action dictated by ethics and morality must achieve such advantages of transcendental discipline in order to counter those other more clumsy tribes with low qualms across communication chasms.
In the Dune universe, it took centuries to produce just one young man who could pass that test. That human was then able to endure a seemingly impossible gauntlet of challenges to set up the possibility of a chain of events that would transform a wealthy, but fragile society (that was fragmenting into ultra-specialists and fatally non-cooperative rival empires) into a robust and expansive species of explorers. All of that took a few more novels.
Paul Atreides was not meant to be born in the Bene Gesserit breeding program. His Bene Gesserit mother disobeyed orders and bore a son instead of a daughter—she had control over the sex of the child. The Bene Gesserit wanted a boy messiah, but not quite yet. They wanted a boy they could prepare to control. Instead, Paul became the messianic Kwisatz Haderach who took all control from the sisterhood.
The Bene Gesserit were, in the end, working parallel to the violent patriarchal Empire and its armies. They were brought to their knees along with that empire before humanity arose from a bottled-up state to explore the stars beyond the Empire's realm. Humanity survived through a path that subverted the aims of the Bene Gesserit.
Evidence of The Theosophical Society as Social Engineers
Theosophical Society leader, Freemason, Marxist, Feminist, and Fabian Annie Besant declared that she "discovered" a boy who could be trained to be the Theosophical Society's maitreya, ascended master, and world teacher: Jiddu Krishnamurti. It is remarkable how quickly the Theosophical Society leapt from its founding by a strange old woman mired in controversies of fraudulent magic claims along with her confidante masonic naval intelligence fraud lawyer to believing itself ready to hand-select a messianic figure in the form of a barely pubescent child.
Krishnamurti was the son of Jiddu Narayanaiah, an Indian man who quickly joined the Theosophical Society after it arrived in India. Narayanaiah worked for the British Colonial Administration there, demonstrating that even among the British colonialists organizing the global opium trade used to crush Imperial China, it may be possible to discover the divine. Or something like that.
As the Krishnamurti boy grew into an adult, he rejected his assigned role and refused to be called a guru. Sadly, Krishnamurti's education was one-dimensional, which resulted in abusive teasing at school. Krishnamurti struck many as dull, but was rewarded with excessive praise and love bombing by Theosophists and their occult kindred. Much like an abused wife with no strong friendships outside the domestic arrangement, it is likely that Krishnamurti saw nowhere else to go once he cut away a few of the puppet strings. He spent a good portion of his life at the Theosophical Society's Ojai, California property where many Hollywood occultists gathered alongside adult children of powerful American industrialists.
And while Krishnamurti indicated in all likelihood that he suffered what might be deemed "trauma-based mind control" in the form of sexual abuse from his Theosophy Society mentors, he apparently never found the strength the tell reveal the whole story out loud. Fortunately, there are records from the highest court in England of a custody battle between Besant and Krishnamurti's father that includes discussion of Charles Leadbeater's rape of Krishnamurti and other children. It isn't easy to live your entire life inside of a cult that raises you up publicly while speaking poetic words about the divinity of the soul while internally harboring organized child sex abuse. Perhaps we should all be asking if such hedonic domination is the primary point, or tool for civilization management.
The other day I noticed that James Lindsay started digging into the relationship between the Theosophical Society and the United Nations. So far, Lindsay has focused a great deal of attention on the educational programs filtered through the UN by Theosophists—a topic that I plan to write about myself. Politics is downstream from culture, and culture is downstream from education—particularly when it is centralized or globally saturated.
I suspect that this is how it begins for a lot of us—we notice some strange relationships, research what is going on, then come to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is larger than we would have imagined, then raise the alarm.
We should all be alarmed.
"We need to pay attention to this. This is important on a grand scale."
A few weeks ago I gave a presentation with Courtenay Turner about the Theosophical Society's role in what I deemed the "faked independence of India," updated graph here. I took some time to step back and think through the bigger picture. What I find is that since the 1875 founding of the Theosophical Society, the Theosophists have sculpted a startling proportion of world events over the past 150 years. It will take many articles to lay it all out, but let us summarize (TS = Theosophical Society):
United Nations: TS was involved in the League of Nations from the start, morphing into the United Nations. The Lucis Trust (originally the Lucifer Publishing Company) involves itself in an enormous proportion of the UN's most important missions including education and so-called sustainable development. It all appears to be a project for global domination that involves dark markets (human and drug trafficking) and the warping of education in a way that results in extreme distortions of perception—as if preparation for cheaper-to-manage totalitarianism is the goal.
Russian Revolution: The TS played a key role in the Russian Revolution that gets hidden from historical sight behind the sexier story of Rasputin, the Mad Monk. But it was Maître Philippe of the Theosophy-revived Martinist Order who counseled the Romanovs into chaos while the Russian police were harassing Rasputin. And yes, Maître is the French version of Theosophy's (borrowed from out-of-use Dharmic tradition) honorific Maitreya, which contrasts the connection pretty clearly with respect to other theories of how the Russian chaos (which Queen Victoria somehow predicted in advance) went down.
Partition and Independence of India: While I've covered this one already, I have uncovered significantly more evidence that continues to point in the same direction. As with all of these instances, I plan to write a thorough article on the matter at some point. Much of the additional evidence flows well with all of the other observations of Theosophy-driven social engineering.
The Nazi Empire: This is the one that first caught my attention. Just this week I noticed that Hitler's mentor Dietrich Eckart, whom he named the 1936 Olympic stadium after, was indeed a Theosophist. I had already collected a mountain of evidence that Theosophists were involved in getting the Nazi ball rolling, but discovering that the "spiritual co-founder of Nazism" was a Theosophist exceptionally elevates the case that the Nazi Empire was social engineering by the Theosophists.
Ukraine: I'm just now getting started cataloging the participation of Theosophy in what might be an artificially controlled fight between Russia and Ukraine. The Nazi operatives in Ukraine have not gone as generally unnoticed.
Falun Gong: This wouldn't be the first Western-planted fanatical cult to sow discord in China. But it is hard to ignore the many Neo-Theosophical elements of the pseudo-religious organization that operates the Epoch Times and declares Trump to be a divine angel on a mission from God.
Hollywood/Bollywood: Most people recognize the deep inroads that Neo-Theosophical Scientology made into Hollywood, but Theosophists have been there for more than a century, operating out of Ojai, California where Krishnamurti lived/was held. In India, Theosophical leader Radha Burnier helped build Bollywood to draw attention from the decentralized network of temples where local culture operated for centuries as Annie Besant's mentee Muthulakshmi Reddy formally buried the devadasi tradition of Indian dance.
NATO: Hat tip to Cynthia Chung for discovering that the first six NATO top generals were all former Nazi generals. We can put that in context of all the above, and the general proclivity for NATO and the UN to wax each other's bikini zones.
I could go on, but observations I might make about the players during the Indochina wars and the intelligence operations of the fake 60s counterculture (which pushed the imported Theosophy-concocted fake guru-ism on Americans looking for a spiritual outlet) will be part of making the case in future articles. But the case that the Theosophical Society is the spiritual facing tool of something like an Anglo-American hegemonic illusion becomes stronger every time I dig into some new detail. Perhaps understanding this, and what I suspect is a larger Military Occult Banking Syndicate (MOBS) network organized to dominate humanity, may help some people break free of the Matrix.
The subtitle of my first Substack essay, “A Primer for the Propagandized” ( is “Fear Is the Mind-Killer” from “Dune.” I figured the series contains valuable lessons for the present scenario but haven’t read it since high school and don’t remember it well enough to draw comparisons, so thank you for refreshing my memory a bit and highlighting this relevant storyline (“instant death by way of a poison needle” turned out to be especially prescient).
Did you coin “Military Occult Banking Syndicate (MOBS),” Mathew? That’s brilliant. I’m adding it to my running glossary of neologisms and acronyms with credit to you (unless it comes from another source).
Theosophy committed one very important crime that nobody ever observes: it gutted, altered, 're-defined' and assimilated (like the Borg) something we used to call 'folklore.' As William Butler Yeats pointed out before he became a politician and member of secret societies: there is what used to be called Peasant Lore, and then there is 'occultism.' Occultism is for and from aristocrats, the city dwelling upper class. Folklore is for the rest of us commoners, and it has no pope, prophet or guru. Theosophy is nothing less than some weird composite of upper class freemasonry, occultism, new agery, eugenics, and has very little connection to what the 'peasant' experiences or has a connection to. Rural folk who lived off the land didn't have seances and try to talk to ghosts, but they did see Bigfoot and weird lights in the woods and had a vast vocabulary for it all for generations upon generations, and they didn't need fraternities and degrees and initiations.