Regarding the Rockefeller UFO agenda:

Meet Carol Boucher - the mother of Elon’s (Elon is the name of the person Wernher Von Braun predicted would bring us to Mars in the book ‘The Mars Project’, 69 years ago) child, also known as the artist ‘Grimes’. The most notable thing about Carol is that she submitted the following image to her Instagram on September 4th, 2019 - one month and change before the pandemic narrative began. It depicts a story told by emoji laden glyphs which remarkably spell out the very near future:

DNA Coronavirus + Injection Injection Injection = Aliens

https://tritorch.com/GrimesPrediction.jpg [image]

Elon’s ex-girlfriend’s prophecy batting average is one thousand here. From DNA (transcription) to the coronavirus to the repeated injections to the alien narrative. How could she—or anyone—possibly know about all of this in advance?

It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that with the fake pandemic of 2020-2021 now in the rear-view mirror - we have been - and are being - primed for the next big lie: a major faux alien invasion narrative. Breathless UFO UAP stories have been mass-injected by the pentagon into every major mainstream Operation Mockingbird news outlet. That in itself is alarming enough but the most concerning part about this anything-goes propaganda bombardment is that this alien marketing blitz has been foretold.

Many decades ago Operation Paperclip’s very own Wernher Von Braun (remember ^ him?) warned his secretary, Dr. Carol Rosin, that this extra-terrestrial dialectic was coming in the future, and that when it arrived it would be an outright lie:

Edit: here is a better, more up to date version but it takes longer to load: https://web.archive.org/web/20240216060757/https://tritorch.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-app-is-the-one-ring

Excerpt from: https://archive.is/QH1wt

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Wow! I had planned to research Grimes more at some point, particularly since she worked on a film that looked like "occult meets transhumanism" during the plandemonium (which I have not yet viewed). I knew about the name "Elon" being used in "The Mars Project", but hadn't yet focused on my Elon graph aside from collecting connections and articles. There is just so much to do in documenting the Big Picture and all the important players.


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Yeah that’s among the most fascinating articles ive research/written. Alas, i had to purge my substack, but if anyone needs the links to the missing videos in the archived version (archive.is does not save them), let me know and i will provide links to them.

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I am happy for any and all information you provide.

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First video: Musk talking about WeChat: https://old.bitchute.com/video/yDHzFvINR2f2

Second video x app cannot find

Third video: symphony of liberty: https://old.bitchute.com/video/bwcnOTGI4nd7

Fourth video: Carol Rosen Werner Von Braun Testimony Fake UFO invasion: https://old.bitchute.com/video/rZKWlRlDE5zt

Fifth video: Bush Sr New World Order Speech September 11, 1991: https://old.bitchute.com/video/T8Rm38be5Ksp

Sixth video: Mother of all secrets. Matthew if you have an open mind this will likely blow your mind and is worth every second of your time if you have not seem it: https://old.bitchute.com/video/Ph6qgsn5iqOj

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Viewing them all, but stop calling me Mike. I'm not the Phantom of the Opera guy!

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Hey i fixed those errors with an edit, took me two hours to realize the mistake because I once knew a Michael Crawford. All apologies. It won’t happen again because you’re way cooler than he was. Not to mention that crazed Phantom of the Opera stalker guy.

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Just out of interest, what caused you to have to purge substack?

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A living nightmare. You can read about it here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/56af1a36-aaf7-4c97-9aa9-1f17bfcb7f21

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And no one believes the ufo invasion lie already, though imo there's far more to the phenom than "bluebeam is fake and ghey." Ask yourself why *no one* believes these Congressional "I'll tell you in the skiff" hearings. Is that by design too? Whose?

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There are a lot of people who believe in the UFO stories---stories of all kinds. I've had friends excommunicate me for sharing my graph and research with them. Some people sit at home and watch way too many propaganda videos, and become more and more vested in whatever narrative they're programmed with despite never taking any steps to research independently or get involved with the issue.

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You misunderstand me, I'm not talking about the believers. There are only two things I am sure of re: the phenom.

a) It is real, and

b) Idk what it is.

Getting involved with the issue in some cases may not always be wise. In some cases it may be unavoidable. The programming aspect of it does not surprise me, I'm sorry to hear about your friends, that but people since covid esp. have really lost it.

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Dec 4Edited

otoh, in 'Valis' Philip K Dick put the idea out there that the Jesus figure in the book was a "plasmoid" being, and Plasma is one very interesting/compelling leads re: ufo's imo. So maybe w/ the right approach getting involved may be just the ticket, depending. just my take, ofc. As I say, I assume nothing about the phenom (if I can help it) I think alot of it has more to do w/ humanity. The 'how you look' more than 'what you see' kind of idea.

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There are a lot of glyphs on that piece. Coronaviridae are a common family for amphibians, birds and mammals. A glyph patterned after one was easily recognizable before the madness. Not saying she wasn't privy to some information, but when I look at clouds I see all sorts of things too.

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I am not sure we are talking about the same thing. Here are the glyphs she came up with:


DNA Coronavirus + Injection Injection Injection = Aliens

The odds of that being random or cloud gazing right before the plandemic are pretty darn high. In fact not realistically possible without some level of foreknowledge of the Pre-cooked flim-flam-demic

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How do we know this came from her?

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It was posted on her instagram, September 4, 2019


It’s still there.

Wikipedia Timeline:

The first human cases of COVID-19 occurred in Wuhan, People's Republic of China, on or about 17 November 2019.

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(I apologize for my robotic questioning to follow)

Tightening up a loose end:

Call the event "The first human cases of COVID-19 occurred in Wuhan, People's Republic of China, on or about 17 November 2019" = A

Call the event "The most notable thing about Carol is that she submitted the following image [*the glyphs*] to her Instagram on September 4th, 2019" = B

Your connection makes sense if we take both B and A to be true, but supposing A is not true but B is true, isn't it the case that this state of affairs is consistent with, say, C = "The ongoing narrative that SARS-CoV-2 originated in Wuhan, China is fabricated/constructed/mindwarring and meant to obscure the truth of the origins of the various strains of manufactured CoVs"?

Or you can substitute in the clause in C some other network of interrelated conceptual models we construct to explain what's being explained in A, and I think you'd agree —maybe?— that whatever C` one chooses to construct that will also explain what's being explained in A, nearly all of those reasonable C`s will also have a true B.

I'm shellshocked from just getting off late shift work so I apologize if this isn't clear at all. I guess I'm asking if it's possible that Grimes can post what she did, but that doesn't have to mean that we accept that Wuhan is where this started. But if we're being mislead about where this started, having B "fit the narrative" doesn't mean we have to accept its narrative (that is, the Story about SARS-CoV). is the one connecting with reality. Right?

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Well sure. The narratives themselves are lies. Just another form of mind control, and about the most powerful one on the planet.


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The next row under the one with the UFO shows an awful lot of weapons (swords, bows, clashing swords, shields, etc)... the most obvious interpretation is that war follows the aliens coming (whatever that might be)?

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The article linked to a photo containing a faux stone tablet with various glyphs which included the glyphs you mention among dozens of other glyphs. The "decoding" you are using of DNA Coronavirus + injection injection injection = aliens was that the universally understood meaning of thos glyphs at all relevant times? I don't think so. And I think you ought to observe rapoport's rules by putting yourself in the position of someone skeptical about your conclusory statements.

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Rule 1: Document everything

Context is important. We can all view the summary of documented evidence to interpret the Big Picture, which in turn helps in the deciphering of individual elements. It's a feedback loop.

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I hate filing.

I prefer to remember and integrate internally, which renders me useless in any legal situation.

Rule 1 is a lawyer's requirement, which makes sense as lawyers make all the rules, but actually interferes with the enjoyment of life.

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What does document everything have to do with the point I made? Sure document everything. But don't weave the story to fit past events. Your response and Mathew's response are non-sequitur to my comment. Sometimes it's a windmill, not a giant.

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Good summary, Matthew. Thank you.

Also appreciate the point about being forgiving, and that many of the actors are well-meaning.

So the big question (as someone who has written pages and pages over the last years in an attempt to help draw people into a more critical state of mind where they might see at least some of these psyops) is this: how does a well-meaning amateur (like myself) avoid falling into the trap of just nudging people out of the frying pan and into the fire? How do we avoid black-pilling ourselves, and our friends and family? 'cos it's all pretty dark.

(I've decided that part of the answer is to live life the full and enjoy every minute with my family. But how to fill my daughters with enthusiasm for the future? And how to prepare them for when the layers of the onion get peeled away, one by one?).

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Here is a conversation I had recently about real hope:


I hope to write more along these lines in the future. For now, just understanding helps us handle the situation, which encourages greater hope. We just have to recognize the reality that most all of us were ignorant of some of what came and what is coming.

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Thanks, will listen to that once I've nagivated the log-in page!

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@mathewcrawford are your locals videos free or does it cost money

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Most are free.

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@mathewcrawford does it cost money to subscribe to your channel?

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It's like Substack in that there are both free and paid options.

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I’m late to the comments here but this is my way of proving any one of the points in Mathew’s list.

Has anyone made one shred of difference with any of them? Proven conclusively anything ?

The most laughable is the pedo Epstein list. Not laughable because I think it is totally false. Laughable because more than a few people on X make a living by hyping it up and promising release dates that never happen . Then they rinse and repeat. That tactic is true for many items on the list.

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Yes, this is part of the confusion and the information firehose. People do not have the time to sort out the summary of the evidence. They wind up following the shiny parasocial object that speaks on the topic with practiced outrage while participating in some provocateur circle jerks.

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To add to your list: snake venom

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Long time no chat Mathew.

That is a pretty comprehensive list of psyops. I wonder if some psyops might be operating from within the age-old bread-and-circuses, or specific projects aimed at further infantalizing a consumer public ... or if those are sunconscious epi-phenomenon?

But another I couldn't quite find the right pigeonhole for is "identity politics". Further granularization of the term might be necessary to include identities as diverse as the 'neo-nationalism' claiming to counter the one-world government to the current gender war. On the NHK evening news, I was surprised to hear the Japanese government's official narrative regarding sexual preference that roughly 10% of the population have same sex preferences. I threw this number out to a family I am tutoring, and the 2nd year Jr. High school girl, as well as her mom, laughed out loud. Neither they nor myself are specialists, but I can't help but to see the govt. continuing the tried and true method of divide and conquer.

Something else that has my antennae twitching is the case of "Johnny Somali" — an American YouTube podcaster whose fame and fortune depend on insulting random people to the point of breaking laws regarding sexual harassment, disruption of business, causing a public nuisance, inciting public disturbances, and so on. Because of his antics, he has been expelled from Israel and Japan, and is now facing the possibility of 36 years or more of incarceration in Korea.


His antics are so pathologically outrageous, he has united nearly everyone against him, including (uncharacteristically) both Japanese and Korean nationalists. Foreign YouTube live streamers in Japan are calling for his incarceration as well because he is giving foreigners such a bad reputation. I am wondering if he can really be so stupidly self-destructive, or if he knows someone (or something) that we don't, and is being funded by a three letter agency. To play a riff off of the Chomsky of old, "Manufacturing Outrage".

As a result, 'the people' are screaming "Govern me harder daddy" ... calling for strict enforcement of (and possibly increasingly stricter) laws controlling sns live streamers. I remember hearing on the news about 2 weeks ago how Johnny's antics had elicited a public statement from one national politician in Korea. But about 2 days ago, I prompted GPT and Peplexity Pro, and neither had any news about that politician or his statement.

If this is the beginning of a slippery slope, I can imagine a very authoritarian Far East (or England for that matter), requiring a digital I.D. or some kind of government registration for simply live-streaming from our phones ... similar to how drones are being regulated. No unregulated sns, no more Arab Springs. That would be suspiciously convenient for the powers that be.

This may, or may not be a compartmentalized or co-ordinated psyop with Australia's new 'proof of identity' bill, the government claiming to be better than the parents at controlling the use of social media for kids 16 and younger. Cold Fusion's brief breakdown is particularly good ... and worrying.


If this marginalized moron can imagine such a scenario, I imagine someone in a think tank has already been handsomely paid to imagine the same.

Cheers Mathew

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I don’t believe everyone involved is privy to the dark plans & false flags. They are being used and doing what they think is right by what they’ve been told.

However there are many people who are part of these plans who don’t ask enough questions & just do what they are told. They don’t speak up, which to me is a coward.

We need to be aware, observant, diligent in paying attention, diligent in speaking up, & forgiving of those who have been duped.

Thanks for asking questions and digging for answers.

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Looking past the obvious. The trans "debate" for example, is not about gender fluidity.

It's about suspension of belief.

The myriad of ridiculous arguments today are only to serve the destabilizing purpose of kicking a mental door open so we at least consider whatever nonsense they’re tell us.

Even if you are on the other side of that debate open discussion lends an air of credibility. And, there are many other hooks in the water one of which is bound to capture even the most stubborn. They’ve got bait for every personality type. It’s foolish for anyone to imagine they are immune to it all. There’s a lot being thrown at us. By design.

Ultimately, the powers wishing to control us want skepticism, common sense, and logical long-held belief systems to die. They are insidiously implanting a new ideology based on their own concepts of right and wrong. Most believe what they are doing is ultimately for the greater good.

All our social nonsense today is being orchestrated by narcissistic psychopaths that fancy themselves like gods. As such they are crafting a new religion. This is a recurring theme that historically hasn’t ended well for them or us. But if at first you don’t succeed try, try again. This time with technology.

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Great list - though it may be endless.

- The terrorism you mentioned - it seems almost every war is started with a false flag event => Pearl Habor, 9-11, the recent Hamas attack.

- The computer virus plague => for pushing everyone to virus checker / shutting down non-controlled internet / applications.

- Free speech crack down on social media => showing us their psyops and then using the crazy truth as reasons to crack down on social media.

- it seems many alleged viruses derive from the vaccines being pumped into people.

- currently the biggest psyop to stop the truth being spread is to have a chaos agent say things which we think are true, then they continue on to nonsense (flat-earth) etc. to pull people away from verifiable scams like covid vaccine safety.

Keep up the great work!

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Dr Jane Ruby was doing microscope work on the vaccines and was calling attention to round objects. Some other researchers like Dr Richard Fleming called nonsense on it saying in one interview:

"Those are air bubbles! When was the last time you looked through a microscope?".

Whether she is sincere or not, she is not competent with a microscope.

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I'm not aware of that. Always happy to have a link. What I saw of her was a willingness to question all the politicians and money relationships. But I believe she made a mistake trusting Theresa Long.

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this was a very interesting article and well written

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Beam me up Scotty. This planet's gonna blow.

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They've really got us surrounded, wow. The odds are against us and the situation is grim.

Matthew, here are some solutions. If you don't mind giving this a quick read I would really appreciate it. I'd like your opinion on it if you can find the time (it's quite short): https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall

Either way, we're going to have to meet these technologies and their wielders head on sooner rather than later. Each minute we delay meeting these challenges, our future gets dimmer as their grip grows tighter:

"Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting." -Haruki Murakami,

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Fertility and population scares, with false stories muddying the view of eugenics projects.

its clear that global fertility rates are dropping below replacement level in many places because of our heavily toxified environment, rigged economies and its by design. Italys population peaked in 2014 and has been dropping fast, same with russia, china, japan and so on.

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Mathew, do you believe that there are viruses? If so, then please watch the videos titled A farewell to virology by Doctors Bailey and Bailey of New Zeeland. It is scientifically proven that the field of virology is a fraud, and viruses are created in computer labs not research labs. The methods used are as sound as Unicorn ology or moon made of cheese, elves, fairy's et al. Real science always questions every supposed settled scientific finding with the exception of virology. Watch the series and then form an informed opinion based on sound science. Another event is 9-11 and the evidence is overwhelming that proves it was an inside job.

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You are being psyoped on the language alone. I do not intend to have this conversation for the hundredth time.

You should look up the definitions of "science" and "proof". They are mutually exclusive. This is one way to quickly recognize a psyop.

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Are they planning a false flag event in London?

Very nearly all of London's Webcams went dark in early September. Why?

They may bypass the next pandemic and go straight for the nuclear option.

Radiation is on the list with marburg and ebola and will trigger a public health emergency.

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Objective reality is not directly approachable to humans. We have always created narratives, with the primary objective, to make meaning of the world around us, to prosper, to drive, to survive; to scare our enemies into submission, hasten defeat.

Hunters at the campfire, or sailors in the harbour, boast about their adventures and invent a thing or two on the way, to impress, to scare, to get admiration, to motivate bravery. To "control" other humans.

Leaders leave out inconvenient facts that demotivate their team.

"Truth" or "Objective Reality" has rarely been top priority. If priority/goal at all.

Analogously, we have always tried to find a scapegoat. The barbarians, the Khazars, the Straussians, the Banking Cartel, the Matthew Crawfords ...

If everything is totalitarianism, nothing is.

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It's not my concern that I cannot know the whole mind of God. But I do see the journey for truth as important to the human condition. Better resolution and signal-to-noise ratios lead to better outcomes.

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