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It sure was fortuitous that the mainstream media, including a heroically talented Pulitzer Prize winner photographer showed up to cow town, Pennsylvania for a Trump Rally.
This is article 17 of the Culture Wars, and it does not escape me that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. The numerologists would get tingley to find out that I was born on…7/Q/77. I was hoping to publish on 7/Q. (Please don't take that too seriously. I'm just winding up the imaginatives in the audience. We're going to need them.) Go ahead and brace yourself for the ride.
Yes, I have a Trump graph that is as incomplete as all the several hundred other graphs I keep track of data on. Most of the information I've collected on the shooting is at the bottom for those interested.
Let's begin with the official story, which I template from Matt Walsh (with credit), and my own touches:
A twenty-year-old incel who failed to make a high school rifle team, acting completely alone, took a semi-automatic rifle and a ladder to the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, with the goal of assassinating a former POTUS and current candidate. The young man meandered around with a ladder and a gun until he lucked upon the sloped roof deemed untraversable by the Secret Service due to a 7-degree slope. Many people observed his behavior, and signaled to various security personnel starting prior to the event, and then again for several minutes prior to the shooting. None of the security behaved as if there were an emergency while Trump kept speaking while the man set up just 150 yards from the podium. The young man, a loner whose parents are behavioral therapists including an author of numerous psychology texts, left no online footprint of political interest, much less radicalization, that might demonstrate the evolution of his frustrations. Though noticed by many people at the rally, he was able to position his ladder to climb on the roof of a building that was occupied by law enforcement who were otherwise providing security on the interior of the building. This involved choosing both a route and position by chance that, while seemingly obvious, are being claimed as blindspots to the federal security planning team whose job it is to identify and secure obvious and non-obvious points of attack. The planning team also failed to note the availability of a water tower that would have provided a great position to view the roof on which the sniper took position. The counter-snipers waited to kill the shooter until after he sent a bullet at Trump that grazed his ear, and shot additional spectators. The Director of the Secret Service blames a sloped roof, with an incline of less than ten degrees. This resulted in one of the most crisp and dramatic photo opportunities in history.
If you suggest that the shooter had help, you are a conspiracy theorist. If you venture to even discuss MKULTRA and other mind control programs (like the hashhashem), you are schizo. If the topic even concerns you, you have no life, you misogynistic racist homophobe. If you joke that you have better security from your team at a paintball range, you probably actually play paintball. Didn't you learn that adherence to Hanlon's razor is the primary difference between you and your betters, citizen?
Obligatory brag: I made most of my money trading in the markets off conspiracy theory. I'm considering going back to that. We're going to talk about the financial signals (in Part 2).
Now that we're here…
I'm Here to Challenge You
There are those who would want me to explain my take on the titled event up front—who think that my conclusions or beliefs are something a reader needs to know up front before proceeding. Such are either magicians who prefer that people be trained only to consume prepackaged headlines about important content, or dull people who fail to understand when there are topics where the process is the point. The only red pill worth taking is the one you work for. You don't escape the Matrix that easily, citizen.
I'm certainly not the only person talking conspiracy theories (some with a reasonable attempt at approaching this moment rationally) at this time. And one of my chief worries is that such a reaction is intended. Consider the systems thinking heuristic from Cyberneticist Stafford Beer,
The purpose of a system is what it does.
Reverse psychology takes a form of emotional manipulation to the next level. You should be aware of the possibility that there is such a thing as a psyop in which observers are meant to recognize a high likelihood of a psyop, but then behave in an intended way as planned by the manipulator(s). The designed effects may not even be the same within different groups, according to models of a group's agreed upon description of reality. This may be exactly why the so-called "schizos" have so much fodder provided to them from sources such as Hollywood (and even more "serious" media), where there seems to be a never-ending array of creepy symbolism, and instances of what may be described as predictive programming.
At the end of the day, most people get caught up forming often-permanent or at least hard-to-unwind positions fairly quickly. To the extent that these positions are unhelpful mind viruses, we should assume that such a result is the purpose of the system (event).
We have a lot way to go, but we're going to start by tearing down a false foundation. From there, we can rebuild. But first, a warning.
The Mystics Keep You Hypnotized While They Steal The Whole World
It's a bold claim, and not one that I would have entertained a short time ago. It sounds fantastical and silly, and that is part of the illusion cast by the social engineers who have been active in organizing the United Nations since before it was the United Nations. Theosophists were involved in the Russian Revolution, the sculpting of the Asian subcontinent, the Nazi Empire, the current state of Ukraine, Falun Gong, the Entertainment industry, the Newspaper industry, NATO, and much more.
To examine potential involvement with the present moment, let's begin with some weird facts—any of which may be misinterpreted if you do not read the whole article.
First, multiple psychics made predictions about the events of July 13 with varying degrees of specificity. We can, of course, dismiss a tarot reader pulling a death card. There are enough fortune tellers pulling enough cards, and enough sleight-of-hand specialists who might enjoy creating a ruckus, that few people are going to take this seriously. I'm putting a pin in it for a different reason that we will come back to.
Then there is this:
Assassination by a shot to the head or neck is a bit specific. Some astrologers, like Michael Zizis just think Algol bodes poorly for Trump's re-election chances.
The more interesting and specific prediction came from an Oklahoma man named Brandon Biggs:
News of psychics promotes bypassing most rational processes, moving straight to the metaphysical. Perhaps that makes it easier to promote Saturday's events in spiritual terms?
There are many organized chat rooms on apps like Signal and Telegram that formed, often or usually in highly controlled ways. Various of my contacts report to me that some are managed by Neo-Theosophists, or at least people who promote Remote Viewing, who are likely Neo-Theosophists, drawing vulnerable dissidents into cults. They seem to have handlers around most or all of the presidential candidates. As a result, many people who have stepped away from supporting the Leviathan State are being socially pressured into accepting claims of the paranormal, and the assassination attempt oddly feeds into model presented by Neo-Theosophists and their ilk.
Allow me to offer a competing model that is backed by a great deal of historical evidence. There have been a number of documented cases of claimed psychic predictions in which intelligence was reported as having been obtained by ordinary intelligence gathering methods. I documented one of them when I profiled Uri Geller (who refused to discuss matters with me). When military generals shut down the Remote Viewing (RV) program, they cited the overlap between information obtained by RV and information obtained by other means in a way that was at least suggestive of the notion that RV claims were vaporintelligence.
Then again, having the ability to claim traditional intelligence as psychic intelligence may be one of the reasons why military intelligence tolerated the program to begin with. If you can confuse the enemy into fearing the magical forces that you can summon against them, you have to spend less resources controlling them. They're also less likely to identify spies. Were it not COVID, you could tell African leaders that their neighboring leaders were succumbing to your curse, for example. Or, if you formulated a vaccine to cause rubbery clots (or staged them by other methods), you could seed that information with a remote viewer who would astound viewers with their prediction, then maybe charge them for a monthly subscription to hear cryptocurrency market predictions.
I really should be charging more, shouldn't I? Or are there just more people out there willing to pay for fantasy than analysis?
Don't answer that.
One hallmark of quality occult/intelligence operations—and this includes much of the "charity" industry—is that they're great at talking the average tabloid reader into paying for the operation.
As an aside, I plan more articles breaking down so-called "examples" of psychic successes as "traditional intelligence plus sleight-of-hand." For now, what I want you to consider is the possibility that predictions of the outcome of the Trump assassination event represents substantial evidence (in the Bayesian sense) that the entire event in Butler was staged.
Psychic predictions of the outcomes of the failed Trump assassination event indicate an increased likelihood of foreknowledge of the event within the intelligence community.
On that note, remember that just because something is staged does not mean that everyone involved had to be in on it. Compartmentalization is the hallmark of a well-planned operation.
Hanlon's Razor: A Guide for Keeping Sheep in the Matrix
It's time that we had a chat about the most absurd aphorism to ever enter the public lexicon because alt media after alt media persona wants to point you into that hole for you to stay.
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
On a basic logic level, this doesn't settle anything. It tells us that when the facts fit two models, always pick Model A over Model B. Why? Because somebody named Hanlon said so?
But let's go deeper. After all, the point of an aphorism is that there is supposed to be some great wisdom behind it, wrapped up in a pithy bow.
Q: Why is this particular aphorism intuitive and satisfying to so many people?
A: Because people project their own experiences onto most everyone else. This is a good and reasonable method for explaining anomalous events in a tight community in which people successfully hold each other to moral and ethical standards that enforce such conformity.
Q: Do we live in a world in which all the people are held to moral and ethical standards within tight bounds?
A: Hell no, we do not!
We live in a world of governance by saturated media dominated by parasocial relationships that are cultivated for the purpose of toying with the minds of the masses. The Kunlangeta psychopaths who escape community orbit make the rules of the Matrix, and most everyone else follows. When needed, they orchestrate powerful illusions to mesmerize the masses as part of a grand process of social engineering.
Have a better model? Okay, show me how it fits both all the normal data and also all the outlier data.
"Hanlon's razor lets me discard the outlier data…"
There we have it!
And if you want a quality homework assignment, research the connections between H. G. Wells and the psychological operation specialists in the Fabian and Theosophical Societies, because Hanlon's razor was really just a pithy restatement of a Wells quote.
I'm not writing to explain this because I know for certain that the Trump ear-shooting is a psyop. I don't know. But in a case of such magnitude when history is being written at a critical moment, if you discard the task of a detailed and big picture model comparison because, "Model A is nicer. It's just nicer," then you have already committed to being psyoped, whether now or at some later moment. And then you might as well line up for the brain chip now.
Get in line, citizen?
Hegelian Dialectic Means Controlled Opposition
In 2010, Monsanto hired Blackwater to infiltrate dissident groups. Review the Themis Report and tell me if you don't think that intelligence-organized astroturfing, through public or private actors, is not the norm. Again, recognize it, or you might as well line up for the brain chip.
The alt media did a crafty job of front-running the discussion of Hegelian dialectic for two or three years prior to the declaration of a pandemic. Due to often clever corners of internet information sharing, more people were already waking up to an understanding of the meaning of Hegelian dialectic, and its impact on modern history. So, the Matrix deployed agents to confuzzle the masses while building credibility as parasocial leadership:
Hegelian Dialectic Pattern:
Problem, Synthesis, Solution.
This is how disinformation works. There's nothing incorrect in the wrongness. The procedural model is the correct explanation, give or take arguments about when and how effective the process is. The problem is that viewers are soaking this up as the whole story. After all, the larger portion of the podcast audience are not people who read Georg Hegel, Immanuel Kant, or Martin Heidegger. Who has the time (and wasn't traumatized by high school reading lists, and the crazy people who taught half those classes)? Many of those who gravitated into the new podcast universe are just people who fled the mainstream media, wanting to be told by somebody, the obvious "You're a worthy human being, and the culture war that tells you otherwise really is stupid." Also, "Make your bed [and take the damn vaccine]."
Hegelian dialectic, which is a process of people sorting out thoughts and observations about [usually changes taking place in] the world, is one of the first modern concepts that powerful illusionists needed to shroud in doublespeak. To the magician, this is about society-level mind control. This is why history goes from Hegel to Freud to Tavistock to MKULTRA, with the birth of the Theosophical Society along the way.
Now, let's shatter the secret together:
To make Hegelian dialectic into a powerful tool for social engineering,
you simply control the opposition.
Oops, I'd already spoiled it with the section title.
Military occupation forces are an expensive way to rule other people. Less expensive is to create a town square, then invite people in. Give them free speech, but employ a variety of crowd control methods that arrange them around the articulate and prepared Shakespearean talking heads who have been fed lines by their philosophical coaches, tasked with organizing the process by people with names like Rockefeller, Morgan, or Rothschild. Sure, everyone has their say in the public square, but the only time most people are engaged in listening is when the intended production is amplified.
Reminder: We live in a world of governance by saturated media dominated by parasocial relationships that are cultivated for the purpose of toying with the masses. The Kunlangeta psychopaths who escape community orbit make the rules of the Matrix, and most everyone else follows. When needed, they orchestrate powerful illusions to mesmerize the masses as part of a grand process of social engineering.
And now you know why voting for the actors wearing the team colors of Political Party X doesn't seem to solve the problems we face.
Before moving on, ask yourself whom you've seen dismissing the notion of controlled opposition in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM). Take notes. It's always a test.
Q: What does this have to do with the Trump assassination attempt?
Do you worry about the course of events when Tybalt kills Mercutio?
Maybe. But only on the first viewing.
Stop and think about where this production is heading. Can you see the new bumper being installed in the Hegelian pinball machine that steers us in the gun control conversation? Can you see the American people inch closer to giving up entirely on the federal government?
Tabloid Governance
"It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled." -Mark Twain
It was Theosophist William Thomas Stead who coined the phrase, "Government by Journalism." The primary psychological mechanism is to introduce a narrative that weaves through facts, real or invented, possibly with humanizing photographs, sometimes transforming villains into heroes, to infect the reader with a meme or mind virus. The average, trusting person soaks up the narrative without due diligence, and without thinking through the relative value of parasocial sources. The result is a dissonance that must be unlearned to break the illusion. Psychologists can tell you that the unlearning process is many times more work than the learning process.
That, in a nutshell, is how the moving pieces in the Matrix are kept invisible.
Sometimes, people who have been fooled become agents of the Matrix. Any level of narcissistic mental feedback loops could cause them to lash out at anyone who challenges the fiction that fooled them. Try asking the average college graduate how they know that Hitler died at the bunker. Watch most of them squirm, then quickly grow unhinged, just sure that the media gatekeepers and textbook companies run by intelligence agencies never would have misled them, and that even if they don't remember the evidence, they know that there must be evidence. And it's so solid that you're crazy for asking the question, so stop ruining life, you life ruiner.
Stead's tabloid journalism became a tool of the Theosophists in engineering the Russian Revolution, the faked independence of India, and essentially all of the Theosophical Society's grand social engineering projects. If that sounds like giving too much credit to media, understand that Stead managed to use the tabloids under his control to convince the public that the reason he was caught purchasing a thirteen-year-old girl was to demonstrate the flaws of the status quo system. This was prior to Theosophist Charles Leadbeater getting caught raping young Jiddue Krishnamurti, or Theosophical-trained Gandhi explaining away sleeping with naked young girls as a spiritual exercise in self-control. I haven't yet gotten around to writing the article about how involved Theosophists have been in the child trafficking markets, and Gandhi's part in ballooning that industry on the subcontinent, so you'll have to check back later.
Hanlon's razor my ass. This was, is, and will continue to be the direction of whatever the British Empire became until we put an end to it. Speaking of which, meet the new British Prime Minister.
A tabloid newspaper has no defined format. This leaves the writers, publishers, and editors a free hand to arrange information in whatever way they deem necessary to engineer a desired impact. The word "tabloid" is borrowed from the pharmaceutical industry—specifically from the London-based Borroughs Wellcome & Co., now GlaxoSmithKline plc and the associated "charitable" foundation Wellcome Trust. Henry Wellcome patented the tablet form of medicine under the 1884 trademark "tabloid."
Here's another red pill: The transference of language from the pharmaceutical to the news industry is certainly not mere coincidence. Historically, they are far more intertwined than most people would guess. And much of that tandem path is oriented around the Theosophical Society.
The mystic and freemason Wellcome, who employed Theosophist Dr. Pairi Mall to buy up and archive medical documents from South Asia, was a purchaser of artifacts from the Theosophical Society. Below is Wellcome's statue of Sekhmet, the lion-headed cat god of Egyptian mythology. Sekhmet was the goddess of disease, and initiator of plagues. So, a tabloid is a written-word medium that sickens your mind, resulting in an information plague [that makes up the Matrix]?
I'll go with that.
Who have we seen in the MFM, working to establish a position on the Shakespearean stage, flanked by a lion's head?
That's Robert Malone who heard from Oracle's head biostatistician all the way back in January 2021 about safety signals for the vaccines, but continued to tell audiences for most of a year that they were "working as expected" and reasonable for everyone except young people. The Malone Institute is now the latest organization pushing the Rockefeller-funded UFO/alien disclosure agenda that further normalizes the Theosophic UFO religions and cults. (Really.)
Reminder: We live in a world of governance by saturated media dominated by parasocial relationships that are cultivated for the purpose of toying with the masses. The Kunlangeta psychopaths who escape community orbit make the rules of the Matrix, and most everyone else follows. When needed, they orchestrate powerful illusions to mesmerize the masses as part of a grand process of social engineering.
Theosophists used tabloids to exceptional effect. One of the tabloid formats is called Berliner, a nod to the publications that filtered Theosophy into the Lebensreform While Theosophist Dietrich Eckhart was coaching Hitler on theatrical execution of the dialectics that played out. The result was termed "Christian Positivism" to whitewash the link between Theosophy and fascism, though the swastika and notion of the Aryan race should give it away to anyone who picks up a book once in a while.
Theosophists established tabloids on every continent, selling information pills to the masses who were never educated on how to critically examine the content. Some sources credit Alfred Harmsworth with the invention of tabloid journalism, which is quality historical misdirection that skips over nearly four decades of Stead's experiments with the process. Stead even coached William Randolph Hearst on the psychological mechanics, which gave Theosophists an additional layer to its invisibility shield regarding its work propagandizing America.
Before proceeding, ask yourself how much of the information that you've taken in from Butler, Pennsylvania has been arranged in the digital tabloid that is X-Twitter, or just plain digital tabloids. Do you know which facts have been checked, and how?
Do you think that the tabloids and digital tabloids that you've viewed were chosen to match your biases and thinking processes by the internet gods and their analytics departments? Before moving on, answer that question honestly. Stand up, stretch, take a breath, and then answer it honestly.
We'll get to the implications later.
Questions First, Maybe Conclusions Later, Maybe
Unfortunately, none of the many maps posted online show us where Forrest Gump was standing, but I'm guessing it was next to one of the police officers pointing out how nicely that young man on the roof was holding his semiautomatic rifle as he crawled.
It is hard not to collect information after a moment like the shooting at the Trump rally this past Saturday. People instinctively want to know what happened, and in a case like this, there are some apparent facts that make many of us uncomfortable. However, we are met with an information firehose that soon tires us. The tabloids know that we are most susceptible when we're exhausted. Most people give up sorting out the chaos, then double down on some vector of outrage they were already committed to. There's no shame in stopping to make dinner for the kids. That's life, and the illusionists not only know this, too, but they've created their own metrics to study it.
Antidote: Pose your own queries, then pursue resources that relate to your queries. This keeps you from becoming trapped in anyone's malinformation universe. You might be led to a tabloid here or there, but you may also compile information from higher quality sources along the way. This helps you dodge bias-reinforcement while exposing you to a wider range of viewpoints and information quality.
Understand that I have an open mind as to the answers to the questions below, but like anyone else my opinions vary from question to question. Really, I'm just asking because I'm curious:
Why was this particular rally picked to be aired live? Had any prior Trump rallies been aired live? If so, how many?
What explains the weird behavior of the woman sitting behind trump? Could she be involved in signaling?
Was a [failed] assassination attempt reported ahead of the rally? (around minute 23)
Are all the facts shared with us through various media trustworthy?
Is there a confirmed match of who shot when?
Was there one shooter (on the roof) or two (second in the water tower)?
What does it mean that the rooftop was both "a security risk", but "outside the security zone"? Bonus points if you have an answer that utilizes no doublespeak.
Why did nobody think to place a counter-sniper on that very convenient water tower?
Why is there video of everything going on, except for the water tower?
Have the tech gods come up with a way to alter our videos, even subtly, as we record them using our phones that are constantly exchanging data with the Matrix? (Probably not yet, but you get why I'm asking, right?)
Why wasn't [any] security present trained to pay attention to people pointing frantically at a guy with a gun for several minutes?
If there were multiple counter-snipers, and they did not need approval to take a shot, does the lack of an attempt to eliminate the threat evidence of coordination?
Were any of the photos planned/posed?
Is the photo of the bullet whizzing by Trump real and unadulterated?
Did any of the many pro wrestlers The Don hung out with teach him how to cut himself and make it bleed?
If some of the world's most powerful people wanted to eliminate Trump, would this be the best plan they could come up with?
How did they make the alien mothership invisible? (Just kidding!)
Where did nearly all of the old weird QAnon videos claiming Vincent Fusca is JFK Jr. go? Why were they taken down? Was his behavior at this particular rally suspicious?
What do the markets tell us? (We'll definitely get to that.)
Where is the damned ear-grazing bullet? Shouldn't it be in the Smithsonian by now?
Not terribly long ago my wife and I drove up the parking deck at our former apartment after spending time out with friends. We parked seconds apart in consecutive spaces before we quickly moved inside the door between the garage and the floor we lived on. As we opened our loft to go inside, I noted a concert of doors opening and closing in the hallway that struck me as unusual. Moments later, I could hear the police on our floor, and after pausing to not get in the way, I opened the door. Somebody on our floor had been arrested. I talked to some of the neighbors, and it turned out that somebody had fired a gun out their window and into the parking garage. My wife and I went to the garage. If the shooter shot perpendicular to the window, the bullet went straight in the vicinity of our cars. And from what the neighbors told me, it would have happened right around the time that we parked.
Did we close our doors and just miss the sound of the shot? Was it just before or just after we parked? Five seconds? Ten seconds? Were we targeted? Was my car music too loud for me to hear it? I'll never know.
We looked our cars over, and there was no sign of a bullet hole. We wondered if the bullet passed between our cars. We were curious, so we spent more than 20 minutes in the garage hunting for the bullet. Because WTF just happened?—our course we were curious.
After the clusterpfart in Butler, you'd think one of those members of several law enforcement teams would grab a metal detector and get one with the bullet investigation.
Pro tip: Check the stretcher.
There are always people who lean toward thinking that the event, as we witnessed it on the magic picture box, happened exactly as it was presented. Then there are people who think that the assassination attempt was organized by the Deep State to take out Trump. There are also people who think that Team Trump staged the assassination attempt in order to propel the Orange Man back into the White House.
My Theory: I could be wrong (I'm willing to be persuaded by a good argument), but I lean toward believing that this is an event that can be sculpted by the illusionists in several possible directions in order to achieve their primary goal, which might simply be chaos.
I'll come back to the chaos theory, which is primary to my summary thoughts. I'm glad to see that I'm not entirely alone pondering schismogenesis as a motivation for a probable illusion such as this one. At least, I suspect that what happened in Butler was some sort of staged event. But hey, smart people seem to be rolling with the show, so what do I know?
Don't ask questions about the brain chip either, citizen.
At this point, I'm going to suggest to readers to look for a correlation between alt media personalities who weirdly sound like they desperately want to go gay for Elon, and people who poo poo notions of controlled opposition, invoke Hanlon's razor, and then call it a day.
Before we move on, this is a good time to acknowledge the mountain of evidence Cynthia Chung has put together about how federal agencies have decades of experience planning and executing terrorist events on U.S. soil (while declaring ye common folk to be dangerous domestic terrorists).
Tell me again how sure you are this was all just a matter of Keystone Cops playing at being Secret Service agents.
Maybe the FBI should train the secret service?
Maybe they were too busy with other training exercises?
Or maybe they were training Aussie Federal Police?
If these stories of authorities using children to achieve nasty goals surprises you, perhaps revisit the story of Lee Harvey Oswald, mentored into the military by the Jesuit-trained child rapist David Ferrie, whose Old Catholic Church order seems to have merged into the Theosophy network.
While few media heads discuss it, once in the Marines, Oswald was dosed with LSD as part of the MKULTRA program, though the program was not publicly known in the immediate wake of the JFK assassination. This may be why the Rockefeller Commission formed in parallel with the Church Commission—to control the perception of the connectivity between events.
Maybe the Theosophists trained everyone? Maybe also through the CIA at Camp X?
I'm just asking questions. Part 2 is on the way…
A huge red flag for me was the over-the-top opportunistic propaganda in favor of X (Twitter).
I can't speak for people at large but I would certainly caution people that there is a powerful illusion on X that it's "the only place you can find the truth" and ironically it's the furthest thing from the truth.
This got so bad that we have a particular egregious case (among others) of a Home Depot cashier being "doxxed", harassed at work, and ultimately fired over "awful but (presumably) lawful" speech.
I wrote up my frustrations about this (
but it's about more than just this particular flashpoint, we're clearly seeing a pattern develop of a new regime of political correctness and who knows what else....
Happy belated birthday, Mathew! 🎉
Really grateful for your take on this pseudoevent, Mathew. Like you, I don’t claim to know for certain what occurred, but there were too many signs of Bernaysian stagecraft to ignore.
I generally avoid hot takes, but I had a premonition the next morning and thought it was important to document just in case this is the playbook they intend to pursue:
I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this “Network” scene:
It’s a win-win-win for the cruelites:
1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.
2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.
3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.
4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.
5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.
6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.
Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.
Note: This is likely obvious, but Trump supporter should be in scare quotes since this would be an actor/MK-Ultra’ed patsy.
“On that note, remember that just because something is staged does not mean that everyone involved had to be in on it. Compartmentalization is the hallmark of a well-planned operation.”
This is a point I continually try to drive home to those who have difficulty grasping the banality of desk-murdering—to adapt Christopher Browning’s term from “Ordinary Men,” where he writes:
“Their jobs frequently consisted of tiny steps in the overall killing process, and they performed them in a routine manner, never seeing the victims their actions affected. Segmented, routinized, and depersonalized, the job of the bureaucrat or specialist—whether it involved confiscating property, scheduling trains, drafting legislation, sending telegrams, or compiling lists—could be performed without confronting the reality of mass murder.”
Louis Rossmann (Right to Repair) recently said something in a video that popped out at me because it such a perfect description for this phenomenon:
“It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy when incentives align.” (
“In 2010, Monsanto hired Blackwater to infiltrate dissident groups.”
Are you familiar with the 2008 paper “Conspiracy Theories”?
I referenced it in my Apocaloptimist Manifesto (
“In their 2008 paper ‘Conspiracy Theories’ published in the University of Chicago’s Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers, Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule propose deploying cognitive infiltration tactics in online communities like ours:
‘We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups …
‘Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.’”
“Sometimes, people who have been fooled become agents of the Matrix. Any level of narcissistic mental feedback loops could cause them to lash out at anyone who challenges the fiction that fooled them.”
OMG, tell me about it 😂
“And it’s so solid that you’re crazy for asking the question, so stop ruining life, you life ruiner.”
“working as expected”
Oh, they most definitely were—Mistakes Were NOT Made, you know ;-)