A huge red flag for me was the over-the-top opportunistic propaganda in favor of X (Twitter).
I can't speak for people at large but I would certainly caution people that there is a powerful illusion on X that it's "the only place you can find the truth" and ironically it's the furthest thing from the truth.
This got so bad that we have a particular egregious case (among others) of a Home Depot cashier being "doxxed", harassed at work, and ultimately fired over "awful but (presumably) lawful" speech.
but it's about more than just this particular flashpoint, we're clearly seeing a pattern develop of a new regime of political correctness and who knows what else....
It's called FAFO. I believe the Home Depot lady said something to the effect of 'too bad the shooter missed'. Was it lawful speech? Sure. But imagine being her employer, seeing what she wrote and wondering what she might say to a customer who came into the store wearing a MAGA hat. A new regime of "political correctness"? Where I live, saying some version of 'I wish he was dead' is universally considered an unacceptable thing to say about someone no matter what their politics are. Her view still has a lot of support though, so I'd wait and see how much $ she raises on GoFundMe.
Really grateful for your take on this pseudoevent, Mathew. Like you, I don’t claim to know for certain what occurred, but there were too many signs of Bernaysian stagecraft to ignore.
I generally avoid hot takes, but I had a premonition the next morning and thought it was important to document just in case this is the playbook they intend to pursue:
I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this “Network” scene:
1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.
2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.
3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.
4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.
5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.
6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.
Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.
Note: This is likely obvious, but Trump supporter should be in scare quotes since this would be an actor/MK-Ultra’ed patsy.
“On that note, remember that just because something is staged does not mean that everyone involved had to be in on it. Compartmentalization is the hallmark of a well-planned operation.”
This is a point I continually try to drive home to those who have difficulty grasping the banality of desk-murdering—to adapt Christopher Browning’s term from “Ordinary Men,” where he writes:
“Their jobs frequently consisted of tiny steps in the overall killing process, and they performed them in a routine manner, never seeing the victims their actions affected. Segmented, routinized, and depersonalized, the job of the bureaucrat or specialist—whether it involved confiscating property, scheduling trains, drafting legislation, sending telegrams, or compiling lists—could be performed without confronting the reality of mass murder.”
Louis Rossmann (Right to Repair) recently said something in a video that popped out at me because it such a perfect description for this phenomenon:
“In their 2008 paper ‘Conspiracy Theories’ published in the University of Chicago’s Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers, Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule propose deploying cognitive infiltration tactics in online communities like ours:
‘We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups …
‘Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.’”
“Sometimes, people who have been fooled become agents of the Matrix. Any level of narcissistic mental feedback loops could cause them to lash out at anyone who challenges the fiction that fooled them.”
OMG, tell me about it 😂
“And it’s so solid that you’re crazy for asking the question, so stop ruining life, you life ruiner.”
“working as expected”
Oh, they most definitely were—Mistakes Were NOT Made, you know ;-)
A conspiracy theories paper out of the Rockefeller-built U. of Chicago, co-authored by a Nudge Sithlord. Should be an interesting read, thanks.
I never expected a Biden assassination, and it struck me as an intentional cruelty to the character he plays that he was the last to know he was resigning from the election. Or was he?
Interesting. I’ve vacillated over the various accounts and returned to my first instinct. Staged for what reason? T more popular? Chaos? And I wondered about the bullet too. Ricochet? I shun most social media so rarely see the prophecy videos. Whatever.
I was in the vendor section of the Shankweiler rally in April. I was amazed at the thousands who would stand for hours to get into a venue to listen from a distance. I had to walk over a mile to get there and the prep to cordon off everything had to be extreme. Several weeks later I drove by the spot and it was totally unrecognizable. I cannot relate to the adulation, to the idea that any one person can be a solution. Puppets. Anyone, now especially, who gets elevated to that spot has been selected by the Bilderburgers, bohemian grove attendees, or such. Sorry I don’t have the specific research to back that up. It is a chess game and I am one of their useless eaters that has managed to survive. Drat that annoyance.
Once burned, twice shy. When I look back at 2020 and the presumed wisdom of crowd-sourcing that finds the expert who can explain the data point, I'm reluctant to believe early experts.
Speaking of experts, the man who was there and got shot told us his version of the story last night. I had the misfortune? to listen to his acceptance? speech at the convention. He spent a lot of time explaining how close he was to death (quarter inch (did you see the picture of the bullet)), what body part bleeds a lot (the ear (blood was everywhere)), and how he felt the love of the people and wanted to stand up and let them know he was okay and to fight, fight, fight. In other words, he was sensitive to the questions swirling around what really happened, but in a way that did not help.
It's been interesting to watch various people climb on the Trump Train, setting aside their cool understanding of all his working relationships and prior committments. Some seem to be honestly swept up by their passions, others seem to be revealed as herders. Ha ha, gato doing his part.
I had stopped paying attention to Gato a while back, but I did read his silly piece. It was one more piece of confirmation as to why I stopped paying attention.
I think this is also why his allies, which include people I've asked bluntly about their connections to military intelligence (even publicly) and have been flat out dodged, went silent on me in a more-than-suspicious unison after my investigation into the military health database.
You’re asking a lot of sensible questions. All I can say is, I’m glad I’m not your brain. It must be exhausting. That said, I’m glad you have a brain and you’re alerting us to connections we might suspect but don’t have the time to investigate. The Matrix thing tho’, is very much a concept of Gnostic mysticism; thinking we’re trapped on a prison planet and can escape it by an universal awakening (5D chess/great awakening 💩) is as much Theosophical/Occult play as anything else you talk about. We’re not trapped in a Matrix. But perhaps I’m reading you wrong?
We are only as trapped as we are, but being free requires a struggle. It requires learning history, tearing apart propaganda, investigating the methods, and also not being naive as to the ferocious nature of the fight. The occult is only one branch of the Military Occult Banking Syndicate, and they deploy clumsier and uglier methods where necessary.
Interesting. I did not watch. Was out to dinner with the wife for a brief celebration.
Once you start taking notes, it really is impossible not to see media clues for every major moment in history, as if intentionally arranged. But just as with "conspiracy theory", we are castigated for noticing. Yet, each time...
The early reporting about the ladder appears to be in error. He bought one, but didn't use it. The one in photos of the scene was used by law enforcement. Hanlon's razor may be a fallacy in some respects, but it seems apt for the quality of the journalism (on X and elsewhere).
From ABC News:
"Though law enforcement sources said Crooks is believed to have purchased a 5-foot ladder at a Home Depot before the shooting, it does not appear to have been used to climb on the roof and was not found at the scene."
Thank you. The ladder story is exactly the sort of chaos that will be pushed at a moment like this, while authorities do as little as possible to share their information to help people understand in an organized way. The result of the system is its purpose.
I saw a photo with two ladders in it. The 5-foot ladder was used to climb onto an AC (or some other type) of unit, from which the roof could be reached. A taller ladder was also shown, from ground to roof, but that may have been used by the police after the event and left there until the photo was taken (at least that was suggested with the photo). HOWEVER, unless the would-be assassin cased the location prior or had some significant help, it is difficult to imagine him buying a 5-foot ladder that day with the thought that it might be useful for his purpose. THAT is highly suspicious.
I’ve seen plenty of ex-security folk describing unexplained mistakes by the protection team. I’ve yet to see Penn & Teller or David Copperfield types explain how this was ‘staged’. Nobody would use live rounds in a ‘staged’ event and we know they were live because one person is dead. To ‘stage’ an illusion you carefully control sight lines which is impossible with hundreds of smartphone cameras filming from all angles.
The media was certainly warned in advance to be there. The BBC sent their Washington correspondent Gary O’Donoghue who got one of the best eyewitness accounts of the shooter on the roof.
By chance, I was invited to lunch at the Magic Castle in LA the day after an event where I met a performance magician (friend of a friend). One of the magicians we met there has a schtick where he jokes about the magic community being connected to the intelligence community. And yet, we see such connections throughout history, and particularly in the Remote Viewing program (but also Theosophy, where many who do not use the title "illusionist" certainly studied the art).
Ruthless individuals would have no compunction and the many layers of deceit make it very possible to “snuff” out the collateral to make it more believable.
Thanks, Mathew, for keeping my brain on its toes, although the bullshit has become so ridiculously blatant it is child's pay to see through it. I especially appreciate the historical connections to people and events of which I was unaware. As for the assassination attempt I suspect it will be almost impossibly difficult, like with 9/11, to parse which elements were directed and which were organic (as surely some were). I greatly fear another assassination attempt, as sowing chaos is the actual goal of the oligarchs.
Early on, when I kept hearing stories that all had a common theme - “this is not the way things are usually done” - it seemed to me that at a very simple 1 + 1 = 2 level of reasoning, the most likely explanation for what happened - the theory of what happened that should be at the top of the list of possible explanations to explore - was that it was planned. This is not to say that it was planned, but just to say if you are going to begin an investigation you would start, knowing how important people are generally protected, and what common sense would tell you should have been done but wasn’t, with the idea that what occurred was planned. Different hypotheses require looking for different evidence. But why would you leave off from that list of hypotheses the explanation that most likely explains what happened? Yet the “investigators” do just that. We end up with a long list of “what went wrong” and what “mistakes” were made. This idea is not complex. It is not conspiratorial. It is very simple.
One thing I find interesting about the Republican National Convention ending with "Nessun Dorma" from Puccini's "Turandot," and its possible (likely?) reference to the ending of the 2002 film "The Sum of All Fears," in which the bad guys all meet their maker in fairly grisly, but unique ways to the sound track of "Nessun Dorma." Intentional? Surely.
It is worth reinforcing just how on the nose the Astrology was for this event: and for that matter, just how on the nose everything about The Orange Moonchild's astrology is in charting out his life. Mars-Uranus-Algol Conjunct his Midheavens (Reputation, Visibility etc.) yes, and there were plenty of left-leaning astrologers who were not too subtly manifesting this event into existence. However the Synastry between Trump and Crookes is absolutely nuts and basically fated, which in my eyes really ups the stakes in terms of this event being very real at its core (full breakdown is here for anyone interested: https://downthewombathole.substack.com/p/the-astrology-of-the-moonchilds-non?r=3su9x).
Moral of the story: Astrologically-wise, you really couldn't have chosen a better patsy, which leaves some super juicy questions about the extent that the Neo-Theos are still using the stars as they plan/hijack/manipulate these events for Illusionist purposes...
I spent a few hours watching some of Brandon Biggs’ videos on YouTube - if he is part of the plan then there is a definite push towards presenting Trump as some sort of messianic second coming (he also names the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia as the Antichrist, flanked by Yuval Noah Harari and the Pope)!
Interesting! The Neo-Theosophy cult that I grew up in, the Association for Research and Englightenment, taught Edgar Cayce's prediction that the Antichrist would emerge from the Middle East.
Saudi Aramco is (by far) the world's most profitable corporation. That's a lot of cash that could be used to organize some sort of "antidote to the chaos."
Since i look at you as one of the people helping me to really understand things over the past few years--i was wondering what you think about the moon landings. Real or fake? Thanks and god bless.
"One hallmark of quality occult/intelligence operations—and this includes much of the "charity" industry—is that they're great at talking the average tabloid reader into paying for the operation."
Repeated and insistent begging for money is an instant giveaway of an intellignce operation. It is far too common to be random. I believe the point is to demonstrate authenticity: "please fund my trip to the Darien Gap. Only I know of this wormhole to the mysterious kingdom of Colombia and it is so difficult for a regular peron like me to get there".
A huge red flag for me was the over-the-top opportunistic propaganda in favor of X (Twitter).
I can't speak for people at large but I would certainly caution people that there is a powerful illusion on X that it's "the only place you can find the truth" and ironically it's the furthest thing from the truth.
This got so bad that we have a particular egregious case (among others) of a Home Depot cashier being "doxxed", harassed at work, and ultimately fired over "awful but (presumably) lawful" speech.
I wrote up my frustrations about this (https://gabe.rocks/thoughts/right-wing-cancel-culture/)
but it's about more than just this particular flashpoint, we're clearly seeing a pattern develop of a new regime of political correctness and who knows what else....
I also find it very odd that a few minutes after that assassination attempt, Musk goes all in on the Trump endorsement.
It's called FAFO. I believe the Home Depot lady said something to the effect of 'too bad the shooter missed'. Was it lawful speech? Sure. But imagine being her employer, seeing what she wrote and wondering what she might say to a customer who came into the store wearing a MAGA hat. A new regime of "political correctness"? Where I live, saying some version of 'I wish he was dead' is universally considered an unacceptable thing to say about someone no matter what their politics are. Her view still has a lot of support though, so I'd wait and see how much $ she raises on GoFundMe.
Happy belated birthday, Mathew! 🎉
Really grateful for your take on this pseudoevent, Mathew. Like you, I don’t claim to know for certain what occurred, but there were too many signs of Bernaysian stagecraft to ignore.
I generally avoid hot takes, but I had a premonition the next morning and thought it was important to document just in case this is the playbook they intend to pursue:
I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this “Network” scene:
• https://youtube.com/watch?v=wr-TychE8Vk
It’s a win-win-win for the cruelites:
1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.
2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.
3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.
4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.
5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.
6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.
Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.
• https://x.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1812522639438836146
• https://substack.com/@margaretannaalice/note/c-61962841
Note: This is likely obvious, but Trump supporter should be in scare quotes since this would be an actor/MK-Ultra’ed patsy.
“On that note, remember that just because something is staged does not mean that everyone involved had to be in on it. Compartmentalization is the hallmark of a well-planned operation.”
This is a point I continually try to drive home to those who have difficulty grasping the banality of desk-murdering—to adapt Christopher Browning’s term from “Ordinary Men,” where he writes:
“Their jobs frequently consisted of tiny steps in the overall killing process, and they performed them in a routine manner, never seeing the victims their actions affected. Segmented, routinized, and depersonalized, the job of the bureaucrat or specialist—whether it involved confiscating property, scheduling trains, drafting legislation, sending telegrams, or compiling lists—could be performed without confronting the reality of mass murder.”
Louis Rossmann (Right to Repair) recently said something in a video that popped out at me because it such a perfect description for this phenomenon:
“It doesn’t have to be a conspiracy when incentives align.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS698R-bxuc)
“In 2010, Monsanto hired Blackwater to infiltrate dissident groups.”
Are you familiar with the 2008 paper “Conspiracy Theories”?
• https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1068&context=public_law_and_legal_theory
I referenced it in my Apocaloptimist Manifesto (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/against-defeatism-the-apocaloptimist):
“In their 2008 paper ‘Conspiracy Theories’ published in the University of Chicago’s Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers, Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule propose deploying cognitive infiltration tactics in online communities like ours:
‘We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups …
‘Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.’”
“Sometimes, people who have been fooled become agents of the Matrix. Any level of narcissistic mental feedback loops could cause them to lash out at anyone who challenges the fiction that fooled them.”
OMG, tell me about it 😂
“And it’s so solid that you’re crazy for asking the question, so stop ruining life, you life ruiner.”
“working as expected”
Oh, they most definitely were—Mistakes Were NOT Made, you know ;-)
A conspiracy theories paper out of the Rockefeller-built U. of Chicago, co-authored by a Nudge Sithlord. Should be an interesting read, thanks.
I never expected a Biden assassination, and it struck me as an intentional cruelty to the character he plays that he was the last to know he was resigning from the election. Or was he?
Haha, true—maybe they played the JFK film from an angle he's never seen before, and he decided to relinquish his grip:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIiCjhCBDaM
Interesting. I’ve vacillated over the various accounts and returned to my first instinct. Staged for what reason? T more popular? Chaos? And I wondered about the bullet too. Ricochet? I shun most social media so rarely see the prophecy videos. Whatever.
I was in the vendor section of the Shankweiler rally in April. I was amazed at the thousands who would stand for hours to get into a venue to listen from a distance. I had to walk over a mile to get there and the prep to cordon off everything had to be extreme. Several weeks later I drove by the spot and it was totally unrecognizable. I cannot relate to the adulation, to the idea that any one person can be a solution. Puppets. Anyone, now especially, who gets elevated to that spot has been selected by the Bilderburgers, bohemian grove attendees, or such. Sorry I don’t have the specific research to back that up. It is a chess game and I am one of their useless eaters that has managed to survive. Drat that annoyance.
Gun control objective?
I had the same thought. I'm voicing that later in the article series.
Once burned, twice shy. When I look back at 2020 and the presumed wisdom of crowd-sourcing that finds the expert who can explain the data point, I'm reluctant to believe early experts.
Speaking of experts, the man who was there and got shot told us his version of the story last night. I had the misfortune? to listen to his acceptance? speech at the convention. He spent a lot of time explaining how close he was to death (quarter inch (did you see the picture of the bullet)), what body part bleeds a lot (the ear (blood was everywhere)), and how he felt the love of the people and wanted to stand up and let them know he was okay and to fight, fight, fight. In other words, he was sensitive to the questions swirling around what really happened, but in a way that did not help.
It's been interesting to watch various people climb on the Trump Train, setting aside their cool understanding of all his working relationships and prior committments. Some seem to be honestly swept up by their passions, others seem to be revealed as herders. Ha ha, gato doing his part.
I had stopped paying attention to Gato a while back, but I did read his silly piece. It was one more piece of confirmation as to why I stopped paying attention.
I think this is also why his allies, which include people I've asked bluntly about their connections to military intelligence (even publicly) and have been flat out dodged, went silent on me in a more-than-suspicious unison after my investigation into the military health database.
You’re asking a lot of sensible questions. All I can say is, I’m glad I’m not your brain. It must be exhausting. That said, I’m glad you have a brain and you’re alerting us to connections we might suspect but don’t have the time to investigate. The Matrix thing tho’, is very much a concept of Gnostic mysticism; thinking we’re trapped on a prison planet and can escape it by an universal awakening (5D chess/great awakening 💩) is as much Theosophical/Occult play as anything else you talk about. We’re not trapped in a Matrix. But perhaps I’m reading you wrong?
We are only as trapped as we are, but being free requires a struggle. It requires learning history, tearing apart propaganda, investigating the methods, and also not being naive as to the ferocious nature of the fight. The occult is only one branch of the Military Occult Banking Syndicate, and they deploy clumsier and uglier methods where necessary.
Interesting opera singer choices last night at rally.
Scene extracted from movie "The Sum Of All Fears".
Soundtrack: Nessun Dorma (Turandot) by Giacomo Puccini.
This just up on X.....
🚨 Trump just sent a message to the Deep State
Just after Trumps speech, Opera Singer Sings “Nessun Dorma”
Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the film The Sum of All Fears, in which time ALL the traitors & Deep State Actors were executed.
The Sum of All Fears is mentioned several times in the Q Drops.
Trump is very specific about his songs… he played this for a reason.
Interesting. I did not watch. Was out to dinner with the wife for a brief celebration.
Once you start taking notes, it really is impossible not to see media clues for every major moment in history, as if intentionally arranged. But just as with "conspiracy theory", we are castigated for noticing. Yet, each time...
Happy belated birthday.
I present you the honing strop argument: Before using any razor argument, use a honing strop to make sure you are not being mind-controlled.
(I'll accept better formulations of the same idea.)
The early reporting about the ladder appears to be in error. He bought one, but didn't use it. The one in photos of the scene was used by law enforcement. Hanlon's razor may be a fallacy in some respects, but it seems apt for the quality of the journalism (on X and elsewhere).
From ABC News:
"Though law enforcement sources said Crooks is believed to have purchased a 5-foot ladder at a Home Depot before the shooting, it does not appear to have been used to climb on the roof and was not found at the scene."
Thank you. The ladder story is exactly the sort of chaos that will be pushed at a moment like this, while authorities do as little as possible to share their information to help people understand in an organized way. The result of the system is its purpose.
I saw a photo with two ladders in it. The 5-foot ladder was used to climb onto an AC (or some other type) of unit, from which the roof could be reached. A taller ladder was also shown, from ground to roof, but that may have been used by the police after the event and left there until the photo was taken (at least that was suggested with the photo). HOWEVER, unless the would-be assassin cased the location prior or had some significant help, it is difficult to imagine him buying a 5-foot ladder that day with the thought that it might be useful for his purpose. THAT is highly suspicious.
I’ve seen plenty of ex-security folk describing unexplained mistakes by the protection team. I’ve yet to see Penn & Teller or David Copperfield types explain how this was ‘staged’. Nobody would use live rounds in a ‘staged’ event and we know they were live because one person is dead. To ‘stage’ an illusion you carefully control sight lines which is impossible with hundreds of smartphone cameras filming from all angles.
The media was certainly warned in advance to be there. The BBC sent their Washington correspondent Gary O’Donoghue who got one of the best eyewitness accounts of the shooter on the roof.
Gary has been totally blind since the age of eight.
By chance, I was invited to lunch at the Magic Castle in LA the day after an event where I met a performance magician (friend of a friend). One of the magicians we met there has a schtick where he jokes about the magic community being connected to the intelligence community. And yet, we see such connections throughout history, and particularly in the Remote Viewing program (but also Theosophy, where many who do not use the title "illusionist" certainly studied the art).
Ruthless individuals would have no compunction and the many layers of deceit make it very possible to “snuff” out the collateral to make it more believable.
Thanks, Mathew, for keeping my brain on its toes, although the bullshit has become so ridiculously blatant it is child's pay to see through it. I especially appreciate the historical connections to people and events of which I was unaware. As for the assassination attempt I suspect it will be almost impossibly difficult, like with 9/11, to parse which elements were directed and which were organic (as surely some were). I greatly fear another assassination attempt, as sowing chaos is the actual goal of the oligarchs.
Early on, when I kept hearing stories that all had a common theme - “this is not the way things are usually done” - it seemed to me that at a very simple 1 + 1 = 2 level of reasoning, the most likely explanation for what happened - the theory of what happened that should be at the top of the list of possible explanations to explore - was that it was planned. This is not to say that it was planned, but just to say if you are going to begin an investigation you would start, knowing how important people are generally protected, and what common sense would tell you should have been done but wasn’t, with the idea that what occurred was planned. Different hypotheses require looking for different evidence. But why would you leave off from that list of hypotheses the explanation that most likely explains what happened? Yet the “investigators” do just that. We end up with a long list of “what went wrong” and what “mistakes” were made. This idea is not complex. It is not conspiratorial. It is very simple.
Wow... Zuckerberg comments! lol shit's getting weird. Watch the video clip!!
One thing I find interesting about the Republican National Convention ending with "Nessun Dorma" from Puccini's "Turandot," and its possible (likely?) reference to the ending of the 2002 film "The Sum of All Fears," in which the bad guys all meet their maker in fairly grisly, but unique ways to the sound track of "Nessun Dorma." Intentional? Surely.
It is worth reinforcing just how on the nose the Astrology was for this event: and for that matter, just how on the nose everything about The Orange Moonchild's astrology is in charting out his life. Mars-Uranus-Algol Conjunct his Midheavens (Reputation, Visibility etc.) yes, and there were plenty of left-leaning astrologers who were not too subtly manifesting this event into existence. However the Synastry between Trump and Crookes is absolutely nuts and basically fated, which in my eyes really ups the stakes in terms of this event being very real at its core (full breakdown is here for anyone interested: https://downthewombathole.substack.com/p/the-astrology-of-the-moonchilds-non?r=3su9x).
Moral of the story: Astrologically-wise, you really couldn't have chosen a better patsy, which leaves some super juicy questions about the extent that the Neo-Theos are still using the stars as they plan/hijack/manipulate these events for Illusionist purposes...
Thank you. Yes, this certainly fits my theory that the psychics are put to work on a grand narrative.
I spent a few hours watching some of Brandon Biggs’ videos on YouTube - if he is part of the plan then there is a definite push towards presenting Trump as some sort of messianic second coming (he also names the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia as the Antichrist, flanked by Yuval Noah Harari and the Pope)!
Interesting! The Neo-Theosophy cult that I grew up in, the Association for Research and Englightenment, taught Edgar Cayce's prediction that the Antichrist would emerge from the Middle East.
Saudi Aramco is (by far) the world's most profitable corporation. That's a lot of cash that could be used to organize some sort of "antidote to the chaos."
Also the framing of Saudi’s new megacity, The Line, as the new Babylon - definitely leaning into the Revelations and Apocalyptic narrative!
This guy also predicted terrorist attacks in Nashville, Vegas and New Orleans (specifically Bourbon St) a few months ago!
Pumped for part 2. Great job Mat.
Since i look at you as one of the people helping me to really understand things over the past few years--i was wondering what you think about the moon landings. Real or fake? Thanks and god bless.
I wouldn't answer a question about a government technology project without doing a serious deep dive, which I have not done.
"One hallmark of quality occult/intelligence operations—and this includes much of the "charity" industry—is that they're great at talking the average tabloid reader into paying for the operation."
Repeated and insistent begging for money is an instant giveaway of an intellignce operation. It is far too common to be random. I believe the point is to demonstrate authenticity: "please fund my trip to the Darien Gap. Only I know of this wormhole to the mysterious kingdom of Colombia and it is so difficult for a regular peron like me to get there".