Other Plandemonium Tales can be found here at the Campfire.wiki.
I spent early 2019 studying the energy markets, working with a solar panel engineer and inventor, and putting together a finance team with a business plan for mining Bitcoin in conjunction with a Retail Energy Provider and cryptocurrency trading team. There was a 40-acre plot of land in Odessa, Texas with a substation for sale. It drew attention from numerous groups. Whether or not we could put together the business in time to bid on it, we wanted to share the right sort of plan with potential investors. We also wanted to reach those investors, so we hooked up with an Ivy League law professor turned financier in Atlanta who had previously closed major deals with a cohort of Hollywood celebrities. In May, three of us flew to Atlanta, and met with the financier at a "castle" (I'm not going to explain that part completely).
That's from one of the members of my team during a chat exchange a few months back. The prince in question is the heir to the Afghani throne. His extended family was largely murdered during a coup in the 70's. So, he grew up along the Alabama-Georgia border. He wasn't part of the finance team, but it's always good to have another educated mind in on planning discussions. We were talking global finance, after all.
The financier was an economics guy, so I spent a lot of the day updating his understanding of the way Bitcoin changes the global economic landscape. Skipping past the details of those several hours of conversation, there was a pause. The financier pulled out a binder of substantial size. It contained documents from billionaire Hollywood director James Cameron. A short time before our meeting, Cameron had sent an email out to his friend circle essentially telling them that the world as we know it was about to end. He suggested that they all pool together $250 million for a crypto fund, and move to New Zealand.
That may sound crazy, but the point the financier was making was that major movers were coming to the understanding of my secondary thesis—that the dollar was in immediate peril. Also, understand that Cameron did move to New Zealand. In fact, Cameron was far from the first American billionaire to purchase substantial real estate in the sparsely-populated New Zealand. In fact, Kiwi Prime Minister Jacinda Adern pledged to ban such capital inflows as part of her election campaign [virtue signaling].
They include PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel who has even built a panic room into his £3.8million home in Queenstown, on New Zealand’s South Island.
His friend and fellow entrepreneur Sam Altman revealed he has plans to catch a flight out there if a pandemic ever breaks out in the US.
Graham Wall, an Auckland-based real estate broker whose clients include Mr Thiel said the wealthy foreigners he deals with are nervous about the new law.
Wall said: "People are surprised and bemused, having been so welcome here, and they cannot understand the new hostility."
Cameron's plans initially took the form you might expect of a Woke Green ideologue. He set up organic farming on six square miles in South Wairarapa. Supposedly, the plan was to run the farms without those nasty cows whose belches are a threat to all the other living things around the Earth. But apparently, the farm faltered quickly without the manure, so cows can now be found on his properties:
She said that with the vegetable shop Cameron Family Farms had supplied in Greytown having since closed and cattle grazing in their paddocks, a lot of people were wondering what was happening.
"It's not being nosey, it's just kind of the Kiwi way in farming communities - people like to sort of learn from each other and look over the fence and see what somebody else is doing.
"At the moment we're just not sure what's going on, and that's our concern really. Is it all going to crank up again eventually? Or has it stopped indefinitely? What is happening?"
Jim Hedley has been farming in the area for nearly 50 years and said there were hundreds of cows on the Cameron farms.
"He's got dairy support as far as I understand. They graze the cattle there, and to my understanding there is quite a large number."
Hedley said Cameron was pushing a vegan way of doing things, while making money out of beef or dairy cattle.
You can listen to Cameron defend his decision to graze hundreds of cattle here, which he blamed on labor shortages due to the pandemic while dancing around the fact that the cattle provide fertilizer that replaces the need for more environmentally harmful fertilizer, which is part of regenerative farming. Cameron claims that the cows will have to go once they've done their job improving the soil (which will apparently never again need manure to regenerate its healthy content).
Perhaps Sri Lanka and The Netherlands should have taken note of Cameron's experiment.
Back to the financier…By the end of the meeting, we seemed to have roped him into the team. His next plan was to talk with some friends who were higher up executives at major investment banks to understand Wall Street's positions and secret positions on Bitcoin and mining, and then we would have a second meeting by phone. We would then move forward with our plan of raising from his circle.
That second meeting, which took place by phone, did not go well. Whatever our financier friend heard from Wall Street really traumatized him. I offered to talk him through any questions that arose, and he shot out a list of easily-debunked "fear and doubt" (FUD) that made no sense with respect to the calm, energetic, and well reasoned conversations we had in Atlanta. But he was frantic and mentally displaced, and rushed through the call before saying that he had to go take care of his kids. Looking back, I think he caught wind of the Plandemonium for the first time in the form of Wall Street's preparation to cut the cord.
I share this story, but understand that I've heard several similar WTF-level stories out of business communities and out of Wall Street from 2019 in particular that have their own explicit or implicit connections to the Plandemonium. I share all this to open the question: What did Hollywood know about the Plandemonium, and when did it know it?
Reviewing the Evidence
It was in 2003, immediately after the first SARS-CoV outbreak that the Chinese Academy of Sciences approved the construction of mainland China's first BSL4 lab (Cyranoski, 2017). Construction of the lab itself broke ground in 2014, the same year that Shi Zhengli received a large grant to study bat CoVs and the same year that Russia invaded Crimea.Â
The proposition that Putin acts in concert with globalist leaders contradicts the two currently popular partisan narratives. But it makes sense and is consistent with Putin's inconsistent behavior. Putin's entire personality depends on being hard to pin down, and we can see that in his vaccination rhetoric. Is Putin's role on the world stage to be a sort of phase shifting personality, publicly tied to the World Economic Forum until just recently, able to be molded into whatever narrative needed crafting for whatever purposes? Think it through.
From 2015 onward, we had the Donald Trump Reality TV epic to distract our attention from the process of simply observing disturbing trends like the hiding of gain-of-function research, Xi's strangely leaked "unrestricted warfare" doctrine that was only answered in the West by Trump's trade war (which in retrospect is fully consistent with a slow decoupling of the global financial network as part of a planned demolition of the dollar).
It is easiest to imagine that the world's banking network and associate corporate finance entities would have known, or even orchestrated the Plandemonium, and that itself is evidence that the propagandists and their tools in Hollywood and the media would become aware of the plan at some point. And if the pandemic and economic chaos we're experiencing is planned or controlled, we should expect that these events were years in the works.
While we may be slightly into conspiracy theory territory, we are grounded in a great deal of facts, and it's the ever-shifting narratives that don't make much sense. So, we now examine the artists tasked with narrative scripting.
In 2020, we witnessed (as I documented) an active conspiracy of silence over hydroxychloroquine. The media machinery, almost entirely lacking honest forms of income, employed rehearsals, an information firehose, parasocial Dunbar hacking, Asch conformity experiments, which were in fact funded through Western governments. Big Tech piled on with various forms of information manipulation and outright censorship.
Recent Hollywood Productions
I'm certain that I won't be the first person to point these shows out. I know I've seen conversations about the first, but I think that the second is more important in some ways.
Utopia (2020)
It doesn't get more direct than this. Utopia is a mini-series about a powerful, qualmless billionaire scientist (John Cusack) who creates viruses and raises brainwashed children (not quite the hashhashim of the Old Man in the Mountain, but not far from that, either) to help him with his plan to depopulate the Earth with a pandemic.
I don't watch much TV, and I nearly skipped what looked like yet another vacuous, culture-cool series designed to babysit high school students between their compulsory lobotomy sessions. But several friends whom I trust talked it up, and told me that I needed to see it. So, one day when I needed a break from days of continuous research and writing, I started watching. It was worth it to see just how parallel the story was to the plandemonium we experienced.
It's worth soaking up at least the headline-level commentary from a few sources:
BBC: Utopia and the power of the conspiracy thriller
Salon: "Utopia" shows the disheartening problems of pandemic TV
TIME: Amazon’s Pandemic Conspiracy Thriller Utopia Is the Wrong Show at the Wrong Time
RadioTimes.com: How Amazon’s Utopia predicted a pandemic: ‘I’d kind of marvel sometimes, in a horrible way, at how similar the scenes were’
NBC Los Angeles: The Eerie Way Amazon Prime's ‘Utopia' Mirrors Real Current Events
CNET: Utopia review: John Cusack thriller makes strangely perfect pandemic TV ("The Amazon show, written by Gone Girl's Gillian Flynn, brings a touch of black comedy to a conspiracy about a deadly virus.")
The Heights (Boston College): ‘Utopia’ Is A Pandemic Story That Looks A Lot Like Reality
And Slate:Â
You can tell me that was an oopsie, but please bring a convincing argument with you. Show me that you've paid attention to the many aspects of the pandemic first.Â
I suppose I can't prove that the timely making of (the second) Utopia wasn't an oopsie, but given how many signs we have that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered, and people in finance were being prepared for it, and how much government-funded propagandists have worked with the entertainment industry during the pandemic, the idea that some subset of Hollywood elite was aware began to seem more parsimonious than not. But you can watch the series, and compare the many eerily accurate-to-reality plotlines, and let me know what you think.
What's the point?
Some people point to predictive programming. Maybe, but I don't think that has to be the answer. The larger part of the story revolves around people trying to figure out the truth of what's going on—all of whom are portrayed as comic book nerds, which is perhaps the easiest way to denigrate serious people doing serious work at this time. And how many people entertained on the couch are going to walk to their computers and find out in half an hour who Wolfgang Wodarg, Stephanie Seneff, or Kary Mullis are?
The 2020 Utopia series is based on an early British version of the story (2013), which wasn't all that far behind the otherwise seemingly pointless "Creepy Medical Dance" that opened the 2012 Olympics in London. And while I haven't taken the time to watch the original series, it's available on Odysee.
Watchmen (2019)
For those unfamiliar, Watchmen is one of those genre-bending stories that becomes worth citing in philosophical literature. The graphic novel (the exalted description of a long form comic book), written by Alan Moore (also V for Vendetta), tells the complex tale of a world with superheroes with varying levels of godlike intellect or power. It winds up on many "Top 100 Books of the Twentieth Century" lists. It's on my personal "Top 100 Books of All Time" list.
I'll skip the larger part of the summary to focus on the superhero with the highest IQ: Adrian Veidt, whose utopian world vision drives the plot. Veidt worships the image of history's "great men" and takes on the name Ozymandias while building a global corporate empire. Perhaps Veidt never read his Percy Bysshe Shelley.
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
In order to end global tensions, [the superhero] Ozymandias harnesses the immense powers of one of the other superheroes, Dr. Manhattan, to create an unthinkable disaster (absurdly in the form of a cloned giant interdimensional squid), centered on New York City, that kills millions. I've shared my thoughts on the topic before.
Does anyone else given a thought or two to whether SARS-CoV-2 is somebody's rendition of Ozymandias's cloned squid bomb, intended to prevent WW3 in some bizarre, twisted way?
Ozymandias also puts Dr. Manhattan in a catch-22 which leads him to murder Rorschach, ink-blot-masked superhero who unraveled and nearly prevented Ozymandias's plans.
I could talk more about the gritty Rorschach, the most justice-obsessed of the superheroes, but perhaps everyone sees the ultimate goal of justice through their own ink-blotted lens. Of course, almost every aspect of Watchmen challenges the reader in its own way. That's why it's one of the great works of literature. Perhaps the only reason it's not the Great American novel is that Moore is British.
Though such stories are difficult to tell in 162 minutes, the 2009 Watchmen movie turned out better than I would have expected. I wasn't sure the story would ever be told on a big screen at least partially because it's one of the most damning critiques of the world's most powerful and ambitious people told in modern times. It plainly tells us that the top of the Kunlangeta hierarchy is insane—full stop.
When I heard that a new Watchmen series was under production, I had the sneaking suspicion that it wasn't being done with the blessing of Moore who is understandably grumpy that the deal he signed with DC Comics doesn't give him back the rights to the characters he created until the book goes out of print, which it never has. Nobody at DC Comics ever created a plan to end what became an acrimonious relationship. I've often wondered why this was the case.
On May 8, 2019, the official trailer for the HBO Watchmen series was posted to YouTube:
See the masks?
I stopped watching this series after the first two episodes because I'm just too busy for what appeared to be incoherent nonsense. The writers were not particularly interested in making it easy on an audience that doesn't spend its free time reading minutiae about their favorite fiction on internet forums to understand what was going on. Then sometime last year I gave it another try and reached the point in the series where more of the story began to connect, and did in fact finish it. I'll give it a mixed review, but there are important points.
In the series, lots of people wear masks. The superheroes, the police, and the Seventh Kavalry. This could be excusable with respect to the story, but it does sort of stand out during the plandemonium.
The Seventh Kavalry are the first key to opening a discussion of the series. They are a fictional division of the KKK. In the Watchmen universe, the intellectual elite politicians and propagandists of the KKK make up the mastermind core called the Cyclops. The original project of the Cyclops was to make films using mind control techniques. In particular, these movie productions were aimed at black Americans for the purpose of turning them against and destroying one another.

At the end of Watchmen (the original book), Rorschach mails his diary to the address of a news publication he reads. Though Rorschach was not overtly political, and shows no signs of racism, the character is anti-urban-decadence in an extreme sort of way that fits some right-wing critiques. His diary is received by a nationalist racist at his favorite news publication, and it becomes a sort of superhero's bible within the Seventh Kavalry. Though the Seventh Kavalry were the sorts of people Rorschach would happily have killed, they came to idolize him and twist his legacy into their own narcissistic ideology of ink-blot-masked eugenicists.
The American Seventh Kavalry and Cyclops (henceforth "SKnC"), come to realize that controlling the power of Dr. Manhattan trumps all of their previous plans, and would affirm their feelings of superiority. So, SKnC, which spans the worst versions of both political wings, hatches a plan to capture Dr. Manhattan and siphon away his power for themselves, even if it means giving up on their "President Joe'' ambitions (Biden was not yet president, and the series character Joe was the SKnC's lead politician).
I might now cue readers to stop and think about how the death that rained on New York City on 9/11 represented almost the exact moment when New York finance shifted from being a majority Republican game to being a majority Democratic game. At the upper echelons, there are almost no top executives of large finance firms in the U.S. who donate campaign cash to Republicans more than Democrats outside of members of congressional finance committees. By the time the mortgage bond crisis had come around, Wall Street was lining up to hand the Clintons tens of millions or more in tribute.
While I haven't mentioned it yet, the Watchmen series revolves around a black cop in Tulsa, Oklahoma, named Angela. The location was chosen specifically for association with one of the worst racial traumas in American history, which was the 1921 massacre at "Black Wall Street". Note that the series writer was not aware of the event at all until he read about it in a 2014 article in The Atlantic.
Unbeknownst to her, Angela's police chief boss is actually part of the SKnC apparatus. He spends years virtue signaling himself into her graces. This allows for SKnC to get close to Dr. Manhattan once they realized Angela was hiding him (within a body created to be her human husband…it's weird…just roll with it).
Put another way: once the eugenicists realized that they could use people of other races to gain total(itarian) political control, they arranged a long con, pretending to care.
Meanwhile, Ozymandias continues to play a major role. While Dr. Manhattan protected Ozymandias's secret from the world, he did enact his own justice. He sent Ozymandias to one of Jupiter's moons where he could enjoy his Utopia—a world without conflict, populated by clones (his "pathetic creatures") who he abuses and murders over the course of using their frozen piles up bodies to signal to Earth that he needed rescuing. The half-Vietnamese daughter he doesn't know he has, Lady Triệu (named after the third century female warrior who drove back Chinese rule), just as brilliant as he is, builds a trillion dollar industry out of Ozymandias's former company selling dangerous pharmaceuticals (ahem), using the profits to fund advanced technology that she believes will allow for her to see into and plan the future. Lady Triệu also clones her mother, so you get the idea that she's just as bat-CoV insane as her dad.
After many years, Lady Triệu rescues her father, but keeps him in her garden like Han Solo in carbonite (except adorned in gold, befitting a historically great…achiever of stuff) until near the end of the story.
Leaping to the final spoiler: In the end, SKnC captures Dr. Manhattan, but just as they're about to destroy him to take his power to become crazy totalitarian rulers of Earth, Lady Triệu foils their plot so that she can become the crazy-but-intellectual totalitarian ruler of Earth. But then Ozymandias and some other folks spoil Lady Triệu's moment that was decades in the making…with more squids…okay, you just have to sea that part to understand, I guess.
In the end, Dr. Manhattan is dead, so nobody gets to suck his superpowers away. He was super, and everyone was willing to kill him to gain power, then died trying. All of them. Ambitious, insane, and dead. Or in jail. Ozymandias finally faced justice for his insane and absurd scheme to use the tragic deaths of millions to engineer his Utopia.Â
The end.
Oh, look: Somebody took the time to organize a Pandemic Sanitation PSA with some of the actors from the series.
Get it? Washmen.
Understand that I'm not telling you that these two series, Utopia and Watchmen, or the others that I could tack on the list, are anything like smoking gun evidence of Hollywood's foreknowledge of or participation in Plandemonium. But it might just be the case that the creators of these comic-oriented shows want for you to think that your opinion on the matter is simply whatever you see when you look into the mask.
Article edited on August 14, 2022 to remove a poorly-sourced discussion of foreign buying of Ukrainian farmland.
As someone from a cow farm in New Zealand, the Ardern policy was just virtue signalling. Offshore purchase of our land has increased under Ardern. The office supposed to monitor this does not keep records of how much land is owned by foreign entities. Farmland grabs + displacement for Carbon Credits Pine Tree Plantations are a problem for us all in the global south, driven by World Bank and IMF policies.
Cameron and his militant vegan wife used their influence to bash New Zealand pastural cow farms and cow farmers, this in turn influenced regulators to put more and more restrictions on farming and birthed a hostile vegan activist movement in the cities (pastural farming has the most potential for carbon storage). The Camerons own more than one property and I am sure they weren't just trying to drive down the cost of land. Cameron's can't get workers because people will work hard on their own land, but they will not be serfs - which is essentially the model the Camerons want for local kiwi's.
There is a way to farm vegetables with minimal animal imputs - Will Bonsall from Scatterseed Project details this - I am just saying, taking land that had been a cow farm for nearly 100 years and depleting the nutrients within it in under a decade, Camerons were not farming in any sort of healthy way, not that NZ press will detail this.
Auckland NZ has a stabbing a day, one month there were 42 shootings in the city since C19. Dramatic economic reforms in the 1980's emboldened a violence in New Zealand society that has only increased. Cameron + other rich people may believe NZ to be a haven, but what we have is only a veneer of civility.
Mathew, this is one of my favorite articles of yours, and that's a tough competition! Thank you for thinking out loud without fear.