Take this as a brief introduction.
There is buzz about something called the Themis Report (pdf here) over the past few days. I honestly do not recall if I read any of the Themis Report when it first came out just over a year ago. I'd only recently returned from the San Juan Summit and was busy with so many projects that my "unread reading" list quickly piled up to hundreds of pages of links, most of which I've never caught up with.
If you haven't had your head firmly in the sand these past few years, you realize that there is some great level of struggle going on in the world. Extremely powerful interests (*ahem* "stakeholders" whose hired corporate agents claim to be able to "account the needs of…society at large", and probably also the Deep State, banking industry, military complex, energy barons,…) are…exercising power. Personally, I've felt for several years already that we are in World War E, but I'm always open to hearing reasoned interpretations.
My point is that the game is afoot and the stakes are large enough that trillions of dollars are thrown at investment banks, and billions more at propaganda artists. As I've stated in numerous ways, many times, the entire world economy is at stake. Public health officials and hospitals have taken their cuts, and many others have been variably bribed to remain outwardly copacetic. The stakes are high enough that anyone who would not expect infiltration of resistance movements is…exactly the kind of public school graduate the ruling elites love. The FBI has a long history of such infiltration into activist organizations of all stripes, but since the establishment of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the entirety of the civilian and military intelligence apparatus is housed under one roof, so essentially all the tools are at everyone's disposal. The edge between (1) banking collapse followed by restoration of level playing fields, and (2) Deep State mafia-style totalitarianism is not thin—it's blurry. Worse yet, we're clearly into Fifth Generation Warfare territory in which we can and should expect nonstate actors to be vying for their interests in the grand game of N-dimensional chaos chess.
Understand that while I've spoken with the primary author of the Themis Report, I have only so much ability to check the details. At least some of the details are corroborated with others I've spoken with, and I've further investigated individuals in and around those covered in the report. From the Themis Report:
For the moment, I'm going to leave it to readers to decide whether they want to read the whole report as linked above, but I personally think it's worthwhile if you're really trying to understand this moment in which we're living.
Creating Shade for the Crowd
It's not a new strategy. Savvy predators have been doing it for ages.
Are umbrella organizations being used to attract the fish?
I feel certain that in some cases, the answer is yes.
What is their goal?
That's far more complex. In Fifth Generation Warfare, we're no longer talking about state actors—we're talking about complex arrays of interests. One thing that I've discovered as I've pored over hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents and articles is that Scientologists keep surfacing. Why? I don't know. They could be working with intelligence in some way, but it's worth noting that Scientology has always had some overlapping interests with the Medical Freedom Movement insofar as they push back against modern psychiatry and some other aspects of the corporatist medical system.
Debating Themis - Pushback
Over at America Out Loud, Dr. Henry Ealy takes issue with the Themis Report.
Dr. Ealy lays out seven "red flags" pushing back against the Themis Report:
The Themis Report Has No Listed Authors
There Are No Funding or Conflict of Interest Statements
There Are No People Listed To Be In Charge Of The CCSF
The CCSF Is Not Listed With The IRS or GuideStar
Poor Communication
Baseless Character Attacks On Dr. Angie Farella & America’s Front Line Doctors
The CCSF Refuses To Be Transparent
Here are some of my opinions, and my reasons behind these will become more clear over time. I may update this if I’ve made any mistakes.
On 1: This is a dangerous game. There are suspicious deaths that are not talked about enough. It is not clear if we're operating in an environment with solid rule of law anymore. There are also financial attacks. People are being debanked as a form of stochastic terrorism. People never know when they've said something that will make them the target. Two organizations (CCSF and CHD) are taking responsibility for the publication of reports, so far as I understand. I will correct this if I'm wrong. Since CHD is well known with many people publicly involved, I will consider them a sort of surrogate source.
On 2: From what I can tell, this was volunteer work primarily by somebody who took a personal and community interest.
On 3 & 4 & 7: So long as CHD backs the Themis Report, that gives a sparring target. One of the people I talked with about the Themis Report was a CHD lawyer. I'm not certain who is in charge of CCSF. None of these complaints suggest that the information isn't true. And in my own investigations, I've found a great deal of information that seems consistent with it to this point.
On 5: There is a lot going on, and I would mirror this back. Dr. Ealy didn't answer my own questions about Carolina Galvan named in the Themis Report.
On 6: The report is not really indicting Dr. Angie Farella. It documents Coralina's involvement with Dr. Farella in a way that looks innocuous, on face. This is what a comprehensive report should do: document everything. There may or may not be reasons for information to matter later. There is tension between Dr. Farella and some of the other doctors over opinions about Carolina, and stronger opinions expressed over how some people are making money. I personally think that last part is just what happens when a handful of the people involved get catty ("Your vitamins are overpriced!", "You're a grifter!"). Personally, I'm not particularly worried about X% markups of some products so long as there is transparency of the basic business. And this is not the core point of what all we're trying to discuss—which is potential sabotage of the Medical Freedom Movement. So, I think Dr. Ealy is not wrong here, but this is not a reason not to examine this information. If anything, what we need to do is dig deeper.
I like Dr. Ealy a lot. My two interactions with him above the level of chat groups were both positive, and those I know who work with him have good things to share. However, good people can be taken in by cons. In a chat group where I asked about some specific details regarding Patricia Rodriguez (who goes by Carolina Galván and Carolina Bonita publicly and on social media; covered in the Themis Report) that struck me as extremely serious, he did not respond then or in his article. I plan to cover those additional topics in a later article, but I have no understanding of why he would take such a firm stance.
In his article, Dr. Ealy says things like, "We win when we admit our mistakes and fix them," and "We won't win this war fighting amongst ourselves," but it seems nonsensical not to investigate the potential for bad actors in our pool.
Speaking Candidly
I have multiple documents with dozens of pages of notes on what I'm calling Chaos Agents, and I do plan to release some articles about important people and topics [when time permits, sigh]. These seem to involve intentional sabotage of communities and events, misinformation/disinformation/malinformation planting, what appears likely to be embezzlement, control over organizations, what might have been a very violent false flag event in the making, and perhaps even murder.
Where is law enforcement? Or is the chaos designed to create noise over which the silence of law enforcement is nowhere to be heard?
I have a sneaking suspicion that some of the organizations built since the start of the pandemic will turn out to have been built by insider players, and will be folded up at some point, along with a lot of missing cash.
Be discerning about where you send money—particularly substantial quantities of it! If you are at all able, make an effort to use that money in your own local sphere. If you're not in control of it, find somebody to trust it with wherever possible who is going to have to look you in the eye in the future. It's easier to hire somebody to defend you, but if you can't hold them accountable, you're inviting in the professional con artists. And it's not as if the out-of-control establishment institutions have a lot of incentive to track them down. I'm not saying that I know exactly who those con artists are, but I'm pretty certain at this point that there are enough of them peppered throughout the Medical Freedom Movement that transparency and accountability should not be taken for granted.
These articles take enormous amounts of time to put together, so for some purposes I plan to have candid conversations at the Rounding the Earth Locals community. There are connections to billionaires, some of the doctors in the Medical Freedom Movement, and other complex topics to sort out. Not all the players are necessarily bad people with malicious motives, but worth exploring.
> but it's worth noting that Scientology has always had some overlapping interests with the Medical Freedom Movement insofar as they push back against modern psychiatry
It's not necessary to stamp out a movement, it's too obvious. What bad actors want is to corrupt a movement, like feminism, or liberalism. Liberalism used to be about equality and equal OPPORTUNITY, not equal outcome which relieves the individual of any personal responsibility. But that's the point, isn't it? Remove personal responsibility and society gradually becomes more and more corrupt, weak, and eventually will implode on itself, which is what we see in certain US cities.
ANTIFA used to be actually against fascism, and now they're the fascists. A founder of an Antifa chapter in Europe did an interview and lamented how crooked the movement had become, especially in the US. In the 1970s feminists actually used to be nice but around 1981 they became very militant and toxic, even violent. The same things happened in the 1980s with the pro-animal/animal rights movement. They just got more destructive and violent. The same goes for the "green" movement.
Thank you MC. This is a great discussion. No question that psyop is active and very likely a part of the plandemic planning. As you mention, infiltration has been a name of the game forever in war and this is without question a planned war. Sun Tzu talks about the need to infiltrate the other to get information, at the very least. I don't remember if he talks about infiltration to destroy the enemy from within, though. Maybe time to re-read. Time for that? [Headshake.] And yet infiltration has been used for much of the 20th century to destroy all 'true' democracy movements. Not a secret, anymore.