I think you're onto something with #7.

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"But if there is a motive to bring down "the ruler(s)", whether those who engineered this pandemic are globalist corporatists (as I suspect) or China (which I worry may be a tool of those globalists, and who are as bad at recognizing the enemy as we were)"

It's a joint venture in my opinion - China becomes the head of the NWO and the new global hegemon (no doubt getting some Lebensraum in the process); the Globalists get their long-held desire to destroy the democracies of the West, carry out some of their insane neo-Malthusian "eugenics" and generally get the technocratic neo-serfdom they like writing about so much.

It's fascinating to see all this play out - this has been my big concern since March 2021 - "vaccinating" the West's militaries with experimental concoctions made with the same components as the GoF virus is a national security disaster for all involved. It's good to see that other people were thinking along the same lines as I was.

Omicron did not surprise me at all - it was what I was waiting for. Fortunately, it seems that Omicron is not anywhere near as bad as I was expecting. My theories on Omicron are:

- Lab creation released to end the pseudo-pandemic by "white hats" - this seems to be working if that was the intention, and/or:

- A "test" to see how well infection of the vaxxed works, prior to release of the "killshot" bioweapon (obviously I hope this is never going to happen, but the lies, coercion and even mandating of people to receive a drug that doesn't stop transmission or infection is crazy beyond belief, and the notion that every government on Earth suddenly lost all capacity for reason doesn't make any sense)

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Worrying times... but I suppose all times are worrying if you're looking in dark places instead of living happily and ignorantly. Thank you for your writing and your perspectives, Mr Crawford.

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I'm definitely leaning towards Hypothesis #7, but there's one glaring problem with it - why is Africa being left out of all the fun?

1) Barely any vaccination going on (aside from European-adjacent South Africa)

2) Hardly any attempts to manufacture vaccines locally (thanks to Bill Gates blocking the patents)

3) Hardly any "green/vaccination" passes implemented

4) Barely any use of Fauci approved meds like remdesivir

5) Western allied gov'ts keep toppling - or, as in the case of Ethiopia, not toppling when the West wants them to

By my count, Madagascar is completely off the WHO/Great Reset reservation, Zimbabwe's done about four volte face in the past year, Mali, CAR and Burkina Faso are now virulently pro-Russian, and even Angola has calmed the F down (after a really crazy year in 2020). Even Tanzania which was supposed to be the WEF's darling (after Magifuli died) isn't following orders.

As far as I can tell, the only African countries still supporting continuing panic and mass vacc/pill solutions are a) US-aligned Arab countries like Morocco and Tunisia, b) Rwanda (which has been on crazy mode for about 5 years now ever since the prez decided hoodwinking English elites was easier than being under France's umbrella), and c) Kenya, which gets more bonkers and schizophrenic every day. For instance, the President of Kenya declared just this week that anyone caught stripping copper from public utilities will be tried for TREASON (sheesh!) and hung.

Even compliant old Namibia is not really pushing the agenda the way you might think they would - or should (ex. why aren't they copying Germany's 2G/3G system?)

Long story short, if all these "vaccinated" people start dying in Europe and America, there's gonna be hundreds of millions of hale and hearty Africans moving in. And I can hardly believe that that is Schwab's goal.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

I’m definitely on board with 7. Not sure I agree that omicron will be more lethal, if that is what you are getting at. I think the main aim is to cause supply chain havoc, and thus further ruin economies and cause starvation and other forms of deprivation. That way when the public-private partnerships rescue you by buying everything off you, you will own nothing but you will be happy (because you are warm and have food). Something like that.

Your discovery that a vaxxed person is more likely to get Omicron than Delta (whilst an unvaxxed is the opposite) is interesting, and I suspect this may be to give the boosters justification.

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All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies these past two years were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product. Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.

The only “bio-weapon” to be worried about are the poisonous injections that have already been plunged into the bloodstream of millions of people, maiming and murdering countless thousands, including perfectly healthy people who face no risk from The Virus™ and now kids are in the cross hairs of these psychotic billionaires.

A quick snapshot of where we are:

What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.

There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.

The collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable. In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.

There was a dramatic decrease in industrial production which showed up in the banking crisis of August of 2019- the so-called Repo crisis when suddenly banks started to refuse US sovereign debt instruments as collateral of overnight loans forcing the Federal Reserve to step in and basically print money to cover this massive shortage.

The Repo market is where banks borrow money each day so that they have 10% liquid assets at the end of each day. If they do not have 10% liquid assets they are not allowed to open the next day. Around the middle of September the Fed started pumping $20 billion per day into the Repo market to keep interest rates down so banks could borrow the money to stay in business. By the end of December the Fed was pumping over $100 billion per day into the Repo market and it was not enough.

Simply everyone on Wall Street was loaded with enormous debt and was holding on to US cash to be able to service it refusing to finance purchases of foreign currencies and then US currency as Repo Market froze at 10% interest on overnight Repo loans as US treasury bonds and even US bills were rejected as collateral for Repos.

What happened in March 2020 was just the spread of the liquidity crisis from primary dealers markets (TBTF banks and Hedge funds were actually bailed out in September) toward all other stock, commodities, bonds CLOs, MBS etc, as well to Ponzi schemes called today ETF funds, not to mention structured derivative products traded on proprietary platforms nominally representing up to several thousands of $$$ trillions.

When US treasury bonds and even USTB became illiquid due to exponential growth of public (but most of all private) dollar debt while the FED was sucking up cash from financial markets by tempering QE (called QT ) between 2017 and 2019 reduced FED balance sheet from over $5 T to $3.9T by selling assets, all hell broke loose. Something drastic had to be done.

And hence the FED started to “buy all worthless shit for double the price”, Gates’s and Silicon Valley gang took over the media, and Orwellian shrinks and doctor Fauci-Mengeles came to the “rescue” unleashing operation COVID.

COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as the world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets.

The entire House of Cards was falling for six months and could not be stopped so COVID hysteria was manufactured to cover up what amounts today to $11 trillion of FED bailout in cash, stock boost via POMO and guarantees of value of collateral used in structured derivatives. The end game is that the central banks (Fed) will buy all the toxic, worthless debt from the hedge funds and banks, including the 1.5 quad trillion of derivatives, and then transfer the debt to the treasury as sovereign debt. Then print money to infinity to service the fictitious debt to sink the dollar via hyperinflation and then foreclose on the US and everyone else holding debt in worthless dollars.

That’s the coup. There will be global hyperinflation to vaporize the assets of the masses and the states- as soon as the ruling class mops up the last properties. What this means is the ruling class have limitless claims on everything in the world. Simply put, the seasonal coronavirus was rebranded as Covid 19 on the back of a redefinition of what a ‘pandemic’ was by the WHO at the bequest of its financiers. This unlocked access to financial incentive programs that were large enough to bail out every failing economy.

Covid 19 is the final heist to strip all value out of the world in an effort by the creditors to consolidate what they believe they’re owed.

This is not going to stop until people make it stop. These governments know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of the rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.

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The thing that doesn’t add up for me is that this is a terrible bio weapon. It gives people a cold or in the worst case week of the flu. At that level, it’s like the plot of an Austin Powers movie. How is that going to end civilization? Now maybe the vaccine alone could be seen as a bio weapon, but again, it seems like a terrible one. We’re trying really hard to prove that it destroys fertility or destroys the immune system, but so far it doesn’t seem to be doing that on a large enough scale to actually have bio weapon effects. If anything, it’s just another vaccine induced insult to our immune systems, confirming that for most increasingly less healthy people our vaccine mania is more like death by 1000 paper cuts. Not a very effective plan for ending the world. The reason all of this is ending civilization is because we’re all freaking out and stopping things. If we didn’t do that, this would be nothing.

The version of this hypothesis that makes the most sense to me is that this is a test. Whoever is doing this is testing to see how effectively they can correlate the on button and the off button. But it’s not working very well right now. They’re gathering data. Both on how viruses vaccines and our immune system work. But also on how we function in the face of this panic. How much will we give up? How much will we accept? Now that they know that there is no limit, they will do a much better job of explaining it in the future.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

Hypothesis H8 'save ass': Vaccine side effects are becoming more and more visible. To hide those release Omicron - If everyone is set to get it now they could claim the side effects on omicron and not on the vaccines.

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The kunlangeta have created the mythology called virus theory.

Hypothesis 8, there was no covid pandemic as 2020 total death rates are in line with previous years.

However 2021 looks to be higher, but it's never going to be from the vaccines. Let's make up a cause, a new variant scariant, Delta! And when the deaths drop due to less being vaccinated, we can call it omicron.

Maybe in a year or two when the vaxxed that survive start getting sick, we can call it marburg or smallpox.

I mean, that's how they came up with polio, which were due to toxic pesticides...

Smallpox was stopped by having clean water and proper sewer systems but who wants to spend money to clean up the environment when big petrochemical industries need to hit their profit margins?!

Nahhh it must be a virus. This alien thing that's not alive but somehow evolves. Hmm, I thought dead matter is just is, you don't see minerals evolving.

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

Nahhh the greatest trick the devil pulled was that the devil is someone else, whether real or imaginary.


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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Yeah, think big. Then look at all the craziness in the world an ever bigger amount of energy can make possible - and then think bigger. But who is the biggest thinker? Or the one with the most simple idea?

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We know the mRNA shots attack the natural immune system in various ways. (They do seem to confer a few months of very specific immunity to CV, but after that you are cactus.)

I don't know that you need to hypothesise any further than that, about Omi being specifically designed, etc etc.

The evidence still suggests that it is mostly a very mild illness (except, as always, for the elderly & immune-compromised), whether in the jabbed or the unjabbed. You would expect that the military would not include people from the vulnerable group, so they might get sick, but not seriously, just enough to be functioning below par. However, they would be sitting ducks for other infections that might be going around.

Hmmm... perhaps we have yet to see what will pop up next in their bag of tricks...

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have you considered the possibility that during the last two years we have created a global, accurate model on how a corona virus mutates in minute detail in extremely varying terrain? we have generated timestamped genetic matériel from hosts and specimens of viruses by geography with extreme resolution. using this matériel, we then augmented our original blueprints and constructed weak experimental viruses that evade the immunities procured by the host population, and then used same sequencing apparati to verify that the theory indeed holds.

we can effectively, and repeatedly generate unfathomably virulent strains that are able to infect everyone. now, combine this knowledge with the ability to create extremely pathological viruses, and you can hold the world hostage -- or, if you so will, cleanse it.

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Alberto Silva21 hr ago

Hypothesis 7b:

(comment somewhat derived from thought experiment comment on Part 2)

Omicron was a Live Attenuated COV-based vaccine designed to spread a cargo load, generated with carefully eliminated Antibody immunogenicity on its spike for better spread.

It was spread or leaked.

CD8 T cells mostly controled the beast easily, except in elderly & some vapers. But evolution started its grand work, and started removing the Antibody immunogenicity evasion mutations, generating an Antibody immunogenicity which *FAVORED* the virus + random noise.

Some removed mutations gave "Wuhan", some Alpha, some Beta, etc. But most identified immune evading mutations were already present in Omicron.

The Vaccine killed CD8 Tcells reaction. The vaccine spike is exhaled in exosomes => contagious. => Loss control of COV2, only ADE: COVID-19.

So: Point 2 may simply be re-leak/re-release of original omicron or close-by cousin.

3 & 4 are unchanged. The vaccine provoked the pandemic, Profit while imposing authoritarian rule & depopulate the planet in controled areas.

Binary bioweapon system: Omicron was the priming agent, the vaccine the effector. and vice versa.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

Rather than a specific plan could it not be a confluence of events. We know several countries have government laboratories that study dangerous pathogens. As an example, small pox has been eliminated worldwide in human populations but quantities of it are kept in several government labs. The anthrax that caused fear and the death of several people was from a government lab, possibly Fort Detrick, and was intentionally smuggled out by an individual with the intent to create havoc. In the past I read articles that suggested small pox could be unleashed as a biological weapon. It is also clear now the US government under Anthony Fauci was actively supporting gain of function research in China with taxpayer dollars.

It is my belief that a coterie of similarly minded individuals at the top of the political and business (media, Big Tech, huge international companies, government leaders) hierarchy immediately latched onto the COVID pandemic as a crisis they did not want to go to waste.

At first lockdowns seemed plausible as a way to stop the spread and give the health care system time to catch its breath. However it must have quickly occurred to many leaders in many countries this was giving them a unique opportunity to cash in on "emergency powers."

I saw an article recently about a leadership training program run out of Davos. It's aim was to train current and future leaders of government and industry. Over time it could have the capacity to create this groupthink that we see in action around the world, primarily in the richer Western countries.

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My take: Omicron is the "common cold" that we have always had. It has been here (since forever). Someone, some entity, decided to give it a name and claimed that it is connected to the Sars-Cov-2 to reignite panic (and vaccines)

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I don't get how targeting the vaxed with Omi acts as part of the weapon. Am I missing something? Are you suggesting Omi is a spring board for voc that is more pathogenic.

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