Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 for those who wish to review, or keep open in tabs to look back at.
Forgive my lesser coverage. I am preparing for a convention. There is so much more evidence that I am organizing and would like to write about, but it will have to wait.
A summary of primary open hypotheses explored:
Hypothesis 1: Omicron has been circulating widely for at least several months.
Hypothesis 2: Omicron was genetically engineered—most likely by somebody in the same working group who engineered an mRNA vaccine to stop SARS-CoV-2.
Hypothesis 3: Omicron did not emerge from the phylogenetic tree whose root is the first-sequenced Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 strain.
Hypothesis 4: Omicron is already endemic among a broad array of mammalian species.
Hypothesis 5: A large portion of previously recorded CLI, if not all, were actually cases of omicron infection.
Hypothesis 6: The "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" story was pure fabrication and there is no need for unsurveilled omicron to fill in the gaps. The CDC data reports are simply fraudulent.
Hypothesis 7: The Greatest Crime Hypothesis. Omicron, SARS-CoV-2, and the COVID-19 vaccines were designed together as a toolset for establishing control.
In The Omicron Hypothesis, Part 3, I referred to the "new gene therapy quasi-vaccine that paints the vaccinated as targets, drawing omicron to them while the unvaccinated get infected with SARS-CoV-2 more often…"
The phrase "target painting", which is often military terminology for an invisible laser used to guide weapons to the exact location of a target, came from the mouth of Kevin McKernan, who is a former research lead at the MIT arm of the Human Genome Project and CSO at a medical genomics company. It almost took me aback that when I mentioned my burgeoning omicron thoughts to him, he launched into what might have been 10 or 15 minutes of continuous discussion of data supporting various aspects of some of the above hypotheses. Just tonight I noticed him engaging with The Ethical Skeptic on twitter:
What's this new preprint about that dropped just a few hours ago?
This is one more major piece of confirmatory evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines somehow paint the target for omicron.
Note: I disagree with the logic of the last sentence. I suspect that the authors make this statement under the assumption that Omicron is a recent descendant of SARS-CoV-2, which seems highly unlikely. And also because they simply cannot imagine the possibility that the vaccines were built for omicron. But not being able to imagine a hypothesis is a poor reason to conclude in favor of another that is askew from the actual information in the paper.

Vaccines, Omicron, and Military Preparedness
Speaking of target painting, I have been worried for months that not enough people were worried for months that the U.S. military (a largely wonderful group of people, if often mismanaged or misdirected by political leaders) counts among the systemic threats of an experimental mass vaccination program.

Behold, the Terracota Army, frozen in time to serve Qin Shi Huang—China's first emperor. Too bad the Father of the Qin Dynasty didn't have A.I. to upload his consciousness, parabiosis, or CRISPR tech, amirite?
Time to revisit this story one more time (as many times as is needed):
Died trying to retrieve the Elixir of Immortality, Fountain of Youth, whatever. Bwahaha, that one always kills me. Or him. Whatever.
But if there is a motive to bring down "the ruler(s)", whether those who engineered this pandemic are globalist corporatists (as I suspect) or China (which I worry may be a tool of those globalists, and who are as bad at recognizing the enemy as we were), we might find it in the story of the aftermath of Zhao Gao's well-engineered subterfuge that brought down the Qin family.
In two years time, most of the empire had revolted against the new emperor, creating a constant atmosphere of rebellion and retaliation. Warlord Xiang Yu in quick succession defeated the Qin army in battle, executed the emperor, destroyed the capital and split up the empire into 18 states.
What we have to worry about is that the illusionists have turned the immune system of humanity to attack itself.
If two coronaviruses and an experimental mass vaccination campaign were designed by the same group of people, and released to this effect, then this is truly the crime of the millennium. Moriarty would blush. Add onto that the possibility that the corporate Kunlangeta could aim the world's conquered peoples against the institutions of freedom that held it in check, and we have something truly insane. Something perhaps that only a genius madman at the head of a cult of true believers could arrange.
I think you're onto something with #7.
"But if there is a motive to bring down "the ruler(s)", whether those who engineered this pandemic are globalist corporatists (as I suspect) or China (which I worry may be a tool of those globalists, and who are as bad at recognizing the enemy as we were)"
It's a joint venture in my opinion - China becomes the head of the NWO and the new global hegemon (no doubt getting some Lebensraum in the process); the Globalists get their long-held desire to destroy the democracies of the West, carry out some of their insane neo-Malthusian "eugenics" and generally get the technocratic neo-serfdom they like writing about so much.
It's fascinating to see all this play out - this has been my big concern since March 2021 - "vaccinating" the West's militaries with experimental concoctions made with the same components as the GoF virus is a national security disaster for all involved. It's good to see that other people were thinking along the same lines as I was.
Omicron did not surprise me at all - it was what I was waiting for. Fortunately, it seems that Omicron is not anywhere near as bad as I was expecting. My theories on Omicron are:
- Lab creation released to end the pseudo-pandemic by "white hats" - this seems to be working if that was the intention, and/or:
- A "test" to see how well infection of the vaxxed works, prior to release of the "killshot" bioweapon (obviously I hope this is never going to happen, but the lies, coercion and even mandating of people to receive a drug that doesn't stop transmission or infection is crazy beyond belief, and the notion that every government on Earth suddenly lost all capacity for reason doesn't make any sense)