Last night I caught the rebroadcast of Senator Ron Johnson's conference on all aspects of the virus. Amazing information from the doctors that testified. I would recommend you try to watch it. It is five hours long so you'll probably have to break it into smaller bites. I taped it and still have over an hour to go. I'll say this: after listening to the testimony from doctors with decades of experience and knee deep genuine credentials, there are a number of people in the FDA, CDC, NIH and NIAID who have a LOT of 'splaining to do and some who ought to be wearing orange jumpsuits. Sen. Johnson mentioned it was going to be on I'm going to try to find it but be warned that Rumble does not have a good search engine. It may have also been broadcast on GETTR.
I understand your position better now.
Last night I caught the rebroadcast of Senator Ron Johnson's conference on all aspects of the virus. Amazing information from the doctors that testified. I would recommend you try to watch it. It is five hours long so you'll probably have to break it into smaller bites. I taped it and still have over an hour to go. I'll say this: after listening to the testimony from doctors with decades of experience and knee deep genuine credentials, there are a number of people in the FDA, CDC, NIH and NIAID who have a LOT of 'splaining to do and some who ought to be wearing orange jumpsuits. Sen. Johnson mentioned it was going to be on I'm going to try to find it but be warned that Rumble does not have a good search engine. It may have also been broadcast on GETTR.
KanekoaTheGreat has it broken down into segments by speaker on his Rumble channel.
Thank you.
I found Sen. Johnson's conference on Rumble: