I'm definitely leaning towards Hypothesis #7, but there's one glaring problem with it - why is Africa being left out of all the fun?
1) Barely any vaccination going on (aside from European-adjacent South Africa)
2) Hardly any attempts to manufacture vaccines locally (thanks to Bill Gates blocking the patents)
3) Hardly any "green/vaccinat…
I'm definitely leaning towards Hypothesis #7, but there's one glaring problem with it - why is Africa being left out of all the fun?
1) Barely any vaccination going on (aside from European-adjacent South Africa)
2) Hardly any attempts to manufacture vaccines locally (thanks to Bill Gates blocking the patents)
3) Hardly any "green/vaccination" passes implemented
4) Barely any use of Fauci approved meds like remdesivir
5) Western allied gov'ts keep toppling - or, as in the case of Ethiopia, not toppling when the West wants them to
By my count, Madagascar is completely off the WHO/Great Reset reservation, Zimbabwe's done about four volte face in the past year, Mali, CAR and Burkina Faso are now virulently pro-Russian, and even Angola has calmed the F down (after a really crazy year in 2020). Even Tanzania which was supposed to be the WEF's darling (after Magifuli died) isn't following orders.
As far as I can tell, the only African countries still supporting continuing panic and mass vacc/pill solutions are a) US-aligned Arab countries like Morocco and Tunisia, b) Rwanda (which has been on crazy mode for about 5 years now ever since the prez decided hoodwinking English elites was easier than being under France's umbrella), and c) Kenya, which gets more bonkers and schizophrenic every day. For instance, the President of Kenya declared just this week that anyone caught stripping copper from public utilities will be tried for TREASON (sheesh!) and hung.
Even compliant old Namibia is not really pushing the agenda the way you might think they would - or should (ex. why aren't they copying Germany's 2G/3G system?)
Long story short, if all these "vaccinated" people start dying in Europe and America, there's gonna be hundreds of millions of hale and hearty Africans moving in. And I can hardly believe that that is Schwab's goal.
I think they just want to wreck the Western economies so that we have to accept the WEF public-private taking over and bailing us out . Most African economies are already pretty shabby if I’m not mistaken
Really good points. And although Africa has suffered the scurge of Aids and poverty - the poverty being helped by the EU trade policy-it's remarkably resilient. It also doesn't seem to have the same problems with fertility that the West is experiencing. Europe will not be able to sustain it population within a few decades. Many of the reasons for the fertility problems are known but haven't been addressed, that is foolhardy unless it's deliberate,weak populations and less testosterone in men makes is easier to control them. Many of the problems are caused by plastic pollution and Africa has a less urbanisation which may benefit them health wise.
Also, there have been a few mysterious deaths of African leaders and still they're not towing the line so maybe they're just not able to control Africa?
Yes I heard about those deaths. I haven’t been paying enough attention to Africa. I would think it is harder to control - there is much less trouble from Covid in some areas there (perhaps because of less obesity, perhaps chronic ivermectin administration), so people may not see the need. And some may be strongly against vaccines because they’ve been abused by Gate’s dodgy vaccine trials before
We can't know reliably what is going on in Africa. Many of the countries lack the infrastructure, financial ability, and uncorrupted competence to keep an accurate count of who has or has had the virus. There are many factors that we can't know enough about to make any rational conclusion.
I do business in Africa and talk to people there and I will be visiting again soon. Covid has been a big nothing there. Many people don’t even know anyone who had it.
One of the reasons for this may be the prophylaxis for malaria. Many people in Africa, from what I have read and heard, take hydroxychloroquine to prevent malaria. Early on in the pandemic it became clear that some people seemed resistant to the virus. Those with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and those on prophylactic malaria drugs did not get COVID. They were taking hydroxychloroquine. The the main stream media made it political because President Trump mentioned it as a potential treatment. How many people did the media and the CDC, FDA, NIH, and NIAID kill by politicizing treatments?
They went thru typical pandemic waves in the beginning but they are not experiencing anything like the west is now. I think another reason is so few are vaccinated. It’s obvious the VAX is increasing spread
Yes and limited vaccine update is limiting their populations vulnerability to Omicron which appears to be a mutation of something that was endemic previously by 2019 AND NOT A CoV2 variant.
Bring some back. Looks like another illness has escaped a lab in China and may be coming here. I have been reading reports of a hemorrhagic fever. Not sure if the hydroxychloroquine will work against it but Ivermectin should. At any rate hydroxychloroquine has a 60 year record track record of safety.
It might be the plan if the people they are moving into replace us are more easily manipulated by the globalist. I wonder if populations of people who have lived in abject poverty for centuries might be easily seduced by the luxury of the west that many of us have begun to find tedious and distracting from the more important things in life.
It won't happen. They have to have food to survive, most of those countries get massive Western food aid. They're way beyond overshoot, beyond carrying capacity. Walking takes energy, and that means calories.
Where is the evidence that they are "beyond overshoot"?
Most African countries are net food exporters. The few who are net importers only import staples because their domestic production capacity is devoted to luxury products for export.
I'm definitely leaning towards Hypothesis #7, but there's one glaring problem with it - why is Africa being left out of all the fun?
1) Barely any vaccination going on (aside from European-adjacent South Africa)
2) Hardly any attempts to manufacture vaccines locally (thanks to Bill Gates blocking the patents)
3) Hardly any "green/vaccination" passes implemented
4) Barely any use of Fauci approved meds like remdesivir
5) Western allied gov'ts keep toppling - or, as in the case of Ethiopia, not toppling when the West wants them to
By my count, Madagascar is completely off the WHO/Great Reset reservation, Zimbabwe's done about four volte face in the past year, Mali, CAR and Burkina Faso are now virulently pro-Russian, and even Angola has calmed the F down (after a really crazy year in 2020). Even Tanzania which was supposed to be the WEF's darling (after Magifuli died) isn't following orders.
As far as I can tell, the only African countries still supporting continuing panic and mass vacc/pill solutions are a) US-aligned Arab countries like Morocco and Tunisia, b) Rwanda (which has been on crazy mode for about 5 years now ever since the prez decided hoodwinking English elites was easier than being under France's umbrella), and c) Kenya, which gets more bonkers and schizophrenic every day. For instance, the President of Kenya declared just this week that anyone caught stripping copper from public utilities will be tried for TREASON (sheesh!) and hung.
Even compliant old Namibia is not really pushing the agenda the way you might think they would - or should (ex. why aren't they copying Germany's 2G/3G system?)
Long story short, if all these "vaccinated" people start dying in Europe and America, there's gonna be hundreds of millions of hale and hearty Africans moving in. And I can hardly believe that that is Schwab's goal.
I think they just want to wreck the Western economies so that we have to accept the WEF public-private taking over and bailing us out . Most African economies are already pretty shabby if I’m not mistaken
Really good points. And although Africa has suffered the scurge of Aids and poverty - the poverty being helped by the EU trade policy-it's remarkably resilient. It also doesn't seem to have the same problems with fertility that the West is experiencing. Europe will not be able to sustain it population within a few decades. Many of the reasons for the fertility problems are known but haven't been addressed, that is foolhardy unless it's deliberate,weak populations and less testosterone in men makes is easier to control them. Many of the problems are caused by plastic pollution and Africa has a less urbanisation which may benefit them health wise.
Also, there have been a few mysterious deaths of African leaders and still they're not towing the line so maybe they're just not able to control Africa?
Yes I heard about those deaths. I haven’t been paying enough attention to Africa. I would think it is harder to control - there is much less trouble from Covid in some areas there (perhaps because of less obesity, perhaps chronic ivermectin administration), so people may not see the need. And some may be strongly against vaccines because they’ve been abused by Gate’s dodgy vaccine trials before
Should we all move to Madagascar?
We can't know reliably what is going on in Africa. Many of the countries lack the infrastructure, financial ability, and uncorrupted competence to keep an accurate count of who has or has had the virus. There are many factors that we can't know enough about to make any rational conclusion.
I do business in Africa and talk to people there and I will be visiting again soon. Covid has been a big nothing there. Many people don’t even know anyone who had it.
One of the reasons for this may be the prophylaxis for malaria. Many people in Africa, from what I have read and heard, take hydroxychloroquine to prevent malaria. Early on in the pandemic it became clear that some people seemed resistant to the virus. Those with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and those on prophylactic malaria drugs did not get COVID. They were taking hydroxychloroquine. The the main stream media made it political because President Trump mentioned it as a potential treatment. How many people did the media and the CDC, FDA, NIH, and NIAID kill by politicizing treatments?
They also take ivermectin for river blindness. And there’s much less obesity in some areas
They went thru typical pandemic waves in the beginning but they are not experiencing anything like the west is now. I think another reason is so few are vaccinated. It’s obvious the VAX is increasing spread
Yes, the mRNA vaccines are increasing spread. This was brought up during Senator Ron Johnson's conference COVID 19: A Second Opinion
Dr. Parks gave the scientific explanation as to why and the other doctors discussed this.
Yes and limited vaccine update is limiting their populations vulnerability to Omicron which appears to be a mutation of something that was endemic previously by 2019 AND NOT A CoV2 variant.
Yes. It’s cheap and easy to get over there
Bring some back. Looks like another illness has escaped a lab in China and may be coming here. I have been reading reports of a hemorrhagic fever. Not sure if the hydroxychloroquine will work against it but Ivermectin should. At any rate hydroxychloroquine has a 60 year record track record of safety.
There have been many posting and videocasting from there. It is not what the west wants us to think that is certain.
It might be the plan if the people they are moving into replace us are more easily manipulated by the globalist. I wonder if populations of people who have lived in abject poverty for centuries might be easily seduced by the luxury of the west that many of us have begun to find tedious and distracting from the more important things in life.
It won't happen. They have to have food to survive, most of those countries get massive Western food aid. They're way beyond overshoot, beyond carrying capacity. Walking takes energy, and that means calories.
Where is the evidence that they are "beyond overshoot"?
Most African countries are net food exporters. The few who are net importers only import staples because their domestic production capacity is devoted to luxury products for export.
Destroy the West- absolutely.