Since all signs point to lab manipulation/creation of the original strain, we do not yet understand fully what the impact will be. Maybe it is a cold/flu in the short term, but 10 years down the road is cancer, immune system failure, etc. I've seen more than enough hints of HIV-like pieces being inserted into the vaccines' sequence to su…
Since all signs point to lab manipulation/creation of the original strain, we do not yet understand fully what the impact will be. Maybe it is a cold/flu in the short term, but 10 years down the road is cancer, immune system failure, etc. I've seen more than enough hints of HIV-like pieces being inserted into the vaccines' sequence to suspect that the original virus could contain something similar. I hope I am wrong to still maintain that suspicion, but it seems like whoever organized this is playing the long game.
Since all signs point to lab manipulation/creation of the original strain, we do not yet understand fully what the impact will be. Maybe it is a cold/flu in the short term, but 10 years down the road is cancer, immune system failure, etc. I've seen more than enough hints of HIV-like pieces being inserted into the vaccines' sequence to suspect that the original virus could contain something similar. I hope I am wrong to still maintain that suspicion, but it seems like whoever organized this is playing the long game.