"Never let a good crisis go to waste." -Winston Churchill
Do you ever wonder if those who understand that quote—and have the power to make good on it—spend their time designing the next disaster?
Edit: I wrote a Part 2 as an addendum to this article. It corrects some details and adds some others.
Other RTE articles about the Wars of Wars can be found here. Some more active conversation about topics such as this can be found at the RTE Locals channel.
Twenty years ago this October I had the pleasure to visit Maui one time. My oldest brother Andrew was living there working as the web developer for Boss Frog's, the company that sells a large portion of the activities on the island. Aside from engaging in some deep conversations about our personal family insanity, Andrew and I went on a few little adventures like helicopter rides and snorkeling outings for cheap (just tips, which we gave out more lavishly after the comps), which was good since neither of us were particularly wealthy (my entire savings from six years in finance had recently been extorted by a mafia cartel that Andrew stupidly robbed). While he was at work, I would explore Lahaina and take an after lunch nap on the iconic banyan tree where artists would sometimes gather, showcasing their wares to tourists. That was the only time of any significance I would get to spend with my brother while we were adults. He passed away six years ago.
My trip spanned Halloween, which was a crazy event in Lahaina. I imagine it being a little like burning man, with hippie-tech art projects and half-naked people walking about. Several of us spent an afternoon fitting an antenna to a shopping cart to livestream some of the festival. That doesn't sound particularly unique now, but at the time, livestreaming without expensive equipment meant jerry-rigging with equipment not exactly designed to fit together easily. I got offered a lot of mushrooms and LSD for the event, but that's never been my thing.
One thing I came to understand during that trip was the level of distrust many locals had toward whites who moved there. And I get it. Not long after the British Captain James Cook arrived there, the British did as the British often did: pit one local chieftain against another. Kamehameha became the conquering king, consolidating Hawaii under one ruling entity into which Christianity was allowed to creep in. Corporate feedback loops crept in with it. Eventually interested U.S. parties organized an overthrow of the monarchy and Hawaii was swept into the American Empire as a key Pacific outpost, vacation spot, pineapple factory, and second or third home to various billionaires. Similarly to the way the Industrial Revolution sucked a lot of souls through the factories, a substantial portion of native Hawaiians were left out of the progress while their communities were fractured and filtered through the process.
Disaster Terrorism
You're not going to like this one bit, but I hereby add this term to your lexicon, grotesque though the concept may be.
Forgive me if I get a detail or two wrong in this section. I was not previously familiar with the events in Australia (or Maui) that I will describe, and I apologize if I misunderstand any of it.
That term disaster terrorism finally bubbled to the top of my brain after the Lahaina fire. Though I did not want to jump to any conclusions or soak up any of the conspiracy theories (some of which may very well be true) faster than I could digest the possibilities, I decided to perform a search to see if anyone was using it. I found just one reference (Glassey, 2014).
Keywords: disaster, terrorism, and force multiplier.
What are we talking about, exactly?
The paper describes a disturbing false flag event that was part of the devastating 2009 bushfires in Australia.
Thousands of people were evacuated from communities, with hundreds huddled together in public shelters. Within the first few days of the fires, a group called the Front for Liberation of Australian Muslim Extremists (FLAME) got to work exploiting the disaster. If you're wondering about the odd coincidence that matches the group's acronym and the form of disaster, that means you're at least a little smarter than the terrorists would like.
What sort of group calls the people it wants to liberate "extremists"?
Yeah, it sounds pretty artificial, doesn't it? Downright whacky, in fact.
Interestingly, I could find no documentation of this group, or the events surrounding them aside from this one paper. The Wikipedia page for the Black Saturday bushfires makes no mention of it. How weird is that?
Who are these terrorists?
That's one right question. And we'll get to that. But another right question is this:
Who has the ability to stack a terrorist event on top of a disaster, natural or otherwise?
You know the answer, even if you don't want to acknowledge it. From the paper,
The social consequences of terrorism definitions arguably evolve around the effect that terrorism events typically use an intermediate target to influence the final target – such as targeting of innocent citizens or non-combatants to raise the profile of the terrorist group’s ideals who in turn influence their political leadership, certainly in a democratic state.
The science fiction authors are stifling internal I told you so's.
At 20:25 hours, just ten minutes before sunset an explosion ripped through the sport centre inflicting severe casualties including children, women and the elderly. The response from the emergency services was delayed due to their resources already being exceeded and deployed elsewhere, community responders and volunteers raced to the site, assuming a gas cooking cylinder has exploded. The building caught fire and an overwhelmed Mayor attempted to front the media saying that emergency services were on the scene.
The Premier later that evening expressed his sorrow to those affected by the tragedy, stated the cause of explosion was not determined and that it would not be helpful to the families to speculate. Within an hour of the Premier’s live television address, Ten News received an uploaded video from an Afghani Islamist extremist group claiming responsibility for the explosion at Bendigo. In the low resolution video, a dark complexion man sits with a backdrop of mountains, holding an iPad that has been used to translate Arabic into an English audio clip and displaying a message “As you incite violence in my holy land and burn the flesh of my families, I too shall invade your sanctuary and make your family burn like the eyes of Allah. If you seek shelter, you will burn. Now you will know what it feels like to have no shelter while burning without mercy”. The man does not speak, the iPad provided the narrative for the hatred in his eyes.
Obligatory reminder:
What follows appears to be a test run for the engineering of a Mad Max flick.
The Federal Police also assume command of the incident, which leads to a massive and not so discrete leadership rift between Police and Fire Services coordinating the fire and now criminal response – contributing to a further loss in confidence by the public. As Police cordons are bolstered, fire crews become visibly frustrated at additional security measures around the fire ground with some saying the extra security is creating response delays and putting people at risk.
Then people stopped trusting the authorities.
By Saturday 2 February, there is a significant decrease in evacuation compliance with families citing they were safer at home than taking a risk elsewhere while the Islamic terrorists were at large. Police call for out of state reinforcements as their resources become even more overloaded from the fire, criminal investigation and cordon duties – they were also be pushed into the media spotlight for a number of hate crimes against Muslims in the state and this coverage re-ignites debate on Australia’s immigration policy. The FLAME modus operandi was to create fear to evacuate and encourage families to stay in their homes – while they operated covertly to spread fire through applying their knowledge of bush fire behaviour, a twenty dollar tennis racket and a few packets of barbeque (solid fuel) starters. They repeatedly said it was safe for people to evacuate and use shelters, but the images on TV of armed police at evacuation centres gave little confidence to the public that was the case.
Don't jump to conclusions!
Monday 4 February, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announces that the Bendigo Evacuation Centre explosion was deliberate and that the perpetrators would be pursued and punished, but he would not be drawn into whether the culprits had terrorist or Islamic ties despite the earlier video. The FLAME tactic of discouraging evacuation, whilst spreading the fires was proving highly effectively and emotive. Australian Defence Force assets then were deployed to assist with the security of the area and evacuation centres, along with supporting local hospitals and firefighting efforts. The increasing number of deaths became unpalatable to the Australian public and small protests were made in Canberra calling for ban on Muslim immigrants, these sentiments were echoed with a number of hate crimes against Australian Muslims and their places of worship.
Anyone else worry that some authorities might be tooling with their own citizens…maybe even…stoking hate crimes?
Tuesday 5 February, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation received a Skype originated phone call. The short voice recording was played twice stating that FLAME would bring down any aircraft operating near the fires and that the terrorist group had experience in bringing down the aircraft of the “non-believers in Afghanistan”. The recording was identified as originating outside of Australia by Federal Police and the threat was taken seriously with an immediate suspension of air operations. This lead to significant spread of fire and fuelled frustration and outbursts by the public, emergency services and anti-Muslim activists.
Friday 8 February there was a break through by accident. Late in the afternoon, Australian Defence Force soldiers routinely stopped a white four wheel drive with two persons in it dressed in rural firefighter uniforms requesting entry to the fire ground. When their identities were challenged via radio to the emergency coordination centre, they were found not to be legitimate. The armed soldiers called for local Police who arrested the two Australian nationals for impersonation – they would also find in their vehicle, a tennis racket with molten marks across its strings, several packets of fuel tablets and a topographical map of the area with several hand written markings.
Wouldn't you know it—just a couple of white nationalists who happened to have enough knowledge to outwit the entire Australian government using a stupid pfucking terrorist org name long enough to create a force multiplier in the maybe (un)natural disaster that killed scores of Australians.
Over the coming days in absence of the two impersonators, the fire came under control and was eventually extinguished three weeks later. The fire eventually claimed 87 people across Victoria and an anxious public, still tender from the Black Saturday Bushfires demanded answers. The answers would naturally unfold over the coming months. FLAME was not an Islamic extremist group, it was a false flag. FLAME was uncovered to be the mastermind of brothers Timothy Huchinson and Grant Huchinson along with their friend Robert Narrows – all typical Aussie blokes. Timothy had returned from Afghanistan after serving with the Australian Army. He left the service angry and saddened that his younger brother Terry had been killed there by the Taliban. He exited the service with his platoon friend Narrows who equally shared a hatred for the Taliban and the loss of Terry. Grant remained in service and continued to fight in Afghanistan with the Australian Army. It would be through Grant a local Afghani was conscripted to make the video and post it to Ten News and YouTube at an internet cafe in Kabul and place the Skype call to ABC.
Timothy grew up as a patriotic Australian and before joining the Army had been a volunteer bush firefighter, where he learned all the ingredients that created the perfect fire storm.
The trio’s campaign was simple, the Australian public was ignorant of the sacrifice that Australian soldiers had made overseas in places like Afghanistan – they needed to be reminded that their security was threatened too and the war was to be brought home to provoke a response of support and absolute commitment to exterminate Islamic fundamentalists.
And here is the kicker: the trio of domestic terrorists who were simultaneously so stupid that they imagined they could pull off a major false flag event forever using an extraordinarily stupid fake terrorist org name were genius enough to compile and eternally spread the methodology for using force multipliers to disaster events. Also, let's take this moment to remember the bombing of the FBI building in Oklahoma?
Federal Police also uncovered a manual of how to use natural disasters as force multipliers, such as exploiting the vulnerabilities that communities only had during floods, storms, bushfires and earthquakes. Timothy’s manual illustrated in detail in Chapter 2, how to “render the infidels impotent” during bushfires – the section had also been translated into Arabic, though there was evidence he had made Arabic copies on memory sticks and had thrown these into the foyers of Mosques and other Muslim meeting places in Victoria. The draft book called FLAME would become internationally known as the first disaster terrorism manual to be written.
Like the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma, it was thought that Arabs had executed the attacks at Bendigo – days later the American public would be eating humble pie, coming to the realization that the attack was carried out by one of their own, a war hero by the name of Timothy McVeigh. As the Australian public grew to accept the deaths of their countrymen were not by the hand of Arabs but by the Huchinson gang, the call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry commenced. Over the coming years, it would be revealed that Australian emergency management and the national security agencies were too divorced from one another, with both lacking the imagination that terrorism could interface with disasters and in doing so, create massive jurisdictional, operational and logistical complications – the all hazards approach that had been espoused, had not been applied in practical terms.
Do you really think that Western governments would engineer false flag events in such convoluted ways in order to harm their own citizens?
Maybe you had to ask that question twenty years ago. But do you really even have to ask it now?
It is worth noting that Zbigniew Brzezinski was David Rockefeller's cofounder of the Trilateral Commission, and served in multiple presidential cabinets under both parties where he had a hand in the reorganization of U.S. intelligence.
Qui Bono?
Also from the paper,
The attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, created a global industry in homeland security despite more people dying in bath tub drownings’ each year in the US than the total global death toll of terror attacks outside of active war zones according to Mueller and Stewart (2011). They go on to point out that people die in automotive accidents in the US each year due to short haul travelers reluctant to undergo time intensive and intrusive new air security measures – Mueller and Stewart in argued that the systems created to secure lives, in fact had killed more Americans than the acts of 9/11.
It's the Security State, stupid. But there may be additional interests, too. And aligned powerful interests can lead to world altering events.
During the remainder of this article, you may freely wonder whether those who have the incentive to apply force multipliers have the incentive to engineer disasters to begin with. That would make the force multipliers easier to plan out…
What in the Hell Just Happened in Maui?
There are at least 100 people dead, and 850 missing, though the Hawaii State Department of Education says more than 2,000 children are unaccounted for in the public school system.
Is anyone else out there worried that some of the children were whisked away while roads were blocked? I know—I don't want to think about it, either.
Am I the only person who hasn't cried about this event simply because the image is like a permanent surrealistic shock in his mind? Am I becoming desensitized to surreal shocks? (Yes, I'm serious.)
I'll republish Tereza Coraggio's bullet points from two weeks ago,
We all know the largest integrated siren system in the world—80 sirens tested monthly—never sounded and the emergency manager has ‘resigned’. That should satisfy us.
We know the timing was coordinated with suspicious hurricane level winds that dumped no rain and didn’t touch any other island.
The schools were unaccountably closed that day so kids were home alone while parents had to work. This is the most heartless of all.
We know the main road was blockaded with trucks so no one could get out.
We know the police chief who made that decision, John Pelletier, was also the Incident Commander during the Las Vegas mass shooting.
We know the ‘native practitioner’ in water management turned off the fire hydrants with the mumbo-jumbo that water is sacred and shouldn’t divide us. Burn, baby, burn. I’m sure the money he’s paid will be sacred too.
We know Lahaina was coveted real estate that local hold-outs refused to sell.
We know the fires skirted multi-million beachfront property and made a ring around those hold-outs.
We know that, like in Paradise, California, houses were incinerated and trees next to them untouched.
We know that, like Hurricane Katrina, supplies and medicine are being stockpiled rather than given to survivors. Katrina cleared out homes held for generations by the first free negro communities.
We know that the murdered are more like 500 to a thousand than the 100 reported, already the highest death toll for a US fire in recent history.
Much like the Australian bush fires, we have the appearance of authorities mismanaging a deadly crisis in a sort of Keystone cops sort of way.
By the way, if anyone quotes Hanlon's razor to you in reference to this horrific event, it might actually be okay to punch them in the mouth this one time.
The inclusion of John Pelletier (bullet 5) is more than a little sus given the way the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting event looks more and more like a preplandemonium false flag. Many of the other bullet points are at least consistent with force multipliers, if one is willing to entertain the hypothesis of psychopathic planners.
The moment is so unique and unusual that I did my best to stand back without commentary, but the stack of disturbing anomalies is too much. The specific conspiracy theories include methods of high tech warfare that are difficult to work through if you're not an insider at the bleeding edge of weapons technology (I saw that as a former physics major). I'm talking both about this specific incident, but also the strangely large number of eye-popping events since the plandemonium began.
Some of these events are more anomalous than others. But some are clustered along a particularly important category of human consumption.

Ukrainian exports affect the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Africa more than North America. However…

If this is normal, somebody's going to have some stats to back that up, right? Because this sort of "oops we prematurely cooked the food" events never hit my radar until recently.
My wife is from New Mexico. We sometimes travel there for vacation, so we noted the fires ravaging the beautiful mountain region in the east where we've stayed and hiked numerous times. Last year I noted this startling fact about the massive fires that burned in Eastern New Mexico, devastating tribal lands (Zerohedge; emphasis theirs):
The largest wildfire in New Mexico history—which is still burning—was started by the U.S. Forest Service, federal investigators announced Friday.
The catastrophe began as two fires that merged into one. Both wildfires have now been conclusively traced to planned burns conducted by the Forest Service. Planned or "prescribed" burns are used to reduce the threat of extreme fires by reducing the amount of dry fuel in the forest.
So far, the New Mexico fire has destroyed 330 homes and scorched some 500 square miles. The cost of battling the blaze has surpassed $130 million, and rises another $5 million each day, according to the Associated Press.
Eventually, something is going to break.
How many months, weeks, or days do we have to look downstream after the Fed pivots?
So, who's got free capital to buy the dips?
The Rockefeller mafia? Berkshire Hathaway? The oligarchs with tens of trillions stashed away in the Bahamas and other islands? Blackrock and Vanguard (meaning the London Banking Center, the House of Saud, and the CCP)?
Catherin Austin-Fitts is a good listen at this moment:
Maybe all the new resorts will provide service jobs for hard working Hawaiians who weren't burned to a crisp?
And maybe some Indonesian muslims will be imported for some of those jobs. Why should they compete for those jobs? Anything else would be racist.
Force Multipliers
I've begun to wonder if the whole point of the Culture Wars is to act as a force multiplier through a series of terrorist events.
One of David Rockefeller's children, Richard Rockefeller, was a celebrated physician, and served on the board of Rockefeller University.
As an aside, Rockefeller University biochemist Thomas Haines, who is the father of the current Director of all of U.S. intelligence (ODNI) Avril Haines, spent his career studying cellular death—a chilling thought. But back to Richard Rockefeller…
There is a story that the Rockefeller Institute has been holding back cancer cures—possibly for decades. Of course, such stories are relegated to the confines of conspiracy theory spaces and faces. Such stories need teeth, and Richard's story may have some of those? During his later years, Richard focused his research on an immunotherapy cancer treatment known as Gc Protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF). Note the little warning in the upper-right corner of that Wikipedia article (which never once mentions Richard Rockefeller):
The statement is a non sequitur since neither science nor statistics are tools for proving anything. Aside from that [important] technicality, does anyone else feel like we've seen language like this before? It is accompanied by little support aside from the retractions of a couple of papers by Japanese researcher Nobuto Yamamoto.
I asked my wife, a cancer researcher herself (P53 pathway/isoforms), if she was familiar with the work, but she had only heard about it superficially, so do not expect me to form a strong opinion about the true efficacy of the treatment in this article. But I did look up the Anticancer Fund that issued the warning, and it's a Belgian nonprofit that acts as a fact-checking organization to sift through "evidence-based" information. Established in 2013, it is unclear why Wikipedia grants the organization such certain (and nonsensical) labeling authority (except that the great scientific organization known as Snopes agrees with them?), but it was the very next year that experienced pilot Richard Rockefeller went down in his plane (after visiting his father's estate), and journals retracted Yamamoto's research on GcMAF.
Monica Hughes, one of the world's few experts on Coley's Toxins, another immunotherapy, writes,
In 2014, a third of Americans believed that the government was suppressing natural cures for disease. I’d be willing to wager after the last three years that this proportion is now higher. At least, I hope so.
For some perspective, slightly more than 600,000 people died of cancer in 2020 in the US. Cancer is now the second leading cause of death in the US. Despite these grim statistics, some have pointed out that the cancer death rate has actually dropped continually in the last few decades since the 90s. While that is correct, this is mostly due to early detection, not better treatments.
When viewed over the long haul, the cancer death toll in the US alone is staggering. Since 1950, probably over 30 million people, as a conservative estimate, have died of cancer.
Interestingly, Coley was a personal friend of John D. Rockefeller.
Immunotherapy has a history of at least 4600 years. Ancient Egyptians induced [bacterial] infections to induce the body's immune system to attack tumors.
No kidding.
No kidding! And Coley's toxins were developed in the late 19th century. However, the FDA slapped them with "new drug" status during the 1960s, just as biomedical science began to format itself around Ronald Fisher's methods of inferential statistics (over which he wrote an entire book about how his methods were being abused by the field). This rendered the history of case studies on Coley's toxins "archaic" in a bizarrely concocted sort of sense, basically shelving what might be the world's most successful cancer treatment to date, and simultaneously making ancient Egyptian physicians look like quacks.
Why stop cancer cures? It doesn't make sense!
It makes sense to psychopathic eugenicists and Malthusians. And during a plandemonium in which cancer rates have shot up, suppression for cancer cures acts as a force multiplier.
Disaster terrorism?
I'm not saying that's exactly how any of the events described in this article happened. I have not the time to perform a deep dive on every topic. I just wanted to lay out some interesting information. Maybe…maybe there's a pattern or two in there somewhere. Do your own research, and make up your own mind.
I wasn't expecting to find reference to me in the Maui article. Haha!
Mild correction? Coley surgically operated on John D. Rockefeller Jr's girlfriend, Bessie Dashiell. Johnny Rock was JD Rockefeller's son. Coley wasn't that much older than him, about 30 when JD Rockefeller was 18. I suspect Johnny Rock was a bit of an anomaly with regard to the Rockefellers. He didn't seem to fit into the family, maybe much like the other sibling who had an airplane crash. I don't know that Coley was friends with the father.
Interestingly, Rockefeller University awarded HC Nauts an honorary doctorate for her work on Coley's toxins and also helped establish the Cancer Research Institute.
These things never translate into real-world results for ordinary people. But the elites know they work.
GcMAF works, too. You can still buy it and I know a lab in Japan that produces it and is also interested in building a lab to make CT.
Anyone who wants to know if anything works can just search pubmed. Thankfully, it still hasn't been censored like YT has. The censors don't need to censor pubmed yet, and may never have to, because no one reads primary scientific literature anymore. LOL
Of course, retractions are a thing but you can still find retracted papers and it's almost a badge of honor now to get retracted. In my opinion, anyway.
You can find Wakefield's seminal article on gastrointestinal problems and autism, which briefly mentioned the MMR, with RETRACTED all over each page of the PDF.
I haven't achieved this level of notoriety yet. SAD!
Back about 20 years ago I began work as the IT Director for a biomedical research institute. At that time I attended the staff meetings of our executive director. I'll never forget one of those early staff meetings when one attendee posed the question "What happens if/when we find a cure for cancer. Cancer research is a big business employing a lot of people." It was something that I hadn't considered until then.