For more on The Pharmafia, check out the RTE articles here. Also, join our Locals community where active discussions often take place about challenging events in real time.
Sorry, not sorry.
I did not think that I would write a Part 2, but a combination of frustrated commenters and helpful researchers changed the conversation. Yes, we have more information now.
And much as with the DMED data, the simple story is being pushed virally all over the place without much of anyone stopping to analyze the circumstances. This sets up the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) for a lot of potential damage down the road.
Before moving on, I'm going to make this clear: anyone who twists my words to create conflict will be rebuked.
One subscriber told me they would cancel when I called out somebody who did just that. I'm not going to sit here and worry about what people think when I stand up for myself in a basic way. If you want to subsidize weakness, you're in the wrong place. We are headed through a historical wormhole, and the tidal forces are rough. All those who don't think standing up for yourself is a basic imperative, please find some other place to be. I don't have the time to change into kid gloves and back again 20 times a day.
Most generally, please please do not put words in my mouth. I get that this is sometimes a mistake, but the closer we get to important statements, the more important it is to ask first or quote directly (or abstain when there is no quote).
Moving on…
A More Complete Story of Woody Harrelson
In a strange twist, Woody is close friends with a financier I met with and worked through the details of a partnership with in 2019. We talked about pitching our plan to Woody, Matt McConaughey, and some other Hollywood actors who had previously invested (in marijuana dispensaries rolled into one corporate joint) with this particular financier. The financier got spooked after a conversation with some Wall Streeters, so the business never formed, but it would have involved riding Bitcoin from $5,000 to nearly $70,000 (not exactly, but that's the overly simple way to explain it) and likely a few hundred million dollars in profit (maybe more…I'm an experienced cryptocurrency trader with a unique skill set and have never lost on an account where I've engineered the trades). Such is life.
I remember hearing that Woody is not at all a fan of cleaning chemicals (he went through the closet at the venue where my meeting with our mutual financier friend took place and threw out what he felt was toxic, and gave a bit of a lecture on the matter, IIRC), so this is consistent with the view that Woody's distrust of the Pharmafia is genuine. Sure, he likes to smoke a particular weed, but I believe it. I've had plenty of healthy friends who made that exception while otherwise using no pharmaceuticals. However, the question of whether he shared an honest view on Saturday Night Live (SNL) is less my interest than whether or not his message is being used to steer an audience as a herd—that he was allowed to say what he said at a specific moment in time. A man doesn't need to know that he's part of an operation to be part of an operation.
As I've already stated, it may also be that the operation is not run by nefarious actors, but a contingent that has had to wait and plan its moves.
I wanted to write up this Woody Harrelson story overly quickly, then return to my other research. I probably should have known better. I intended to throw a monkey wrench into what I felt was an overly quick and highly broadcast, "Yay Woody!" After the past three years, and all we've been through, shouldn't we slow down our interpretations of the information firehose—or maybe turn the TV off? Or are we so certain that the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) is somehow impervious to infiltration and propaganda? My personal opinion is that roughly half of what is currently stated publicly and forcefully among the MFM celebrities is anywhere from highly questionable to strictly false at this point—and that's very different from what I saw during the first half of the Plandemonium. As more people peer into our compiled work, will too many of them recoil in horror and turn away, not wanting to replace nonsense with other nonsense?
Some readers expressed doubt that Woody's remarks could have been anything but a surprise to the SNL team. But the five-time SNL host was already on the record as a vaccine thought criminal as per his meeting with Bill Maher back in September.
Note that 775,000 or so viewers have watched this video on YouTube alone, so the total number of views across platforms likely exceeds a million. This establishes that lots of people were already aware that Woody was pointing the finger at the Pharmafia. To me that makes it highly unlikely that Woody was not on a list of celebrities speaking forbidden words. Heck, little ole me was offered a bribe to distract me from my writing early in 2021—and I'm far from alone given that J.J. Couey, Paul Alexander, and others I know or have heard about had money shoved at them in various ways. There are billionaires backing a lot of corners of the MFM, for better or for worse.
How would we know? How many people go and scour the forums of those not in their circle or echo chamber? How many people formed Signal chats with exactly those people who disagree with them? Who is even running a poll? In the Information Age, the lack of a poll seems like its own clue that there are people at the tops of both sides of the debate who don't want us keeping track of whether or not views are shifting. This alone should lead us all to greater skepticism.
Please define "over-analyze" and "pointless circle". I'm watching men like Steve Kirsch go off the rails with 10 terrible data takes for every one good one (but "Game Over" and applause), thought leaders like Naomi Wolf declare "57 times the abortion rate" or somesuch, the mistake-riddled Died Suddenly get near-universal applause, and lawyers like Thomas Renz go full tilt gas lighting with a total refusal to engage the facts. I'm seeing Leigh Dundas somehow slip through the Capitol Riot cracks, and seeing the Project Veritas board commit mission suicide as O'Keefe stepped too close to the remdesivir and "vaccine injury therapy copreparation" stories. Last week I heard rumor of a $30 million money laundering scheme involving one of the most famous MFM leaders. I just watched weeks of "unity" parrotted as the woman following the People's convoy in a truck full of guns hosted nightly Twitter spaces for the celebrity docs. And there is a strangely undiscussed trail of bodies like that of Liu Bing's, which turned cold merely hours after he announced a highly plausible cure for COVID. And that's just the stuff that's easy to explain in a paragraph. I'll stop going deeper when somebody explains all that to me, but what's happening is that the discussions are largely iced out of the "alt media".
I was in a meeting in San Juan when very quickly after the talk at the old Rockefeller mansion, it was announced that Russell Brand was joining the mission to stop the vaccines, and then WHOOSH, he went full-on, every day, "Stop the vaccines," with every breath. Yes, there is a certain amount of arrangement, and it's not unimportant to understand what it means.
Meanwhile, I've been told that the intelligence community (POGs in military speak) hired many thousands of contractors ahead of the Plandemonium. I also watched as POG accounts pushed out the false DMED data to hundreds of thousands or over a million views at a time. If everyone else is going to ignore the meaning of that, I guess it's on me to piece it together, whether or not I can put the entire model together on my own.
Should I just stop?
I'd love for somebody else to take up the task for me. If I haven't said it enough…this isn't the fun stretch of life. But it's enormously important.
From one RTE reader:
Dave Chappelle also used the "Live" part of SNL to his advantage. Maybe this is part of a pressure release valve process or maybe Woody just did it on his own. The thing that made laugh was the audience reaction. You could hear a pin drop.
The pin drop moment may be the last. There is always a last. I could see Woody as being a guy with enough social capital to be the ice breaker. I simply suspect that he was allowed at this moment to do the ice breaking.
From another RTE reader:
This is the problem between presuming "Design" over "incompetence". I know humans are rampantly incompetent, I see it daily. It is not clear to me that design can exist in a population with so much incompetence.
I think Hanlon's razor is the most oversubscribed default in modern human history. I've been in and around so many real conspiracies that I wouldn't trust myself to count them in a single day. Competence begins to rise to the top as situations get serious.
I felt mocking watching his bit.
I did not, but I felt preparation.
The audience’s reaction was weird. When he described himself someone whooped when he included part Marxist. Then the drug cartel ending not really laughing that hard. I’m surprised SNL allowed him, but the typical leftist rags were outraged and said he was screaming about anti-vax (how dare he) and couldn’t wait to get their headlines displayed.
This is telling. Was Woody set up (whether or not he knew) to be part of the Hegelian pinball?
From the second RTE reader (again),
If we're going to presume the world is arranged, why should I even believe the media description of Woody's childhood? My problem with presuming there was design in "allowing" (whatever level that permission was given at) Woody to say these things is that it is entirely unclear what means anyone should be using to divine the truth from the lies in media.
Every job has a boss who arranges the job. Nearly every boss has a boss. This allows for a great deal of natural behavior where the scaffolding of circumstances gets arranged.
The Tale of Charles Harrelson
In a historically interesting twist, Woody Harrelson's father Charles appears to be one of the "three tramps" who were arrested around Daly Plaza after the assassination of JFK. Though authorities dismissed the notion that Charles was involved, forensic artist Louis Gibson matched photographs of Charles to the tallest of the three tramps.
But dismissing Charles Harrelson as a tramp would be foolish. He was a mafia hitman who confessed to numerous murders and served time for the slaying of John H. Wood, Jr., the first federal judge to be assassinated during the 20th century. He was also a notorious gambler who built up his bankroll cheating at cards, and tilting tables, and made half-million dollar bets in casinos. Apparently, however, he took much smaller amounts of money in return for performing assassinations—perhaps to rebuild his bankroll—including mafia credit.
As it turns out, Charles told at least one prison guard that his training in performing hits came from the CIA.
It turns out that Woody Harrelson's father was not simply a hit man, but in fact confessed to killing John F. Kennedy.
Understand that while I do not take such a confession on faith, this part of his testimony is interesting:
Well, do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy, we'll get back to that…alone…without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency? I believe you're very naive if you do.
Charles was reputedly connected to Jack Ruby, so his presence at Dealey Plaza may indicate a bit role (pardon any perceived pun) in the assassination.
It is perfectly possible that none of this has anything to do with Woody. But having grown up in a DoD intelligence training program, I strongly suspect that family ties are leveraged to the hilt.
The Real Point: Be Your Own Leader
Understand, I was not aware of all of this when I wrote my article. I was working on instincts combined with a great deal of information I've absorbed over the past three years—the larger portion of which would take many months to explain if I made it my full time job. I simply wanted to slow the roll on what might very well be more Pandemic Theater, and perhaps lay some foundation for discussions of Hegelian pinball as a primary feature of the propaganda enterprise. This was met with cognitive dissonance by some, I believe, because a lot of people in the MFM want to pat themselves on the back for seeing through all the psyops, then either call it a day—or form a mass to fight back (mostly meaning raise a few heroes to do the fighting for them—which is part of the reason why the Chaos Agents is such an important exploration).
Obligatory plea: Resist the urge to form a mass, or you may be swept toward a true Pied Piper in one fell swoop, or otherwise included on a Hundred Flowers list.
I think that some readers who lashed out were simply butthurt over the possibility that they may have fallen for propaganda, but that's why it's crucial that we discuss these events—and dig a little deeper.
Yes, I poke fun a bit. I poke fun out of love, but people in an emotionally perturbed state cannot always manage to look for the lesson. And yet, that's exactly why these articles and discussions need to take place. Either we head toward another era in which parasocial relationships can be used to steer the masses into untold horrors—or we give something else a try. If parasocial relationships lead to perturbed states—that's a condition that needs resolution.
A handful of people will hate me for these deeper examinations of what might be going on. Some of this is based on the awkward contradiction of consequentialist utilitarian goals in fighting runaway consequentialist utilitarian moral decay. Sigh.
The principles we win with will be the principles that establish the next age.
Dude, that is a difficult read.
My interpretation? Trust no one, verify everything.
Hi Matt. I’m a relatively new reader/follower (less than 6 months). Just wanted to say no, please don’t stop. Appreciate all of the time and energy you pour into all of this.