Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Dude, that is a difficult read.

My interpretation? Trust no one, verify everything.

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Yes, some stories are difficult to take in (or write about...particularly when I have four hours and would rather move on than plug all holes). But hopefully that's good enough to get people to question what is being arranged in the media.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi Matt. I’m a relatively new reader/follower (less than 6 months). Just wanted to say no, please don’t stop. Appreciate all of the time and energy you pour into all of this.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Very fascinating. You are correct. It is easy to be swept into believing things that may be fabrications because we are wanting confirmatory evidence. This is why it is so important to listen to those telling you it is wrong. You need both positive evidence for the idea and negative evidence against the alternative.

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We should also think twice about anyone telling us oversimplified stories.

We should document facts more heavily than we do (I dearly wish there were more volunteers for the campfire.wiki...why doesn't the larger portion of the MFM steer people to help with that?). The more that facts are available and well-documented, the easier it is to interpret each new datum.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Well, what is the "campfire.wiki"?? Guess I'll go have a look now.

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It's a great place to organize the results of Matthew's (and others) research findings where they can remain under the control of moral actors, rather than kunlangeta.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hilariiously funny sounding word btw. Will be trying to work this into my convos just as you did here.

The REAL Scottish Politics: Why 'kunlangeta' is perfect word for Tories


Jan 24, 2022 - "Kunlangeta (which is pronounced koon-lan-getta) is a Yugtun word which means a person who lies, cheats, deceives and takes sexual advantage of women, according to a 1976 study by Jane M Murphy, who was an anthropologist at Harvard University. The word was further defined as a person who knows what the right thing to do is but out of self-interest does not do it."

"The kunlangeta is also known as a person who never improves their behaviour, no matter how many times the elders talk to them; they are incorrigible and irremediable, and their motives and behaviour remain selfish regardless of who or what is harmed." .

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Whatever happened to the good old, one-syllabic cad?

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Yeah, I got that when I visited the website today. Appreciated Matthew's mention. But... kunlangeta?? Gotta stop & go search that now too ... sheesh. hahaha

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Matthew introduced me to the term: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/the-kunlangeta-part-i

Essentially, kunlangeta is what the Eskimos called their psychopaths.

Once identified, they dealt with them by "pushing them off the ice when no one was looking".

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

And if you notice at the bottom of the campfire wiki, Matthew's article is already linked in the footnotes!

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"why doesn't the larger portion of the MFM steer people to help with that?" Great question.

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The great con is why we are here

I don't fly with the 'Died Suddenly ' movie carrying the message, or Woody Harrelson doing the same.

The message is more than that.

Something not quite right about the whole Woody gig...

Fearless and thorough is necessary

I don't give a rat's how many circles we do if we escape the cage

Thankyou for calling it

It's way too easy to get complacent

We all need each other's insight. That's what's so cool about this terrible situation. It's a community of perspectives and skills that strengthen the chance of survival.. Tolerance and respect for each others insights are the glue of unity.

I appreciate yours


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Let us consider your "Great Con."

Matthew may have an opinion or insight into the incipient failure of the world's financial system with the "Repo Crisis" of Sept., 2019. Disobeying his encouragement to provide sources, I have not looked for the essay which explains this. It does provide a credible path from then to now, with preludes in 2001 or 2008, or following the financial chain back through 1971 (Nixon removes gold backing of USD), 1945 (Bretton Woods), 1933( Roosevelt confiscates US citizens' gold), and 1913(formation of Federal Reserve).

There are theories that the US election of 2016 precipitated a premature release of the Covid scheme before it was fully ready.

I sensed very early that something was awry with the Covid response, and as it progressed I saw it as a preliminary to the introduction of compulsory digital ID (the VaxxPass) in preparation for a Social Credit Score System.

We have a pilot programme in Canada and Holland to test the digital ID's, and Justin Trudeau has just suckered the provinces into a "Universal" (national) digital health ID scheme. The "Trusted Traveller Initiative" scheme is another preliminary test programme.

I see the Covid scam as the tip of the iceberg, with the real mass concealed under the surface.

The "Climate Crisis" is the next chapter. But look how long the population has been being conditioned to believe this, and consider the players perpetrating and maintaining the scheme. Hint- the same groups. In Canada we have energy resources to last centuries with no technological advances. So we have an anti-energy federal government, likely trying to appease WEF and Chinese masters.

Watching American entertainers and the influence they have is possibly one of the more frightening aspects of the situation.

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Thankyou for that elaboration. There is insightful accurate info there. Celebrity is one influence for sure. Hollywood is responsible for encouraging us to invest in societal system for value and a sense identity and ultimately, to feel loved. I feel at the core, we have been duped by a misrepresentation of love and identity. Because the measures we invest in to quiet some deep awareness of this, we become addicted. Gotta hit that repeat button right? Be it intensity, drugs and substance, abuse and enmeshment, work obsession and money fixation, iPhone and device addiction, pokies, accumulating assets, infatuation with educationally earned letters after our name, television, shopping, self harm, knowledge (if I know enough I will be safe), all striving away from what's here. Now.

So the psychotics at the top wef, who bill gates Justin Trudeau all those in the wef, corporate investors, have been cultivating this dependency a long time indeed. We have been isolated from each other in community, from our livelihoods in collaboration with being self supporting and being in relationship with the cultivation of our own food supply, our own heat source, our own essential nature

Narcissism is the template model through all of this. So, now I see that we are being viewed by the oligarchy like livestock, which is a humbling lesson for a meat eater like myself, and the oligarchy are into mass depopulation and globalised control. Katherine Watts has been an important source of info for me and her assessment is more terrifying again.

I admire the researchers very much. Like Michael digging deeper into this thing. For first hand knowledge instead of second hand.

To put it simply, and I refer to Whitney Webb here. There is a plan for our enslavement. Covid 19 vaccines are a dangerous beginning toward depopulation. Politics and policy are a farce. The same folks inform it all. Possibly like a big Truman show production. A war next perhaps, kill heaps of folk, sweep Covid deaths out of focus, and from Todd Callenders suggestion, the next pandemic is Marburg. And the Covid vaccines have the Marburg virus in them encased by lipid nano particles, and when 5G is activated in an intentional frequency, Marburg will spread through the hosts body. Quarantine camps are being set up as we speak. We will be vaccinated on entry with a toxic innoculation anyway. Those that survive will enter smart cities and be oppressed and experimented on. Food supplied are being destroyed (farmers outsourced, farms set fire too, chicken feed poisoned) and restricted in order to secure mass control. I do hope this is inaccurate Matthew btw. It's terrifying. As for Woody. It's not right. Something in my gut. It's to easy. It's to stereotyped. The random experiences of awakening don't look so choreographed. Until proven innocent in this case I believe

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Whitney Webb is a hustler. Lifted much of her work from Ryan Dawson.

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Oh. Thankyou for that info. Have not heard that before

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Dr Jessica Rose is good. She likes facts. And Dr Michael Yeadon honesty attests to what he doesn't know, What is solid and what is speculative. I appreciate this

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Thanks. I recently described the WEF as "UnderLords."

They are the visible part of the iceberg, we are not clearly seeing the submerged players.

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Agreed. Like Big Pharma is just a visual puppet. I am not educated specifically to identify the reach back to the primary nest. I reckon the submerged players will be able to remain a mystery. Just watched this. https://rumble.com/v2bbbio-dr-astrid-stuckelberger-todd-callender-ann-vandersteel.html

Bless you. Thankyou for the conversation. We stand together. In the heart. Even if we die soon x x

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Since I know you’re monitoring and it’s relatively quiet right now for you (I think…I’m EST), one of the things I find very appealing about you and your content are the finance/economics ties.

Hope I’m not way off here but from what I can tell from the admittedly minor amount of your content I’ve consumed to date, you seem to align with me on the answer to the important question of why and - maybe more importantly - why now the masters of the universe decided they needed (even more) control. Needed it so badly and so imminently that they went completely over the top relative to past moves/tactics to the point where they risked completely exposing the shenanigans that have been going on behind the scenes to the vast majority of the world’s population for decades.

By that I mean: total break down of the financial markets that have been doped up past the point of no return since 2008 (maybe even 2001…or 1971?), and the ensuing collapse of their own wealth and power but also the broader collapse of the global economy and modern society in general and thus likely violence and ruin, at least for those of them that haven’t built up and stocked their bunkers or private islands yet.

So, if it is indeed at least partially true that your views align with that, wondering if you have a past post of yours off the top of your head that most succinctly lays this out? If so, would love to get a link to it.

I think being able to articulate the why and - again, maybe most importantly - why now can go a long way in getting others to see the forest (fire) as it’s not like history isn’t riddled with examples of aggressive pushes to increase and consolidate power and wealth. And I simply don’t have the background/knowledge/experience to bolster my “you gotta realize that absolutely positively nothing was fixed in 2008…the can - nay, snowball - was kicked down the road” uh explanation without getting too wonky and turning people off.

Sheesh. Sorry for the novel. But regardless of whether you align or respond, thanks again. Keep truckin’.

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For every article I've written, there is one unfinished---partially because they'd be substantial portions of books to get even halfway complete. Sometimes I talk more about these topics in podcasts.

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Someone on a chat session on a business I was ordering BBQ sauce on (look, don't ask, m'kay?) pointed me to this series of articles that woke me up to exactly what you're saying here.

Havens, Horse Heads and Hermann Parts 1, 2 and 3.

Part 1: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/havens-horse-heads-and-hermann-part

Part 2: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/havens-horse-heads-and-hermann-part-ba6

Part 3: https://prussiagate.substack.com/p/havens-horse-heads-and-hermann-part-11d

Will Zoll appears to be a very good researcher, and the historical trip he takes you on in those three parts is WELL WORTHY of a documentary!

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Just read through this series! Thanks for the links. Totally blew my mind. Ended up subscribing to his page and I hardly ever subscribe. Explains a lot of things I never put together and it makes so much sense. He needs a wider audience!

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The why now has bothered me. But as I researched, it would seem decades in the making. Maybe the arrogance thought the plan would work flawlessly?? Over played hand?? Maybe they didn’t realize there were enough people who still want liberty & not enslavement.

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Anyone or anything playing out an existence steeped totally in self-immersed fantasy, who thereby denies all Universal Law, is programmed for self-defeat, failure. They can't help but be short sighted and self-defeating by definition. IMHO.

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For the geopolitical/money links, try Martin Armstrong and/or Tom Luongo. Yes, there are big problems in the global money system. Can they reset it and still remain in control?

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Familiar with both. I struggle with Luongo’s whole Wall Street/Fed vs Davos/ECB thing though. Just can’t not see them as together making up Carlin’s big club that we ain’t in.

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To steal, kill, and destroy.... it's the world.

The endpoint is set. What is not, is the path.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Great post, as always. Would love to hear more about who is compromised in the MFM but understand it might be difficult to be more explicit than you have been so far for legal or other reasons.

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There is a time tradeoff with all the forms of work I do, and a lot of that is frustrating.

Some of those stories will come out with or without me. I used the dollar figure as a place holder on one particular conversation. There are legal ramifications, but so long as I report factually what forms of evidence I have, I believe I'm immune to anything but foolish lawsuits that would likely damage those people more than if they weren't filed. Some stories I haven't told because most of what I have is hearsay, but from numerous independent sources. That's to say that I believe them, but would need to dig for supporting facts, and I have so much other work to do.

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It is also a challenge to separate the "Useful Idiots" from the uninformed "True Believers" (and at some level short of Mr. Crawford we are all uninformed in some topics) and the paid "Chaos Agents."

Short of Event 201 level insight, it is useful to follow the predictions and statements of the players and watch for reproducible accuracy, and more especially for apologies and changes of predictions when new data become available. I particularly like Mr. Crawford's analysis and explanation of the DMED data release and revision as an example of reliable assessment.

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Just a general suggestion... If one finds themselves agitated, untrusting and generally paranoid, it is a good time to step away for a time and reset one's perception on things that are known to be real and true. I recommend doing this in a way that engages as many of the physical senses as possible, and most preferably engaging the natural world. In doing so, the contrast you may experience between the pace of our naturally analog reality may be quite stark from the often hastened and disjointed digital reality people have created for themselves in the modern era.

The propaganda war is being waged with each individual person who is exposed to the propaganda machine. This "machine" is everywhere in the form of all media, but also in the form of humans who cannot help but push narratives they adopt from the machine itself.

It is war on your individual mind.

If you cannot fortify the boundaries around your own mind, and understand how those work, then you are leaving yourself open for manipulation.

Be careful who and what you let into your mind.

All the "truth" in the world will not matter to you if your mind is so twisted by the war that you cannot do anything with it.

Thank you for your work, Matthew.

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This is sooo relevant. When you consider what we are looking into it is highly traumatizing to say the least. It's also very addictive for the ego to seek intensity and catastrophe. Because it is so rational, the sensual, the gentle, the creative and the flow are integral. Balance. Taking some time out to be in this. I hear alot of people saying it's imminent, it has to be now, time to fight. Yes. And if taking respite offers solace to the amygdala for longevity, this is the wise way. Do not be fooled. The world needs its own silence and heart song too. This is interior nourishment. It's not all out there. In the same way that the threat is not all out there.

'All the truth in the world will not matter if your mind is so twisted by the war that you cannot do anything with it'

Such wise counsel

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Thanks for that. Wise words not spoken often enough. Balance and perspective is often ignored.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

Everyone should agree with what you say.

The difficulty is one never knows what's what, especially if you think you do. Who's to say that what you end up believing after due consideration and trying to avoid the obvious lies and juggling various estimated possibilities is not exactly what you've been programmed to believe?

Knowing how people think makes it easy to insert the right amount of spin into the process here and there to manipulate the end result. So called facts can also be manipulated alongside their many interpretations. Numbers too. It's red pills all the way down both outside and inside - where we have about 100 discrete biases affecting so-called truth.

One can Never know. If you think you know, you just think you know. Truth may or may not exist objectively but it's always iffy and effectively does not exist. One can never be sure and it can never be adequately tested. Science, too, is provisional, not metaphysical truth.

Our post-truth reality may or may not be created by people or an advanced Ai, but will surely be used by an advanced Ai if not already. It has always been this way - there never was a real truth-reality and we're in the process of waking up to that truth. No God either.

We need to forget so-called truth and especially forget "Being Right." Truth is a ridiculously false concept from the last millennium and is not even useful. If you believe in conspiracies or psyops or truth, that's your mind limiting Being and Freedom.

Know that you don't actually have a belief in truth, instead that belief has you. Truth is the mind killer. Say "No" to truth and you free yourself from the error of tyranny. Don't let your mind settle anywhere, be like a tree.

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Matthew, many of your readers, myself included, don't have the training to understand your objections to the DMED data accepted by Kirsch, Renz and others. And I earned a masters in math decades ago, but had few classes in statistics. We stumble around in the dark, stubbing our toes on cedar chests and bruising our shins on beds, but each misstep gives us a clue. Yes, Woody could be wittingly or unwittingly useful to one or the other pole of the Hegelian system. So could you, for all we know.

Those of us who were wise to the fear mongering from the start, the conflation of CFR and IFR, and who recognized the orchestrated maligning of early treatment via HCQ overdose and Ivermectin as horse paste, will not be shaken regardless what is proven of DMED data or suspected of mass formation hysteria. What we do know is far more fundamental than the DMED data.

And those of us who recognized all the lies from the magic bullet through the Gulf of Tonkin, incubator babies and WMD are unlikely to be fooled into supporting one pole or the other of the Hegelian system. The real lesson here is to accept each tidbit of Truth independently and not see the specific messenger, whether Woody, Matthew, Trump or Sanders, as pure good or pure evil. I suppose even Biden has redeeming qualities, though I can't imagine what given his life-long track record.

So those of us, perhaps a bit less skilled than you, do have a sense of the room we acquired before they turned off all the lights, and that vague memory will perhaps guide us to a good outcome as we bounce back and forth between the furniture.

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Yes. A red pill indeed.

But you're right. We can hold on to facts that we've learned (simple though they may be, they are FACTS). And attempts to dislodge those facts should be suspect, unless studied through the same lens and efforts used to establish those facts.

Thankfully for me, I've developed an ability to discern and see through a lot of stuff. I may not understand what's bothering me about it yet, but it's there. (a spiritual discernment?).

I've also given a lot of thought (and self-criticism/introspection) to whether I am responding to any new disclosures or "facts" with emotion, or with a judgement against the known facts. Am I seeking validation for what I know with a level of emotional enthusiasm, or with a balance of established facts? (We all want to be right, right?)

I'm trying to avoid seeking to be right, but seeking instead to be on the right path - and some of this is a pathway set by God.

I think for many, the level of evil that has to be present to perpetuate the chaos that is all around us can be overwhelming and unbelieveable, as we try to overcome cognitive dissonance to make sense of it all. For me, I have to take a step back, refer back to the facts I do know, and also rely on a higher power that hasn't let me down yet (and has given me an experience that I cannot deny, but proves the pure love of God and Jesus Christ for me and everyone else).

I don't know how else to explain the discernment. It truly takes a "spiritual set of eyes" to see, and it takes time and faith to develop that. And it's getting harder and harder for people to do that as evil increases in the world. But I can say that the absence of fear that comes from such development is well worth the peace that comes with it. And it gives me strength to share it with others... who have not gone "past feeling", or in other words, are so cold to any influence from God and his message of love for one another that they have doomed themselves.

A simple test - by their fruits, ye shall know them.

Thank you for your efforts Matthew.

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This is such a good comment. The vast majority of us have been indoctrinated by our “education”, even those who were eDuCaTed in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s (or before). Part of seeing the truth is coming to understand and accept this, and then kicking the sacred cows. Digging for the truth is hard but the truth is out there.

Unrelated, this whole episode reminds me of an old Mark Twain quote. I’ll paraphrase, it went something like “if voting mattered they would not let us do it.”

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I have never watched one episode of SNL so I don't much care about the brouhaha. But I do condone the idea that "The Real Point: Be Your Own Leader" has the most merit of anything I have run across. Blindly follow no leader, think in critical mode, question everything, and know you have the power to live life on your terms.

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I love the Butthurt Report form.

I did not know Woody's dad was a bonafide Hitman.

Makes his leading roll in Natural Born Killers seems pre-ordained?

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Author

I'm not going to speculate on NBK. I don't have a good enough reason to think Woody is a bad guy himself to care to make that connection seem "pre-ordained". I'd rather stick to what I know about this story than to try to characterize a man I don't know along a good/evil axis, even if that's simply relating him to the role of a murderer. He may have a lot of trauma to handle simply from his relationship with his father (which ended quite early).

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There are few major media companies and NBC is one. It has endless ties to the deep state. You are wise to be sceptical. If we are to build a civilisation on solid footing we need critical thinking no matter how undignified its conclusions may seem to some. God gave you a great mind. God bless you for using it.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Been following you for a while. Pulled the trigger and gave you my money. Don't disappoint me.

But seriously...serious thinkers don't want to be caged into echo chambers. We want to be challenged to the point of uncomfortable and ask ourselves why we are feeling that way. This substack article hit the target.

Onward and upward to more acquired targets. Let the bombs fly. We'll deal with the cleanup later on... unlike a certain government and RR company in E. Palestine.

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Challenge and be challenged. Have thick skin in the short run, and the judgment to keep moving in the long run.

Cheers and thank you.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Matthew - great connection to his father.

So we have someone whose family has an intelligence community background, and he himself was in the A-circles of Hollywood, who have virtually all pushed the narrative.


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There's no such thing as a coincidence?

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Today there are many stories that the sarscovid 19 virus must have originated at the lab in Wuhan. The department of energy, not any more trustworthy than any other govt agency says it is a lab leaked virus. Vigilant Fox Substack is quoting Tucker Carlson's interview with Li-Meng Yan who says she is a witness to the release and knew the intention of the Chinese communist party to release it.

Are we going to see millions of Americans clamour for war with China? Rally around the flag? Volunteer for a brutal war? Nuts.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I believe media information allowed on any sites is allowed for a reason. Resistance allowed is distraction.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Why can't it be all those things? Comics and stoners are motivated by pushing the envelope. Woody probably has extra license because of his insider ties. Maybe he feels he is working those ties to bring truth forward a bit. Maybe those ties feel they are using him to float a trial balloon, test audience reaction, and plug it all into A I systems to determine their next move. The show gets ratings, the left gets to abreact, the whole societal clownshow gets relegitimatized and propped up another day.

Bigger picture, I am with John Titus: the whole system is over the cliff in bankruptcy. The bosses are needing more and more EVENTS to reset the books and maintain power, while the events look like unrelated catastrophes. This in my view was the nature of PNAC/9-11/war-on-terror and when that eroded, Obama/TARP and when that no longer sufficed, the Plandemic - each involving many trillions of dollars suddenly disappearing and/or changing hands amid dubious storylines and massive cognitive dissonance.

The empire is teetering and the question is not IF another giant false flag is coming, in order to cover up the next reset, just which one. https://bestevidence.substack.com/p/klown-and-the-gangs-apocalypse-derby

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I too hold judgment with Woody.

I too think it's more important to notice the fracturing world.

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