Edenbridge generally makes their ivm pills in 3 mg doses each. But you need at least 12 mg per dose, preferably, 20-40 mg per dose, depending on your weight. I always take and recommend to others, the 0.6 mg per kg dosing as per FLCCC. Had Omicron once back in September (unvaxxed) and I had the same symptoms you had with your recent bout. It was a 3 day affair. XBB strains are circulating now in the USA. They have several different mutations and possibly cause a bit worse illness. I’ve used ivm from Mexico and it is wonderful and works great. I also get my HCQ there too. I am so glad you are better. I am sure you have made certain that your serum vitamin D levels are between 60-90 ng/ml. This will help you avoid most respiratory infections. Sign me, retired NP who has helped tens of elderly people through the Delta wave without a single hospitalization or dropped saturation, using the FLCCC protocol.

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I can’t make it down to Mexico. Am I able to buy online?

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You can get ivermectin and azithromycin from ivermectin.com without a prescription

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I ordered a product called GermProof spray for $190 and received 100 12mg IVM “free” They are Juvenor brand manufactured in India. Shipped From Carson City NV. I’m stocking up and financially support FLCCC!

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Good, also, wash your nose everyday with Neil Med, take Zinc, Vit C and Quercetin. Stock up on Azithromycin in case you get Bronchitis. Even if you have a viral infection, Azithromycin will help calm inflammation in the lungs. But wait two or three weeks from the onset. This is general information, it is not medical advice since I am not a doctor, but I have a First Amendment right to tell you my opinion.

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Farmacia del Nino is great.

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Disgusting that busy-body pharmacy employees are STILL trying to interpose between doctors and patients.

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I'm in Tennessee, which passed a law making it available over the counter. Walgreens & CVS NEVER carried it. I had to go to another, private, pharmacy an hour away to get it. The big chains are still cooperating in the silent ban. They depend on Big Pharm for their livelihoods, so it's really not surprising, but it IS disgusting.

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CVS DID have it once upon a time, but no more. I had a 1-year RX for myself and hubby getting it every month. We got it for 9 months and then they said "the insurance company won't pay for it any more." If you want to pay $150. per month for it, we might be able to order for you.

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Yes, I heard about OTC Ivermectin, so when I visited my sister in March, I stopped at several pharmacies in Athens, TN, two chains and a local compounding pharmacy. None of them honored the new law, though the compounding pharmacy said they were looking into it. https://ivermectin.com/order.php has it, no script needed, 100x12mg for $195.

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We kept our immediate family supplied with IVM through the pandemic. One of our daughters is attending grad school (Chem PhD) in Tennessee. She and her husband had used most of their supply of IVM the first time they got covid, but after TN passed the law allowing OTC purchases we did not bother re-supplying them.

She contracted covid for a second time while we were away from home on a trip (so could not overnight anything to her) and only then did we find out about these disgusting pharmacy chains and how they have continued to deny IVM. So she had only one dose of IVM on hand to take and eventually was hospitalized with myocarditis from covid, though her covid symptoms were never very severe. She is young but very overweight so at higher risk for her age.

This raised a lot of questions for us as she is the only person in our family who was not treated with IVM over 2+ years and is the only one to have serious issues stemming from covid.

She is NOT vaccinated but does work in a lab where just about everyone else is vaccinated, so we have wondered about the possibility of vaccine shedding (I'm personally not quite sure what to make of the risk there) and if that might have affected her.

To anyone who might say she *should* have gotten vaxxed and that would have protected her from covid induced myocarditis: Bite me. One of the other chem PhD students at her university had already died from a heart attack at age 25 after getting vaxxed.

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I am so sorry for what your daughter went through. The chain pharmacies do the bidding of BigPharm and stocking IVM or HCQ is verboten. For the future, Mt Juliet pharmacy (1097 Weston Dr, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122) carries it. Paul there is a good guy. There may be others in the area, but it's the small independents that are standing up for the Little Guy.

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Your daughter might want to check out Kelly Hogan (MyZeroCarbLife) on YouTube. Have a look at her before & after. Life is short, it's so much better when you're healthy. Just sayin'.

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CVS denied my ivermectin script about a year ago.

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Yes, me too.

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Right you are!

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Thanks for this extremely important personal report. I picked up Pierre Kory's early use and could not see why he would not be honest on this. We keep our serum D up with a daily supplement (D3/K2/Mg) and after years with nothing more than a snivel we had bad cough and sneezing a few weeks ago. I immediately started on nebulized 0.2% H2O2 and found it cleared after two days, we were just a bit tired for a further few days. People suffered and died because early treatment was suppressed; I can’t get over my outrage on that.

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I have a bonehead son, in his 50's, junk food diet, smoker. During Delta he was so sick he was scared, and ready for the emergency room, so I was finally able to talk him into trying the nebulized hydrogen peroxide. After one treatment, he said he felt like he had new lungs. When I

checked on him two days later, after several treatments per day, he was digging a trench in his yard for a landscaping project he had started before he got sick. He said he was weak, but breathing good. Total cost was about ten cents worth of food grade peroxide. I've seen it work this quickly several times since. I keep several quarts in the refrigerator tightly capped, where it will last for years.

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Useful confirmation. The benefits of this treatment is that it attacks the virus where it gains entry, nose & throat, before it gets a hold elsewhere. Also bacteria protect colonies by forming a biofilm. It does seem that a lot of covid19 death was due to bacterial pneumonia. H2O2 disrupts that biofilm removing that protection. Two wins from prompt early treatment with no negative side effects.

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And another loss for big Pharma!👍

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Was that based on Dr Levy's protocol? I did that as well but found just doing the nasal rinse with the liquid (0.1% H2O2 / Saline) was effective quicker and easier than using the nebulizer.

In an interview last year Dr Levy said to only use the nebulizer if it had got down into the lungs. The thicker liquid works better in the nasal passages and Delta/Omicron stay in the nose longer before going to the lungs so "thin out the herds" up top as early as possible.

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I read Levy, Mercola, Brownstein and others before I pulled the trigger on it. Levi nebulizes with full strength (3%) which I found to be a little harsh, especially in the sinuses using a face mask. My son started with it full strength, but had to cut back to about a four to one ratio, which was still effective. One doctor I read said you can cut it down to ten to one and it's still effective. I've used it like you, diluted even more as a nasal wash for sinus infection, which is usually viral, not bacterial, and it worked quite well.

I agree, you're much better off if you can stop it before it gets in your lungs.

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I remember getting this information from Dr. Mercola, has to be two years ago at least. You're correct - ivermectin, nasal wash/gargle, supplements and the nebulizer protocol is what you need. We keep HCQ in house as well. 👍🏻

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People suffered and died because of suppression of early treatment - also bad late treatment. It's a crime.

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I'm sure you've noticed how the messaging has changed - now that they want you to jump on paxlovid. "Don't wait - as soon as you have symptoms . . ." 180 from "If you have symptoms, stay home." They literally killed people, telling them to sit home until you can't breathe. Then go to the ER so we can stick you on a vent.

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Do you have a nebulizer at home regularly?

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I have a nebulizer but rarely used it. You need to have to hand immediately if you have a respiratory infection. I have the made up H2O2 in saline in the fridge too. My main health tip is to keep serum vitamin D over 50ng/mL.

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Matthew, you need to have these meds is you house BEFORE you get ill, like bandaids or Advil.

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Yes, before you get sick!

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Glad you are feeling better Mathew. My wife and I just went through the same thing. We did FLCCC protocol using HCQ and IVM ( purchased a truckload a while back from India). We took the stuff for 2 days and the headaches and body ache went away. We don't do hospitals or test; I just figured it was the flu - it appears to be going around our neighborhood in Florida. I am taking larger doses of C now, getting back to 100% strength slowly. Thanks. Peace.

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Here's my IVM story in brief.

In December of 2021, my wife and I attended a Christmas party at our friends' house. The couple hosting the party were "fully vaxxed" (in this case meaning one dose of J&J and two doses of Pfizer). The rest of the attendees were a mixed bag of vaxxed and unvaxxed (the latter group including us). About 4-5 days after the party we got a call from the hosts, to inform us that both they and their young daughter had contracted COVID and were feeling quite ill.

My wife and I were also exhibiting symptoms of respiratory infection around this time. We didn't test for COVID, as the cycle amplification on PCR at the time was (and perhaps still is) absurd to the point of uselessness. What we did have was a stockpile of prescription IVM (Stromectol) obtained via the FLCCC's doctor network, as well as vitamins, quercetin and zinc. We did not have HCQ, so I can't attest to its effectiveness in sum.

What I can attest to is this: I began the rest of the treatment protocol within 24 hours of feeling symptoms, including 0.4 mg/kg IVM. I was sick for the next two days. On the third day, I was symptom free. My wife held off on treatment until her third day of symptoms (at which point they mirrored other reports of symptomatic COVID exactly). After starting the regimen, she remained sick for another six days, and recovered less quickly and dramatically than I did.

Our vaccinated hosts -- and some of their unvaxxed family that did not take IVM -- had a different story, They remained sick for approximately 3 weeks, experiencing symptoms severe enough to keep several of them bedridden for much of that time.

What was interesting is how apologetic our hosts were when we told them we'd also gotten sick. They really are wonderful people, and feared we'd somehow blame them. In reality, the opposite was true. I felt bad for not stockpiling enough IVM to give to them. But it was a strange time, and the propaganda war against IVM and HCQ was at a fever pitch. I'm not sure they would have taken it if I gave it to them. And if it didn't work, or their symptoms got worse, then I would've severely damaged our bonds of trust. Rock, meet hard place.

More generally, I submit to the Knowledge Problem. I understand that there are things I cannot know for sure, and the fog of war meant I could only use myself for experiment. This was something conveniently forgotten, by the cretins and felons stomping through the halls of power. That said, I paid careful attention to what everyone was saying and doing, kept track of lies and admissions of errors (which in many ways is more important than getting everything right). I also traced statements from first principles, and searched dutifully for hidden (and perhaps, perverse) incentives.

In following this philosophical "protocol", it rather quickly became clear to me who and what to trust. And so, when the CDC said shit like "You're not a horse, bro!" it had rather the opposite of its intended effect. That's the beauty of propaganda: once you see through it, it actually becomes helpful in decision-making (though not in the way its authors and promulgators intend).

I still keep a backup stash of Stromectol, though I haven't needed it. In the year-and-a-half since, I've seen other "vaccinated" friends get sick multiple times with flu-like symptoms. Many of them stopped taking the boosters after the second or third such illness (as I've written about, the effects of hypnosis eventually wears off). As far as I know, our hosts never got boosted after the initial series (the husband only took the shot to keep his job, which all of us should look at as an act of heroism IMO).

Is all of this anecdotal? Yes. But when the organs of authority and their official channels of communication have become this thoroughly corrupted, anecdote is often all we have left. And, apparently like IVM itself, it's certainly better than nothing. Someone should have told the ER docs.

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Useful and thoughtful post, Mark. First time I treated a patient with IVM and HCQ was Fall 2021 during Delta. She asked me to treat her since no “regular” employed MD’s would. I warned her about my zero experience with Covid (my career was in a surgical specialty, not in general or internal medicine but she wanted to go ahead. Believe me I was amazed when repurposed drugs turned around her illness! That was an anecdote. But after I treated another forty patients as word spread and followed closely as they improved dramatically the results could no longer be considered anecdotal. They became a cohort.

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In retrospect, I think the window of time is key. While my wife never showed severe symptoms, her recovery to ship-shape was 3x longer than mine. My own investigations of other accounts seemed to yield similar results. The sooner the protocol is started, the faster the recovery time (which stands to reason from a virologic standpoint, actually).

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IVM together with zinc prevents viral replication. That is why early treatment is essential and Pierre Kory has pointed out studies indicating the first 72 hours are the window of opportunity with that treatment. Delay increases the risk of longCovid of one form or another. I only had one patient, treated early, develop long Covid and she unfortunately received the 3 day treatment at .4 mg/kg only. Subsequently the FLCCC increased to 0.6mg/kg for 5 days. I did that as well but actually recommended that people continue using a lower dose of IVM/zinc for two weeks. Nobody developed long Covid with that treatment. Of course, Vit C, D, and aspirin (i recommend adult strngth for 1 month) were part of the treatment as well.

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This also makes sense, as I continued the dosage for a full week, even after symptoms disappeared.

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Smart move. Long Covid is something to be avoided if at all possible.

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obviously, you headed off viral replication long before she did.

on another disgusting note, it's factually true that some hospitals successfully argued in court against being forced to treat patients with ivermectin due to its inhibiting of viral replication, because by the time where they were in court adjudicating it, the argument was made that there was no chance for ivermectin to head off the replication and the despicable judges agreed.

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No need to apologise for not playing doctor to your hosts. You can only help people who are receptive to help and the mindset of the time was definitely not receptive. The blame really lies with the brainwashed for living in such a way that they were unable to survive the propaganda onslaught.

And getting a jab to keep a job is NOT heroism. It's weakness, and they deserve what they get.

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My wife noticed significant differences in Ivermectin brands also. The first batch we got was incredible, and we weren't even taking it for Covid. It drastically reduced her stomach bloating overnight. But the second batch ... imported from India via a Hong Company into the Asian country where we live ... had at best no effect, and I think was actually harmful. We'd like to get more but don't trust it here. It's amazing when it works.

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My husband and I think we had original Wuhan version Dec’19 and both got Omicron BA1 in Dec’21 ( here in U.K.). I had it first and didn’t take the ivermectin I’d bought from India but when my husband came down with it a week later he started ivermectin straight away ( at 0.6 dose) and continued it for 9 days. Our symptoms were pretty much identical except for me having more of an irritant cough for longer and him more prolonged body aches, but we were both fully sick for 10-14 days despite being generally very fit and healthy in our fifties and already taking all the D,C,Zn, NAC, L Arginine, Quercetin etc. We were still able to do our exercise classes on zoom and household chores etc but felt weird, anxious, depressed, palpitations. My conclusion was that either the ivermectin I bought was a dud or we were too superficially ill for it to be able to make a difference!

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Reposting from Notes re: differences in brands:

Ivermectin is extremely poorly soluble in water (about 4 mg/L AFAIK), it’s even occasionally declared «practically insoluble» (which really means «solubility too low to matter for practical purposes» – there are no absolutely insoluble substances).

This is why other ingredients and particle size matter. The finer the powder, the better (because total surface size), and I’m not surprised about the paste being better.

It’s been demonstrated that ethanol-based solutions are absorbed better than capsules/tablets (see ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2751445), so it might be time for some rum (or whatever you prefer :)).

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I wish you had recorded that Walgreens convo. 😂

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I had something in Feb of last year and it was wild. I have a different view on covid than the author here, who I respect greatly, and will keep that to myself since that's not the point here.

All I can say is whatever that was, it was something unforgettable.

A level of illness I have had only once or twice in my life. It was almost religious.

You are all welcome to laugh at me or call me a quack, thats fine, my own family does, so I am used to it.

But what I did was boil three lemon rinds and three grapefruit rinds in water. Supposedly that will make HCQ or just simply a quinine.

It worked. I was not only 100% better within 36 hours, I felt good, like a wildfire had gone through my body and burned up all the litter.

This is not medical advice, just my experience.

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One of the objectives of the scamdemic was to trigger hypochondria. And the "purposely unreliable" PCR tests allowed this condition to flourish.

In fact, over the last three years when folks got sick they really didn't know if they had the flu, food poisoning, or just a cold.

When I was a child it was not unusual to get a bad cold and a severe sore throat losing your sense of smell or taste. In fact, all the physicians were energetically recommending kids get a tonsillectomy. They were as popular as

hula hoops. My mom the skeptic said no. And to this day, me and my tonsils are quite happy.

Anyway, I digress as the point was to say you survived your respiratory infection without taking an experimental mRNA gene therapy toxin, or the other FDA approved mess Paxlovid. And it's unfortunate, that early on in the scamdemic large pharmacy chains agreed not to administer hydroquinone or ivermectin as they were probably forced not to by the federal government.

It's obvious now, that power-hungry ghouls knew that if other alternative drugs were successful at curing COVID the emergency use authorization (EUA) granted to big pharma would be meaningless.

Needless to say, many now realize the medical industrial complex is a predatory hehemoth controlled by the DOD and like the MIC can't be trusted.

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Hula hoops? Tonsillectomy? I'm seeing parts of my childhood flash before my eyes.

Perhaps tonsillectomies could be the subject of a new article by A Midwestern Doctor. Seems like classical medical malpractice.... We're not sure what it does, so cut it off!

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That could be a new medical logo: "when in doubt cut it out." 😁

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Matthew, pleased Ivermectin worked for you as it has for many.

Along with IVM I invite you (and all) to educate yourself on Chlorine Dioxide (CD), which I consider to be an all-around-better substance (not to mention much cheaper) to combat all manner of transmissible diseases/assimilable toxins coming from whatever organic/non-organic sources (pace, Terrain Vs Germ).

I have been using CD regularly for 3 years through all the Covid-1984 nonsense here in New Zealand and generally do not get sick from anything. I also got my 28 Africans onto CD and it is saving their lives challenged by Malaria, Tuberculosis, contaminated water, etc. (plug: https://go.dojiggy.io/anintimateafricancharity )

I note Dr. Stephanie Seneff has evidence CD “neutralizes glyphosate toxicity” (see below). Just be careful to learn about its usage first (take the marvellous free course, see below) and follow the protocols and start with a very low dosage of 3 drops Sodium Chlorite (24-28%) and 3 drops of Hydrochloric Acid (4%) and work up from there.

This is for you and all your readers.

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” Henry David Thoreau

Jack’s email to contact: responsiblyfree@protonmail.com

Stay free, then stay safe.







A FREE Chlorine Dioxide How-To Course, Length: 2 hours 2 minutes.


Curious Human who provided the course email











CURIOUS HUMAN PRODUCTIONS https://www.brighteon.com/channels/curiousoutlier

MMS, CDS & more Molecular Meds. Brian Stone










STOP WORLD CONTROL-Good one page resource











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I think chlorine dioxide may have been what Trump was briefed on and spoke publically about when his pharma handlers and the tentacled global suffocating beast of the MSM pulled him offstage, like being caned in Vaudeville, and started pulsing the story, meme, tweet, post about the orange man advocating "drinking bleach". All my liberal friends thought this was hilarious and evidence of his incompetence, but, though I could not stand him, it was my first inkling that something was decidedly off.

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Thanks, Cynthia, you are driving your Ford on the right road.

Yes, the Trump Bleach story is worthy of a George Carlin rant and I have done the research on it with some eye blinking results which an upcoming Substack will grimace and grin at.

It is amazing how CD has been demonized on such a low level of gutter propaganda such as labelling it as “bleach” which of course the non-critical thinking masses have bought off the Covid-1984 shelf.

But worse than that is how nearly all governments have made CD “illegal” or difficult to obtain including here in New Zealand where its main supplier’s home/laboratory was raided by government goons and shut down and he is now fighting the immoral invasion in immoral court.

In the U.S., Mark Grenon and his sons, are now in prison for the “crime” of making CD available. Here for the latest on Grenon, Trump and Bleach from the “Bloomberg Propaganda, er, Prognosis Newsletter” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-02-01/the-church-that-helped-bleach-go-viral-as-a-fake-cure

The sources I gave you here will give you a closer to truth story.

Stay free, then stay safe.

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I can confirm the efficacy of chlorine dioxide, it's powerful stuff!

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I love hearing people’s anecdotal stories of how they’ve treated themselves.

I have a dear friend who spent the weekend with my husband and I running around hiking and swimming and feeling fine. Two hours after he went home he called saying he felt terrible and that it literally came in in minutes! Aching body, fever, headache, sore throat. How weird.

I had fully stocked him a few months ago with meds. so he was prepared. He jumped on the IVM, cetylpyridinium mouthwash and nasal rinses that night. Next day when he tested positive he added HCQ. Within three days he was perfectly fine except for a mild sore throat which he’s treating with colloidal silver spray. He’s double jabbed (employer mandate) and has had COVID three times since 2021.

My husband and I, both unjabbed, have not gotten ill even after having him as our house guest for three days. We take IVM every Sunday as a prophylactic so were never too concerned.

These anecdotal stories matter since we will NEVER get the truth out of any of the powers that be. They are determined to make us ill and dependent.

As a side note, I had great success in getting my Vitamin D level to 98ng/ml by switching to sublingual dosing. Oral capsules just never were very successful.

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In Africa they call it the "Sunday Sunday" medicine - and take it the same way for malaria.

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How do you test your serum Vitamin D levels? I’d like to do it. Also, do you have a sublingual brand recommendation? Thanks.

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I order the Vitamin D levels test through: www.walkinlab.com

The sublingual I use is from Superior Source. I started out taking 20,000iu daily for six months. When my D level reached 100ng/ml I backed off to 5,000iu daily for maintenance. I take it along with 100mg K2 (MK7).

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Thanks 🙏

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Before I found a trustworthy supplier of IVM, I had excellent results with nebulized hydrogen peroxide, and was amazed at how quickly it works. Mercola said in one of his columns that it's his go-to treatment for all viral infections - not just respiratory.

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Yes, I used this along with a few drops of iodine in my nebulizer. Worked wonders.

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I do want to affirm I've used IVM effectively. Usually proactively if I felt run down with symptoms and when family members went covid positive on those tests (for what thats worth) I also got it into my elderly mother immediately with zinc and d when she went positive. She bounced back in 24 hours. Everyone should see Dr Tess Lawrie's IVM video on how the WHO stopped her research on its efficacy from reaching the world https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/dear-andy-dr-tess-lawrie/

You should also read her worldwide, cochrane style study (the gold standard) meta papers on IVM here https://bird-group.org/

IVM or Hydroxy or both would have saved lives but we were not allowed to know it. Never forget people died alone, in nursing homes and these simple protocals were hidden from us. My functional MD, early on wrote me a script for 3mg but then the law got involved so I ordered from India. The war against IVM needs to be shared with the world as proof there was corruption involved. Thank you

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When my spouse came down with Covid in August 2021 I had IVM on hand, but he was a skeptic. He took it, and within an hour felt better. He said he could actually feel the change happening. His fever broke after 3 days of treatment, and he was completely well after 5. It may have saved his life, but at the very least he is now a believer in its efficacy.

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