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Here's my IVM story in brief.

In December of 2021, my wife and I attended a Christmas party at our friends' house. The couple hosting the party were "fully vaxxed" (in this case meaning one dose of J&J and two doses of Pfizer). The rest of the attendees were a mixed bag of vaxxed and unvaxxed (the latter group including us). About 4-5 days after the party we got a call from the hosts, to inform us that both they and their young daughter had contracted COVID and were feeling quite ill.

My wife and I were also exhibiting symptoms of respiratory infection around this time. We didn't test for COVID, as the cycle amplification on PCR at the time was (and perhaps still is) absurd to the point of uselessness. What we did have was a stockpile of prescription IVM (Stromectol) obtained via the FLCCC's doctor network, as well as vitamins, quercetin and zinc. We did not have HCQ, so I can't attest to its effectiveness in sum.

What I can attest to is this: I began the rest of the treatment protocol within 24 hours of feeling symptoms, including 0.4 mg/kg IVM. I was sick for the next two days. On the third day, I was symptom free. My wife held off on treatment until her third day of symptoms (at which point they mirrored other reports of symptomatic COVID exactly). After starting the regimen, she remained sick for another six days, and recovered less quickly and dramatically than I did.

Our vaccinated hosts -- and some of their unvaxxed family that did not take IVM -- had a different story, They remained sick for approximately 3 weeks, experiencing symptoms severe enough to keep several of them bedridden for much of that time.

What was interesting is how apologetic our hosts were when we told them we'd also gotten sick. They really are wonderful people, and feared we'd somehow blame them. In reality, the opposite was true. I felt bad for not stockpiling enough IVM to give to them. But it was a strange time, and the propaganda war against IVM and HCQ was at a fever pitch. I'm not sure they would have taken it if I gave it to them. And if it didn't work, or their symptoms got worse, then I would've severely damaged our bonds of trust. Rock, meet hard place.

More generally, I submit to the Knowledge Problem. I understand that there are things I cannot know for sure, and the fog of war meant I could only use myself for experiment. This was something conveniently forgotten, by the cretins and felons stomping through the halls of power. That said, I paid careful attention to what everyone was saying and doing, kept track of lies and admissions of errors (which in many ways is more important than getting everything right). I also traced statements from first principles, and searched dutifully for hidden (and perhaps, perverse) incentives.

In following this philosophical "protocol", it rather quickly became clear to me who and what to trust. And so, when the CDC said shit like "You're not a horse, bro!" it had rather the opposite of its intended effect. That's the beauty of propaganda: once you see through it, it actually becomes helpful in decision-making (though not in the way its authors and promulgators intend).

I still keep a backup stash of Stromectol, though I haven't needed it. In the year-and-a-half since, I've seen other "vaccinated" friends get sick multiple times with flu-like symptoms. Many of them stopped taking the boosters after the second or third such illness (as I've written about, the effects of hypnosis eventually wears off). As far as I know, our hosts never got boosted after the initial series (the husband only took the shot to keep his job, which all of us should look at as an act of heroism IMO).

Is all of this anecdotal? Yes. But when the organs of authority and their official channels of communication have become this thoroughly corrupted, anecdote is often all we have left. And, apparently like IVM itself, it's certainly better than nothing. Someone should have told the ER docs.

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Useful and thoughtful post, Mark. First time I treated a patient with IVM and HCQ was Fall 2021 during Delta. She asked me to treat her since no “regular” employed MD’s would. I warned her about my zero experience with Covid (my career was in a surgical specialty, not in general or internal medicine but she wanted to go ahead. Believe me I was amazed when repurposed drugs turned around her illness! That was an anecdote. But after I treated another forty patients as word spread and followed closely as they improved dramatically the results could no longer be considered anecdotal. They became a cohort.

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In retrospect, I think the window of time is key. While my wife never showed severe symptoms, her recovery to ship-shape was 3x longer than mine. My own investigations of other accounts seemed to yield similar results. The sooner the protocol is started, the faster the recovery time (which stands to reason from a virologic standpoint, actually).

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IVM together with zinc prevents viral replication. That is why early treatment is essential and Pierre Kory has pointed out studies indicating the first 72 hours are the window of opportunity with that treatment. Delay increases the risk of longCovid of one form or another. I only had one patient, treated early, develop long Covid and she unfortunately received the 3 day treatment at .4 mg/kg only. Subsequently the FLCCC increased to 0.6mg/kg for 5 days. I did that as well but actually recommended that people continue using a lower dose of IVM/zinc for two weeks. Nobody developed long Covid with that treatment. Of course, Vit C, D, and aspirin (i recommend adult strngth for 1 month) were part of the treatment as well.

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This also makes sense, as I continued the dosage for a full week, even after symptoms disappeared.

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Smart move. Long Covid is something to be avoided if at all possible.

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obviously, you headed off viral replication long before she did.

on another disgusting note, it's factually true that some hospitals successfully argued in court against being forced to treat patients with ivermectin due to its inhibiting of viral replication, because by the time where they were in court adjudicating it, the argument was made that there was no chance for ivermectin to head off the replication and the despicable judges agreed.

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No need to apologise for not playing doctor to your hosts. You can only help people who are receptive to help and the mindset of the time was definitely not receptive. The blame really lies with the brainwashed for living in such a way that they were unable to survive the propaganda onslaught.

And getting a jab to keep a job is NOT heroism. It's weakness, and they deserve what they get.

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