I have a bonehead son, in his 50's, junk food diet, smoker. During Delta he was so sick he was scared, and ready for the emergency room, so I was finally able to talk him into trying the nebulized hydrogen peroxide. After one treatment, he said he felt like he had new lungs. When I
checked on him two days later, after several treatments p…
I have a bonehead son, in his 50's, junk food diet, smoker. During Delta he was so sick he was scared, and ready for the emergency room, so I was finally able to talk him into trying the nebulized hydrogen peroxide. After one treatment, he said he felt like he had new lungs. When I
checked on him two days later, after several treatments per day, he was digging a trench in his yard for a landscaping project he had started before he got sick. He said he was weak, but breathing good. Total cost was about ten cents worth of food grade peroxide. I've seen it work this quickly several times since. I keep several quarts in the refrigerator tightly capped, where it will last for years.
Useful confirmation. The benefits of this treatment is that it attacks the virus where it gains entry, nose & throat, before it gets a hold elsewhere. Also bacteria protect colonies by forming a biofilm. It does seem that a lot of covid19 death was due to bacterial pneumonia. H2O2 disrupts that biofilm removing that protection. Two wins from prompt early treatment with no negative side effects.
Was that based on Dr Levy's protocol? I did that as well but found just doing the nasal rinse with the liquid (0.1% H2O2 / Saline) was effective quicker and easier than using the nebulizer.
In an interview last year Dr Levy said to only use the nebulizer if it had got down into the lungs. The thicker liquid works better in the nasal passages and Delta/Omicron stay in the nose longer before going to the lungs so "thin out the herds" up top as early as possible.
I read Levy, Mercola, Brownstein and others before I pulled the trigger on it. Levi nebulizes with full strength (3%) which I found to be a little harsh, especially in the sinuses using a face mask. My son started with it full strength, but had to cut back to about a four to one ratio, which was still effective. One doctor I read said you can cut it down to ten to one and it's still effective. I've used it like you, diluted even more as a nasal wash for sinus infection, which is usually viral, not bacterial, and it worked quite well.
I agree, you're much better off if you can stop it before it gets in your lungs.
I have a bonehead son, in his 50's, junk food diet, smoker. During Delta he was so sick he was scared, and ready for the emergency room, so I was finally able to talk him into trying the nebulized hydrogen peroxide. After one treatment, he said he felt like he had new lungs. When I
checked on him two days later, after several treatments per day, he was digging a trench in his yard for a landscaping project he had started before he got sick. He said he was weak, but breathing good. Total cost was about ten cents worth of food grade peroxide. I've seen it work this quickly several times since. I keep several quarts in the refrigerator tightly capped, where it will last for years.
Useful confirmation. The benefits of this treatment is that it attacks the virus where it gains entry, nose & throat, before it gets a hold elsewhere. Also bacteria protect colonies by forming a biofilm. It does seem that a lot of covid19 death was due to bacterial pneumonia. H2O2 disrupts that biofilm removing that protection. Two wins from prompt early treatment with no negative side effects.
And another loss for big Pharma!👍
Was that based on Dr Levy's protocol? I did that as well but found just doing the nasal rinse with the liquid (0.1% H2O2 / Saline) was effective quicker and easier than using the nebulizer.
In an interview last year Dr Levy said to only use the nebulizer if it had got down into the lungs. The thicker liquid works better in the nasal passages and Delta/Omicron stay in the nose longer before going to the lungs so "thin out the herds" up top as early as possible.
I read Levy, Mercola, Brownstein and others before I pulled the trigger on it. Levi nebulizes with full strength (3%) which I found to be a little harsh, especially in the sinuses using a face mask. My son started with it full strength, but had to cut back to about a four to one ratio, which was still effective. One doctor I read said you can cut it down to ten to one and it's still effective. I've used it like you, diluted even more as a nasal wash for sinus infection, which is usually viral, not bacterial, and it worked quite well.
I agree, you're much better off if you can stop it before it gets in your lungs.