Edenbridge generally makes their ivm pills in 3 mg doses each. But you need at least 12 mg per dose, preferably, 20-40 mg per dose, depending on your weight. I always take and recommend to others, the 0.6 mg per kg dosing as per FLCCC. Had Omicron once back in September (unvaxxed) and I had the same symptoms you had with your recent bout…
Edenbridge generally makes their ivm pills in 3 mg doses each. But you need at least 12 mg per dose, preferably, 20-40 mg per dose, depending on your weight. I always take and recommend to others, the 0.6 mg per kg dosing as per FLCCC. Had Omicron once back in September (unvaxxed) and I had the same symptoms you had with your recent bout. It was a 3 day affair. XBB strains are circulating now in the USA. They have several different mutations and possibly cause a bit worse illness. I’ve used ivm from Mexico and it is wonderful and works great. I also get my HCQ there too. I am so glad you are better. I am sure you have made certain that your serum vitamin D levels are between 60-90 ng/ml. This will help you avoid most respiratory infections. Sign me, retired NP who has helped tens of elderly people through the Delta wave without a single hospitalization or dropped saturation, using the FLCCC protocol.
I ordered a product called GermProof spray for $190 and received 100 12mg IVM “free” They are Juvenor brand manufactured in India. Shipped From Carson City NV. I’m stocking up and financially support FLCCC!
Good, also, wash your nose everyday with Neil Med, take Zinc, Vit C and Quercetin. Stock up on Azithromycin in case you get Bronchitis. Even if you have a viral infection, Azithromycin will help calm inflammation in the lungs. But wait two or three weeks from the onset. This is general information, it is not medical advice since I am not a doctor, but I have a First Amendment right to tell you my opinion.
Edenbridge generally makes their ivm pills in 3 mg doses each. But you need at least 12 mg per dose, preferably, 20-40 mg per dose, depending on your weight. I always take and recommend to others, the 0.6 mg per kg dosing as per FLCCC. Had Omicron once back in September (unvaxxed) and I had the same symptoms you had with your recent bout. It was a 3 day affair. XBB strains are circulating now in the USA. They have several different mutations and possibly cause a bit worse illness. I’ve used ivm from Mexico and it is wonderful and works great. I also get my HCQ there too. I am so glad you are better. I am sure you have made certain that your serum vitamin D levels are between 60-90 ng/ml. This will help you avoid most respiratory infections. Sign me, retired NP who has helped tens of elderly people through the Delta wave without a single hospitalization or dropped saturation, using the FLCCC protocol.
I can’t make it down to Mexico. Am I able to buy online?
You can get ivermectin and azithromycin from ivermectin.com without a prescription
I ordered a product called GermProof spray for $190 and received 100 12mg IVM “free” They are Juvenor brand manufactured in India. Shipped From Carson City NV. I’m stocking up and financially support FLCCC!
Good, also, wash your nose everyday with Neil Med, take Zinc, Vit C and Quercetin. Stock up on Azithromycin in case you get Bronchitis. Even if you have a viral infection, Azithromycin will help calm inflammation in the lungs. But wait two or three weeks from the onset. This is general information, it is not medical advice since I am not a doctor, but I have a First Amendment right to tell you my opinion.
Farmacia del Nino is great.