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The subtitle of my first Substack essay, “A Primer for the Propagandized” (margaretannaalice.subst…) is “Fear Is the Mind-Killer” from “Dune.” I figured the series contains valuable lessons for the present scenario but haven’t read it since high school and don’t remember it well enough to draw comparisons, so thank you for refreshing my …
© 2025 Mathew Crawford
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The subtitle of my first Substack essay, “A Primer for the Propagandized” ( is “Fear Is the Mind-Killer” from “Dune.” I figured the series contains valuable lessons for the present scenario but haven’t read it since high school and don’t remember it well enough to draw comparisons, so thank you for refreshing my memory a bit and highlighting this relevant storyline (“instant death by way of a poison needle” turned out to be especially prescient).
Did you coin “Military Occult Banking Syndicate (MOBS),” Mathew? That’s brilliant. I’m adding it to my running glossary of neologisms and acronyms with credit to you (unless it comes from another source).
There is a scene in Gordon R Dickson's "Tactics of Mistake" where Mondar the Exotic (the series' analog to the Bene Gesserit) uses a (non-lethal) pain implement on Cletus, the hero. The situation reveals the power of self-knowledge and control at the outset of the drama.
The Dune BG catechism "Fear is the Mind-Killer" has come into play this decade. This evening at our local North Cowichan Council meeting, one of the public speakers stood up and rejected the process of creating fear-driven policy and control, while others prated on about the horrors of the climate catastrophe (TM).
For "MOBS" I am minded of a book my father had about 50 years ago, "The Arms of Krupp" and the one I read from his collection "Behind the Nylon Curtain" , the DuPont and Sloan (General Motors) industrial influence on US government.
Condolences for your recent bereavement, I am very grateful that you have the support of your Substack patrons.