Theosophy committed one very important crime that nobody ever observes: it gutted, altered, 're-defined' and assimilated (like the Borg) something we used to call 'folklore.' As William Butler Yeats pointed out before he became a politician and member of secret societies: there is what used to be called Peasant Lore, and then there is 'o…
Theosophy committed one very important crime that nobody ever observes: it gutted, altered, 're-defined' and assimilated (like the Borg) something we used to call 'folklore.' As William Butler Yeats pointed out before he became a politician and member of secret societies: there is what used to be called Peasant Lore, and then there is 'occultism.' Occultism is for and from aristocrats, the city dwelling upper class. Folklore is for the rest of us commoners, and it has no pope, prophet or guru. Theosophy is nothing less than some weird composite of upper class freemasonry, occultism, new agery, eugenics, and has very little connection to what the 'peasant' experiences or has a connection to. Rural folk who lived off the land didn't have seances and try to talk to ghosts, but they did see Bigfoot and weird lights in the woods and had a vast vocabulary for it all for generations upon generations, and they didn't need fraternities and degrees and initiations.
Theosophy committed one very important crime that nobody ever observes: it gutted, altered, 're-defined' and assimilated (like the Borg) something we used to call 'folklore.' As William Butler Yeats pointed out before he became a politician and member of secret societies: there is what used to be called Peasant Lore, and then there is 'occultism.' Occultism is for and from aristocrats, the city dwelling upper class. Folklore is for the rest of us commoners, and it has no pope, prophet or guru. Theosophy is nothing less than some weird composite of upper class freemasonry, occultism, new agery, eugenics, and has very little connection to what the 'peasant' experiences or has a connection to. Rural folk who lived off the land didn't have seances and try to talk to ghosts, but they did see Bigfoot and weird lights in the woods and had a vast vocabulary for it all for generations upon generations, and they didn't need fraternities and degrees and initiations.