Malone was highly interested in the DMED, and asked me onto it. My findings conflicted with the narrative pushed loudly, and he never took the single step to use his several platforms to say one time, "Mathew is right, and it makes sense to investigate Unissant." There is more to it, but I might as well just write it sometime when it hit…
Malone was highly interested in the DMED, and asked me onto it. My findings conflicted with the narrative pushed loudly, and he never took the single step to use his several platforms to say one time, "Mathew is right, and it makes sense to investigate Unissant." There is more to it, but I might as well just write it sometime when it hits my priority stack top.
Malone was highly interested in the DMED, and asked me onto it. My findings conflicted with the narrative pushed loudly, and he never took the single step to use his several platforms to say one time, "Mathew is right, and it makes sense to investigate Unissant." There is more to it, but I might as well just write it sometime when it hits my priority stack top.
Here is my response to Malone defaming me.
Note that not one of the doctors upset about me writing about Ryan called this out.