You are a fantastic resource yourself for compiling as much as you do. There are many of overlaps between people you mention that I have long paid attention to and others where I go "I heard that name! I haven't read much though..." and add them to the running queue in my head of things to keep in mind. Can't read everything, but it certainly builds up a body of resources to go to when conflict strikes. I discovered Jessica Rose through someone else talking about her on ClubHouse. That was also the place where I discovered you in a chat. I don't recall exactly what it was, but it was so informative that after you left multiple people in the room were promoting your substack.

I discovered the Gato..... somewhere. I have no idea. That cat I think just walked into the room and said "respect my authority, you know you like bad cats."

I am glad to hear you had a vacation sir. You most definitely deserved it!

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Thanks for your analysis and the links! The censorship is as scarier and more harmful than the facts they are censoring.

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I too am loving Substack and am spending lots more time here. Thanks for the new tips I will head there and check them out!

May I suggest for those interested in the legal angle they follow on Substack: Aaron Siri as well as Coffee and Covid. Also follow Robert Barnes at vivabarneslaw. locals.com ( most content free but worth the subscription for the subscriber livestreams where he will answer all questions).

Thanks for all you do!

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Thank you for this superb roundup! I just discovered Dr. Jessica Rose recently myself and am planning to reference her research in an upcoming article (I’ve already wielded her peer-reviewed paper against Covidians ;-)

I would like to humbly add my own blog to your list as I have been delving into nearly every aspect of this manufactured crisis in my attempts to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/

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I literally have your pinned article up, and am enjoying it. Halfway through (but vacation got in the way).

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Mathew, haha, how lovely to hear, and I do realize much of my content is quite dense and takes a while to digest :-) Bon appétit, and enjoy the rest of your vacation!

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I am a slow, dyslexic reader, so I wind up with pages full of tabs. That's one reason why my "what I've been reading list" is never complete.

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I *always* have hundreds of tabs of unfinished readings open, hence my browser’s disdain for me ;-)

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I really appreciate these Substack articles and references. Statistics are complete over-my-head rocket science for me so it is wonderful to have a trusted analytic source. 2 issues I've wondered about since April 202: how might selenium deficiency soils be affecting viral virulence since it has long been known that viruses mutate towards virulence in a selenium deficient body; and what effect has 20 months of global anti-bacterial product use have on the pandemic? Are there covered-up incidents of anti-biotic resistant bacterial outbreaks in hospitals? Could that be a factor in the deaths of young and healthy people, mountaineers, exercise influencers? During lockdown I used to track correlations between hot zones, recent outbreaks of anti-biotic resistant bacteria and selenium in the native soils, but I didn't have a clue what the confounds might be or the invisible variables or any of that. Thanks for these analyses!!

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Probably a good thing you drove. Welcome back, you were missed.

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Thank you for your hard work, Mathew. This was comforting and disturbing at the same time, but mature nevertheless. Cheers!

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Nice to have you back Matthew.

I’d be grateful if anyone could help me out with a query. My niece is having a bad time with migraines. I don’t want to attribute everything to the vaccination but I’d be curious to know if this is a typical side effect? She has also had the tingling hands and momentary blindness.

I’d love to help her out. We don’t have ivermectin ( and can’t get it)

I know this is not what the article is about. But I’d be grateful.

Best to all.

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I hope you find a good treatment and that all her symptoms go away soon. I am not a physician, so I would not feel comfortable wading into diagnostics. longhaulcovid.com might be a place to check out. Bruce Patterson has done great work.

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Thanks I appreciate that.

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Add the Twitter account of “Arkmedic” to your censored list. Could be a “permanent” suspension too....

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Holy cow that Inbox feature is the bomb!! Thanks !!!

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Thaaaaanks for the substack INBOX reference - I've been wanting something like this for ages and didn't even know substack had it as a feature - they should let readers (who they can see are subscribed to >1 writer) know about this more obviously

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If you have a moment, have you taken a look at the newest data from the CDC concerning COVID mortality? The last dataset entry is from SEP29-OCT4 2021and the claim being made is that the unvaxxed have a 11.3 greater risk of dying from Covid. This is being heralded in certain circles of proof of excellent efficacy. I do not even bother looking at the caze numbers, due to the skewed data collection from the differing reporting standards of unvaxxed vs vaxxed, however the much higher incidence of deaths reported has me interested. I am not compotent enough to trust my own analysis of the raw data to come to a sayisfying conclusion.


The one problem I could maybe see is that tgey are basing their incidence rate estimates off of census data taken from 2019, subtracting the known fully vaxxed and partially vaxxed from that number, then standardized by age using data taken from two decades ago. 2000. Have demographics changed enough in that time period to spoil their analysis? Or am I just trying too hard to discredit their findings? Obviously there is also the assumption that all people who have been fully vaccinated have been identified and other such data accuracy problems. Or the fact that the data is coming from only 15 states/locations all with different reporting mechanisms and procedures.

So tl;dr, is this just more propagandistic use of statistics? Or something to be concerned about?

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Their statistics are nonsense. First, it's not clear if they're real given the lack of transparency. Second, they haven't corrected for survivor bias or Type II COVID (vaccine-induced). Third, the 14 day window after the second dose allows the dodging of the highest case risk period. Fourth, there is no judgment of the tradeoff (other COVID-like illnesses for which the vaccinated are far more likely to be hospitalized, ahem).

When I get a chance, I plan to lay this out more clearly in an article, but I'm slammed with priorities.

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Understood, thank you for the comment.

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This book suggestion is going here in what to read. When you get to breathe and chillax again it will be easy to remember it's filed here & sounds like it's right in your wheelhouse. Not my pick it's Paul Craig Roberts and he's quite smitten with it & he's a long timer in my very short financial favorites list.

"Van Der Pijl explains how the various elite networks–transnational, financial, governmental, etc.–work toward a common agenda. Meanwhile, the elite use their control over ideas, communication, and entertainment to keep us peons fighting among ourselves: Republicans vs. Democrats, Liberals vs. Conservatives, racism, women’s rights, transgender rights, abortion rights, and distracted with Russian Threat, Chinese Threat, Terrorist Threat. The real threat goes undisclosed and unremarked.

Deceit of the people is the priority task for all Western governments, supported by intelligence agencies, IT corporations and media.

Van Der Pijl names names. For example, the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Conference reflects the ruling power bloc: Eric Schmidt (Google), IT companies (Palantir) and entrepreneurs (Peter Thiel), Belgian banker and media magnate Thomas Leysen, directors and executives of financial institutions (Lazard, Deutsche Bank, the Wallenberg investor group in Sweden), Henry Kravis of the Kohlberg-Kravis-Roberts hedge fund. Leysen is a member of the Trilateral Commission, Friends of Europe, and the Bilderberg Group.

This group connects to other groups, such as the Cercle de Lorraine. Among the members is Christian Van Thillo who owns practically the entire Belgian and Dutch newspaper market. Van Thillo also is a director the the German publishing group, Bertelsmann. Another member, Count Maurice Lippens links to Friends of Europe, a group that includes in its membership former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt and former European Commissioner Neelie Kroes.

The French, US, and UK media are also concentrated. All of the owners are brought together via elite organizations." https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/02/04/we-are-all-ensnared-in-the-elites-web/

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Thanks, great stuff, added to my rounds :-)

Have you seen Jonatham Latham's presentation about covid origin? Very relevant to understanding variant evolution.

His info:

The Mojiang Miners Passage Theory and The Lab Origin Question

by Jonathan Latham, PhD


Synopsis: The link above is to a 14 minute presentation I gave on Oct 7th to the British Medical Journals’ excellent '#CovidUnknowns' webinar series. This edition of the series was about the origins of Covid-19. The talk is focussed on an aspect of our Mojiang Miners Passage theory that many people have found the most difficult to accept. This is the idea that one or more bat coronaviruses evolved inside the body of one hospitalised miner into SARS-CoV-2 (or a very similar virus). Our theory requires that perhaps many hundreds of mutations (and by implication several decades of virus evolution) could have occurred in 6 months inside one body. To many, this seems far-fetched. Yet, in this talk, I point out how a number of recent studies have found that viruses within single individuals who have compromised immune systems and long term infections (and therefore are very much like the miners) can undergo startling evolutionary leaps. The classic example is the B.1.1.7 variant that arose in the UK in Sept 2020. B.1.1.7., which went on to dominate the pandemic there and elsewhere, is now thought to have entirely arisen inside just one person. B.1.1.7 carries 23 unique mutations not present in the general population. Thus, at a stroke, a virus in a single person is believed to have evolved far further than had any of the viruses comprising the entire rest of the UK pandemic, which featured millions of infections. At first glance, this seems highly unlikely. But, as I explain in the talk, the hyperevolution that led to B.1.1.7 can be readily accounted for by the unique internal dynamics of virus evolution in long term covid infections. Thus the mechanism behind the rise of the novel variants, which are now driving the pandemic itself, validates a key and controversial aspect of the Mojiang Miner Passage theory.

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It's insane how much people are willing to do in order to try and reinforce the narrative.

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Mathew: Thank you for your devotion to these important topics! I have benefitted greatly from your writings.

I would be careful in my support of Dr. Peter McCullough.

You included Dr. McCullough’s presentation to the Annual Meeting of AAPS in your additions to Pandemic Resources. Although I agree with many of Dr. McCullough’s statements and I can appreciate his grave concerns, I am troubled by a verifiably false claim he has made on at least two occasions, and also by who he might be associating with.

On multiple occasions, Dr. McCullough misrepresented the findings of McLachlin et al’s study on the first 250 COVID-19 vaccine death reports in VAERS. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352837543_Analysis_of_COVID-19_vaccine_death_reports_from_the_Vaccine_Adverse_Events_Reporting_System_VAERS_Database_Interim_Results_and_Analysis) For example, at about 14 minutes into his AAPS presentation, Dr. McCullough states that McLachlin et al “…found that 86% of the deaths had no other explanation outside of the vaccine.”, and this quote is echoed by his presentation screen in large font overtop of the study. This claim is clearly false. I believe this is a misrepresentation of the finding from this study that, “the only patients where a vaccine allergic reaction can [sic] be ruled out as contributing to death were 34 (14%)” (p. 16). Dr. McCullough has (possibly intentionally) incorrectly transformed the finding that, for 86% of the cases, the authors could not rule out vaccine-related death into that the authors found that the vaccine was the only known explanation for the death, which is incorrect. For someone with Dr. McCullough’s lengthy scientific publication record to make such an obvious error and to make it on multiple occasions, including some interviews, is disturbing.

Further, without revealing too much here, I heard an interview where Dr. McCullough asked for assistance from those in the field of psychology to help him and other doctors understand how to better reach the public. I reached out to him. He connected me with a person who repeatedly wrote to me that the vaccines were “kill shots”. This person wanted me to help their organization in “stopping the genocide in progress.”

Isn’t this type of fear-mongering and hysteria creation exactly what our society’s leaders are doing to the masses regarding COVID-19? Peter McCullough and others in the public spotlight have rightly condemned the induction of fear by our leaders. But, how much other data in his presentations are misrepresented to overstate the vaccine’s adverse effects? How much are he and his associates using vaccine fear to acquire supporters and manipulate them? I don’t believe that inducing fear, especially using claims that are verifiably false or cannot be clearly supported by evidence, is how we will win converts. Not only can the case be made without fear-induction, but manipulating people through fear degrades their (and our) humanity.

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