Their statistics are nonsense. First, it's not clear if they're real given the lack of transparency. Second, they haven't corrected for survivor bias or Type II COVID (vaccine-induced). Third, the 14 day window after the second dose allows the dodging of the highest case risk period. Fourth, there is no judgment of the tradeoff (other CO…
Their statistics are nonsense. First, it's not clear if they're real given the lack of transparency. Second, they haven't corrected for survivor bias or Type II COVID (vaccine-induced). Third, the 14 day window after the second dose allows the dodging of the highest case risk period. Fourth, there is no judgment of the tradeoff (other COVID-like illnesses for which the vaccinated are far more likely to be hospitalized, ahem).
When I get a chance, I plan to lay this out more clearly in an article, but I'm slammed with priorities.
Their statistics are nonsense. First, it's not clear if they're real given the lack of transparency. Second, they haven't corrected for survivor bias or Type II COVID (vaccine-induced). Third, the 14 day window after the second dose allows the dodging of the highest case risk period. Fourth, there is no judgment of the tradeoff (other COVID-like illnesses for which the vaccinated are far more likely to be hospitalized, ahem).
When I get a chance, I plan to lay this out more clearly in an article, but I'm slammed with priorities.
Understood, thank you for the comment.