"Artists are the people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide." -Donald Woods Winnicott
Last Friday afternoon, my wife and I hopped in the car and drove through the night and into the wee hours of the morning for a much needed vacation, spent mostly in Florida. The sun, the running around on the beach (sore legs), jet skiing, sand sculpting, and general relaxation were worth the two thousand miles logged. We like to leave a monument here or there for the beachgoers to enjoy:
I have numerous articles and analyses in the works, and a lot of rejuvenated energy, so I plan to make up for lost time over the next few days.
What I've Been Reading/Viewing
When I wrote Mathew's Favorite Pandemic Resources, I meant to add some additional authors, but a combination of distractions and a large world of excellent writers and journalists means such lists are always incomplete. Also, the more I see of substack, the more I appreciate what an amazing platform and resource this is on the whole. I highly recommend the inbox and RSS feed.
If you haven't yet watched Dr. Peter's McCullough's talk 'Therapeutic Nihilism and Untested Novel Therapies' delivered at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, take the time.
U.S. Mortality is a resource I plan to quote and grab images from in the future.
Karen Hunt's essay Utopian Madness is one of the best essays I've ever read. I have been working on one with significant overlap of thought, so I'll focus on adding value to the conversation rather than competing with her excellent presentation.
Alex Berenson was going to be on my original resources list because he is doing the best job of filling in the immense gap of "pandemic" journalism. If I haven't linked to him among my enormous citation list (and I'm not even certain I haven't), it is because we take distinct vectors. But I read his articles often just in the course of keeping up with the pandemic news. Though I cannot recall which article (and his work is of high enough volume that I'm not going to hunt it down), I recall appreciating that he seemed to stop to learn something about statistics in order to tell a story the right way.
El Gato Malo (Boriqua Gato) is one of the anonymous gems of the pandemic. We should all have a serious conversation about why anonymity is so common among smart people engaging in the deeper discussions about the pandemic. At this point, I should admit that I did not sit and listen to a talking cat. That doesn't happen.
Steve Kirsch seems to have taken tips from numerous people, and quickly improved his presentation skills. His videos here are of high quality, and will hit home with a lot of people uninterested in reading 200-page documents. They have received several hundred thousand views to date.
Jessica Rose is my spirit sister. I am adopting her as such. She might be the living incarnation of Jordan from the movie Real Genius, but less awkward and with surfing skills.
I'm sure I missed some important reads here, but I'll do this again once in a while.
What's Been Censored
Though it passed through peer review with no changes suggested, with publication contracts and fees executed, the research paper on vaccine associated myocarditis authored by my friends Jessica Rose, PhD and Dr. Peter McCullough in the journal Current Problems in Cardiology was unceremoniously taken offline without communication with either of the authors.
Given that my own tweet of the paper was itself retweeted nearly 1,800 times (and I am by no means a giant among social media influencers), I'm going to suggest it might be one of the most widely read scientific publications of all time, after a mere 10 days in publication. But the paper seems too problematic for the Pandemic Gods, so for now it is offline.
The Wayback Machine seems to have caught a glimpse, however. You're welcome.
The scientific publication industry has been broken for some time, but the absurdity seems to reach new heights weekly during this "pandemic".
Expect to see a new breed of competing journals pop up to fill the void. There is a rumor that Dr. Robert Malone may be starting one soon. More evidence that we are passing through a portal between Epochs?
You are a fantastic resource yourself for compiling as much as you do. There are many of overlaps between people you mention that I have long paid attention to and others where I go "I heard that name! I haven't read much though..." and add them to the running queue in my head of things to keep in mind. Can't read everything, but it certainly builds up a body of resources to go to when conflict strikes. I discovered Jessica Rose through someone else talking about her on ClubHouse. That was also the place where I discovered you in a chat. I don't recall exactly what it was, but it was so informative that after you left multiple people in the room were promoting your substack.
I discovered the Gato..... somewhere. I have no idea. That cat I think just walked into the room and said "respect my authority, you know you like bad cats."
I am glad to hear you had a vacation sir. You most definitely deserved it!
Thanks for your analysis and the links! The censorship is as scarier and more harmful than the facts they are censoring.