Weird that this should show up today on one of the telegram channels I read from time to time. General Konstantin Petrov on cognitive warfare and Scientology involvement. 2004. Subtitled. Excerpt with a link to the complete session https://t.me/putingers_cat/8097

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Wow! Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you for posting this. I had done a search for her name. For some reason, I thought I read that she was deceased as of a few years ago, but could not find much.

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You can find her facebook page. It's under her maiden name. She posts nothing but typical grandma stuff these days. Amazing woman.

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Good to see you found Kay's work. You'll like this too:


Very detailed research into the PROMIS software scandal. Has a section on biowarfare. Of special interest, mob/intelligence connections to engineering a binary weapon that induces pathogenic T-cell activity.

"Probing one of most organized and complex criminal enterprises in the United States, this report exposes the dynamics of the Octopus, a globe-trotting undercover intelligence operative. Based on 18 years of investigative research, this account reveals high-level, covert government operations and the elaborate corporate structures and the theft of high-tech software (PROMIS) used as smoke-and-mirror covers for narcotics trafficking, money laundering, arms sales, and espionage. The Octopus connections to a maze of politicians and officials in the National Security Council, the CIA, the FBI, and the U.S. Department of Justice are revealed. A detailed look into the recent high-profile arrest of Mafia hit-man Jimmy Hughes is also included in this intriguing analysis."

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Here's a quote from the book that should grab your attention:

"In and of itself this transaction seemed innocuous enough. But again I asked myself, why was an international arms dealer on the Board of F.I.D.C.O (First Intercontinental Development Corporation), a CIA front corporation, which offered three billion dollars to rebuild Beirut to President Amin Gamayel of Lebanon, whose chief of finances (Sami el Khouri) was shipping tons

of heroin to Sicily for reexport to America, want to invest in "a method for induction and activation of cytotoxic TLymphocytes"?

Was this technology being developed with the authority of the U.S. government, or independently? If Nichols' operations were in fact government sanctioned, then it must have been frustrating for him to be investigated by the FBI. The concept of the FBI inadvertently investigating the CIA was ironic. And

what had Danny Casolaro learned about this technology?

I found a possible answer in an obscure letter written on Wackenhut/Cabazon letterhead, dated January 20, 1983, addressed to Dr. Harry Fair at Tactical Technology in Arlington, Virginia, from Dr. John P. Nichols, Cabazon Administrator. The letter noted that on February 15th, 1983, Dr. Nichols would be forwarding to Dr. Fair "a unique list of agents and production techniques related to biological warfare."

The letter went on to say that the Storemont Laboratories business plan Dr. Nichols mailed to him was to prepare him for what was to be sent in the area of biological warfare. Added Dr. Nichols: "[These] products could be utilized in small countries bordering ALBANIA or large countries bordering the Soviet Union. You will be amazed at the scope ..." I could not help recalling the Village Voice article ("The Last Days of Danny Casolaro," October 15, 1991) which had stated, tongue in cheek, that "Casolaro had traced the Inslaw and related stories back to a CIA `Old Boy' network that had begun working together in the 1950's around the ALBANIA covert operations ..."

The hybridoma technology discussed in attached documents (in Michael Riconosciuto's files), centered around the ability to reorganize and synthesize genetic structures and to modify "lymphocytes" (immune cells).

Under the heading "Possible Military Applications Utilizing Hybridoma Technology" was the notation that "genesplicing technology provides the ability to produce pathogenic (harmful) agents, i.e. viruses."

"In fact," noted the writer, "biological warfare weaponry of this nature (both production and supply) is limited only by the imagination of the scientist."

Included in the above mentioned documents (attached to the Dr. Harry Fair letter), was a proposal to develop monoclonal antibody kits to detect the presence of such harmful biological agents in a field (combat) environment. In other words, develop a laboratory created vaccine for a laboratory created

virus. The very same proposal had been submitted to Peter Zokosky in December 1982 by John P. Nichols."

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In case no-one clicked on this vimeo link - it is entitled "Kay Griggs Returns! The Legendary Lady is Alive & Well!!" and purports to be (I have no special reason to disbelieve it) a recent interview with Kay Griggs who is therefore alive.

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Thanks! ;) Nice to know Kay is fine!

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You are most welcome

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Excellent!! Thank you.

I have the entire 10hour unedited interview, safely saved for future generations.

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Can you share that with me? I was not aware of cuts. Of course, I only just found out about it.

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Here, you can download it from this user.


I am not the only one who is safe-keeping and re-uploading ;)

Also, remember Ted Gunderson?

He was saying similar things.

Both Kay and Ted were heavily defamed.

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I have some concerns about Ted, myself, but have never done the work to decide whether he is honest or not. One thing that is true is that those looking for truth will be themselves misled by people or teams looking to gaslight and mislead them. So, he may have simply been wrong about a few things, but honest and right about others.

Or, he could have been another psyop. As I said, I haven't done the work to have a real opinion.

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Re: Gunderson

Same. His close friendship with Aquino an hard issue to overlook if his daily friendly phone convos with Aquino are true. Opperman Report has a whole thing about Gunderson and clearly he seems very conflicted about him, his activities and how are 'truthers' (for lack of a better word rn) supposed to see him

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I base my judgement of Gunderson on WHAT he was whistling about! Not on what people later said about him.

And as Kay, he was defamed - I believe it was claimed he was a Russian plant.

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Yeah defamed for sure, same old story 😴

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Got where your observations are based on I was only riffing off of it since I listened Opperman Report episode about him again other night ah

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No need to be concerned about Ted. And he is exposing the exact same thing as Kay.

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That's exactly how I would want to appear if I were collecting information on people blowing whistles.

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You think Gunderson was a mole, a snitch?

Have you perhaps researched the case of ITJN? And Robert David Steele?

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A comment on that 10-hour video: "To anyone curious, the reason this video is more than 3 hours longer than all the other versions is because it starts to play from the beginning again at 07:44:21 . All the other versions just abruptly end at this time. There is no additional/new/missing information in this version compared to the others. I would be curious to see what was said after all the videos cut off where they were beginning to discuss New Orleans being a center of illegal mob activity and mind control.

Comment from the host of the channel: "Giovanni "Johnny" Cirucci

10 months ago

Thanks. I didn't catch that, I just thought it was an extended interview."

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I wanted tovhear more about New Orleans and Oswald. Kay mentioned her husband went there “all the time,” and then the discussion veered away, and never returned. She seemed increasingly odd to me, but then, what would normal look like after her experiences?

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If it repeats after 7hours than I am guilty of saying that there is a longer version. I admit I watched this version but did not finish it because the interview became "slower" and not much information was divulged.

Sry Matthew, my bad!

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Thank you for saving!

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This substack has distracted me all day! Fascinating. I find Grigg’s story to be credible. The interviewer could have attempted to keep her on track, but instead the format allowed a stream of consciousness to unfold --which makes it difficult for the viewer but probably cathartic for Kay. And although she had a lot to say, I would bet money there’s more she cannot verbalize. When a patient reveals, they also conceal (what is too traumatic to put into words). I don’t know anything else about her -- Where is she now? Alive?

I hopped over to odyssey link then somehow (click click?) ended up finding this article (below) the comments section has some good observations.


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Thanks for giving a h/t to Johnny Cirucci. I follow him and it is a shame that he is so severely shadow banned, if not outrightly banned by most sites.

It is an unofficial confirmation of the veracity of much of his content exposing the Jesuits for what they are.

I’ll check out his Kay Griggs link.

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Thanks, Sirius for posting that link. It's amazing what the American people can do if we work together for the good of all of us. We are the enforcement that we need. No need to stand by the wayside while our Republic gets overtaken, and wait for someone to come rescue us. We the People are the true Arbiters of this Republic. We just need to get it together and believe in ourselves and our Mighty Creator. Both Ted Gunderson and Kay Brigs are my American Heroes. There is not many out there! Stay Safe Everybody.

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I discovered the Kay Griggs' interview several years ago. I recall having watched what I think was long version kinda obsessively over a few weeks time. Griggs' manner and her fantastical statements struck me as being very similar to allegations REPEATEDLY made by my sister regarding her Army Intelligence, Esalen-trained husband and his cohort. These encompassed descriptions of extreme physical and sexual abuse (ritualized) and threats of murder. I seemed to have been the only person to have believed her then, and now. I recall her husband, a 'family therapist' and Deputy Director of the California State Dept of Health and Human Services (and, later her children) telling me that my sister's claims were the result of a childhood abuse suffered in a series of foster homes. I have never been able to find any evidence that my much older sister was anything but a loved and somewhat pampered child (stable home, piano and voice lessons, a pony, etc.)

Mathew, I am wondering if you are familiar with the work of Jan Irvin regarding Esalen and the web of organizations connected to it. Irvin created a "brain map" documenting these connections. It may still be available online. Also, I will look for an interview Irvin did with Dr. Colin Ross, author of "The CIA Doctors".

My own research has focused on Werner Erhard, his connection to both Esalen and Scientology and the organizations, est>Landmark Education and spin-off 'life' and executive coaching cults he and his family continue to control.

I'm jumping around a bit, but one thing that should be looked into is what were/are called "The California Prison Experiments". Often referred to as a 'conspiracy theory', these projects were run out of Esalen and SRI in the 60's early 70's and utilized captive audiences to test protocols that included psychotropic drugs, hypnosis, gestalt ("attack therapy"). Erhard managed one of these projects at Lompoc State Prison. My brother-in-law supported another at the California Medical Facility at Vacaville; home of Charles Manson and other Manchurians.

I am very sorry about your brother!!!

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If you can take the time to discuss your research with me, I would be grateful. Please email me.

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Is SRI Scientology?

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Stanford Research Institute

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Interesting - I have been doing a little research on Landmark Education, more on the financial / bad therapy / MLM aspects of it. I was aware Landmark Education seemed to borrow a lot of ideas from scientology. If you can point me to any good sources I would really appreciate it. I have a future article about them in development.

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Landmark Education is the current iteration of 'est' (Erhard Seminar Training). To better understand the Scientology connection you can consult bios of Erhard. You might also take a look at cult awareness forums such as CEI.com. I would also suggest a 1970's expose of 'est' written by Jesse Kornbluth, if you can find it.

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Thanks - I found the article by Jesse Kornbluth and it's great. CEI seems to have a lot of information as well.

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Sir: this is incredible research. I watched Kay’s interview many times, and her veracity is impeccable. What astounded me is how on target she was years before anyone knew of any dots to connect. I had come across the Tavistock institute (from Nazi Germany to Britain then Canada and US) which had ties to the Laurel Canyon musicians’ lair which was connected to the military base. Your research is very good and in line with what I studied. After hearing Kay Griggs. Thank you and may the Father’s face shine upon you this coming year.

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Very informative. Thank you. Was aware of all these players and some of the military connections (eg, Ron Hubbard/Naval Intelligence), but not the prevalence of Naval Intelligence. Steve Bannon is another (former?) Naval Intelligence officer. Condolences to you on your brother.

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Yes, Bannon reported directly to the Secretary of the Navy. Lots of ONI around, right now. Jack Posobiec.

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Bloody Hell 🔥 !

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Let’s talk solutions to this problem.

We can fight corruption today in much smarter ways.

And we should.

Kudos to her courage, but we should be working smarter on this problem.

All of our systems are corrupted including government, medicine, media, academia, food, and more.

When all systems have become corrupted how can we restore trust?

We make new systems that are trustless (the highest form of trustworthiness) - through radical transparency, decentralization, and group problem solving technologies.

How? Three simple steps:

Step 1: Make new high-trust transparent systems (Network States) that we build and control 100% as citizens, then migrate to them as a place to solve problems together and block out the propaganda and noise around us.

Step 2: Use Human Swarm Intelligence and/or think tanks (idea labs) to problem solve and control the direction of the new high-trust systems in a decentralized, highly aligned, careful, and educated way.

Step 3: Plug our new high-trust systems into our current corrupted systems in order to fix them.

That’s it.

All problems are solvable, and the corruption of our systems is the biggest problem humanity faces. Are you a problem solver? Help us figure this out.

Learn more: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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"Three simple steps. Wave the wand in a circle, flick the wrist, and declare, "Problem solved!"

I don't even think that we have fully described the problem, yet. Nor do I think the game theory of a solution is simple, at all.

What do you do when every organization has been infiltrated by a several million person global cult when the members of that cult are generally indistinguishable from other people?

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So true, Mathew. The deeper I go, the worse it gets. Hate to say this but I now feel this once great nation (which maybe never was so great, but it sure seemed so to my innocent eyes for many decades…) is so deeply corrupted that it cannot be restored.

Stew Peters has recently said “we cannot vote our way out of this”. It is indeed a spiritual problem. And the only solution I’m hearing is we need to pick up the sword of God…. But I truly don’t know how that works.

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My best advise is to watch the Rumble channel E511Ministries video titled Is Conspiracy Theory Biblical? The short answer is conspiracy theory is Gnosticism. Conspiracy theorist's two most distinguishing characteristics is a spirit of rebellion and a belief that they're smarter then everybody else.

One of the things I've found disturbing lately is just how unhinged the "Red Pilled" crowd is becoming. I spent a few hours yesterday browsing several substacks I used to spend a lot of time on. It amazes me just how occultish they've become. "Higher vibration," "Ascension," "Higher consciousness." It's all Theosophical Society mumbo jumbo. It's all an extension of "are yet not as gods?"

It's obvious to anyone paying attention that things are seriously, disturbingly wrong. We're all trying to figure out why and what we can do about it. The answer is that we can't do anything outside ourselves. Make peace with your creator. Rebellion is forbidden. Of all the fake problems we face the one that can't be changed is that we're running out of hydrocarbon and mineral resources. We're going to hit that wall really hard.

The powers-that-be are in power by God's authority. If they're try to stir up an armed insurrection I'd ask what they're plans are. A century ago political theorists had accurately mapped out the nature of political power and revolutions. I'd look at some stuff on Academic Agent on YouTube about this. James Burnham and Bertrand de Jouvenel are a couple of the old timer theorists who were uncannily accurate in their predictions. Neema Parvini's short book Populist Delusion explains all this for modern readers. Long story short is that revolution only ever comes from organized elites. J6 prisoners are a good example of what happens when regular people try to take power in any way.

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I agree with your general instinct on riling up an insurrection with control:


It's about measuring the rise in action potential, then leaving the crowd with blue balls.

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Re the Red Pilled. Not the old fashioned red pills. But some newbies, those who were once unawake, when they do wake up cast about fast and furiously for a bit. The alternative is they black pill, ie get very cynical. This leaping about believing anything, believing nothing is a stage. And….We are not running out of oil or minerals. Where did you get that?

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Stew Peters IMHO is controlled opposition

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Being indistinguishable from the masses was, and is, the strength of the Jesuit Order.

They are the puppet masters. They have had the time, resources and motive to create the present socio-political landscape in furtherance of their soul-crushing agenda to reestablish their former empire which was taken from them by French General Alexander Berthier on 10 February, 1798.

What nation-state is wealthier than the Vatican? Better question is which nation of significance is not currently bankrupt or almost bankrupt?

And of these bankrupt western nations, how many of their leaders make regular pilgrimages to the Vatican to have a meeting (receive their orders) with the pope (a Jesuit). The answer is all of them. Same with the CEO’s. My question is why?

The Protestant Reformers understood the nature of this religious organization and so did most Protestants until the last 110+ years or so. Today, most have accepted a false, counter reformation interpretation of the book of Revelation courtesy of the Jesuit Order. Francisco Ribera, in the 1580’s being a prime contributor. Sir Isaac Newton has some mind blowing commentaries on the book of Revelation. I had no idea that he was a theologian who had a physics hobby.

Thank you for your work Matthew. I give your insight a lot of weight.

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Appreciate the solutions oriented reply. I think that in our shared reality, there are never any "simple steps". You speak of "fighting corruption in smarter ways." The Kunlangeta have mastered the ways of the parasite. Corruption has become a highly engineered enterprise . The moment parallel systems are seeded, they will be detected, infiltrated and transfected. What will you choose as your cloak and dagger?

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I think we can do our best to be our best with our family, friends, and co-workers - and everyone we come into contact w/on a daily basis. Other than moving the planet Venus where love is everything, the majority of us should be capable of and have the time and energy for these incremental steps. Collectively, they could be transformative for society and its systems. But the fact is the primary purpose of every corporation and govt bureaucracy is to protect and perpetuate itself, not its workers and/or the citizens it supposedly serves.

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Bannon on Daily Beast, 2013

"I am a Leninist!"

Whatever the context, only certain people (no morals) would have no issue with saying such a thing.

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Context, please. Two discredited left wing publications pushing these pieces. Bannon’s quote was within the context that Lenin wanted to destroy (dismantle) a corrupt system (AKA the Deep State) which Lenin also wanted to do (as do I).

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Can you please post a link to that article or video?

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I have it as a meme. And it seems it was in 2016.

But here, I found this:


and the article in question, linked from the one above.


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Thank you. 🙏

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Poso & he are BFFs, to my understanding. Bannon was quite high up. Wow...

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And why not Mike Flynn if you are going after career military intelligence officers?

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I'm imaging a group of Dr. Evils in a room, trying to figure the best way to control people, and coming to the conclusion that the best way is through cults. Rather than using bribery or fear, grip people's minds in a way that it seems only cults can do.

Also you can set up a network of cults, centered around what will seem to outsiders to just be silliness.

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I think this is at least part of it.

Yes, make it look goofy enough, and it's out of sight, out of mind for many people. And then when there are Scientologists handling every presidential candidate, nobody notices. It's literally invisible to them.

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Alcohol and sex are a great way to leverage power over others. Nothing new here.

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It seems cultures in decline trend towards debauchery, it seems to happen when there's no dragon to slay?

But how much of what we're seeing is that vs diabolically putting crappy people in management positions. The key events that keep occurring aren't the work of bumbling idiots.

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Debauchery has been around forever and so has the so-called decline. Inept leadership encourages it, evil leadership promotes it, but bottom line is that We The People let them get away with it. Why do we have this Kay Griggs video NOW instead of 1998? Where are the other wives? Mostly people sit back and let it happen and live crappy lives.

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Yes, but I think there is something to the "four turnings" idea. As for Kay, I listened to a few hours of her, and don't know what to make of her. I don't think she's just bald faced lying, but I don't know which of what she says are things George told her, and what is just her own conjecture. She seems a bit flaky...

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Yup, absolutely!!!

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Hi Mathew.

Only a couple of degrees of separation ... in 1981-82, I had a part-time job at the recreation center at Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, Arizona. I had gotten that job because my mom had remarried an engineer-spook in charge of satellite communications (GS-13). He had also arranged for my three summers working as a mountain forest fighter during my undergrad days.

Recently, I had come across Dr. Rima Laibow, whose husband at the same time I was at Fort Huachuca, Albert Stubblebine, was Commanding General of the Army Intelligence Unit stationed there, and was working on the psychic warfare around which the movie "The Men Who Stare At Goats" was based.

I am skeptical of psychic warfare, but increasingly believing Laibow's narrative about the planned cull.

Cheers to ya, try to have a happy holiday, and keep up the good fight next year.

One. Day. At. A. Time.


p.s. Just wondering if you've have a chat with Whitney Webb? From a different angle, she is also head and shoulders above the majority in connecting dots.

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I find almost nothing that circle says to be trustworthy, and I'm not sure how to even have the conversation since they sound absurd and dishonest that it's hard for me to fathom why people believe them.

I tried to talk with Whitney Webb. I am skeptical of her after seeing that Bannon is the most important Epstein connection of the past decade, and she never talks about it.

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I have been reading Whitney Webb for nearly five years, having read nearly everything written by a very prolific and especially gifted writer in those years. Webb has written on, not just Epstein, but on Robert Maxwell, who as a Mossad agent, sold software with a backdoor to the US military data on nuclear weapons. This was huge, yet very few write on this. I learned from Whitney Webb in 2020 that the DOD was managing Warp Speed, way before anybody was writing on that. Webb writes on the National Security State, the WEF and on Jaime Dimon and JP Morgan corruption. Her writing is extremely detailed, exact and powerful. To posit Webb is Mossad is ridiculous. People need to read her work before making judgements, including the book “One Nation Under Blackmail.”

I will do my research on Bannon and check with Webb on that issue. Her work on Epstein and others is exceedingly more extensive than anyone has written previous to her work.

Please read her work before making judgements on one of the best.

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Didn't know that about Bannon. Thanks for the heads up.

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Bannon? More than both Clintons?

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I hear how Whitney is owned by Mo ss ad...

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Hi Sirius.

Thanks for the upvote, but this is the first I've heard, and would appreciate the heads up if evidence indicates such.

So you think her work on Epstein and connections is just Mossad distracting us; throwing dust in our eyes?

Would appreciate some evidence, otherwise I will have to regard your comment as knowingly (or not) dismissing her work as guilt by association, easily thrown out to tarnish her integrity, as has been done to so many others.


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You can regard it as hearsay which is why I stated that I heard it in the first place.

I can tell you that it was about her pushing some Zionist agenda, but at that time I was not interested in her so I did not save the exact information that was stated.

Epstein? He is just a small piece of this gruesome puzzle. A piece that is put into public view to be played with as they see fit, and to show how child trafficking will never be prosecuted under current conditions. Osit

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Much thanks for the clarification.

Yeah, I am so overloaded with information that I would be equally hard pressed to remember sources for most.

And yes ... that sounds right about Epstein, but I am guessing pedophelia and honey traps are as old as the stone age and a necessary machiavellian piece for those Cluster B types to play out their destructive game of thrones.

Have a good New Year, and thanks again for the clarification.


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Barely a century ago, most of what we now describe as pedophilia was practiced in many cultures around the world with little resistance. In Britain, lords would take portrait photos with the ten yo mistresses. Large scale blackmail would have been more difficult.

Today, we have the internet, so 5200 pentagon officials can be found with child porn and blackmailed simultaneously.

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Hi Mathew.

Didn't know that about the history of pedophilia.

But will stick with honey-pot intrigues.

A happy holiday to you!


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Wasn’t Lewis Carroll a pedophile? He of Alice in Wonderland fame.

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Wasn’t Lewis Carroll a pedophile? He of Alice in Wonderland fame.

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Wasn’t Lewis Carroll a pedophile? He of Alice in Wonderland fame.

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Doubt that. She would not write what she writes, if she were.

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Steve: This is off-the main topic but a good friend took a part time job at the Fort Huachuca rec center. Maybe 10 years ago. It was the most dysfunctional and toxic place she had ever worked--she only lasted a few months before she walked out.

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Hello gigiRN.

Small world! In the early 80's, it was just one classroom-sized room and not toxic because I was usually the only one manning the desk. I mostly just sat there reading, and when the occasional military personnel dropped in, I'd have them sign-off to practice musical instruments. It would take another 10 years before I was motivated to buy my first guitar (here in Japan) and start learning bossa nova. The story of my life, never quite the right place at the right time. 😂

Have a happy holiday!


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Guitar/bossa nova/Japan is an interesting combination so carpe diem was the right place/right time -- and better late than never (I am a bundle of cliches today-haha).

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"Carpe Diem". LOL. I love Robin Williams.

Interesting thing about bossa in Japan ... along with modern jazz (post swing), it is way more popular than in the states. Even the cheapest equivalence of a Five and Dime store over here will likely be aspiring to be upscale by having either jazz or bossa for background music in the background. While eating with a friend at any of a number of family restaurants, I will as likely as not be playing a game of "guess that tune", with chances that will be a piece by Miles Davis, Bill Evans, or Herbie Hancock. I once remember shopping for stationary at a local Daiso (like a super-cheap convenience store) ... and stopping in my tracks to listen to the ending of Tom and Elis singing "The Waters of March", and freezing in anticipation of the next song ... with which I was richly rewarded ... Milton Nascimento and Wayne Shorter's "Miracle of the Fishes". I was so thrilled that I forgot what I was in the shop for ... but knew that likely none of the other customers or store clerks what had mesmerized me. On the other hand, I knew I was getting old when I heard the local convenience store playing muzac versions of "Black Magic Woman" and "Do It Again". 😂

If you're ever bored and interested in going down a rabbit hole ... https://www.quora.com/Do-you-listen-to-songs-in-other-languages-than-your-own-language-If-yes-in-how-many-different-languages-are-the-songs-on-your-playlist/answer/Steven-Steve-F-Martin



Happy Holidays!

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Muzac? sacrilege! BMW-Fleetwood Mac or Santana? (Only one obvious choice)

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I was at my local Barnes and Noble bookstore on Saturday. Walked by a section called self transformation. All the books were about witches, UFOs and sundries like this. Ripe material of mind control to be sure.

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A conclusion I reached after digging into Esalen's history and actors is that very little, if any, of the 60's counter culture was organic. I used to call it, "I was just driving down the road when...," in reference to the many coincidental meetings that brought this crew together. And, it was not just Rockefeller funding, but NEH and NEA grants. Carl Rogers (an Esalen regular) administered research grants provided by the Human Ecology Fund (a CIA cutout).

Also, whether or not you buy into Dave McGowan's thesis about Laurel Canyon, his observations about how the TPTB and, particularly, MSM treated the 'counter culture' ring true. To his point, Esalen was lovingly documented from it early days by former Look magazine editor, George Leonard. Leonard was allegedly so taken with what he experienced in Big Sur that he partnered with Michael Murphy in the creation of self-help programs. This counter-culture was never 'counter' anything that counts.

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You're correct that the Rockefellers did not bankroll it all. I am collecting and pointing out observations of Rockefeller funding mostly to show coherence of the process of taking all sides in a disruptive way.

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Right on. Hadn't checked your blog I a while but happy to see you digging stuff like this out I remember her from way way back and always seemed to be buried which is understandable as it's too huge. Apropos of burying, I thought the whole FALSE MEMORY SYDROME FOUNDATION story of its founders Nick Bryant's covered very well in his podcast having various guests on who spent decades looking into it and the whole Satanic Panic thing was incredibly sick (as if you're lacking sickening stories to trail in 😀 Happy Few Years belated btw

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Look up David McGowan (sp?) a kid who loved rock music and lived near Laurel Canyon, who started researching all of the highly famous musicians who began living there suddenly started uncovering a deep connection to the USA military complex. Jim Morrison’s dad an admiral on the ship in the false flag Tonkin Bay incident…Amazing interviews. John Lennon mentioned Tavistock institute in an interview as an aside before he was killed.

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Tucker Carlson lived in Laurel Canyon when he was young and his spoiled hippie mom walked out on the family. He purportedly had an interview with the CIA, which I don't think means much … (his father, a newsman, ran Voice of America for a while). Some say TC is also controlled opposition but I don’t buy it.

Frankly the claims now are so abundant of CO (and never forget that sowing dissent and scrambling our circuits is one of the most effective and long-standing tactics of Esalen and Tavistock).

When they succeed in having us trusting NO ONE, well they have accomplished their objective.

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Trust? No I don't want that. I want a nice device that can tell me when someone is lying to me. Maybe some electronic hand held device that they could hold with their hands while I'm asking questions. Something like those infamous E-Meters but one that actually worked.


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It seems all of the successful and famous got there by CIA. Pushing info and herding us.

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Wow…did not know that. Amazing. Who is for real…

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Dec 28, 2023
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Thanks but afraid my interest in TC is not sufficient enough to wade through this volume of information.

Though I am curious about his red Kabbalah string bracelet which I cannot seem to find anything about. He only seems to wear it sometimes, and not recently. It seems so out of character, and if he were controlled opposition, it certainly wouldn’t be something he would wear publicly.

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Dec 27, 2023Edited
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Do you work for/with “Mathis”? Why do you always appear out of nowhere whenever that name is mentioned?

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Dec 27, 2023
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Fair enough.

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Wow. He supposedly died, young and oddly with a turbo cancer. Thank you. The deception unrolls…

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I came across a clip of Kay toward the end of this documentary. Have you watched it? Very interesting although I’m sure you already know majority of the info.

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I had seen it before I understood enough to relate the Kay Griggs story to the bigger picture

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I also wanted to say I have enjoyed your conversations w/Matt Ehret. He’s extremely informed & I’ve read a great deal of his & his wife’s research. However I’ve noticed he seems to have a blind spot when it comes to China. The lack of criticism becomes more & more glaring as I follow him. When challenged in comments he doesn’t reply but likes & piles on to comments that suit his narrative. I find that out of character for someone who is usually very thoughtful when drawing conclusions. This is the kind of thing that makes me think there is an agenda & my guard goes up.

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Mathew, I remember seeing a video of you with Josh Guetzkow maybe a year ago. Josh has or had a forum called Cutting Through The Fog (CTTG), which seemed to be devoted to Miles W Mathis' research findings. CTTF has a site, but it looks like the members stopped posting there and moved to https://mathisianhaven.wordpress.com/ . When Josh started doing Covid research, he had progressively less involvement on the forum. He had banned me after he and a couple others suspected that I was a spook, I guess because I often tried to start discussions on topics I was interested in, so they seemed to think I was trying to divert them from having more productive discussions.

I followed Miles' science website since about 2011 and then about 2017 someone on a Miles forum said he also has another site on conspiracy at http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html , so I followed that ever since. Miles has found a lot of evidence of fakery in history, including in photos online. You mention the Sharon Tate murder by Manson & Co. Miles concluded that the murder was faked for the purpose of blackwashing the Hippie antiwar movement, making the public think Manson was a Hippie. It's interesting that you find Manson connected with Scientology etc. Do you think Miles could be right about the Tate murder being fake? He claims that the person who is said to be Sharon Tate's sister is actually Sharon with her hair dyed etc.

Miles also found evidence of a lot of fakery involved in the JFK and RFK assassinations, so he concluded that those murders were also faked. He said the same about O.J. Simpson's wife. And many others. He also concluded that World War II was largely faked and that the moon landings were too. I think he's wrong about the JFK and RFK assassinations and about World War II and the moon landings. I think there well may have been a lot of fakery in all of those events, or maybe especially in the photographic and other evidence for those events, but I know World War II was not totally faked. My Dad fought in Burma and China during that war and he and his buddies witnessed a lot of the atrocities.

Have you kept in touch with Josh? I forgot the name of his substack. Josh said he's Jewish and living in Israel. Miles finds a lot of evidence that almost all leading conspirators and members of the ruling class are Jewish, but I don't put much stock in his genealogical reasoning on that. I suppose you've probably read some of Miles' papers. If so, do you find anything worthwhile in any of them? Miles has also concluded that a lot of serial killings are faked and a lot of shootings too. I think he's probably right about some of them, like Sandy Hook, Las Vegas and the Floyd George killings. He also concludes that pedophilia and other sex scandals are fake, for the purpose of making the public distrust everyone. But you apparently have firsthand knowledge that some of it is real. I imagine the "deep state" probably does fake some or many of them, but that might be to make us think that they're all fake.

Do you have any comments?

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I haven't talked with Josh in a few months. I knew he had an interest in untangling historical psyops, but I was not aware of the forum. Thank you for pointing me to it.

The Jewish question is complex and obscure, but briefly I lean toward the hypothesis that intelligence agencies work together to psyop history and populations. The Jewish minority was often economically baited into (a portion of their population with lower qualms) the Mandarin magic jobs of court Jews, steered by the corporate behemoths of the City of London. This is not a strongly held opinion, and I am open to being wrong.

Miles makes interesting commentary, and I am trying to be careful with it. That's all I will say briefly.

A few years ago I contacted people in law enforcement to understand the level of the pedophilia problem. It certainly exists, but how much is the image manipulated? I am uncertain. It may be that attention is drawn to the wrong corners of the issue so that the most serious abuses go ignored.

It may also be that partisan cults male use of the information in a game theoretic chess match where building a voting base is the primary objective. I keep an open mind.

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I was just curious about Sidney Gottlieb (MKUltra CIA, Dulles era) and Scott Gottlieb (Recent FDA, and maybe 100 boards of directors in Pharma, started in finance before getting his degree in medicine). Cannot find a connection, but a deep dive on Scott, like Mathew has done on this eugenics subject, may in fact produce a more intricate map with many surprises.

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I looked briefly, but found nothing.

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Yes, both men, loved by God is the only connection I could find. Scott seems to be on, or has been on, every bio/Pharma board, especially if they are genome focused, in addition to being the lead at FDA. In fact, when he was at Pfizer, he seemed to be still in charge of the FDA. Recently announced as a board member with National Resilience.

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I must add that they killed George Washington, too, our first president. Quackery, Rockefeller medicine, long before J. D. Rockefeller himself, was the means of doing something, something at all, without any understanding of human health, or what promotes it, like the plandemonium.

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