I have also been trying to investigate the blood clot claims in the documentary. So far, no funeral directors or embalmers have confirmed them.


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I've kept my mind open both ways, which is the only way to go when you're outside of your domain.

I have thought about making phonecalls myself, but this topic never felt like the priority where my own work would make as much of a difference as usual. Until now.

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I had a private chat with a journalist last night on this: same conclusion. I told her that my skeptical brain is very wary of this story simply based on the lack of informants. If 100 embalmers in a room put their hands up when asked the question: have you also been finding these gummy white proteinaceous structures in your cadavers, my question is: where are their samples? Are they being analyzed? This seems like an extremely important and hardcore inflection point in this story: it is hard evidence of harm related to the shots by timeline. It could end the entire narrative.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Author

Right. The lack of an experiment performed publicly feels like begging to prolong the theater.

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Mathew and Jessica, don't expect the vast majority of funeral directors and embalmers to be truthful even if they've actually seen the fibrin "clots." Don't you understand they're under the same pressures as doctors? Go through the yellow pages for medical professionals and ask them if Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine are effective, or if the "vaccines" are safe and effective. You will find none who don't endorse the government-corporate narrative. Most funeral homes are corporate owned.

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"Mathew and Jessica, don't expect the vast majority of funeral directors and embalmers to be truthful"

In a nutshell, that's why people need better proof than what the documentary offered.

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Plenty of proof offered by Ryan Cole and Chris Martenson. You believe dissident doctors and don't insist a majority of doctors corroborate, but you doubt dissident embalmers and insist a majority of embalmers and funeral directors risk their livelihoods by confirming. Why?

Many agree the film was sloppy. I certainly do. But proof can never be displayed in film, which can always be doctored. At some point, you must trust someone with expertise like Dr. Cole. Never having done significant study in statistics, I don't understand all your analyses, but I recognize your expertise and your lack of motivation to lie. Give Dr. Cole some credit and criticize the documentary for its truly sloppy work like video clips of events that occurred before the clotshot rollout.

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"Plenty of proof offered by Ryan Cole and Chris Martenson."

That sounds like the people who stopped at the vaccine "trials".

Sure, "proof" in the logic sense is not what anyone is after. But this does not come close. To this point, not a single one of the best scientists I know thinks this is anywhere close to proof. It's not about "lack of motivation to lie" (though I appreciate the compliment), but about avoid what could very easily be a groupthink magic show.

Remember all the SRI experiments with Gellar? Millions saw demonstrations on TV and were taken in because they were generally already part of the Choir. Yet, I personally witnessed the faking of multiple of their experiments.


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That's not the most serious criticism of the film. I think it's more damaging that there were clips of collapses that occurred before the clotshots were even rolled out, so those collapses could not have been due to the shots. Also, the removal of the clot from the heart was also an old film. Very sloppy.

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John O'Looney ...

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UK undertaker John O'Looney has samples. Removed from deceased vaxxed bodies, by his embalmers.


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Correct, but the point raised is whether or not and to what extent there are multiple embalmers and undertakers across multiple geographies and cultures who are also noticing these particular clots. If the phenomenon is transcultural and yet matches distribution patterns of Spike-transfecting inoculations, then there leads to greater reason to accept the connection being made.

This is not saying O'Looney is lying or misleading. It's saying that the abundance of people transfected to produce Spike should be causing greater and greater numbers of folks who handle the deceased to notice something amiss.

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The interview mentioned support from his embalming community. NOBODY wants to stick their neck out. People get their heads chopped off, sadly, metaphorically. Rest in peace, Anne Heche.

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Jessica, simply contact Ryan Cole and discuss his findings.

Ryan Cole, MD — Board certified Pathologist



7988 W. Marigold St.

Garden City, ID 83714

Phone: (208) 472-1082

Fax: (208) 472-1078

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We know him personally. It's not about whether we've heard his thoughts or not. It's about whether this documentary demonstrates anything that couldn't be a magic trick.


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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

I think Dr. Ryan Cole had samples of the "clots". I know nothing about Karen Kingston, except she has been on Stew Peters a lot - she offers "evidence" on her substack ( I had limited access because I am not a subscriber ) that there are hydrogels that can form the fibrous "clots".

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Yes, I remember Dr. Cole supposedly having samples of these clots months ago. Why on earth don't we yet know what they are composed of? I'm starting to feel super-paranoid and stupid. Something isn't right.

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I’m done with this entire thing if it turns out the “clots” story is BS. Whoa. And I never took the jab, very much an advocate of medical freedom, but jfc there are charlatans and crooks everywhere.

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The counter narrative is layered with booby traps, tred cautiously towards the truth, question everything does not mean believe anything.

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They are fibrin. Do you really expect the government or the labs Fauci controls through grants to investigate? Do you really think our censoring corporate media would publish such findings in the odd case where an investigation was done?

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Here’s what I wonder. Is it possible these are “assembling” after the person dies? In other words, novel but not causing the death? Do any clots pulled out of living people look like this? I haven’t seen anyone address these questions yet.

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Chris Martenson says they are pre-mortem. View his video I posted above.

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This is not the point.

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And would that not explain also people simply falling over dead?

Yep, according to numerous doctors I've seen...

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Elizabeth G: What I'm saying is, if someone is DEAD, there's not likely to be clots forming AFTERWARD, since everything sorta stops... Am I right? I am not a medical expert, but I'm thinking clots forming AFTER death seems really unlikely, to me.

But clots DO kill, can we agree on that??

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Seems like a reasonable question to me, but I'm not an embalmer... Still.

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I thought Michael A. Hoffman's description of "the revelation of the method" for past crimes applies to what we are living through today and how only over time will the truth be allowed to be discovered. The lone wolf we have here begins with the wet market bat soup virus scenario. https://youtu.be/eshMSTnxCy4?t=2430

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For the masses I totally agree that they will not seek the truth and are frozen at some point earlier in the revelation method, for those few that dig deeply after the subsequent freeze/thaw revelations will eventually find the answers. Perhaps for this crime of crimes there will not be many around to see how it all ends.

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Chris Martenson released a video on pre- and post-mortem bloodclots 2 days ago. It should interest you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH6VTu8qb3w

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Here's a thought - I'm in Canada, do you know the odds of finding a doctor here that will tell you Ivermectin is helpful for Covid? Next to zero....Is that proof Ivermectin doesn't work?

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Point well taken!

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Several, perhaps many funeral directors/embalmers have confirmed the strange blood clots. I have also seen videos, where extraction from the corpse is being made. If you haven't seen them, then you haven't been looking

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I've seen them but I'm looking for them in the real world, not just on YouTube videos. So far, every funeral director/embalmer I have contacted has not seen this. I'm not saying it's not happening but it doesn't seem as wide spread as I thought before I started investigating.

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"Have confirmed" where? How do you know this?

Many of us have watched also videos, but saying that we're not looking is not productive. If you have the links, please share them so that others can also confirm. After all, maybe we watched entirely different videos.

Besides, I'm well aware that videos can show all kinds of things with clever producers. Given the larger point Mathew is making about *active and persistent attempts to derail medical freedom* some of which are clearly *well-funded and connected to much larger psychological warfare*, it will be remiss to rely solely on video-watching to form one's views about the world. Do you disagree?

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

"...it will be remiss to rely solely on video-watching to form one's views about the world. Do you disagree?"

That would be desirable, but hardly practical. However you and some others do give the impression that the mainstream narrative is to be taken at face value, until it is destroyed by the evidence of your own naked eyes, as you can't trust videos. You will never achieve this aim and people will go on dying.

The Peter's video is for the man on the street and is probably the best thing around at the moment, as it doesn't beat around the bush, and it gets to the point without being saddled with a vendetta against anyone, except the wrongdoers. The main object of criticism seems to be Peters himself, with sometimes a little weak criticism of the message thrown in. Both of these are not good enough.

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Where do you get that impression? There are not only two options here.

I specifically point out that videos are *produced*. A lot goes into creating a narrative that leads an audience to a conclusion through the use of selective editing, framing, and walking the audience through the interior logic of the video towards a conclusion the producers intend for the audience. Precisely because of this, videos are not as inherently evidentiary as what you see with your eyes: you are not *seeing*, you are *receiving a story*, visual scenes spliced and framed in a narrative, with music and audio commentary that is not always diegetic but placed on top of the scene. That's explicitly what Mathew is pointing to: scenes from a completely different time period are placed into a contemporary context and the narration over the images misleads the audience into thinking they are more recent. *On this point*, if the "man on the street" learns from the "woman in the red dress" that this occurred, it will encourage the man to discount what the claims of the movie are, because she tells him that if the movie is setting him up for untruths and lies, what's the point in paying any more attention to such "conspiracy theories"?

Mathew's point is that *if* this is the "best thing around at the moment", then the medical freedom movements are being done a great disservice, because the effect of the documentary is to saddle it with mistruths and deceptions for the sole effect of emotionally directing an audience. In other words, it is a Pied Piper.

These are not "weak criticisms." If the truth's conclusion must be advanced through lies and emotional mischaracterization because the people do not have time in their lives to gain knowledge through self-guided analysis and synthesis and, as you put it, people go on dying, then it's not really going to hold in the minds and hearts of the people whom you claim need saving from death. An audience who watches a movie is already in a *passive* and *reacting* position, when the goal of medical *freedom* is to empower people to learn how to direct and act out their own responses, with their own intentions, with their own goals, with their own values.

If you sincerely believe a movie or documentary is enough to encourage this, you are missing out on the value of what freedom is and can be, because you are reducing the potential of people, putting them into seats in a theater, like enchained slaves in firelit caves, rather than giving them the true opportunity to adjust their true eyes to seeing truth, as harrowing in its blinding and penetrating initiation as it is liberating in its enduring and universal gift.

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This guy has been quite public and vocal for many, many months now.

Exclusive 1/3: Funeral Director shares his shocking pandemic experiences


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Yeah, well, virtually no doctors will admit to what many of them DO know about the vaccines. So it's hard to know what a non-confirmation amounts to. People who have enough sense to know that any decent government would be looking into the vaccines by now ALSO realize our government is perfectly fine with the death and carnage. Why stick your neck out if the government wants deniable plausibility and the public seems too scared to allow themselves to believe they have that kind of government? I suspect that's how most doctors and embalmers are thinking about it.

So non-confirmation is quite equivocal in its indication.

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Indeed, and now the Canadian newest "help"-- with euthanasia... !!!! Pretty creepy.

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They might be wary of strangers. I know I’d be, if I were in their shoes. Just a possible explanation.

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Absolutely agreed. I asked questions for an insurance claim form that needed to be filed in another country, so somewhat unusual. The funeral home director insisted that the person hang up on me and not answer my questions. This is for MY family member that they handled and perfectly valid questions, albeit somewhat unusual.

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Maybe, I've had that comment on my substack article but as I replied there, people were happy to talk to me about plandemics and death certs being issued for Covid when it clearly wasn't Covid etc. So you'd think these people would happily tell me if they are seeing weird clots too.

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I guess you haven't looked hard enough. "Richard Hirschman, with more than 20 years of experience in the funeral industry in Alabama, says that in mid-2021, he began noticing odd blood clots in arteries and lungs he had never seen before." Source: https://www.wndnewscenter.org/embalmer-alarmed-by-mysterious-blood-clots-in-vaccinated-people/

I just used "embalmer fibrin clots kirsch" to search Duckduckgo. If you found "no funeral directors or embalmers," you must have been using Google. Above was second second search result, but there were many others. I believe a pathologist in Germany also confirmed, but I don't have a link. Chris Martenson just released a video on this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH6VTu8qb3w. He too wondered why there hasn't been many more embalmers haven't spoken out on this. Maybe they have and corporate media have ignored them.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Some of the embalmers that are reporting claim others are scared to. And why wouldn't they be. Look at what they're doing. They were working on classifying disinformation about vaccines a terrorist act, for crying out loud. They're stripping doctors of their licenses and working on it in CAL. THINK PEOPLE! This stuff ISN'T hard to explain. In fact, THAT'S the problem with THE SCIENCE never defending their position.

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Germany could have been Burkhard.

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Milton Keyes (UK) funeral director John O'Looney has been interviewed numerous times.

He can confirm.


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How many doctors confirm that HCQ doesn't work?

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I saw a critique of this video, and down in the comments I saw LOTS of mentions of family members of those in that industry say that these clots only showed up recently.

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They have been around for a year or more.

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This is already not just about funeral directors. There are real living patients who had taken these things out of their bloodstream.

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Understand that the gravity of this issue goes so far beyond anecdotes and just so stories. Suppose the clots are a well-crafted fraud and everyone on Team MFM bought in. Then the whole movement would be destroyed and denigrated in the eyes of everyone else at the moment of the reveal.


If I were a psychopath behind a medical product that was harming and killing many people, that's exactly how I'd try to play it. I'd set up multiple chances. Maybe send agents in to harass people about the existence of viruses, too.

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You mentioned Ryan Cole. He was on Del Bigtree’s Highwire yesterday and gave what I thought to be a very well done presentation complete with histopathological slides. He took Del into his lab at Cole Diagnostics. I do suggest everyone at least watch that interview. As a medical professional (NP) for over 30 years, now retired, it certainly rang true to me. They also dispelled some of the myths around “what’s in the vaccines” and what are normal post mortem clots and what are not. I’ve seen a lot of clotting in my time in the inpatient and the outpatient settings. I doubt these white, fibrous strands are a fraud. Humans are meant to make human proteins, as Cole often says. When you load genetic code into cells to make foreign proteins and factor in microRNAs (truncated ones) into the mix from poor manufacturing processes, it’s entirely possible that all kinds of mayhem result.

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Seeing Dr Cole in that was surprising and in many ways disappointing. Everything I’ve heard from him has been careful and illuminating. Given his expertise and literal hands on, probably unique evidence, I wonder how much of the point of this was toward discrediting him in particular. Would his presence in this movie be of use to those interested in invalidating a future tribunal testimony? $15k would seem a bargain for that.

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It was surprising. Seeing Steve there was also surprising to me. That was a major mistake on his part. I tend to shy away from extremes as regards all the many voices in this pando. Stew Peters is a hothead and frankly, a nut. If I ever hear a peep out of that oral orifice of his again, it would be too soon.

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Well admittedly I was less surprised for Steve — he’s got his eye on a destination and is gonna get there whether there’s a road that goes there or mountain in the way or not.

Not sure I’m convinced Peters is a nut necessarily. Does play one on TV though.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Stew Peters had little to do with the making of the video and he tells us that in his introduction on the video. Two nice gentleman on his staff put it together, though of course it is likely Stew Peters had influence. Many of the commentators here may be longstanding and it seems clear that some are evidently still welded to the ludicrous mainstream narrative, which was already dead in the water well before the end of 2022. Others proudly criticise things they haven't seen or read, and for me, that's a hallmark that they trolling.

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I watched that episode of the Highwire but don't remember a "Steve". Who are we talking about?

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I saw that episode on The HighWire and also happened upon this video with Dr Drew interviewing him, surprisingly still up on YouTube (Dr Drew's channel is new to me). It's long but he goes into a lot of detail about these unusual clots and how they differ from other types. He also talks quite a bit about the spike protein, its effects and how widely it is found in the body after jabbing. https://youtu.be/2SLp6B_kkRI

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Link please.

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This comments section for starters, or better go back to Matthews's original article on this subject. It's not yet too late for you to do your own research.

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Hang on Matt. I like your analysis and could not agree more with your stand against Died Suddenly but, having sat on the fence for a very long time and taken in both sides, I think the no virus team have some extremely good arguments that I have never heard scientifically opposed. All I keep seeing are ad hominen attacks or unbacked dismissal. As someone with a scientific outlook, a desire for the absolute truth, and no actual dog in this fight, id actually like to see firm rebuttal against 'farewell to germ theory' by Mark Bailey and not just side swipes. I appreciate viruses are not your cheif domain but either rubut the argument with clarity or say nothing on the matter. Otherwise, great work.

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Watch my conversations with J.J. Couey over the past few weeks and read the Biowarfares Chronicles articles.

The "no viruses" people constantly say that they haven't been refuted. They have, and by plenty of people, but they seem to be interested in saying that, regardless. They do have some good points, and some of the refutations may be based on false science. J.J. does a good job of explain the good points the "no viruses" people make in terms of another theory of purified virion production. Note...I live in a home with somebody who studies viruses, purifies them, views them under microscopes, etc.

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I hope you manage to get McKiernan and him in the same ‘room’ hashing things out. I think there are ranges in the infectious clone/quasispecies parameter space that are completely consistent with the no virus people (which by my ear sounds closer to where JJ sits — guessing for the purpose of thinking it through) and then others that fit more where where McKiernan is.

Would wonder what it takes to model how these things behave with different ranges of parameters like replication fidelity and quasispecies population sizes… Probably would have to be some kind of Frankenstein rna sabotaging monte carlo simulator stapled to a folding at home monstrosity that eats all cpu in the known universe though…

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McKernan. And somehow just learned of his substack, so maybe he answers some of this here: https://open.substack.com/pub/anandamide/p/quasi-species-swarms-in-sars-cov?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web, but a lot of catching up to do there now 😉

Still get him and JJ with a whiteboard somewhere 😀

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And you're saying viruses HAVE been isolated?

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No matter what I say, you're going to come back and ask the question over and over again, so what's the point?

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Didn't Robert Koch prove that specific germs cause specific diseases? (Yes, he did)

More specifically, for a virus, hasn't C19 been isolated?

"The virus replicated in Vero cells and cytopathic effects were observed. Full genome sequencing showed that the virus genome exhibited sequence homology of more than 99.9% with SARS-CoV-2 which was isolated from patients from other countries, for instance China. Sequence homology of SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV was 77.5% and 50%, respectively. Coronavirus-specific morphology was observed by electron microscopy in virus-infected Vero cells."


Yet Mark Bailey states, "One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have ‘viral’ diseases."

What would Mr. Bailey consider definitive evidence?

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Isolation. Of course, there are lots of people saying there have been viruses isolated... But HAVE they? If you look at HOW this is done, it's a SOUP, full of horse blood, monkey kidneys, antibiotics, milk... How is all that stuff considered "isolating," exactly?

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It's easily done:

"The virus was isolated from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples from putative COVID-19 patients. Oropharyngeal samples were diluted with viral transfer medium containing nasopharyngeal swabs and antibiotics (Nystadin, penicillin-streptomycin 1:1 dilution) at 1:4 ratio and incubated for 1 hour at 4°C, before being inoculated onto Vero cells. Inoculated Vero cells were cultured at 37°C, 5% CO2 in 1× Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum and penicillin-streptomycin. Virus replication and isolation were confirmed through cytopathic effects, gene detection, and electron microscopy. Viral culture of SARS-CoV-2 was conducted in a biosafety Level-3 facility according to laboratory biosafety guidelines of Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

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I cannot say who is controlled opposition provocateurs or anything. I'd bet those clots are real. But one can trust nobody. Dr. Cole has been talking about them for a while. Do I trust him? I do not know. I cannot verify that they exist on my own, so... It could be a lie.

Regarding the documentary, I like it. But I belong to The Choir. Anyhow I try to watch with others eyes. I am already convinced. I want to open the eyes of others.

BUT, let's assume that what you say is true and "it is a well-crafted fraud". The documentary starts with it right away, so it is going to be watched by the majority. It is the best done part of the documentary as well. So, the idea is to focus on this issue a lot. So the question is: "does it makes sense to make it such a principal part of the documentary?"

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“But one can trust nobody.”

You’re exactly right. I’m beginning to feel as disgusted by “my own side” as I am with the covidians. A bunch of crooks, everywhere.

This is highlighting, again, why open debate is so important. Covidians have been brainwashed, but have we? I honestly don’t know how to answer it now. We need debate to flush out the stupid shit.

I suppose I’ll go back to square one, which is a principled position against mandates and coercion.

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I relate to your views, and I completely agree with that last sentence.

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There is no principled position against mandates and coercion.

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You didn't answer, so I will argue that there is INDEED a principled position against mandates and coercion.

Mandates and coercion are unprincipled bollocks.

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Um... what??

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There are so many false narratives it's hilarious. And what's really funny is that the people who tell the major false narratives literally line the benches in 12 months and become the fountain of truth. It's all about shaping and controlling narratives. The people who shape the lies then double back and shape the truth, but their version of a truth is a half-truth. The powers that be feed up champion truth speakers to disseminate the truth, but really they are just letting out steam from the kettle so that it doesn't boil over, pre-emptive riot control. I'm interested in Karen Kingston and Ana Marias work. Patents and microscopes are better than testimonies, but you still have to bloody well verify everything still.

I think it would be better to critique less and do more. Better to detail the makings of your own doco, than sift the trash of someone else's half-baked doco. The ultimate critique is always to show others how it's done. I believe in you Matthew.

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"I think it would be better to critique less and do more."

Like keep doing data work, but that isn't going to be used by the lawyers while the media people obscure the real story?

I'm not sure what it would mean to do more. I steered a $30B financial account through the asteroid field that was the Long Term Capital Management collapse, and there was no time when that felt as busy or stressful, or when I got less sleep. I wear a lot of hats already to ensure impact.

What are you suggesting that I do?

If you read these articles, and only think "critique", I think you're missing the larger values: epistemology and investigative reporting (with analytics and finance). Believe it or not, that's a lot of work, already.

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You said you were calling it a night at 5am, right? Now you're obviously replying to comments in your sleep; relaxing in your cozy bed, no doubt. Maybe you just stop slacking and pull an actual all nighter like someone that "does more". Come on, Mathew. DO MORE.

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I got to sleep at 6:30, then woken up to an angry phone call twonhours later. Sigh.

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Do more in sleepworld matthew!!!

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For me it is essential that people share what they object of and very detailedly, why. Helps me assess (perceived by me) credibility of the various voices and what weight I will give to their statements, arguments going forward. So, I need exactly this level of detail and I don't misunderstand it as petty criticism or so, it's about quality management and discussing errors must not be seen through the emotional lens, it is not shaming and noone need feel shamed, it must be possible to look at reality. Therefore, thank you to continue this way...

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I have begun a spreadsheet with the names of those I trust and those I do not, with a column for a question mark or arrow pointing to the other column. Very simplistic, but there are too many names for me to recall otherwise - I'm old. I find that there is too much for me to read in any given day (and I try to at least glance at most substantiating links) so I will sometimes skip the "not trusted". Stew P and his repeat allies have been in my not-trusted column for quite a while.

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-- first line -- I meant make your own doco, which i am fully behind, even a short, I think it could be a comedy of debunking beauty, haha.

Like keep doing data work, but that isn't going to be used by the lawyers while the media people obscure the real story?

--- that sounds like a great doco premise

-- i haven't read them closely -- not by choice,

-- that is my point, placing your energy into building something beautiful instead of magnifying stuff that is obviously ugly eg Peters doco

-- not sayin' there is not value in the crushing of the Peters doco -- it feels like it could be part of the above doco

i'm affirming and saying push the boat out

Is Steve Kirsch a bullshit artist, lol

i know you manage the money well, stop bragging about it and your work ethic haha

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EVERYBODY seems to love Steve Kirsch, except me. Maybe you don't, either. Two people in the world... lol.

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This video by DrBeen from 9 months ago illustrates a paper on how the clots form. They contain amyloid which is unusual and are precipitated even without the presence of platelets (also unusual).

All this infighting is so depressing and reminds me why I decided people were the main cause of stress and I aspire to a life with animals ( and a few select humans)! I can only hope that the evil ones on the other side suffer from an equal amount of personality clashes and they will be equally ineffective. When people suggest an evil few orchestrating all this I tend to think there’s no way they could work together and achieve it!

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They don’t even need that level of the game. Most people (really like 99.99 %) don’t read even FDA documents. Forget about Malone, Kirsch, Peters they don’t read Gruber, Marks, Dormitzer, don’t even bother to ask who they are.

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What about all these videos of people just planking, dead? Clots would explain that, no?

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Videos can easily be propaganda. I’m still kicking myself in the ass about the videos coming out of China from early in 2020. I don’t know if they were staged, I’m not saying they were, but I bought into the fear they were spreading.

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If they were not true, then that was for most of us the first instance in our lifetime of being so intensely conned. That was the transition to a new approach to media and information in general. There was a mindset that seemed to do us good service for decades, previous cons were (except for those directly involved/affected!) less obvious, less brutal, didn't invade the private sphere anywhere to the extent that this new instance did and does. We did need a reason to recalibrate our trust levels, and we have recalibrated, but don't be too harsh on yourself for first having needed a few weeks of data gathering for your own bullshit detector to have enough to work on.

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Yeah, I know that. How bout the video of the young woman falling into the subway train area? I don't think that was fake...

My question wasn't about faked videos, it's about whether a blood clot can cause someone to just suddenly DIE. I do think that is possible.

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Probably why Google bought YouTube for $1.65 B in 2006.

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I think it was Dr Chesnut, someone attributes it to brain stem problems I believe. The sudden dying.

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Actually, both the clotting and the nanotech are topics that I don't seem to warm up to, no matter over how many months I am confronted with reports and video material. I'm normally very open to theories, but in the case of nanotech, several times I have found either the supposed eyewitness testimonials looked like they were playacting (suppressed smiles at inappropriate places), or only a part of the film was played again and again and I couldn't really see what they were suggesting I should clearly be seeing. I was totally motivated to want to see something, yet... - And sometimes references were made to articles which again referred to scientific papers but when I read them, the content of the latter had nothing in common (re description of nanotech) with the pictures in videos nor with the photos in the popular article. So, the nanotech I don't manage to believe. The white strings: some people have given interesting explanations how they could have formed. And if the strings exist, then these are surely good explanations. But here too I am not fully able to trust that it's true. Yes, the nanotech I cannot believe. The strings, I half believe but cannot trust. - Nanotech and strings can have been invented for 2 contrasting purposes: Either to accelerate rejection, so: for deterrence. Or, for terrorizing the population further, lowering immune defense and potentially life will (the suicide/euthanasia legislations point me in that direction), and increasing division between takers of injections and those trying to make them stop. Deterrence or terror, two opposite potential purposes of narratives if false. - And the third mentioned by MC: material for Debunking to destroy credibility. Also, given that we are in an info war. They can also be showing authentic hard to believe material, everything is true - but toten have inserted 1 character to perform incredible nonverbal signals, to discredit the rest. After all, that too is possible and those people seem to have thought of everything in the deceit business, so... Difficult.

I am also unsure what to make of 2 person's interviewed by J J Couey. The bolus guy, basically minimizing harmfulness of injections. And the Denis French sounding last name guy, who also transported some minimizing talking points. He too seemed to think that elderly people died from the injections because injections per se are dangerous and then elderly people are especially susceptible. And he said very strongly that there were no bad batches....!!???? - I am wondering not yet about JJ Couey himself, but strongly about people introduced through him. Not Kulak though, so far. I think I tend to trust Couey and Kulak for now. No, not, trust them. But accept their proposed narratives/spins, that's more it. - But could someone check one thing Couey always says: he says ventilation was supposed to stop transmission? Repeats that often, but I never heard that before? Sounds totally false to me.

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have you reviewed Karen Kingston patent trail?

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No idea of that, will have to look into it!

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Any thoughts on this?


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It somehow didn't convince me.

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It's the Smoking Gun or else a hoax. It needs to be analyzed by flipping a coin.

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“Then the whole movement would be destroyed and denigrated in the eyes of everyone else at the moment of the reveal.“

This is well said.

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Dr Ardis -- snake venom -- opined that the clots are a fraud.

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That's interesting. Can you link?

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I'll try to find it but he's right. Ardis drop kicked Jane Ruby on her own show.

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Wasn't the snake venom a fraud?

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Yes. But I don't think Addis or Stewart Peters would be keen to admit that.

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Wouldn't a massive injection of snake venom cause excessive bleeding? I think i remember that, but not sure. So Addis would have to deny the clots for his theory to hold water. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

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STOP THE SHOT is the only right answer....if you don't like that then you're making excuses to continue the GREATEST MASS POISONING IN HUMAN HISTORY and so you can feel free to GO FUCK YOURSELF!

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Author

Sorry, Dr. Marble, but, "Follow my lead only or YOU'RE THE ENEMY, FUCK OFF" is exactly the authoritarian chord that got us into this mess.

We both think the injections are dangerous. Then there are a multitude of potential reactions to the danger, and the rest of us get to make up our own mind. What you do, telling members of the military that they need to go to civil war with their government, strikes me as dangerous and unhinged in the messaging.

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7 million people are being POISONED every damn day so the fake "experts" can keep arguing about the nature of the poison for decades to come....common sense is the KILL SHOTS should have been stopped a long long time ago....rules of war 101 are that one side kills the other...we are at WAR...do we want to win or DIE? so when one has NO GOOD ARGUMENT then all you can do is SHOOT THE MESSENGER.....newsflash Dr. Death Fauci and the POI$ON PU$HER$ just killed over 6 million people and poisoned over 5 BILLION with the bioterrorism they unleashed in 2020 as part of WORLD WAR PC....

Those who have NO SOLUTIONS can keep making excuses meanwhile I will keep treating patients for free and fighting to STOP THE SHOT bc 7 million people are being POISONED every damn day...

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My solution is to build parallel civilization, and let the system collapse in on itself. The fact that we're on the verge of global financial collapse is what led to this moment of desperate war measures to begin with.

But look, if you want to go to war, that's your business. But you're setting up a false dichotomy. You're too smart for false dichotomies.

Did Jesus go to war with the Roman Empire? No. He built a community---a trust network that permeated barriers and borders---that outlasted the Empire.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

We all know the simple truth about these vaccines. I’m very much a facts and data person and that makes me who I am. The side that doesn’t want to believe the evil are not facts and data people and being meticulous with our facts won’t change their minds and won’t sway judges that don’t want the truth.

What sways them is my wife’s 28 year old cousin dying two days after her booster taken in Canada and needed for her medical job earlier this week. Totally healthy young woman dropped dead within 48 hours. That’s what is convincing the non believers in what was her little world.

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Yes, proximity of mortality matters.

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Indeed, that's why we can bomb a wedding party in the Mideast and no one cares.

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Yes, close to home anecdotes and vivid stories work for them, not data. Data makes people run away and take up with the other side.

Wild-eyed over produced videos seem to work. They go viral - people tell their friends, "You have to see this video!"

Fact is, data does not go viral except amongst PhDs.

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Sorry to hear that. Even after so many clotshot deaths the temporally obvious in a young, healthy, personally known person is shocking.

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As we descend more steeply into the matrix this is important. Thanks.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Sleuthin'. Love it. Thanks Mathew. I'm getting such an awesomely diverse free education in all things I didn't know much about before the plandemic. btw ~ who's the croation stoner and where's he at?

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The Croation Stoner is merely a literary device.

Humor is the only time I generally hold my cards that close.

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I thought you meant the brilliant skateboarding proff who has been “Scooby-Doo’d” 😉

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Did you see the strange story of how Dr McCairn dropped by JJ Couey 12 hrs late (coming from Japan I understand?), but then didn't want to discuss anything? (Presuming that that is true and that it was not just due to missed flights which however was not mentioned) Did you watch the Sinterklaas episode?

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I didn’t see that - sounds odd! And I haven’t seen the Sinterklass episode yet… just read this yesterday: https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/drastic-founder-renounces-lab-leak?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=834349&post_id=89064796&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Yes, I saw that one! I have been watching JJ Couey not for long, only since the Mathew Crawford interview or stream with him about gain in purity vs gain induction and found that great. Sage Hana had one or two articles about them/him/that topic and I think I found the discussion between J J Couey and Mathew Crawford thanks to that article. For my understanding of matters that was, or seems like a big relieving step forward.

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Denninger is the personification of the Croatian Stoner. He has no filter and little patience. Pre 2008 he was routinely on MSNBC as a guest until he skewered the sacred cow of the housing market. He doesn't do interviews with well known personalities anymore but rather unknown Podcasters instead. A year plus ago I tried to convince Viva and Barnes to interview him at the peak of the mandate madness but Barnes was not willing to entertain it.

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Funny, first person I thought was Dr McCairn but he's Irish I think. Googled croation stoner and was given psychodelic music bands which kinda fits McCairn's themes, lol. I like him though.

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Sure but I want to meet him anyway :-)

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

It's getting all "cliquey" on the covid clown world carousal, lol.

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It's been nothing but cliquetty-clacque from the get-go. Just now the camps are bumping up against each other and rattling sabers. It was bound to happen.

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Mathew, I applaud your effort to find the truth, and that you are inviting everyone for an honest conversation about all the gray areas. The genuine disaster provides ample grounds for all sorts of agendas and motives, and the only way we can have a chance at prevailing is by insisting on honesty and staying open-minded. Anybody with not so good intentions would exploit people's weaknesses and bad habits, and it only takes a few trouble makers to muddy the waters if the good people's motives are anything but the truth. May the truth be victorious, and may the focus on truth be restored as we need it more than ever.


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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

The fundamental difference I see between what you are doing and the unfortunate schisms that we are all observing is that you are giving everyone a chance to publicly disagree with you in an open conversation, which tells me, this is about finding the truth and not about pointing fingers at personalities.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Why read Part 3? You had me at calling Stew a modern carnival barker with nearly a half million Rumble subscribers.

I will, however, read part 3 with a critical eye. Thank you for your efforts.

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That carnival barker line was Malone's. Mathew was just rehashing the drama, with commentary.

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I think this series is extremely important for understanding what is happening and the motivations behind it.

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You are just now noticing that Steve Kirsch sometimes is shockingly unsophisticated in his thinking?

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I agree. I unsubscribed. He wanted to do a survey of everything. His writing style and message got too redundant. I admire the following he has gained, just something about his tone and delivery started bugging me. It isn’t my business by I found myself wondering what it would be like to be his spouse.

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Yes, there is the survey thing and the endless challenging people to a debate thing, but there is also something really childlike about him despite his excellent data analysis skills. I think this is a tech millionaire thing--so many of them seem to be little boys at some level. So outside his area of expertise he sometimes seems too credulous. The Died Unexpectedly thing is part of that.

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Steve likes clappers.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Mathew did you see the presentation LTC Teresa Long made yesterday during Ron Johnson's hearing? The presentations were very brief, and she showed a graph which she said was recently updated data and showed that the number of serious medical events (I can't recall what she actually called them) had nearly doubled in 2022 vs 2020. It wasn't broken out by type, but was supposedly recently downloaded from DMED.

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I'll talk some about the latest hearing in a future article.

I liked most of what I saw, with the exception of the lack of discussion of the real DMED story---a missed opportunity that I estimate worth more than all the good done.

My worry is that instead of cleaning up corruption, there is jockeying among some people to take control of it. I've warned my friends on the left about this for decades, and here they went into power with smirks looking down on everyone. If the pendulum swings, and there are multiple factions fighting for that prize, we don't know if we'll get "same overlords/new faces", bloody "right-wing" Marxist, or something else. The failure to examine the apparatus of the Deep State makes it unlikely that we get among the better of the several options.

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I agree. People gonna people...

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I think the DMED story deserves a hearing all of its own. But given the implications of what has transpired and what continues, I don't think most officials want to expose it. As far as I can tell, you and Bret Weinstein are the only ones to even suggest that what's been done to the military is a deliberate effort to sabotage military readiness. What I saw at the hearing were a lot of very tired people, people who have been fighting the battle for medical freedom for three years on various fronts and are worn down. They are heroes, but also just human beings who have suffered, and the wounds are showing. It's not surprising that no one seems eager to open the battle on a new front. (Although lately Peter McCullough has started describing the vax program as a military operation, so maybe it will lead to the DMED eventually.) I don't think the deep-state corruption will be cleaned up any time soon, if Fauci's recent testimony is any indication.

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If you go to the recording on Rumble her presentation begins about 29:23

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Stay on the lynchpin MC—the rest is noise as you say. Does Unissant have Weber-Shandwick ties?

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This is not about effectiveness. People can either see the vaccine injuries or they cannot. Therefore we ask: Can you see that?

Those who are still blind cannot be convinced by being precise, although they may excuse their wilful blindness by a lack of our precision, but they can excuse anything by anything anytime.

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Seeing harmed people and assuming it is the injections, as I do, does not equal knowing positively that it was caused exactly by white stripes, or that it was caused exactly by nanotech.

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That’s why Bradford Hill criteria are applied. There are many signals from the very start. Some prove the harm as the most probable explanation. Like 311 very motivated volunteers, who dodged the 2nd dose even on the day 42. That’s statistically significant already.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

"The strawman Peters erects to take shots at as opposed to engaging with Josh Guetzkow's points is disgusting. He implies that Josh Guetzkow's critique of Died Suddenly somehow denies the pain and suffering of others."

This resonates exactly like woke cancel culture and ideology that is suffusing through so many institutions.

These topics emerge and everyone focuses on them with a weird sincerity---snake venom, existence of viruses, amnesty, blood clots, even the lab leak, with a lot of analysis and emotion and suspicion that seems endless, and if it weren't so tragic and there wasn't so much horrific injury on so many levels and so much incomprehensible death, it would seem like a soap opera. The brain SELECTS for social information evolutionarily. I read long ago that good disinformation is 95 percent true, 5 per cent false. I used to follow the antics of Oswald Lewinter, gone now, poet and operative, shapeshifting and trailing ever changing sophisticated narratives. My sense is that we are in a realm of sophistication of that sort. If Unissant is the spirit thread that shreds the warp and woof of this iatrogenic carpet, then Unissant is what we should all be focusing on, no matter what social or divisive or scientific or overblown emotional narrative we get lassoed by.

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Another great article and excellent analysis. Right now the MFM is on track to end up like the Tea Party. Starts off grass-roots, build momentum, opportunist see potential to make coin (or oppo agents infiltrate) and the focus is shifted to the crumbs on the table.

As much as we need to focus on the specifics and facts: SARs (lab leak? Bio-Attack? Iatrogenic slight of hand?) and the vaccine side effects (nano-tech? graphene? spike protein? Hot Lots?), you point out to the deeper questions that need to be asked.

1. How is it that the majority of nations agreed to commit economic and social suicide, in Lockstep?

2. How is it that the reporting rules were changed (in the US and elsewhere) just in time to overcount COVID deaths?

3. How is it that the majority of hospitals, doctors, nurses and biomed researchers willingly followed CDC mandates and protocols.

4. The vast majority of Governors locked and mandated.

5. The DoD jumped on the bandwagon, hard.

How do you do all of that!?

Planning...and lots of money.

UNISSANT is the tip of the iceberg. A contractor that commits Oopsies on military databases!? And does not get investigated!??? GTFO

Dr, David Martin points out, very clearly, that federal funding was steered to various contractors to pump the fear factor and coordinate with federal and external agencies to maximize the fear message and drown out people that actually do real work.

Follow the money.

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There is no "MFM". It's a mirage. There are organizations and personality cults, there are some broadly shared values and some rough consensus on goals (mostly negative: "we" can all agree that "we" don't like all this bad stuff that "they" are doing to "us" and would prefer them to stop doing it) but there is no Movement.

It's not necessarily a bad thing. "They" are quite adept at Movement-busting by now, as you point out. I'm not sure if "they" can handle a genuine rising tide, but you can see they're bailing out the leaky ship as hard as they can. Expect more of this.

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

Thanks for all your high quality work Matthew.

I think there is an element of audience capture here as well, where ordinary people who were invested in exploring the counter narratives to covid while the various restrictions, vaccine pushes, propaganda campaigns were in full swing are starting to tune out, due to either limited cognitive bandwidth or other pressures in life, particularly economic hardship. I'm seeing that in my circles.

Take Alex Berenson as a fairly benign example, he accumulated a substantial following over the last couple of years critiquing the covid narrative/op, but studiously avoided going in any direction that might be "conspiratorial", or getting a bigger picture view of things.

I can only assume his audience is dwindling now since the pandemic is declared "over" and so he will need to pivot to some other topic(s) to maintain his audience, assuming he does want to maintain it.

There's also probably an incentive in the alt media landscape to create more sensational content now, especially since the worst case mass vaccination scenarios haven't played out, and figures like Peters need to fan those flames to maintain their credibility and relevance.

The "grifter" label that establishment aligned actors throw at alt media types isn't entirely without substance.

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