"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." -Isaac Asimov
Click here to see other articles on Chaos Agents. The Died Suddenly documentary can be found here.
Given the discussion around the first two parts of this story, I feel it's time for an important public service message.
Obligatory Reminder: To this point, nobody has offered substantive pushback to my critique of Died Suddenly, which is still underway.
Focus on What is Important: Fraud
"Why are you doing this, Mathew?!"
Other than not thinking Stew Peters should be a focal point for the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM), anything else involving science, or any ecosystem that includes people with anger management issues and access to sharp objects? Because investigating the world's largest ever fraud seems like a reasonable priority, and we have a soft target. Repeat after me:
Why is nobody investigating Unissant?
Why is nobody investigating Unissant?
Why is nobody investigating Unissant?
If fraud is proven in court, the experimental mass injection campaign ends. On a cost effective basis, those interested in stopping vaccine mandates should go after every possible target for fraud.
If you don't know who or what Unissant is, understand that this is the primary flaw of any documentary that includes data from the DMED. Unissant is a potential linchpin to what is likely the largest fraud in the history of the world, and if not stonewalled, might have stopped all vaccine mandates. (Such an investigation would have been stonewalled, most likely, but at least that story would help Americans see for certain that we're under attack in a war by an agent that is not our Constitutional government.)
Unissant is the contractor that handles the DMSS/DMED data, which apparently failed to recognize that vast portions of the DMED data just sort of went missing sometime around early 2021 just when the CDC would have been using it for its safety signal team. Oopsie!
"Maybe somebody should make a documentary about that."
I talked with Steve Kirsch today about Died Suddenly. Though he had responded on his Substack to some critiques of Died Suddenly, he hadn't said anything about the DMED story or any other aspect of my critique. He also seemed intent on grounding himself in a position where his presence does not affect whether something terrible is otherwise taking place. That disturbs me deeply, and I still don't know what to make of it.
Steven shifted the conversation toward a sort of, "Should the documentary be made/not made?" question, and says he just wants to share his thoughts wherever they can be helpful. I want to give him an out, but this is a shockingly unsophisticated way of thinking for a Silicon Valley CEO. As I've pointed out, he or Operation Uplift could have made better documentary without the problems or noise. Economists might call this a Pareto improvement. He asked me why Operation Uplift hadn't made such a documentary, which took me aback in an all-too-brief conversation.
First, I tried to get Steve to pay attention to and work with Operation Uplift last year after it formed and started to work on projects. He seemed to have little interest in the open source intelligence organization system (wiki) where we house thousands of pages of information (with much more in notes files waiting to be entered). That's how I can quickly link to a summary of information about Unissant and drop the DMED org chart above in seconds. For months I offered up Operation Uplift for collaboration, but was met with dismissive comments or even sneers (I'm lookin' at you, Kathy) from he or members of his vaccine steering committee. That's not working with people, "wherever he can be helpful." And dancing around the economics of decisions means not really having the conversation.
Had Operation Uplift a $15,000 budget, I have little doubt that the job would have been done, and with greater Impact Assessment, whether or not it got pushed by the Heroes of the MFM. Members of Operation Uplift got together and made this on a budget of only spare time without me (thei founder) even knowing about it.
Most of those people involved have jobs, too, but they still find time to do good work. And they care about getting the facts straight. If anyone emails me with a reasonable budget and a vision, I strongly suspect those in the group with the right talents will work on something amazing.
Strangely, as open and inviting as we can be (it's an extremely light-hearted group), the larger part of the MFM never bothered to connect even though it's an open group with open source materials.
A few hours ago I resigned from Steve's vaccine steering committee to which he rarely shows up, and when he does half his questions are about topics I wrote articles about 8-14 months ago, if not told him about directly. Today the question was about Brian Mowry's articles on whether or not variants should happen [naturally], which is the question at the heart of the article series that I stopped halfway through early this year to work on and sort out the DMED data. Over two months I could barely get Steve or the group to talk about it for 30 seconds. It took me a few months to get some of them used to the idea that the quasi-species swarm is a thing.
Steve has done some great work at times, but I think that whatever circle is actually steering his priorities kills his effectiveness with the MFM on a Big Picture level, and I don't know how to help him understand that. He has soaked up the audience, but I suspect that's almost entirely the Choir at this point. (After consulting for him on cryptocurrency trading and investment in March/April, telling him unequivocally that success with his trading algorithms would require recognizing that "[Crypto] Winter is Coming" and pulling out from essentially all altcoins and exchange risk, he lost a serious pile of money in the FTX-A debacle—enough to make over 100 documentaries—so I'm guessing that for whatever reason he cannot see me as somebody worth listening to no matter how close we get to my primary professional domain.)
Stew Peters Answers Criticism: "Suck it."
You might have guessed that the other Substack is mine. I'm guessing Stew doesn't even want his audience to know my name or where to find my articles.
The strawman Peters erects to take shots at as opposed to engaging with Josh Guetzkow's points is disgusting. He implies that Josh Guetzkow's critique of Died Suddenly somehow denies the pain and suffering of others. This is equivalent to dragging a body through the gutter while loudly proclaiming that the criminal investigator trying diligently to gather evidence to convict the serial killer is responsible for the victim.
I'm not sure what definitions of "responsible" everyone might use, but I'll ask: Is Stew Peters responsible for the lack of investigation into Unissant?
Few people in the world have done more high fidelity research and organization of data with respect to how the vaccines cause problems than Guetzkow has, which is a great deal more than Peters has. Anyone who merely takes the time to peruse Guetzkow's substack will see a mere fraction of that effort. Guetzkow simply has something like a deep respect for truth in the details.
Manly! Absurd, but masculinely so. Or at least something like the theatrical version of masculine. But here's the rub: Peters either didn't bother to read Guetzkow's article before commenting, or else dishonestly portrays it to project hate within the hard working community of researchers trying to stop the experimental quasi-vaccine program.
During his Wednesday show, Peters talked with Dr. Ben Marble, affirming their opposition to Dr. Robert Malone. Understand that I disagree with Dr. Malone on a variety of topics, but there wasn't much specifically laid out on that level to focus on, so I focused on different aspects of the conversation.
4:37 - Dr. Marble: "The bottom line with him is he's a liberal. That's the bottom line. People talk about controlled opposition. He's not controlled opposition—he's just straight up opposition. He's just a liberal. He's uh…basically he's a…I call him a 'PC Commie'. What's the root cause of everything that's going on globally right now? Political correctness. Political correctness is the world's largest religion for atheists."
Peters reined in Dr. Marble at that moment and talked about Dr. Malone's critique of Died Suddenly. Then Peters and Dr. Marble came back around to the theme of the program: "You're either with us or you're against us," which is the sort of polarity-inducing consensus demand that led us into the War on Terror, the apparatuses of which are being used to torture Americans.
It only gets weirder from there.
13:30 - Peters talks about how controlled opposition ("agent provocateurs") were used to bait and stifle resistance at the January 6, 2021 Capitol Protest.
Oddly, Peters mentions no connection to Leigh Dundas, the attorney who sat next to Thomas Renz and spoke on the data at the Ron Johnson hearing in January while the (invalid) DMED stats were presented. Peters interviewed Dundas shortly after that event (here). I'm told that she is the one who introduced the whistleblowers to Renz. Dundas has somehow escaped arrest after the Capitol Protest despite shouting "Traitors!" repeatedly, egging on the crowd, after having given a speech in which she talked about taking people out back and shooting and hanging them (followed by a brief discussion of coups).
It appears she was right by the doors where QAnon Shaman went inside. That doesn't prove much, of course, but it wouldn't be her only apparent QAnon connection—something I'll write about in greater detail another time.
So, hundreds of Americans have been arrested and detained, and none of those were Dundas? She must be very special. I'll leave it to you to interpret that tidbit.
Were I Dr. McCullough or Sen. Johnson, I would maybe do some research into this crowd. Then inch away, gently.
Much as with Peters, I'm often philosophically on the same side of the arguments projected by Dundas—right up until the point where it feels like she's stoking violence and radicalizing the audience. I was told by one of the organizers of the Arise USA tour that Dundas was kicked out of their tour over concerns that she was both encouraging violence and that they were concerned that the young woman traveling with her was trying to compromise one of the other organizers. I'll write about that story in more detail another time.
17:38 - (Ominous music playing) Peters: "Infiltration is happening all over the place. It is out there in broad daylight. Do not censor your own brain. Think objectively. Think critically and decide right now—what table are you sitting at?"
Dundas has been a frequent speaker with both Dr. Marble and also Dr. Bryan Ardis whose undiscussed-with-serious-people's snake venom theory was blasted out as a documentary by Peters. She also associates with Patrician Rodriguez a.k.a. Carolina Galvan a.k.a. Carolina Bonita whom the lead truckers from the Freedom Convoy kicked out due to suspected sabotage.
The details of this Stew Peters interview link to the Stop the Shot Summit in Puerto Rico, which is run by…Carolina Galvan. I'm told that the Summit is also organized and funded by the same circle that went into business with Dr. Malone with the Decentralized Medicine project. How weird is that?!
16:14 - Peters: "We believe doing good work is just telling the truth. And it's really not that hard."
Yeah…so…Look, I don't normally want to draw parallels that steer into gangsta territory. I'm just a retired school teacher. Or something. But maybe somebody needs to speak Stew's language to Stew.
What table are you sitting at?
First recall (from Part 1) that any good defense of Died Suddenly should involve an Impact Analysis, likely from something like a good survey source. Maybe such an analysis will reveal that Died Suddenly brought the MFM a landslide of converts. I'm not holding my breath.
Second, and we'll dig more into this in Part 3, Died Suddenly helps ossify the wrong story about the military health data (which should recenter on Unissant). This wrong story continues to steer us all away from a proper investigation into a weak linchpin in what appears to be an operation to sideline or destroy the U.S. military.
Here is a quick guide to acronyms used in discussing the military health data.
Defense Medical Epidemiological Database (DMED)
Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS)
Medical Surveillance Monthly Reports (MSMR)
General Lloyd James Austin III (ASSHOLE)
Feeding the Fact Checkers
The moment you stop caring about the facts, you will be led by the last image burned into your brain before you gave up steering it.
Several people have straw-manned my first two articles, asking questions askew from anything that I wrote about. Much of that involves the story of the clots, which I certainly think needs serious investigation. This is part of the reason I brought up the strange disuse of virtopsy technology in Part 1. Some various scans of living vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals combined with the imaging scans of deceased vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals (throw in some prior to the pandemic) would likely answer the question definitively. Instead, Died Suddenly feels like a dramatic magic act, and invites difficult-to-decipher pushback from other experts (because it challenges the reader to be able to differentiate on a level that absolutely requires expertise).
I'm seeing a lot of this from people both scientifically/medically educated and also from those who are not. That's because people making claims in the backdrop of what looks like a dramatic magic act isn't a scientific experiment or analysis. And while I know well how expert Dr. Ryan Cole is, most sane people would never put their proxy trust in one expert without seeing the O-ring change properties upon being dropped into the glass of ice water.
Back to the Died Suddenly documentary…
26:59 - "And within 24 hours, that system, which is run by the Defense Health Agency, was shut down." - Dr. Chambers
This is another one of those perfectly true statements that, because it isn't followed up in the documentary, misleads any audience that hasn't invested time in learning all about what happened with the DMED system. The DoD claimed that the shock numbers presented by Attorney Thomas Renz at the hearing held by Senator Ron Johnson were the result of a "glitch". Then, those responsible for the DMED took the database offline, uploaded additional data, and put the DMED back on line a few hours later.
Do you think the DoD fabricated plausible-looking data quickly on the spot to generate that upload?
Not likely. The number of people with the level of statistical skill and programming chops who could fool me is vanishingly small. Remember: I made a living spotting frauds and fake data in the most sophisticated environments, then trading off my observations. And even if the DoD has some people with that level of data-gaming talent who isn't needed elsewhere, the project would have been challenging to pull off in a day. (I'm not saying there isn't data fraud, but we'll get to that.)
Moments like this in the documentary allowed Dr. Susan Oliver to look basically competent for almost an entire video. I tried to engage Dr. Oliver about the DMED story. After all, her Twitter profile advertises her as a "Scientist who is passionate about correcting misinformation", and she reasonably identified some of the mistakes made in Died Suddenly. Strangely, she or YouTube seems to have deleted my comment on her video about the DMED data (it around 30 seconds), and is ignoring my request on Twitter to discuss the details.

If she has the story right about DMED not being permanently disabled (nobody disputes that), why would she dodge me?
Because I know why both sides of this story are wrong, and why it matters: because any fraud that took place was likely either initiated or passed through Unissant.
Does it feel like there are two competing sides, arguing over something less important, and neither of them wants you to look behind the Unissant curtain?
Why Hasn't the Story Told (by Most Sources) About the DMED Data Changed Since January?
This is the (now) 17 trillion dollar question.
What Dr. Oliver doesn't know, and what is not explained in Died Suddenly, is something that even the vast majority in the MFM still don't know: the data that Renz presented at the Senator Johnson hearing in January was not valid data.
It never was. It's gobbledygook.
If that disappoints anyone, remember that I'm just the messenger.
Soon after I organized a data team to work with Renz and the DMED whistleblowers, we discovered that there was indeed publicly available historical data that could definitely answer whether or not DMED returned query reports from known available data (whether it had a "glitch" if we can stretch that word to incorporate the possibility of database sabotage).

The DMED numbers presented by Thomas Renz at Senator Ron Johnson's hearing were invalid.
This is not up for debate. They are simply nonsense that have nothing to do with any actual discussion of the prevalence of vaccine injuries.
As I explained in some other articles, there were still safety signals after the DMED was taken offline and repaired. Also, there is the strange fact that the historical data did just sort of change (and in a way that would hide or mute safety signals).
I communicated these findings (which are obvious the moment you see the historical data) to Renz on February 14, then to the various whistleblowers, starting with Dr. Long, over the next few weeks, and also to Sen Johnson's staffers whom I interpreted as dismissive and disinterested.
I'm not nearly done discussing the DMED part of the story, but I'm calling it a night at 5 AM. More to come.
Debating Critiques
Debate is healthy, and the health of the medical freedom movement is probably dependent on its ability to discuss these issues openly. The more we beat on each other's ideas, the less likely we are to waste our time or fall prey to propaganda or conmen. Metal sharpens metal. Part of what defines the pandemic is the lack of transparency and open discourse.
Rounding the Earth is going to host a Roundtable discussion at 1 PM Eastern on Tuesday, December 13, livestreamed to Rumble and Rokfin (maybe elsewhere), to discuss Died Suddenly. I hereby invite any and all of the following people to participate. Please email me at mathew.crawford@protonmail.com to RSVP.
Stew Peters
Matthew Miller Skow
Nicholas Stumphauzer
Steve Kirsch
Any of the DMED whistleblowers
Thomas Renz or Leigh Dundas
Colleen Huber
Robert Malone
Anne-Marie Mazza
A Midwestern Doctor (substack author)
Joshua Guetzkow
Any of the embalmers (Richard Hirschman is welcome)
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Susan Oliver
Dr. Eric Burnett
Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Karen Kingston
Obviously it is not likely that everyone on this list will be interested in participating, or can meet the schedule, but hopefully we can bring together at least some productive discussion.
I would invite the Croatian stoner, but I worry that he might be the smartest person in the room and I don't want that to intimidate anyone. He also has no filter whatsoever, and I want to maintain a polite atmosphere, as always.
If there is anyone else who can convince me that they would have something productive to say on the topic, I'm happy to consider them.
I have also been trying to investigate the blood clot claims in the documentary. So far, no funeral directors or embalmers have confirmed them.
STOP THE SHOT is the only right answer....if you don't like that then you're making excuses to continue the GREATEST MASS POISONING IN HUMAN HISTORY and so you can feel free to GO FUCK YOURSELF!