Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thank you for sharing this. The more I go down the rabbit hole with this industry, the more alarmed I become. If anyone would like to hop down the trail a bit more I highly recommend this book by Ben Goldacre. He does an exquisite job of diving into the details of clinical trials and the statistical voodoo employed to obtain the result being sought after. The more I read into this the more I’m convinced that most clinical trials done by the majors are partial if not complete fabrications. It’s truly disturbing that people can be used so flippantly as cannon fodder for an industry that cares about nothing but money which bring power.


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Thanks for this again, always so much to learn when you share.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Dr. David Diamond and the cholesterol con. Discusses Relative Risk v. Absolute Risk


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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Such a wealth of evidence and such a paucity of prosecutors.

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My favorite was the sign "You can lead a bureaucrat to paper but you can't make them think." These systems are less efficient than Rube Goldberg's and compartmentalizing information stops exchanges between groups and across specialty areas. Intelligence operations are built on the same model of "need to know" info sharing; it reduces the risk of anyone knowing too much when each just gets to see a slice. Great for spies not so much with public health.

"There are a lot of eye opening moments here. One of those involves the way that medicated patients are moved across ledgers inappropriately."

Enron accounting & loopholes is how Washington rolls. Periodically the horror of it is almost too much for a rational mind to assimilate. So much of the Federal, criminal activity is waste and fraud, contracting abuses and that's awful.

But in the areas of human health and the environment it still makes me a bit ill learning each new case where we are dying for profits. It's beyond belief criminal profiteers retire to their private islands with their Seychelles bank account and stockholders pay a fine.

I can't imagine coming into this cluster%$#@ cold and landing in 2021 like the Mad Hatters Tea Party is reality. At best it's a seismic event with respect to faith in regulatory authority and with luck epic enough to finally fix this. https://planetwaves.net/contents/faking_it.html

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

The site where you can see the slides etc:


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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

At what point do you throw your hands up and give up. If the friggin smartest people in the world want to get together and use their intellectual gifts to play tricks on the rest of us what chances do we have? Trying to just live my life. I don't have time to audit every single ongoing science related to potential treatment, even if I could understand it enough to do so.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford


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Another important element is that they failed to assign ownership of the adverse event reporting to a dedicated entity and outsourced it or left it freely floating amongst various entities who are largely disinclined to do it.

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Interesting lecture. A lot of the points he makes regarding covid vaccine trials were very close to an article I published a couple of days ago in which I look at the suppression of adverse events but also a critique of the new trials overly complicated global infrastructures and use of outsourcing to sub-contractors which have three profound effects. They diffuse responsibility and accountability across multiple parties who deflect blame between them, they make the trials impossible to properly administrate and they lastly render the trials impossible to audit. Link below.


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Yikes, YouTube says the video is no longer available. I watched it but did not back it up, and now I seek help finding a backup of this video. In the meantime, we have the slides and Dr. Healy's blog post.

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The video of the talk has been of course banished from YouTube, is there another source?

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I wrote about the background of Covid the year before it all started in my book Butchered by “Healthcare” on sale on amazon kindle now for $4.00.

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It's sad that things not only haven't improved but seems to have gotten worse after a decade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7rbUdp_XIE

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