Matt, What an amazing piece! Your best work yet! I will share far and wide. Even if this is only partially true this is a deeply disturbing situation. Thanks for laying it out so well.

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I would like to see a project that interviews of the families of those who have “died with covid” in hospitals. (Like what George Fareed does for his patients who volunteer, in his Twitter stream.) Don’t hospitals produce death certificates (listing covid as a cause) that enable this? (I think so.) Maybe even compensate family members for the time and trouble of the interviews.

All the information is currently controlled by the hospitals and health systems, and it does not have to be that way. There is a true story behind each individual. And I suspect many of those involve vaccine-related events categorized as covid.

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In addition to the perverse incentives on offer to the hospitals to label cases as COVID, I was recently made aware that FEMA is actually providing FUNERAL assistance to families for COVID deaths. I don't see the amount specified on the site, but I've read elsewhere it is $9000. https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance

I'd imagine this comes with clauses, and is enough to silence most of the victims families.

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I agree with you. UNfortunately individual case studies do not come up with measurable numbers that can be put into software to generate a statistical NUMBER of SIGNIFICANCE that people BELIEVE IS TRUTH. Montessori had that problem and of course Freud did also so psychoanalysis has never been a mainstream therapy.

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I just looked up the highly vaxxed countries and when they rolled out the vaccine... (omitted countries that Worldometer didn't have and China because they use their own vaccines and no one trusts their numbers anyway) https://joannaf2.substack.com/p/do-covid-vaccines-work?justPublished=true

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Interesting stuff. Seems like things are coming apart more than usual.

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Yes I have suspected this from the beginning. Nice to be validated by someone else collecting numbers. But I see now THAT WAS THE PUROSE so the numbers could be drive up for thee MEDIA HATE MACHINE to go to work on Trump and get Biden et al in office to do more damage of greater consequences.

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Have you seen this hypothesis? "the vaccinated superspread hypothesis --

assessing the riddle of more recovered, more vaccinated, and more dying despite a lower CFR variant"


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Makes perfect sense along with zero regulary flu cases. An acquanitance of mine said all these masks and social distancing reduced regular flu cases to zero. I am going to do this every year now. Can you even imagine how someone can invert their thinking to come up with that!

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There's a very interesting 2014 Huffington Post article about Flu which has been removed since the fauxdemic began - "Don't Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths"

It's rather remarkable it was ever written (and no surprise it was removed), as it outlines how rare Influenza actually is, and how about 20 years ago the CDC started lumping flu and pneumonia and various other respiratory illness together and embarked on a big flu vaccination campaign (on behalf of big pharma). The yearly push to get a flu vax didn't exist in the 90's.




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I quit them long ago. I got the flu from them. Fug me once shame on you. Fug me twice shame on me.

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I live in Hawaii. We live islands; there’s nowhere to go. You can’t just drive to the next state. You lose your job, the ‘coconut wireless’ spreads your news faster than COVID. We’re the test case for blue states; Hawaii is the New Zealand of America; if they can pull it off here it will set a precedence.

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You have inspired me many times over. Started trying to track down Covid numbers for my town, Cherry Hill, NJ. Found out 30% of deaths happened in 9 nursing homes in the spring of 2020. Curious how the vaccine rollout played in those same nursing homes end of 2020 early 2021. I guess I need to learn about nursing homes and what kind of access I can get to their respective numbers.

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Your work is astounding Mathew. Between this and John O'Looney, the UK undertaker, it is unquestionable that a systematic fraud is upon us. Unfortunately, a thorough reading of Lock Step and Event 201 point to the fact that it has been planned for some time

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Another video with Abrien Aguirre. In this one (Sept 16?) he confronts the Honolulu mayor outside a restaurant. I don't know what the implications of this are. Need to look into it a bit more. https://youtu.be/w-K8R6FDXvo

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95-99% of the people in ICU's with COVID right now are unvaccinated. The vaccines do work to keep people out of the hospital. I am disappointed to see you trusting a youtube video because the "body language seems genuine" over the actual raw data that is out there and confirmed by many, many different sources from hospitals all over the country.

The reason we are still seeing deaths along with case spikes is that people haven't all gotten their vaccines yet - in fact, half of the US is still unvaccinated. Moreover, the Delta variant is more contagious and more severe, and is therefore filling up the hospitals faster than before (and happened to coincide with the US's rollout, but evolved in India where vaccination rates were still extremely low). Occam's razor suggests this simpler explanation is true, rather than a complicated conspiracy theory about counting vaccine side effects as COVID cases.

I was exposed to a breakthrough case and did not get COVID. I had the Moderna vaccine. It did the trick.

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"95-99% of the people in ICU's with COVID right now are unvaccinated."

Maria, you should know better than to begin a conversation with a fabricated statistic.

"The vaccines do work to keep people out of the hospital."

1. You are leaving out the deep survivor bias of both the vaccine-induced deaths, and silent hypoxics.

2. You aren't correcting for which hospitalizations are "for" or "with" COVID. I would be happy to discuss that with you.

"I am disappointed to see you trusting a youtube video because the "body language seems genuine" over the actual raw data that is out there and confirmed by many, many different sources from hospitals all over the country"

Maria, please show me that raw data. The CDC will not, and their claims are contradictory, and don't match the claims of any other nation (all of which cluster together differently from the U.S....weird, right?).

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"Occam's razor suggests this simpler explanation is true, rather than a complicated conspiracy theory about counting vaccine side effects as COVID cases."

Okay, now let's apply that to early treatment medicine. I have collected data from more than 20 doctors around the world that essentially eliminated deaths in thousands of patients using hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, with hospitalizations and deaths 96-100% lower than their surrounding geographies. How is this denied? Is that conspiracy theory?

At some point, you have to understand: the whole world is conspiracy theory at some level. Half the work I did on Wall Street was analysis of conspiracy theories. When I wrote my articles circa 2000-2003 about how the mortgage bond market was set up to collapse, that was data on a conspiracy.


At some point, people have to grow up and understand this is the way the world works.

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The phrase "conspiracy theory" by itself apparently debunks adjacent corporate interests collaborating to influence public policy. The ones who rail against "conspiracy theory" are actually engaging in fanciful thinking, believing that there's a sort of gentleman's agreement amongst businesses to some vague, high-minded concept like the "greater good" above profit. Or that governments are unbiased and effective at regulation (hah, no one is that naive, right?).

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"Moreover, the Delta variant is more contagious and more severe"

This is also incorrect. The first part is an understandable mistake because there is no good head-to-head test to see if R would truly be higher in a naive population than one where delta variant is specifically exposed to a population with a vaccine that has a single-vector defense against it. But that's the least of the problems...

The idea that delta is more severe doesn't jive with any of the actual data, and I've run the numbers numerous times. In emails and one face-to-face with CDC experts, they no contradiction of my analysis, and the Public Health of England agreed with it.


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If you have comorbidities and are old getting vaccinated is probably your best choice so as not to die if you get it. But I do believe the vaccinations will take their own toll of deaths over time.

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Sep 17, 2021
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Peerfect. Thnx.

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"The overall CFR in Hawaii was 1.34% through August 13, 2021.

The CFR from November 1, 2020 to August 13, 2001 is 1.01%."

Ignoring the typo doesn't this mean the CFR was significantly higher BEFORE vax rollout & therefore contradict the hypothesis?

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The CFR most everywhere on Earth was substantially higher during the first half of 2020. And this has nothing to do with the hypothesis.

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Sep 16, 2021
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China is a different case from Russia.

Russia dumped essentially all its dollar bonds in 2018 after several years of laundering all its other Western cash through Deutsche Bank and other laundering operations.

But China is highly dependent on the West, the dollar, and Western corporations. The current economic downturn is proof of that. Most of their external economy is still built as a low value added port of manufacturing. There are few technological arenas in which they are bleeding edge without direction from the west. They've been built up as a mythical boogie man for the purpose of Western media manipulation. Despite all appearances, we can get at the truth. The French built the lab in Wuhan, and the U.S. supplied all expert training of the scientists. There are still more experts in infectious disease in Georgia than in all of China.

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Didnt know this. thnx

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Sep 17, 2021
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My take on Russia might be most easily seen from the Germany division [as a natural experiment]. The East Germans were simply unable to participate in the modern economy after reunification. Repression results in loss of understanding of creativity, and it can take years of time for families to rebuild that. Even worse, that's hard to do when in economic/job competition with those who never suffered that deficit. At least, it may take a minimum of a generation.

Right now the most creative Russians are the ones who aren't there. Hopefully that will change (if Russians have opportunity). If not, we will continue to see a Russia with listless criminals trying to take chunks of the planet, rather than creating new value.

They need a taste of freedom to understand its value.

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If you're referring to a fifth column, you really should be looking at Israel. https://www.islam-radio.net/islam/english/jewishp/china/jew-china-gov.htm

The mockingbird media and the Cass Sunstein alternative right has set the "ChiComs" (and Russia) up as the big boogieman (because Islamic extremism is so 2010...). As always, it is to draw your attention from the main event. Unfortunately, most people can't even wrap their brain around the notion that China is only nominally communist. They have a form of capitalism we had perhaps 80 years ago, in that they don't permit big business interest to dictate policy to the government, and they actually punish corrupt executives once in a while. We certainly can't have that sort of example out in the open for everyone to see! Hence the absurd stories of Uyghur concentration camps and the like.

If you want to get to the meat of the matter, once Israeli interests suck the US dry, they plan on moving effortlessly on to China for their next phase. Xi Jinping appears to have different plans. If you scroll to the middle of this post, you'll see links to where this exact issue is being talked about in mainstream publications this very moment, albeit in terms which are more friendly to the parties involved- http://xymphora.blogspot.com/2021/09/fahrenheit-451.html

This is not really the place for such discussions, so I invite Mr Crawford to delete this comment if he deems it appropriate, but for geopolitics, I recommend the following sites;





Some are aggregators which lead to yet more sites you should look in to. Some are of a more... partisan nature, but I feel no need to defend linking to them. We're all adults here, and with some effort and experience we learn to discern what's important. If you're a person of integrity, and I assume you are if for no other reason than you're here at this substack, then when you're confronted with new information, you're capable of altering your worldview to accommodate the facts.

(And if indeed SARS COV-2 is a laboratory creation, it was most likely cooked up in Georgia, Tblisi Georgia, at the Dick Lugar Research Center (where lab contractors have diplomatic immunity for some reason.) It may have passed through the Pentagon-funded Wuhan Institute at some point, on its way back to Ft Detrick. The most apparent source was the American soldiers participating in the (apparently purpose-built) World Military Games, as the hotel the Americans were staying in was among the first to experience an outbreak. Being a large, central travel hub in China, it would've been the perfect place and time to seed a pandemic, as the workforce returned to their villages to celebrate the New Year. http://dilyana.bg/new-data-leak-from-the-pentagon-biolaboratory-in-georgia/

https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1094347/world-military-games-illness-covid-19 )

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