Chloroquine Wars Vignettes: COVID Summits, Yellow Wrist Bands, and Other Stories
The Chloroquine Wars Part XCIV
"You love all your characters, even the ridiculous ones. You have to on some level; they're your weird creations in some kind of way. I don't even know how you approach the process of conceiving the characters if in a sense you hated them. It's just absurd." -Joel Coen
Friday I spent a few hours at the Wise Traditions Conference, invited by an RTE reader. In fact, I met two whole families (the parents are readers), which was an enjoyable first for me. I wish I could have just driven the 20 minutes back and forth to home and seen some of the presentations, but it didn't really fit my schedule. I picked up some literature about organic farming, which my wife and I plan to get in very soon, and purchased some kelp-infused cashews that are weirdly insanely good if pricey (not a paid advertisement).
One of the talks I missed, I get to watch later. I have not pressed play yet, but I was told that David Martin's talk is excellent and illuminating, and that he planned to name names Saturday in a talk in Louisiana. I have not followed his story closely, yet, but plan to catch up on it as I have been urged.
COVID Summits Across the United States
Meanwhile, the physicians at the Florida COVID Summit delivered an exciting summit that is part of a national outreach bringing doctors together. I've only had the chance to watch a few minutes of the program so far, and it's a lot, but strikes me as different than just seeing these doctors give more talks. This is the isolated parts of the medical community coming together and realizing that they're not alone in prescribing or wanting to prescribe early antiviral outpatient medical treatment, and find the vaccine program less than fully trustworthy. In fact, they're a massive group that could very well be responsible for the refounding of American medical institutions.
Athletes, COVID, Vaccines, and Myocarditis
A little while ago my wife pointed out to me that 6 of the 27 players on the St. Louis Blues roster have tested positive for COVID-19 and spent time on the COVID protocol list. Note that either these players (and their doctors and teams) seem completely unworried about myocarditis and other heart inflammation issues upon coming back from COVID-19, or else they all think that the false positive rate is enormously high. The players want to play the moment they're cleared, which flies in the face of any fear of COVID-associated myocarditis [based on a paper with nine total sufferers of myocarditis].
Meanwhile, in a half-vaccinated crowd of mostly young, healthy people dancing, 11 fall to cardiac arrest. Just a stampede, right?

Yellow Wrist Bands for Medical Freedom
How to do this? There are numerous places online to order colored wrist bands. This one allows some printing on them. Let me know what the best sources of bulk production are that you find. I'm committing some of my own money to having a few thousand made and distributed. Mostly, this needs to be a distributed effort, whether that means many people buying one or hundreds of Americans buying them and giving them away or selling them. Don't be shy---go sell a couple hundred at a football game for a buck to recoup costs if you need to. Or just buy some ribbon and make a yellow wristband.
The Pandemic Wiki Project
I had a meeting tonight with over 20 participants in the wikification process of pandemic research, data, government responses, important stories, etc. This project is rolling now with several dozen articles of various stages of progression, and growing. We hope to release it to the public in mid-November, though editorial rights will remain private to a trusted circle. This is going to help a lot of people who are looking for comprehensive summary sources of information outside of captured institutions.
The Disappearance of California Governor Gavin Newsom
You may have already heard the story by now, and we all know the likely explanation is vaccine injury, but once in a while it's worth reading the comments. You know, read, pray, meditate over how to hold in your breath to not laugh at a psychopath drinking the kool-aid, too.
Oh, gosh, I guess I don't really know that Newsom is a psychopath. But have to question the logic of self-doctoring your own twitter background this way.
I bet he never saw the movie Taxi Driver.
Sesame Street Fights Back
I don't even know how I would begin to comment on this story.

I'm assuming that the people arranging for or producing this level of propaganda aimed at children have never seen the movie Taxi Driver? Never mind...
F is for Fridges. Fridges full of dead babies.
The Myth of the Well Run RCT
If you're not already up to speed on the realization that the need for RCTs and their presumption as gold standard evidence [of much of anything] is more religion than fact (they should be a rarely employed technique for evidence gather) (here, here, and here), I present you with your moment of zen: Dr. John Campbell walks through the BMJ's report on the now-fired Ventavia whistleblower about the poor trial practices in the Pfizer trial.
Dr. Robert Malone has called for Sanjay Gupta's license to be revoked after he went on air with Big Bird to push kids to get the vaccine. His words from his Twitter post: " an unlicensed vaccine directly to children crosses multiple major ethical lines. They deserve to be sued, boycotted, and Gupta should lose his license to practice medicine for this." He seems to be a very soft-spoken sort, but lately, he's been bringing quite a bit of spice.
Just ordered my yellow arm band at amazon. Arm bands are more conspicuous than wristbands, esp. in colder climates like Canada’s.