That Canadian video could’ve been a release of Rotenone. It’s a toxin derived from beans or plants and it’s not as deadly to birds or other animals but it’s highly toxic to fish. What they do is they spend a few days catching all the salmon out of rivers, then release the poison to kill all the invasive fish. The poison only lasts for a short time and breaks down since it’s organic, and once the river is safe they release all the salmon back into the river.

Otherwise the invasive fish decimate the native salmon populations.

Notice I said, “could”.

That’s not to say they wouldn’t release some other toxin under the cover of removing invasive species.

Edit to look it up, yeah, rotenone has been used in the US to kill off invasive species. A lake in Alaska, Utah and San Fransisco we’re killed off and restocked with native fish.

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Thanks for mentioning this possibility.

I am genuinely not jumping to conclusions, but in general I have trouble doing all the reading I've done not thinking that the world's populations have not been subject to many "experiments" over the years that relate to competitive domination and control.

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Fun reference list of US human medical experiments documented by Congress 1977


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I fully agree, there’s definitely some bullshit going on, but not every food storage fire is intentional, and not every person passing out on video is a vaccine injury.

But we all know that already.

Definitely not an indictment of you, just tossing things out there when I see it is all.

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I didn't take it as an indictment, and I'm thankful for the information.

It may very well be that a certain amount of information consistent with a hypothesis is entirely coincidental. So be it. The truth is the truth.


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Well, the rotenone thing shows that they are in a habit of using certain methods, and with the right narrative around it, variations on that theme become very easy to carry out. You just interchange the justification part and the payload part, the rest is routine. Could be.

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Yup. Stay frosty.

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There sure do seem to be a whole lot of entirely coincidental events happening these days

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They could be (intentional).

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Thank you for that insight. With what Mathew wrote, it seems very plausible that they are working on some type of Rotenone for a class of humans as a bioweapon. Purge the earth of a type of human and restock when the bioweapon has exhausted itself.

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That’s what I think. They’re somehow selectively culling the herd.

Maybe the mRNA has a way of expressing genetic abnormalities faster.

Say you have a gene for cancer, that’s what the vaccine does.

A gene for inflammatory heart markers, that’s what the vaccine does.

Clotting? That’s what the vaccine does.

The vaccine seems to be causing such a wide range of issues, I wonder if that’s how it’s designed to work, and some of the weird rubbery clots and instadeaths are just an unfortunate side effect?

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Rotenon is widely used in Norwegian rivers too

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I'm just going to go on the record (I've commented this on other sites in the last year, as well) to say that when I got "covid", I felt terrible and was very sick. BUT it was not what I have experienced in a normal "flu" or even pneumonia (which I had years ago). My body felt like it had a chemical poison inside me. It's difficult to articulate, but my "aches" were not the normal body, joint, or muscle aches one typically gets with a high fever, it was an acute, searing pain flowing through my body. My burning "fever" wasn't a real fever, it never went above 99 degrees. My "fatigue" wasn't a normal tiredness where I was just lethargic and needed to sleep - I literally could barely move my body for 10 days. I described it at the time as feeling like I imagine someone going through chemotherapy treatments, with the poison coursing through their body. And every day (to even this morning as I was waking up), mentally, I go back to the night I "caught" it at a wedding from recently vaxxed relatives who were shouting (and shedding) in my face (music was loud!) and I could feel the aerosols (disgusting, I know) in my face. When my husband and I left the wedding, I told him that we just got infected with shedding from the vax. And 7 days later, voila. I firmly believe we got biologically poisoned.

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Interesting testimonial given that me, my wife, the groom, and some others got sick after a wedding in July of last year. He (the groom) is one of those super healthy people (firefighter, ex-linebacker, superb diet) who brags about carrying sick people in ambulances and never getting sick. If people have been weaponized against people, that's a disturbing new form of warfare.

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As an addendum: the wedding in question was October 2021. My husband and I just attended another wedding in July 2022 and voila, 3 days later, covid! Although it seemed like it was the omicron variant, because it really was just a cold, (but still a bit different from a regular cold, can't articulate how). And I'm guessing that a large majority of wedding attendees were fully vaxxed and boosted (although the bivalent had not yet come out). Anyhoo, I'm not saying it was the result of vax shedding in this case, but it's pretty clear evidence (again), that the shot is, at best, worthless.

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Flu vaccines have been doing that for years so I wouldn't consider it new. It was just less potent back then.

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I heard very similar descriptions from Covid patients of mine.

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Yes the fatigue was so different

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I well recognise all that. I had much the same. It was all very, very... Odd. Most definitely not flu. My biggest issue was terrible, terrible hyper-sensitive back pain - shingles-like, but no spots/rash/scabs. All good now, and still thankfully unjabbed. I don't really go along with viruses causing much of these 'virus' infections - much as some noted doctors/scientist have commented on such, but I do fully concur with your 'poisoning' comment. I believe the abnormal (variable) spike loading is the principal issue.

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This sounds very similar to my experience back in December. Strange in its symptoms and strange in its predictability.

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But the shedders at the wedding were not feeling ill, it sounds like they were having a great time. So it doesn't seem to wash that a lot of exposure for them by injection, but an incidental exposure to you would affect you so much.

Just trying to figure out this mess is truly impossible. All I know is that I will go nowhere near this injection, for starters.

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Could it be a locked immune system via OAS and ADE that makes the body not react to the virus/es?

The shedders are ill but just don't have the symptoms which looks ideal for the virus because in this way it can replicate and spread continuously due to the hosts being unaware that they are ill.

This is basically the immune escape variant that many warned about becoming a reality due to OAS.

I dread to think that the virus could become more lethal since there is no pressure on it to be less lethal due to the vaxxed showing no symptoms and ating normal until they drop dead from it....

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I heard someone theorize recently, maybe even Mathew C, that Omicron was possibly a new lab virus released to affect the non-jabbed and not the jabbed. Dr Van den Bosche (from Germany, I think) don't remember the spelling of his name, has explained in interviews that he believes the jabbed are carrying the illness deep in their lungs without symptoms but that eventually, I'm not quoting, essentially the chickens would come home to roost as their immune systems were irretrievably harmed.

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BTW, my personal experience would confirm this. In my house Omicron hit me, unjabbed, and I was very sick in bed with fevers for several days and horrible migraines and body pains, and the two people who got first 2 shots, were mildly affected.

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A compelling description, thsnks

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Nov 11, 2022
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The vector is poisoned, but his offline immune system (trained by the stuff in the vaxx) does not react...as far as I understood inflammation, rising temperature, pain, etc. are part of the body's immune system fighting the diseases...in the vaxxed there is no reaction, which doesn't mean that they are not sick, just that they don't show symptoms.

It is all related to OAS, ADE,etc....which has been discussed in detail on this substack and many others ( el gat malo, igor chudov, a midwestern doctor and so on).

My experience of getting the coof was not as bad as some others have told here:

It was just 1 and a half days of fatigue, joint and back pain (moderate) and a cough that peristed for maybe 5 days. My wife had the symptoms for even less but she did get the smell loss for about 1 month or so. The kids didn't show any symptoms. This happened in october 2021. But it did feel "different" than other flu's that I got in the past...especially the cough was strange sounding and felt very abrazive in my neck....

What's really strange is that since the spring of 2022, the kids get mild symptoms of runny nose, sometimes a very mild fever, a little bit of cough almost every month, including the summer! Sometimes also me and my wife get it ( I assume that from the kids who get it from kindergarden) but with even milder symptomes then them (a bit of cough, no fever and almost no runny nose). Apparently a LOT of kids got varying degrees of sick with the same symptoms as shown by my kids ALL the damned time and this has been confirmed by almost all parents in our circle of acquaintances (whether friends, family, colleagues) and even by our GP and Pediatricians...strange indeed.

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Not sure what you mean by "offline immune system."

The immune system has 2 basic parts:

1. The innate immune system, the 1st responders which include mucus, IGA & IGM antibodies & phagocytes that recognize self/non-self, CD-8 cells (aka t-killers or t-lymphs), the coagulation cascade, & various biochemicals all of which work in concert to fight the pathogen & alert the adaptive/acquired immune system. The innate immune system's actions trigger fever, inflammation & aches & pains.

2. The adaptive/acquired immune system consists of lymph cells that synthesize IGG antibodies that are custom fit to specific surface antigens on the pathogen.

Because the pseudo-vaccine elicits a continuous stream of circulating antibodies, it "outcompetes" the innate immune system.

Instead, the invading virus is quickly engulfed in IGG antibodies, which disrupts the innate response. That, in turn, prevents the normal symptoms.

This process has nothing to do with ADE or OAS.

OAS happens when the initial infection (or vax) has trained the adaptive IGG response to a specific antigen design, which becomes the "go-to" response whenever similar antigens are presented. The result, as the pathogen incrementally mutates, is that the IGG antibodies become an increasingly poor fit for the antigen, & the antibodies fail to bind. That is why the pseudo-vaxes that were developed for "alpha" completely fail for "omicron."

ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) happens when a mutation occurs that, instead of failing to allow binding, binds in such a way as to make it easier for the pathogen enter the cell.

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A very concise and clear explanation. Thank you!

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Thinking out loud:

So in addition to bacterial vectors, there’s also the potential for other released toxins, such as nano metal particulates, which could be aerosolized and act as fairly potent lung/airway irritants acting in localized areas.Both bacterial and mineral toxins could combine with low-grade viral infections to create much more serious conditions in people unfortunate enough to be exposed.

Other environmental aspects could be playing a factor too, such as small particulate matter. Wuhan, Bergamo, and NYC all share relatively high micro PM levels in the air. There may be similar environmental toxin interactions at play.

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Nov 11, 2022
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point taken. “worst” is tricky, varying, but yes. and not just bergamo. the wuhan area is also one of the worst in the world. the characterization is less important to me than recognizing the potential toxin vector.

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Nano metal particulates? Chemtrails. Hit and miss (may be a feature, not a bug), but over large cities the chances are good.

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certainly a possible distribution mechanism

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Well, didn't the monkeypox appeared at the end of the CoronaShow? I think this is another released pathogen that was supposed to scare the shit out of people and to make them forget about all the Corona restrictions and bullshit, but unfortunately (for its creators) it flopped.

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It flopped, amusingly, because they fell foul of their own wokeness. There was the connotation that gay men involved in anal sex (the main routr for transmission) were "unclean" and also that it was also somehoe "racist" (an apparent association between blacks and monkeys as reported). Obviously all unacceptable to the woke progressive left as these groups are high in the woke pecking order, so they were fighting an uphill battle from the start. They even tried to resurrect it by thinking of changing its name, but by then it was too late. Interesting issue but I doubt that Harvard Business School will be writing a case paper on the topic!

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Mathew, I'm right now cutting a clip of J.J. Couey calling out Malone directly for continuing to work this Emerging Bioweapon rationale into the mix, even as he (Malone) walks the tightrope, and after rambling uncontrollably and putting everyone to sleep, allows that it merits scrutiny.

About the 1:30 mark.


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Mocking R Malone because you cannot follow what he is saying is a rather cheap shot. As I have written before, I followed JJ since he was “JC on a bike” in early 2020. He has very incisive thoughts on viral origin back then. Unfortunately he seems to have become a bit too enamored for his own theories and does not understand some essential points.

In this present article Mat again uses “pneumonia” as though it is a univocal word. With COVID (and this directly contradicts JJ’s erroneous statement) the pneumonia seen was NOT one of bacterial pneumonia, but was inflammatory in nature. Viral pneumonias have generally produced conditions leading to a secondary bacterial infection = pneumonia. This is what happens in influenza. When the early pathology images came out of Italy, it was clearly NOT due to a secondary bacterial infection, it was an inflammatory process.

So it is important both in this interesting & thought provoking article by Mat, and in seeing where JJ went off-track, to understand that there are different pathological processes going on. Non-physicians may not appreciate this difference, and so “pneumonia” becomes a confused issue.

Precision does matter here, because IF we are going to make inroads in the belief systems of others, we cannot afford to make such errors which someone “on the other side” can use to immediately discount the whole paper or argument.

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"Unfortunately he seems to have become a bit too enamored for his own theories and does not understand some essential points."

Can you explain what he doesn't understand?

"In this present article Mat again uses “pneumonia” as though it is a univocal word. With COVID (and this directly contradicts JJ’s erroneous statement) the pneumonia seen was NOT one of bacterial pneumonia, but was inflammatory in nature."

I've made no statements at all distinguishing between the forms of pneumonia simply because it has not related to any points I was making. Nor do I understand why the nature of it changed, so I shouldn't say too much.

"When the early pathology images came out of Italy, it was clearly NOT due to a secondary bacterial infection, it was an inflammatory process."

I'm not sure how you determine that the inflammatory process does not involve bacteria. It might be a new bacteria-virus interaction at play. If you have specific information beyond that, please share it.

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Nov 11, 2022
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Can you give us a source for these images?

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Nov 11, 2022Edited
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5G goes for Wuhan; not sure how much it went for Lombardy. Air pollution may be a red herring, deflecting from the real causes. True enough, it would contain and spread toxins to which there would be a corresponding response by way of illness. But unless it would contain some novel features, pollution is more or less a steady factor seasonally; therefore, the impact should also be steady year by year.

What bears noticing is that Northern Italy experienced an aggressive meningitis vaccination campaign in late 2019. It was quite similar to the covid vax sweep, minus the coercion. Nursing homes would have been a prime target.

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Nov 12, 2022
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I wonder how much of that "Emerging Bioweapon rationale" is the result of Fausti beating that drum for the last 30+ years in an attempt to gin up even more money for his big pharma buddies?

All roads seem to lead to Fausti.

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Looking forward to it, Sage!

Thank you!

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Hi Sally, blessings. Honestly, thank JJ. He gets the 🥇.

The hilarious part is watching him (Couey) in the interview on CHD with a flabbergasted look on his face as Vaccine Sherpa falls in love with the sound of his own voice. 😹

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Gonna add my two cents to this climate of suspicion.. as someone who came from the dark side & knows what it's like to wake up one day and realize the benefit you imagined is a monster.. you don't do a data dump.. not only that DAARPA contracts and research agreemts & men in black limit what he can say without getting slapped with a bogus Espionage Act charge for revealing info. By virtue of his CV we know Malone has always been walking a tightrope & my contention is he drops what he can where he can and still stay alive. Abso-frigging-lutely adore JJ just think more hours with spooks than biology would change his hypothesis in this case. :~)

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Then maybe just recede into the background and leak stories as needed.

Why thrust yourself out there?

Why make yourself the "brand"?

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I never suggested he is leaking stories just sharing highly detailed info in small random bits as opposed to a more educational trajectory. Not sure Malone is a brand more than a dozen or more vocal professionals who led push back.

I never guess why folks do what they do but every whistleblower I know says they reached a point where they couldn't stay silent about what they know. None of those whistleblowers have told us everything they know but are heroes for sharing what they could to help us find the truth.

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How are you determining your heroes? What is your metric?

Steve Kirsch says Aseem Mulhotra is a hero. Do you concur?

Are the following people heroes? (I personally find the hero concept to be a big problem, esp. when you have a lot of people all shipwrecked on "Jabs Bad Island" with no real shared constituency.)

Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Harvey Risch

Alex Berenson

Stew Peters

Dr. Jane Ruby

Dr. Judy Mikovits

Dr. Peter Breggin

Ginger Breggin

Karen Kingston

How about Edward Dowd?

Steve Bannon?

Ron DeSantis?

Donald Trump?

Alex Jones?

Francis Boyle?

Edward Dowd?

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Housatonic? Mark Kulacz?

Naomi Wolfe?

Theresa Long?

Geert Vanden Bossche?

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya?

and so forth.

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I never suggested that you suggested, etc.

You are not sure if Malone is a brand? Really?

Mathew himself called him the Professor X of the movement at one time.

If Malone is unable to spill freely (per your theory if I read it correctly), then perhaps a more lowkey public persona might be in order.

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An opinion about figures best suited to the strategy for the movement is irrelevant. The real questions are about growing the movement & issues where agreement matters most. Witch hunts rarely unearth malevolent forces who will show their own hand.. instead movements are destroyed from within by mistrust and energy wasted fighting each other... be very certain which battle you wage... nothing more to say.

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thanks for the reference, the original meeting seemed uncomfortable to those in it

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My dad served in the silent service (submarines) in WWII. When he got out he married mom and for 5 years they tried to have children. No luck. During those 5 years mom prayed to God for children. The first child was born in March 1951 (me) and then a year and half later my brother. Mom always attributed her prayers for the fact she and dad had children.

I think that dad's sperm count was very low after WWII. A toxic environment those subs. It took 5 years for the sperm count to reach levels that they could have children. One other reason I think this is that dad and mom had four children. Each child was healthier in every way than those before. Dads sperms most likely were too.

Our parents moved from SF to the Mother Lode East about 120 miles in the Sierra Foot hills when I was almost 4. I grew up with hay fever. The only one of 4 kids to have that. Every year in mid spring a deep lung infection would lay me low. None of my siblings had any problems breathing. Finally in the mid 1970s working near Taft Calif I got what the locals called Valley Fever. My lungs became so congested that I slept setting in a chair. One night so bad I gave up on breathing, I didn't care if I died. The next morning I woke with the congested chest mostly gone. From that time on I have never had a serious chest cold of any kind.

I wish to add an observation to Mathew's insight. From 1970 when the general health and longevity of the US was about fourth in the world to the present time when the US is 79th in health and longevity and falling like a rock, our food and environment has become increasingly toxic. At the same time EPA and those charged with keeping the health and welfare of the nation in robust vigor, have been on vacation.

So Mathew's insight "low-grade bioweapons?" + WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Afgan and Iraq wars, are all engagements where we send our best to serve. Most likely like my dad, these Wars have a profound effect on the vitality of the children born to these veterans. Today more than ever before women are included in the military and exposed to many toxins. + Degradation of the environment; Soil, Water, Air and thence food which also helps explain in part the precipitous decline of health, from fourth to 79th the USA has fallen in relation to the rest of the world

This appears to be s storm of multiple cause and effects and deep in our being we feel uneasy about it.

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A bit OT, but there is a bit of a dovetail here with the "are bioweapon risks exaggerated" subject. Here is an interesting quote from Max Perutz's review of Alibek's confession book.

- - -

"One evening in 1979 [bla bla bla anthrax-growing lab accident] a cloud of anthrax spores escaped which the wind blew over the town. Alibek writes:

"No one wanted to set off a panic or to alert outsiders [...] military sentries were posted in the immediate neighborhood of the plant to keep intruders away, and KGB officers pretending to be doctors visited the homes of victims' families with falsified death certificates."

Reports about the number of deaths differ between 66 and 105, far fewer than the thousand reported earlier. Alibek calls Sverdlovsk as serious a disaster as the one at Chernobyl. In fact, the number of deaths is surprisingly small for an urban area containing about a quarter of a million people, possibly because inhaled anthrax spores are not very infectious to humans."

- - -

Can't have the TV-skilled public knowing that, of course.

Cloud of anthrax blown directly from huge factory growing loads of anthrax over 250k people. Death rate of 2 to 4 in 10k.

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THAT was interesting, did not know this. Yep, beware of stories being sold that have multiple uses for herding sheep.

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Helps explain the massive increase in chemical spraying all over the country (chemtrails, geo-engineering, homo-genetus cirrus clouds) etc.

Some of my posts on the merger/lateral Congressional/US President transfer of the DoD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program (50 USC 32) to the HHS public health emergency/emergency use authorization program (21 USC 9).




Tl;dr - US Gov says (to this day) that its chemical and biological warfare programs stopped in 1969 (bio) and 1975 (chem).


These programs did not stop at all. They just got re-homed under HHS/BARDA/NIH/NIAID/CDC/FDA, with coordinating divisions in DOD/DARPA/DTRA, DHS/FEMA, DOJ, Dept. of State, Dept. of Ag, and many, many other federal agencies.

Key events -

1977/07/30 - Congress and President Carter passed Department of Defense Appropriations Authorization Act of 1978. PL 95-79, 91 Stat. 323. Section 808 addressed DOD use of military personnel as research subjects for biological and chemical weapons under 1969 law, codified at 50 USC 1520; required notice to be given to local officials before subjecting civilian populations to chemical and biological weapons tests (related to programs targeting urban and suburban populations); required DOD reporting to Congress. The provision on DOD reporting to Congress was amended in 1982 and repealed in 1996. Other provisions of the law were amended in 1997 to expand experimentation on military personnel, through the NDAA for FY1998 at Section 1078 and the Emergency Use Authorization provisions of the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act at Section 402.

1993/11/30 - Congress and President Clinton passed NDAA for FY1994, PL 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547. Section 1703 related to DOD reporting to Congress on chemical and biological weapons testing programs. Codified at 50 USC 1523. Amended 11/18/1997 and 10/17/2006. Repealed 12/23/2016, effective 12/31/2021?? , Also authorized DOD to “enter into agreements with Secretary of HHS to provide support for vaccination programs...in the US through use of the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of the DOD.” Codified at 50 USC 1524.

1997/11/18 - National Defense Authorization Act for FY98 - PL 105-85, 111 Stat. 1915. Section 1078, “Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents,” repealed and replaced a 1977 section of 50 USC Chapter 32, the Chemical and Biological Warfare Program. The 1977 provision (50 USC 1520) had added a requirement that DOD report to Congress about DOD human experimentation programs. In 1997, Congress replaced 1520 with 1520a, purportedly to prohibit DOD conducting experiments on soldiers without the individual soldiers informed consent. It was passed by Congress in response to public outrage over injuries and deaths caused by mandated anthrax injections of soldiers during and after the 1991 Gulf War. However, the authority for federal government experimentation on non-consenting human beings continued; Congress simply transferred the program to the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, 21 USC 360bbb (see below, passed three days after the NDAA) under declared emergency situations (Emergency Use Authorizations/EUA).

1997/11/21 - Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act - PL 105-115, 11 Stat. 2296. Added new section to Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (21 USC 9) to expand access to investigational drugs and devices during emergency situations (21 USC 360bbb). This was the beginning of the Emergency Use Authorization framework...

1998/10/21 - Congress and President Clinton passed Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY1999 - PL 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-358. Title II established the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, later renamed the Strategic National Stockpile. Appropriated $51,000,000, “to remain available until expended…for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Division I, Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998, established prohibitions on chemical weapons. Codified at 18 USC 229 and 22 USC 6701.

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Yes — then add to this whitetailed deer surveillance, loops into Mathew’s (and/or TES?) preexisting omicron hypothesis… TES mentions biosolid spraying



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And for "Covid" itself.. Ron Unz has consistently put forward a convincing circumstantial case that SC-2 was a US bioweapon attack on China and Iran. Also not proven but plausibe, especially when the binary choice of either Zoonotic evolutions of an "Accidental leak at WIV" is being shoved through the Overton window and down our throats.

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Can you point me to the best link(s)?

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Just go to The Unz Review and look for all the video interviews and long articles on the topic - easy to find. he's even published a book compiling a lot of his material.

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Have listened to the first 90 minutes. He makes some correct leaps, and also some mistakes. One moment he completely distrusts mainstream media. The next he cites their common agreement. He doesn't seem to see where he has almost no reasoning behind his mistakes---no citations behind media, and no expressed understanding of the topics, with conclusions made on proxy trust and assumptions that he has considered all possibilities where he has not. He would be better to leave questions in the gaps, but he likes to be conclusive, which is something like an intellectual vice.

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Unz and Unz Review made some very strange changes with the onset of Covid. Led by Unz and his articles, it changed from being a skeptical and informative investigational journalism site to a full-on support-the-official narrative one. I remember Unz quoting the 600,000 dead from Covid numbers and fully discounting or ignoring the concept of “dead-with-Covid.” When informed and honest voices pointed that out, he censored them (I was one of those censored). I use to read articles on The Unz Review every day. Now I just avoid it entirely as its editor has proven he cannot be trusted.

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I was not familiar enough with Unz, so I don't know what the evolution has been.

Of the amount that I've listened to, some of it is helpful and good aggregation of information. But some seems attached to biases and it would be hard for me to flesh that out not knowing more (and I don't have time for more).

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I wonder how much he was paid? that seems provable for the rest of MSM, with the amount of ads and pharma cash sloshing around; it makes me think there are some type of back door payoffs to individuals. If you had a large readership, and say someone offered you an untraceable deposit in the Caymans of 10 million, would you dance their jig? not saying that is what happened, but perfectly plausible.

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Nov 10, 2022
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Agreed, Sabina! It was really the most dramatic turnaround I’ve ever witnessed. I kept wondering how it actually played out: payoff, succumbed to threats, or game plan of an agent all along. I tend to think the latter for maximum impact at the time of theCovid rollout.

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I believe he also took the jab, so that would make him a true believer?

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Someone on Twitter has been poking around similar theories as yours.


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Thanks for the pointer!

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You're scaring me. And I don't scare easily and don't fall for the distractions of the legacy media and the establishment politicians.

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Be brave. The worst thing you can do during a fight is wilt. If you're not accustomed to risks, meditate on life and a world of risk. All of humanity has always dealt with risk. And we all die. All of us. And that's beautiful in its own way because it's a part of the machinery and flow of life.

Meditate also on what might be if we shed the weight of an era and evolve into something better as a species. That's a challenge---and a romantic one. It's one we could never have dreamed of having the opportunity to affect. So have at it!

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I'll say this much, I have been shedding the weight of a lot of lies and false beliefs since this plandemonium started. And your writings and podcasts have been very helpful in that regard.

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Thank you Matthew. I needed to hear this.

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Regarding seasonal flu and colds in relation to 2020. I am prettysure the CDC had on their site the reason for the collapse...but never publicly addressed it.

They rolled covid/ cold/ flu into one category...and called it covid.

They had an acronym for it...but I cannot recall what it was...though it was obvious the intent. So....they admitted openly to compressing the stats and inflating the covid #s...but only in the shadows.

If I can find it I will post it. Of course no msm picked up on it.

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"They rolled covid/ cold/ flu into one category...and called it covid."

No, that's not the reason influenza disappeared. They were surveilling for it, but not getting many positive tests at all. I covered this with data in a recent article (which I linked to in this article where I talked about it).

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Maybe I'm not referring to the correct analysis but are you suggesting that 17xx tests in week 202039 vs 58xxx tests in week 202239 is the surveillance of flu? Flu was rolled in PIC and seemingly NOT surveilled TO THE EXTENT it would have been Pre-Covid. How could it be? We were told to stay home. People learned not to go to the Dr. I'm offering no empirical data other than your 34X fewer testing in 2020 but Covid was king and the Cares Act bonus too lucrative to dx Flu in lieu of Cha-Ching-Covid.

I think its pretty obvious the media was the virus and the under surveilled the flu and successfully sorted all manner of endemic respiratory distress into the C19+ bucket using tests that they contrived to broadly ascribe as many + as possible. They gamed every aspect of the testing regimen all along the way even ludicrously using the LACK OF THE S-GENE a positive test proxy for claiming a "variant of concern" that provably did not come from the same phylogenic branch!

Not to mention pooling tests, not needing the human control to be positive - see Magiful, and of course clocking the tests to 40 and beyond [looks at sky and points like Buzz Lightyear (or Tony the Tiger)].

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"They were surveilling for it..." How secure is/was that whole process? Seems like it would be pretty easy to infiltrate one of the labs responsible for producing the primers used in those test kits. Seems like an high value, fairly accessible target.

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I think it would require much more than infiltrating a single lab.

I'm not opposed to considering the possibility of shenanigans, but I doubt a theory of shenanigans that had to involve a large number of people who could tattle.

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Your own article shows 1700 odd tests for week 39 of 2020 and 58,000 odd tests for week 39 of 2022. They simply did not not surveil influenza at the same level during the height of Covid. Seems inarguable.

It would seem quite plausible the lab protocols would be somewhat centralized to game the sample manipulation ie: FDA RT-PCR EUA protocol. Clearly there was a presumption of Covid due to alleged prevalence which dubiously went to ZERO for influenza and skyrocketed for CoV2.

Has anyone FOIA the PCR assay genetic sequences and BLAST searched them?

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Having just watched JJ Couey with RKF Jr et al video I am flat out struck with the homology of his thesis and my own views and posts. Time to rewatch JJ and MC.

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In addition, as per a British microbiologist I listened to some time ago (2021?), it is rather tricky to confirm influenza since the samples must be taken within 48 hours of onset to provide for a reliable analysis. After that, there may be any number of other things floating in the cloudy soup. (At least as I remember correctly.)

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Nov 11, 2022Edited
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I'd need evidence for that.

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Nov 11, 2022
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The need for evidence that a default action took place is not the same need as for evidence that something else took place. The Bayesian difference is enormous.

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They did they to us, they called it ILI “influenza like illness” and called everything covid. This was before the tests were available, and the only thing they could do was test for the flu.

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Grim. All I know is that in my smallish city we see planes spraying every now and again. They go back and forth creating trails. We're not big enough to have constant air traffic and it appears to be one to three planes at a time. Usually the trails widen into clouds and the sun disappears, so my guess was cloud seeding (that is supposedly illegal here). And then it rains. Hmmm....

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Geoengineeringwatch.org is a good source for this info. California, where I live, appears to be an epicenter of activity and Wigington, whose site I just mentioned, associates the chemtrails with the drying of our vegetation. In the Tahoe region I’ve counted 14 large chemtrails in the sky at one time. I’ve spoken to four commercial pilots I know who all believe these are normal water vapor from the engines. However, I’ve seen these trails cease being dispensed in real time, yet the plane didn’t fall out of the sky! Definitely abnormal, probably a chemical weapon, maybe a bioweapon as well.

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I took some pics last month and posted them on Twitter - it was so disturbing to see so many at once. And the zig zag nature is odd too...

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Couldn't a vapor trail disappearing be a result of the plane flying into warmer air, which no longer causes the vapor to condense and crystallize?

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Warmer air at 30,000 ft? And abruptly? The same “vapor trail” that hung in the sky and expanded to be a half mile wide and much, much more? No, I don’t think so. Not even remotely possible. To believe that is to believe that the excess mortality, clots, and cancer we are seeing is just another variant of normal.

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No, I don't think those other items are of the same nature. Are you a meteorologist with detailed knowledge of how air currents behave at those altitudes?

I'm not, but my "enough to be dangerous" knowledge includes the fact that there *are* air currents, and that these currents have to do with the interaction of air masses of different temperatures, so it doesn't seem intuitively obvious that a plane flying couldn't encounter changing temperatures.

Questions have been raised about those other items which have conspicuously not been answered. The excess mortality figures are anomalous and demand explanation, which has not been forthcoming. Apparently the US authorities have stopped releasing excess death figures, which seems to *invite* speculation as to what they are hiding.

The clots are just downright weird, and the silent, black-holed stonewalling on autopsies with proper staining, which could settle the issue in each case (even years post-mortem, if the samples are preserved, which isn't unusual), that stonewalling is remarkable.

The stopping of a visible emission from a jet engine doesn't seem anywhere near as strange, just on a common-sense basis.

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I'm not a meteorologist but I am an individual who has been observing the skies above me for over 70 years. Very large expanding cloud like structures being emitted from airplanes in very large numbers is not something that was commonly seen twenty years ago. During the last twenty years or so in California, where I live, it is now very common in many parts of the state. Normal contrails, which are the result of compression of air over the wings of the aircraft, disappear quite rapidly, i.e., within seconds, not minutes or hours, as opposed to what I am referring to as chemtrails. A common misperception is that these very large cloudlike structures are water vapor from jet exhaust. If that were the case, it would not disappear abruptly, in the same way that the lights go off by pushing a toggle switch, which is what I have witnessed while watching a plane lay down its chemical cloud. If it were a question of air currents, it would not occur abruptly like that, but would continue and perhaps be distorted, due to the altered direction of an air current. Temperature at elevation in the troposphere, which we inhabit, can reliably be calculated by applying the formula of a 2 degree centigrade temperature loss for every 1000 ft elevation gain. At 30,000 feet temperature is quite stable at about -44.5 degrees centigrade. As we know from high school physicis, temperature is inversely related to pressure, and at 30,000 ft, regardless of "air currents," pressure is reliably very low and thus, so is temperature. If this were water vapor its abrupt disappearance would imply the cessation of engine power, in all engines. Since the plane continued on a straight line, despite the disappearance of cloud, the only logical conclusion that I can draw is that a sprayer of some sort, either spraying alongside the engine, or into the fuel line to the engine, was turned off or ran dry.

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If they want to deny that this is happening, why would their technique be so sloppy? Are they *trying* to get people spreading stories? If the tech is anything but Flintstone-primitive, they could keep the output going, or switch to neutral "placebo" rather than produce the discontinuity you see.

Jet engines don't always emit a trail. Sometimes they do. That seems to have been true over a period of decades.

Are you saying it must be a "chemical cloud" because it stops and starts? Has someone flown behind one of these "chemtrail" planes and sampled the air?

I have a hard time believing there's anything to this. Or that it matters, really. But let's say you are correct. What horrible shit is going to happen to my life as a result?

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Something that has crossed my mind too. It is diabolical but possible.

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This is an interesting thought and certainly fits with much of what we have seen. Do beware of the different kinds of “pneumonia” as I addressed above, this muddies the issue & results in some errors.

To the main point: look at omicron. It is rather clear it isn’t a variant that has evolved down the long path through delta, etc. it has the appearance of branching off the original, and that doesn’t happen after the original is extinct. This was another lab release, and patterns of outbreak suggest multiple releases over the past 3 years.

I think of the “traveler” in “12 Monkeys” with his pack of airline tickets to spread his pathogen all around the world. “COVID” has been more nuanced than this, but I agree that this is what we are seeing. Thus prior ‘experiments’ to provide proof of concept are virtually certain.

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I'm not taking a position on this at the moment, but I recall that vaccine promoters have openly discussed the notion of putting vaccines in water supplies so people don't have to get jabbed. I started hearing about this oh, 20 years ago. Omicron, if your description is correct, could have been similarly motivated.

A vaccine is *supposed* to kick up your immune system without making you seriously ill. Omicron, IIUC, does cause disease, but doesn't put people in ICU or on oxygen, which obviously isn't ideal, but seems better than Delta. And it does leave behind immunity to itself and previous variants (though it also seems that previous vaccination limits immunity in general).

The "sky is falling" rhetoric has continued as if none of this were true, though, which seems to imply that there would have to be two separate teams trying to lead the cluster in different directions.

I could be wrong about any of the above. Your thoughts?

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So how, exactly, do we know the flu and colds disappeared? The PCR tests don’t tell us anything. The flu/cold tests may also be bogus. Cold/flu symptoms were similar to COVID and easily wrapped up into the COVID label once the docs decided what was the flu now wasn’t. “They were looking for the flu” doesn’t mean anything during a time when invalid tests were being used to identify one virus in order to justify using death protocols in hospitals. Given all the lies and general obfuscations I doubt any ability to go back and unravel what was COVID and what was the flu or a bad cold that drove someone to the ER out of successfully planted fear. I do not think there will ever be any available real data to tell us one way or another. I’m not saying your other hypothesis about release of biologicals is wrong. We’ve been gassed ( NYC tunnels); sprayed with DDT that caused poliomyelitis and other health issues and heaven only knows what else. Heck the fluoride in our water supplies is a known toxin and the government won’t take it out. I really don’t think our annual viruses disappeared. I believe they got all rolled together. Our county had thousands of cases of the flu in Dec 2019 through early 2020, labeled as such by our hospitals. Until they switched and labeled it COVID. Something bad was infecting us all before COVID was a “thing.” I got whatever it was the first week in Dec and it took until March before I felt right again. While I’m pretty sure I had COVID our medical folks were pretty adamant we all had the flu at the time. Until we didn’t. Bottom line is with useless tests, how can you unravel all of the lies?

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The PCRs were likely taking influenza fragments & amplifying enough to generate a positive for the pieces of SARS-2 CoV they were seeking.

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