Helps explain the massive increase in chemical spraying all over the country (chemtrails, geo-engineering, homo-genetus cirrus clouds) etc.
Some of my posts on the merger/lateral Congressional/US President transfer of the DoD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program (50 USC 32) to the HHS public health emergency/emergency use authorization…
Helps explain the massive increase in chemical spraying all over the country (chemtrails, geo-engineering, homo-genetus cirrus clouds) etc.
Some of my posts on the merger/lateral Congressional/US President transfer of the DoD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program (50 USC 32) to the HHS public health emergency/emergency use authorization program (21 USC 9).
These programs did not stop at all. They just got re-homed under HHS/BARDA/NIH/NIAID/CDC/FDA, with coordinating divisions in DOD/DARPA/DTRA, DHS/FEMA, DOJ, Dept. of State, Dept. of Ag, and many, many other federal agencies.
Key events -
1977/07/30 - Congress and President Carter passed Department of Defense Appropriations Authorization Act of 1978. PL 95-79, 91 Stat. 323. Section 808 addressed DOD use of military personnel as research subjects for biological and chemical weapons under 1969 law, codified at 50 USC 1520; required notice to be given to local officials before subjecting civilian populations to chemical and biological weapons tests (related to programs targeting urban and suburban populations); required DOD reporting to Congress. The provision on DOD reporting to Congress was amended in 1982 and repealed in 1996. Other provisions of the law were amended in 1997 to expand experimentation on military personnel, through the NDAA for FY1998 at Section 1078 and the Emergency Use Authorization provisions of the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act at Section 402.
1993/11/30 - Congress and President Clinton passed NDAA for FY1994, PL 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547. Section 1703 related to DOD reporting to Congress on chemical and biological weapons testing programs. Codified at 50 USC 1523. Amended 11/18/1997 and 10/17/2006. Repealed 12/23/2016, effective 12/31/2021?? , Also authorized DOD to “enter into agreements with Secretary of HHS to provide support for vaccination the US through use of the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of the DOD.” Codified at 50 USC 1524.
1997/11/18 - National Defense Authorization Act for FY98 - PL 105-85, 111 Stat. 1915. Section 1078, “Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents,” repealed and replaced a 1977 section of 50 USC Chapter 32, the Chemical and Biological Warfare Program. The 1977 provision (50 USC 1520) had added a requirement that DOD report to Congress about DOD human experimentation programs. In 1997, Congress replaced 1520 with 1520a, purportedly to prohibit DOD conducting experiments on soldiers without the individual soldiers informed consent. It was passed by Congress in response to public outrage over injuries and deaths caused by mandated anthrax injections of soldiers during and after the 1991 Gulf War. However, the authority for federal government experimentation on non-consenting human beings continued; Congress simply transferred the program to the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, 21 USC 360bbb (see below, passed three days after the NDAA) under declared emergency situations (Emergency Use Authorizations/EUA).
1997/11/21 - Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act - PL 105-115, 11 Stat. 2296. Added new section to Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (21 USC 9) to expand access to investigational drugs and devices during emergency situations (21 USC 360bbb). This was the beginning of the Emergency Use Authorization framework...
1998/10/21 - Congress and President Clinton passed Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY1999 - PL 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-358. Title II established the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, later renamed the Strategic National Stockpile. Appropriated $51,000,000, “to remain available until expended…for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Division I, Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998, established prohibitions on chemical weapons. Codified at 18 USC 229 and 22 USC 6701.
Helps explain the massive increase in chemical spraying all over the country (chemtrails, geo-engineering, homo-genetus cirrus clouds) etc.
Some of my posts on the merger/lateral Congressional/US President transfer of the DoD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program (50 USC 32) to the HHS public health emergency/emergency use authorization program (21 USC 9).
Tl;dr - US Gov says (to this day) that its chemical and biological warfare programs stopped in 1969 (bio) and 1975 (chem).
These programs did not stop at all. They just got re-homed under HHS/BARDA/NIH/NIAID/CDC/FDA, with coordinating divisions in DOD/DARPA/DTRA, DHS/FEMA, DOJ, Dept. of State, Dept. of Ag, and many, many other federal agencies.
Key events -
1977/07/30 - Congress and President Carter passed Department of Defense Appropriations Authorization Act of 1978. PL 95-79, 91 Stat. 323. Section 808 addressed DOD use of military personnel as research subjects for biological and chemical weapons under 1969 law, codified at 50 USC 1520; required notice to be given to local officials before subjecting civilian populations to chemical and biological weapons tests (related to programs targeting urban and suburban populations); required DOD reporting to Congress. The provision on DOD reporting to Congress was amended in 1982 and repealed in 1996. Other provisions of the law were amended in 1997 to expand experimentation on military personnel, through the NDAA for FY1998 at Section 1078 and the Emergency Use Authorization provisions of the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act at Section 402.
1993/11/30 - Congress and President Clinton passed NDAA for FY1994, PL 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547. Section 1703 related to DOD reporting to Congress on chemical and biological weapons testing programs. Codified at 50 USC 1523. Amended 11/18/1997 and 10/17/2006. Repealed 12/23/2016, effective 12/31/2021?? , Also authorized DOD to “enter into agreements with Secretary of HHS to provide support for vaccination the US through use of the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of the DOD.” Codified at 50 USC 1524.
1997/11/18 - National Defense Authorization Act for FY98 - PL 105-85, 111 Stat. 1915. Section 1078, “Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents,” repealed and replaced a 1977 section of 50 USC Chapter 32, the Chemical and Biological Warfare Program. The 1977 provision (50 USC 1520) had added a requirement that DOD report to Congress about DOD human experimentation programs. In 1997, Congress replaced 1520 with 1520a, purportedly to prohibit DOD conducting experiments on soldiers without the individual soldiers informed consent. It was passed by Congress in response to public outrage over injuries and deaths caused by mandated anthrax injections of soldiers during and after the 1991 Gulf War. However, the authority for federal government experimentation on non-consenting human beings continued; Congress simply transferred the program to the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, 21 USC 360bbb (see below, passed three days after the NDAA) under declared emergency situations (Emergency Use Authorizations/EUA).
1997/11/21 - Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act - PL 105-115, 11 Stat. 2296. Added new section to Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (21 USC 9) to expand access to investigational drugs and devices during emergency situations (21 USC 360bbb). This was the beginning of the Emergency Use Authorization framework...
1998/10/21 - Congress and President Clinton passed Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY1999 - PL 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-358. Title II established the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, later renamed the Strategic National Stockpile. Appropriated $51,000,000, “to remain available until expended…for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Division I, Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998, established prohibitions on chemical weapons. Codified at 18 USC 229 and 22 USC 6701.
Yes — then add to this whitetailed deer surveillance, loops into Mathew’s (and/or TES?) preexisting omicron hypothesis… TES mentions biosolid spraying