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Wow. That was powerful.

I have another explanation for what you are doing this, based on the little I know of you through posts and videos, and my scant knowledge of astrology.

(Disclaimer: I take astrology as mere fun. It's a multi-century, collective work of intellectual art. Sometimes, there are bizarre coincidences which make me snort-laugh.)

Mathew, you have the most fortunate natal chart I've seen so far. I assume your date of birth at campfire is real. You are a Cancer. That's pretty good. And, your natal Moon is in Leo. This means that the Sun and the Moon are in "mutual reception," which is also very good.

Cancerians are good fathers and good mothers: serious and dependable, naturally humble and patient, they are born to be problem-solvers.

But those born under the sign of Leo are said to generous, morally strong, ambitious, and very intense, like the Sun in August. Egoism without the narcissism.

This configuration says you have a predisposition to achieve most of the best virtues a human can have.

Also, Vesta is in Leo. Vesta or Hestia is a symbol of the eternal fire, the hearth, the continuation between generations. Also, a symbol of freedom.

All that, and other things I'm not writing here, explains why you have talent for money, but you value more other things in life. Money was never an end for you. It also means that you will always land on your feet whatever happens, and then move on like nothing happened.

What are you doing this, precisely now?

These days we come from a full moon in Taurus. Also, in the sign of Taurus there are Uranus (Heaven, Innovation) and Jupiter (Power, Divine Grace) standing retrograde.

Remember: invention is the mother of necessity.

The axis Taurus-Scorpio have a lot to do with money. Moreover, Mars (war, fire, plunder) and Mercury (mind, earth, poison) are in Scorpio (swindles, among other themes.)

In the sign of Libra (justice) there is the asteroid Pallas, which represents intelligence, justice, diplomacy, strategy, disguise, espionage and retribution. Your natal Pallas was in Virgo (statistics, accountancy, precision, service.)

What does this nonsense mean? This is the moment for someone with your natal chart to pass judgement and throw intense light to the webs hanging in the dark, and see what shadows they cast. They may even combust and be consumed and disappear.


Far from astrology, and speaking in more materialistic terms, I think everyone agrees that the Sun and the Moon affect all life on Earth. The other objects of the universe, big or small, probably affect little or nothing to life here. But these two produce undeniable effects. That they determine anything long-term, in regards to character or psychology, that's more doubtful. But the part of life that is not mental depends on the Sun and the Moon as much as on the Water and the Air.

The "plandemonium" is a great word. It gets better every day that passes. They had planned everything, even the opposition, and the opposition of the opposition. They have to get their big pay day too.

What is a vaccine? What is a virus? Does it matter, given the fact that most people are completely zombified, and most doctors are psychopaths?

Well, I am exaggerating a little. What should be the correct word for a pediatrician or a nurse who injects thousands of vaccines on thousands of kids, taking advantage of the supine ignorance of their parents, and they would never inject any vaccine on their dogs, cats, goats, horses, children, parents, siblings, or dear friends (but maybe on a hated friend)? These people are not exactly psychopaths. It's different. They are Prussian mind-slaves: They are trained to not care about the reality, only about the rules, and the prizes.

They are also trained to not feel shame, which is better than taking soma.

So far, we have discovered what we already knew: we are safe from microscopic pathogens, we are definitely not safe from macroscopic pathogens, specially in Congress.

Sadly, many people have died. It was not their time. Sadly, many people deny the reality of the con. This is very helpful for the bad guys, and very bad for those who help them.

Mathew, you are doing much good with all your work for the benefit of all humanity.

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