Go look at Coquin de Chien...he did Massachusetts, and ther death from kidney failure is astronomical...all of the patients received remdesivir. I think he is trying to sue the State of Mass over this.
Also disrupt gut biome and in the case of Dexa will suppress immune response and inflammation. Dexa shown to be helpful when administered at specific time of symptom progression. Any increase in creatinine would prompt special renal dosing for the antibiotics. Thing is there was no virus to treat, ever.
No one thing, Designed this way on purpose, Remdesivir is a catalyst among many. The above are heavy hitters on vasculature when administered IV, Dexa suppresses immune response, only helpful if administered within specific time frame during progression of symptoms
It's tricky. Remdesivir is not the devil.
98349 US adverse event reports of SARS-CoV-2 infections of which...
...4623 mention Remdesivir (4.70%)
...1160 mention Azithromycin (1.18%)
...730 mention Ceftriaxone (0.74%)
...2983 mention Dexamethason (3.03%)
...2324 mention at least 2 of the above (2.36%)
...360 mention at least 3 of the above (0.37%)
1633 US adverse event of SARS-CoV-2 infections with acute kidney failure of which...
...467 mention Remdesivir (28.6%)
...114 mention Azithromycin (6.98%)
...129 mention Ceftriaxone (7.90%)
...267 mention Dexamethason (16.35%)
...266 mention at least 2 of the above (16.29%)
...55 mention at least 3 of the above (3.37%)
Risk ratios with 95% CI
Remdesivir: [ 5.606859861886253, 6.08382552743882, 6.601365819737892 ],
Azithromycin: [ 4.91389273164134, 5.9187585784572505, 7.12911433423985 ],
Ceftriaxone: [ 8.883327393989536, 10.642670435957017, 12.75045137760313 ],
Dexamethason: [ 4.803812518706442, 5.390657900382223, 6.049193736390498 ],
'At least two': [ 6.131825347451382, 6.8933332841469985, 7.749412462649338 ],
'At least three': [ 6.9575049303774374, 9.201189018166973, 12.168425347194637 ]
Still working on the article.
Go look at Coquin de Chien...he did Massachusetts, and ther death from kidney failure is astronomical...all of the patients received remdesivir. I think he is trying to sue the State of Mass over this.
Awesome. Thank you for pointing that out. I have 8 years worth of death certificates for Massachusetts.
Right now it doesn't look like it's that simple though.
Also disrupt gut biome and in the case of Dexa will suppress immune response and inflammation. Dexa shown to be helpful when administered at specific time of symptom progression. Any increase in creatinine would prompt special renal dosing for the antibiotics. Thing is there was no virus to treat, ever.
Can you link me to an article?
I do have Massachusetts death certificates for 2015-2022 as well.
I will look at that!
Here is an article to get you started...you might want to talk with him directly via his substack https://coquindechien.substack.com/p/beaudoin-v-baker-et-al-2022-full
No one thing, Designed this way on purpose, Remdesivir is a catalyst among many. The above are heavy hitters on vasculature when administered IV, Dexa suppresses immune response, only helpful if administered within specific time frame during progression of symptoms
No wait, this is much better:
Not happening in the best clinic in the state, despite Mayo being one of the two clinics who ran the 5day/10day Remdesivir trials.
This is precisely what I am saying. It's not just one thing. It's poly-pharma-insanity coupled with a lack of skilled clinicians.
Scroll to the Chart where I compare proportion of decedents with AKI in Mayo Clinic vs. other clinics: