"I take your comment as facetious in good humor." Guilty as charged. (Notice correct use of quotation marks). I don't know why I get a kick out of deconstructing comments until they are ruined, but I do. I didn't like your comment because I didn't want to leave any signs of how to interpret my reply.
"I take your comment as facetious in good humor." Guilty as charged. (Notice correct use of quotation marks). I don't know why I get a kick out of deconstructing comments until they are ruined, but I do. I didn't like your comment because I didn't want to leave any signs of how to interpret my reply.
"I take your comment as facetious in good humor." Guilty as charged. (Notice correct use of quotation marks). I don't know why I get a kick out of deconstructing comments until they are ruined, but I do. I didn't like your comment because I didn't want to leave any signs of how to interpret my reply.
I like to deconstruct comments too, sometimes.
Because you are a grammar Nazi? As a fellow recovering grammar Nazi I can only say ...