The first thing I think of when I think of higher education levels is higher income levels and lower economic stress. The laptop class did fine during the Covid lockdowns while the working class lost their businesses and incomes.

The Covid programs for really small businesses (not Harvard, which filed for relief as a small business, but my neighbors' little cafe) were a joke. My neighbors had to refinance their house and go through their lifetime savings to survive the year. In addition to their cafe, the husband had a contracting business doing displays, etc. for conventions. That business has never returned. He's now bartending at night while his wife runs their cafe. They feel like they will never be able to pay off their house or have savings again.

When I think of stress, the first thing I think of is the effects of stress on energy production. Specifically, stress hormones inhibit oxidative phosphorylation in favor of aerobic glycolysis. And aerobic glycolysis, which is cancer metabolism, is associated with bad Covid outcomes and every comorbidity associated with bad Covid outcomes.

"In severe cases, the cytokine storm is responsible for the most obvious signs of a COVID-19 infection including fever, lung injury which causes cough and shortness of breath (and the long-term complication, lung fibrosis) and in death. A causative factor related to the hyper-inflammatory state of immune cells is their ability to dramatically change their metabolism. Similar to cancer cells in many solid tumors, immune cells such as macrophages/monocytes under inflammatory conditions abandon mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for ATP production in favor of cytosolic aerobic glycolysis (also known as the Warburg effect)."


"Viruses usually target mitochondria as cellular power houses and various interplays have been detected between viruses and mitochondrial dynamics. Most viruses require aerobic glycolysis as the energy source for replication and its inhibition could attenuate this process."


And studies support that. Everything that inhibits aerobic glycolysis in favor of more efficient mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation inhibits severe Covid-19, including Vitamin D, aspirin, niacinamide, progesterone, testosterone or DHT, and more.

High blood levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids are a specific feature of severe Covid. They also tend to be a specific feature of cancer and aerobic glycolysis instead of oxidative phosphorylation. In other words, they wreck your metabolism and energy levels. They hurt your mitochondria.

So I think higher Covid death rates among the working class are likely due to government policies like lockdowns. I think over the long run, though, that education benefit is likely to disappear or even turn into a disadvantage, as vax uptake was much higher among those with more education.

The only educated people with vax rates as low as the working class are science PhDs.







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Nicely done.

Also, university mandates assure a steady stream of newly vaccinated college graduates skewing cohorts.

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Add Metformin to the list of items shown to be helpful for metabolism and also protective in C19. Metformin is on some of the protocols as is low carb and fasting. Quick search of PubMed will turn up some gems.

Interestingly Ivermectin promotes autophagy and is building a literature as an anti-cancer agent. Again, PubMed is your friend on that search.

Add to the stress hormonal cascade: constantly driven cortisol. Raises blood sugar, destroys sleep, raises those anxiety levels. I suspect that association of anxiety disorders with C19 morbidity and mortality goes through the stress and metabolic mechanisms you describe here. Not a direct cause but a proxy third variable marking these relationships.

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A lot to read there. Thanks. One issue I need to point out. Too me it's the elephant in the room. It's the data. Particularly the covid deaths, unless I missed it in your post that particular data is very corrupted. I'm not sure it can ever be corrected to some meaningful way.

First hospitals were paid to use covid as a revenue stream. When looking at the CDC deaths I am struck by the obvious errors. My favorite was the death by accidents yet counted as covid deaths. I guess that was a symptom of covid, falling in the kitchen and hitting your head. I can imagine the pressure docs recieved from the accounting side of hospitals to mark a death as covid if they were on Medicare; big paydays for each death. Another is death by some respiratory issue. This was a murky category, people die of respiratory issues every year, lots of them, maybe one of the largest category's. Yet that was mixed in with covid, how can you possibly fix this one and it was big.

The second issue for deaths is the manufactured death, yes it was real death but by the hand of ventilators and refusal for early treatment with older drugs. For instance, how many of the well educated band of data had more financial means could persuade a doc to use a banned medication that has been around for decades? We'll never know that number.

Once politics gets involved in a subject or issues it completely shrouds it in corruption, bias, and hell hole of the right left thing. The other corruption always lurking around political operations is money, big profitable opportunities were everywhere with this plandemic, far more than we realize.

So you see while this hard work you put in is impressive and we are grateful for, it has to be framed in some unprovable (at least for now) caveats that may greatly change the interpretation.

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For me, the goal is to put out enough correctly computed data that points toward likely problems. As these pile up, authorities have less and less foundation to stand on to protect their lies. There will be audits.

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"people with more resources are likely to receive better healthcare"

That seems to suggest that people with more resources are likely to receive better healthcare from our failed, corrupted, healthscare system that kills. The truth perhaps is people with more resources are likely to live a healthier lifestyle?

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There are many reasons. One might be that they can fly to Mexico and purchase HCQ+AZM+IVM from a friggin vending machine. Another is that they can afford a fake vaccine card.

But yes, the wealthy are generally educated and more often lead healthier lifestyles. We should call perfect health a Veblen good at this point.

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Yes, this seems more likely. A lot of healthcare (not all, but a lot) doesn't do much to extend life. It seems much more likely that more affluent people eat better, sleep more, exercise more and have less exposure to certain health compromising situations such as shift work or jobs with exposure to chemicals or falls or dangerous machinery, etc..

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Yes. People with more income generally are better educated. The better educated you are the less likely you are to be morbidly obese. They are more likely, as you say, to live a healthier lifestyle.

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Obesity can be vaccine-induced.

Role of bovine adiponectin contaminated vaccine induced autoimmunity in the etiology of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis related coronary artery disease, cerebral infarction, obesity and polycystic ovarian syndrome; epicutaneous immunotherapy home remedy as a potential prevention or treatment approach


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May 30, 2022
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I took an online course in early 2020 from Johns Hopkins for nurses and doctors. It was a three hour course that went over ventilator use. It included how to read and set the ventilator. The course was separated into one for nurses and one for doctors. I took the nurses' course.

In my opinion, before anything much was known about the virus' effects in the lungs and circulation, the ventilator pressure settings were too high. Big Tech's clamp down on the free exchange of information and ideas made everything worse and prolonged the poor outcomes.

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Masada, there were people detained, separated from family, given death protocol of remdesivir in hospitals in USa and England, in hospitals and nursing homes.

You sound like you are doing damage control "I don't like US health care system anymore than anyone else " Wrong.

I think it was deathcsre. I think cwe had prosecutors, police, people would be on trial for murder, some for mass murder

Yet y9u talk of their successes.

I don't trust you

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There was little known at that time and much fear and panic. Had all discussions not been cut off we could have found answers sooner.

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Talk about REMDESIVIR. I don't trust you

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Who don’t you trust and why not?

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Naomi, comment added

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Masada. I will re edit to be fair to her

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a couple of thoughts:

1. what do Vitamin D levels correlate with? Sunshine and skin color. The person with the darkest skin takes 6 times longer than the person of the lightest skin to get adequate vitamin D from the sun This works out to: light-skinned person can get daily vitamin D from 20 minutes of skin exposure at noon. The dark-skinned person requires 2 hours to get the same amount of Vitamin D. Is this fair? Is this racist? It just is. Who has a 2-hour lunch break? But quite a few people have 20-minute lunch break.

Does it also correlate in socioeconomic ways, for example the types of jobs people have (working indoors, not getting sunshine) or being confined indoors (for example, the lockdowns, the elderly in nursing homes, etc.)

2. my own elderly parents and siblings.... we are a very long-lived, "good genes" family. My parents are still alive, and living in their own home (not a nursing home). This means they were not locked down. They do have in-home caregivers and family who check on them and make sure they are eating veggies and taking vitamins. However, they also drunk the koolaid and have gotten their 4 jabs. They also caught mild cases of Omicron. So have my siblings, also quadruple jabbed and middle aged. Of all of us, I am the healthiest by far, and non-jabbed. The siblings now have emerging health issues, neurological, exhaustion, heart.... and the parents even though still living, have declined rapidly. They might have anyway, but I can't think that the jabs have helped them.

I'm afraid I'm going to be the last one standing.

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The race/Vitamin-D story did not stand out. Darker skinned Americans were a larger proportion of Spring and Fall deaths, but not Winter deaths.

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In the winter in northern climes the sun is at too oblique an angle to provide enough stimulation for the skin to make Vit D. We are also covered up with little skin exposure. That would make lighter skinned people just as deficient as darker skinned people so the risk would be the same.

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Wouldn't there be a leveling effect in the Winter, when no one is getting sunshine (away from the equator) and everyone has to supplement (unknown who supplements and who does not)? I might be thinking this incorrectly, but it seems to me that the biggest difference might show up in the months when there is vitamin D from sunshine -- that light skinned people would get a boost that darker skinned people would not. (I'll have to think about this some more....)

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The seasonality is just weird because it's not a summer\winter flip, but a summer+winter vs. in between flip.

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This actually makes sense to me though. Winter: everyone is bundled up, no extra Vitamin D for anyone. Summer: Everyone is getting "enough" Vitamin D, regardless of skin color. Spring/Fall: Lighter skinned people are able to get "enough" Vitamin D but darker skin tones don't.

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The absolutely disgraceful actions by some governors worked against acquiring Vitamin D from sunshine. The West Coast forbade people from being outdoors in most places. Lunacy of the highest order.

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Yes, this is even been described in the scientific literature. Lockdowns etc. reduced sun exposure and vitamin D levels. Lower vitamin D levels and less sun exposure do not only lead to higher covid risks. This also increases the risk of many other diseases.

A real cost/benefit analysis would have considered this. But they never did something like that.

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In winter, darker skinned people may have a severe deficiency, right like white people. Vitamin D levels decline fast without sufficient UV.

So it makes sense that there is no difference in winter. In summer, white people probably reach higher levels of vitamin D on average but the average increase of vitamin D in darker skinned people might be enough in order to also protect these people more than in winter (reaching a level between 20 and 30 ng/ml may already provide a much better protection than a level below 20 ng/ml).

Let´s say that white people would theoretically reach 25-30 ng/ml in summer and dark skinned people would reach 20 to 25 ng/ml. These levels might have similar effects.

For example, the study from Seal et al. has shown:

People with a level of 25 ng/ml have a 20% lower risk of covid death than people with a level of 15 ng/ml.

People with a level of 30 ng/ml have a 26% lower risk of covid death compared with 15 ng/ml. So as you see, just because white people might reach a slightly higher level in summer, this does not translate into a substantially lower risk. It is still relatively comparable.

Of course, a much higher level, 60 ng/ml, was associated with a 45% lower risk of covid death compared with 15 ng/ml. But as Dr. Grant explained me, in the USA neither white nor darker skinned people can reach such levels without supplementation.

So it makes sense that in summer there may also be no significant difference between darker skinned people and white people.

In spring and autumn, the situation may be different. The UV concentration may not be high enough (some spring-months) or is already too low (some autumn-months) for darker skinned people to produce vitamin D.

So white people may have higher vitamin D levels in spring and autumn. As I said, the vitamin D levels decline fast. The half-life period of 25(OH)D is just two to three weeks.

So while a white person may still be producing vitamin D in the end of summer/start of autmn, the UV concentration may already be too low for a darker skinned person. The vitamin D level declines fast and so... the difference in spring and autumn may be explained.

Of course this is just a hypothetical construct. This universe, our world, our biology, the vitamin D metabolism etc. are much too complex and we will never understand everything about them.

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Not sure where this fits, but there are high rates of obesity and diabetes in the Black American population. Unsure if that’s genetic, cultural or economic. But those comorbidities are highly correlated with C19 deaths.

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Yes, there are high rates of obesity and diabetes. The dark skin also means far less Vitamin D. Vitamin D has been proven to be the most important protector in the immune system. Vit D is really a hormone. The reason for the obesity is a diet of fried foods and lots of concentrated carbohydrates and sugary drinks. It causes spiking glucose which in turn causes insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to fat storage and inflammation in the body. You may want to check out Dr. Bikman, Dr. Berg and Dr. Ekberg on YouTube. They all have excellent videos on these topics. Dr. Bikman has written an excellent book, "Why We Get Sick," which is a detailed look at all body systems and the problems insulin resistance causes.

Diabetes 2 is becoming rampant in the world. Hispanics are the most likely to become diabetic followed by Asians and then Blacks. It is our Western diet with its emphasis on low fat, high carbohydrates. This has been the prescribed food plan from the government and weight loss programs for a number of decades now. It is guaranteed to cause massive weight gain, uncontrolled blood glucose levels, insulin resistance and diabetes.

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The FLCCC.net just put up protocols for those who have long COVID and vaccine injury. They had an excellent webinar a few days ago.

You might want to check out the protocols and share them with your siblings.

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Thanks for new flccc protocol. I’ve passed on.

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thank you for always writing these great articles.

One point that I do not really understand is: In most countries, covid deaths (and all cause deaths) are higher after mass vaccination (see: Covid Requiem Aeternam from Joel Smalley) but at the same time retrospective observational studies and health agencies publish data showing that vaccinated have a lower risk than unvaccinated? This does not fit.

If the vaccines increase covid mortality, as the epidemiological data from countries around the world suggest, then these studies that compare vaccinated vs. unvaccinated should also show that vaccinated have a higher covid death rate? And if the vaccines would reduce covid mortality as these retrospective studies suggest, then we should also see lower covid mortality numbers in countries after mass vaccination....

But the data is completely inconsistent. I am completely confused. I am aware the most important measure is all cause mortality and even if the vaccines would reduce covid mortality, they probably increase all cause mortality. They might be killing more than they save (if they actually save people), at least for most age groups.

Joel Smalley also published another analysis which (if true) confirms your hypothesis that the vaccines do not save any lifes. I do not know if you already read the article from him: "Analysis of COVID Deaths by Country Income."

With regard to mental illness, I would like to note that severe covid infections have similar causes as several mental illnesses. For example, Major Depression or Schizophrenia.

According to the scientific literature, Vitamin D deficiency seems to be an extremely important reason for the development of depression or schizophrenia.

These patients have much lower vitamin D levels on average that healthy people. In a review with the title:

"Vitamin D deficiency in schizophrenia implications for COVID-19 infection"

you can read:

"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of acute respiratory infection. There is an excess of respiratory infections and deaths in schizophrenia, a condition where vitamin D deficiency is especially prevalent. This potentially offers a modifiable risk factor to reduce the risk for and the severity of respiratory infection in people with schizophrenia..."

Depression is also associated with (probably caused by) chronic inflammatory processes. These chronic inflammatory processes can be caused by vitamin D deficiency, a disturbed gut microbiota, physical inactivity, medications, unhealthy diet, stress, overweight/obesity, other chronic diseases etc. etc.

Physical inactivity, an unhealthy diet, a disturbed gut microbiota etc. have shown in studies to be an extremely important reason for severe covid. And they also cause mental illness. So... I think the association between mental illness and severe covid may at least in part be explained by the shared risk factors: Vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies, disturbed gut microbiota, physical inactivity, severe stress in live, chronic diseases like diabetes, unhealthy diets etc.

Probiotics, which improve the gut microbiota, have shown to reduce the risk of a covid infection and severe covid, including covid mortality. And probiotics also improve or even cure depression and other mental illnesses. So in other words, the disturbed gut microbiota may in part explain the association between mental illness and severe covid. See the scientific literature. I read so many studies about all that. The same is true for vitamin D and so on.

Best regards from Germany,

Max (your translator)

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Thanks for chiming in. There is a LOT here, so forgive me for not hitting all points or being overly brief.

I am friends with Joel, so I'm aware of most of his analyses. He does great work.

"at the same time retrospective observational studies and health agencies publish data showing that vaccinated have a lower risk than unvaccinated? This does not fit."

The Israeli studies had major flaws I've covered in other articles. The U.S. admits to not publishing a lot of data, and if you read the fine print on some of the charts that get presented they're often from "26 jurisdictions" which is a fraction of 1% and may involve substantial monkeying or cherry picking. Both the U.S. and UK data show the vaccines having subsantial non-COVID efficacy, which demonstrates either an extremely unbalanced set of cohorts or a statistical sieve (or both).

The mental illness discussion can go many directions, but the efficacy of some SSRIs might simply relate to the ability of a person to "get pepped up enough" for self-care. But I think at the hospital level it may mean not having an advocate then getting dehydrated for hosing up and doses with remdesivir.

"Physical inactivity, an unhealthy diet, a disturbed gut microbiota etc. have shown in studies to be an extremely important reason for severe covid. And they also cause mental illness."

I think we're getting to weaker association here, so all forms of "unhealth" do come together at some point to create the pool of "might die this year", which was part of my reason for including the "2019 mortality rate" line. But point taken.

"I am aware the most important measure is all cause mortality and even if the vaccines would reduce covid mortality, they probably increase all cause mortality."

All cause mortality is the best place to look *because* the data is inconsistent and toyed with. If we had clean data, we could do better. The higher the resolution of the view, the more illuminating the picture. The downside of all cause mortality data is that it's low resolution, so I do want to encourage people to dig beyond that where possible and valuable.

All cause COVID-19 has been its own strangely ignored conversation that I've tried to ignite a dozen times, and I worry possibly because there is a "counter industry" script being laid out for VAIDS. This is pissing me off greatly because we missed a golden opportunity to deconstruct the vaccination campaign a full year ago on that level. I digress...

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Mathew, thank you for your response and the great additional explanations.

Which "counter industry" script are you talking about with regard to VAIDS?

In which article did you analyse the Israeli studies? The first thought that I had when I saw one of the the studies is that they did not report all cause mortality, just covid related mortality. This is highly misleading and shows they not want to report (or even know) the real death numbers. But mainstream journalists do not care about that. They are just going to copy the conclusion of the study text and make a story out of it, without asking critical questions.

With regard to what you said about SSRI... I am curious, what is your opinion about Fluvoxamine? Steve Kirsch is extremely euphoric. He always reports about the results of the RCT which has shown that Fluvoxamine reduced the risk of death by more than 90% (per protocol). Intention to treat only had like 30% reduced mortality if I remember correctly. I think these are great results. But I also saw the new RCT from Seftel showing only slight benefits for early treatment. So Seftel was not able to reproduce the great results for progression from his first RCT from 2020. So I am still a bit uncertain. Maybe the true effect is not (always) that extremely high. It depends on the patients, the stage of illness, the dose, other treatments given, treatment adherence etc.

I am planning to write a retraction request for the IVM Together Trial. It seems this study is one of the most important reasons why health agencies still reject Ivermectin.. So the study has to be removed as fast as possible. And I wanted to ask you if you want to help me writing the request. Maybe some of your readers also want to help?

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I think the discrepancy in the individual rate of Covid death in the vaccinated vs unvaccinated and the population wide Covid death may come down to bad data, how the vaccinated are being defined, and long and short term immune suppression. It does seem clear that getting a vaccine booster provides some protection against Covid disease from about two weeks to three months after the booster. But the booster itself increases susceptibility in an individual for the first two weeks and 4 months after vaccination. This will increase the overall rate of Covid in a highly vaccinated population, especially since people tend to get boosted in the middle of a wave. By defining the fully vaccinated as only those people who have been vaccinated or boosted more than two weeks and less than four months in the past, you manage to create the appearance of higher rates among the unvaccinated. The overall rates of Covid, however, just keep getting worse.

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Dear Casey Preston,

thank you for explaining this. It seems you are highly intelligent. I fear most people do not have the ability and the knowledge to solve this like you. And I think this is exactly the problem. If everyone would be able to disentangle and understand the data like you or Mathew for example, then governments, the elites, media etc. could not do what they are doing. They are just successful because most people are not like you.

Most people do not even want to try to understand the data, ask questions... Unfortunately, it is extremely easy to deceive most people. I am not saying they are all "too stupid", of course not. But they do not make the effort to analyse the data by themselves. They only believe what the mainstream media crowned "experts" say...

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Nope. I’m dumb. I know that. Therefore, I’m not going to tell you how to live your life. Pretty cool, right? You don’t have to listen to me tell you how to live your life or solve your problems because you also know I’m dumb. All I ask in return is that other dumb people like you don’t tell me how to live my life.

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This comment sounds strange and impolite and it is difficult for me to understand what you are reffering to. In case you have problems, you do not have to stay alone with them. Please make sure to reach out to a qualified health expert. This can always help to overcome challenges in life, finding new perspectives etc. You do not have to stay alone. There are always good people who can help.

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I'm a nurse. My area of practice was home health with many wound care patients. Nearly all of them were of low socio-economic status. They were all unhealthy, Obesity and diabetes were rampant, as was high blood pressure, and anxiety.

Part of my care was to educate. My patients ate at least one meal a day from fast food take out. They all drank soda rather than water, they all were on a variety of medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiety. The majority of them had a high school diploma or less. I discussed lifestyle issues at every visit including nutrition. Not a single one followed, or tried to follow, the advice.

I hear that good nutrition costs more but I say that's bunk. Fast food is expensive when you eat it daily for at least one meal and often more. Several sodas a day is expensive compared to water out of the tap. Local tap water is excellent.

My patients were primarily on Medicaid and had doctors. Medical care was not an issue. COVID 19 was handled differently than other illnesses. Most doctors would not let a person in with suspected COVID. Temperatures were taken outside the door and questionaires had to be answered first. A person calling their doctor with symptoms was not given any medication but was told to go to the ER if they had breathing difficulties. We now know that the virus can be treated successfully if treated with hydroxychloroquin or Ivermectin within the first 72 hours of the start of symptoms. There is an entire protocol of medications that are readily available and inexpensive for early treatment. It was possible to get these medications but it required know how. I located a telehealth service that accepted cash only. A practitioner called in a Rx for Ivermectin to a compounding pharmacy in another city. They filled the Rx and mailed it to me. I have not needed it but I have it to take immediately if necessary.

This would have been beyond my patients. It would have required them to part with cash for the telehealth service and the out of area pharmacy. They also wouldn't have gotten the information in the first place because none of them read much, few had Internet other than their cell phones and they would have distrusted the information because it was contradicted and ridiculed by their sources of information from TV news and the CDC.

Certain co-morbidities made people highly susceptible to to severe illness and death from the virus. All my patients had at least one of these: obesity greater than 30 BMI, high blood pressure, COPD, poor circulation, and anxiety. In fact anxiety is the #2 co-morbidity after obesity. My patients were often black Americans and dark skin depresses Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D has been shown, and known, since early in 2020 as the best protection against severe virus outcomes. Yet it was not recommended by the mainstream media, or government health experts. You could learn about it if you went to alternate news sources, primarily on the Internet.

I point out these observations from my own patient experiences because some of your conclusions may need adjustment. Certainly the income and health correlations do. It's a chicken and the egg problem.

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Look at the massive amounts of horse paste that people bought off of Amazon. I saw estimates awhile ago--maybe Matthew can look for those numbers and waves of purchase and add those data to his model. There was surely a Joe Rogan spike, but quite a bit was purchased before and there were numerous sources online about dosing.

Reasonably educated people with an Amazon account and a little bit of money learned about this and stocked up. Horse paste is cheap and our vet's office kept extra stocked as well.

A colleague of mine, with a research Ph.D. had been using it chronically to keep cancer in remission. So IVM already has other groups using this drug quietly. Ditto for people with tickborne illnesses. That prior use in humans for these purposes never discussed in MSM or anywhere much but is significant. Easy to bridge from here to C19, for patients, doctors and their extended networks.

At a regional rural hospital in Southwest Virginia in the summer of 2020 all the staff and docs we met admitted to prophylaxis with Pepcid, VIt C, quercetin and zinc and they also allowed it for patients incoming for any issue as long as there weren't contraindications. There was no crisis there and I suspect medical professionals were also stocked up on horse paste or the tablets if they could get them.

These are the kinds of qualitative data that will help inform us as to more quantitative data to explore to add to our full picture of "what happened" during the pandemic.

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Add to my list another recently discovered source: pilots routinely bringing in IVM, HCQ and Zithromax, along with blank vax cards from foreign countries. The Dallas Buyers club was in full force in many places.

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I have been following the FLCCC.net protocols to boost my immune system. I was already taking 150,000 IU of Vit D2/week by Rx. I added Quercetin, Zinc, Vit C and K2. I learned about K2 within the past few months. Wish I had known about it eons ago. The ratio is 10,000IU Vit D to 100 mcg Vit K2 (MK-7). A few months ago I added Black Seed Oil when FLCCC.net updated their immunity list. Well, turns out Black Seed Oil lowers blood glucose, lowers blood pressure and improves the respiratory system. It lowered my A1C from 6.8 to 5.6. I was excited to discuss this with my endocrinologist.

I paid $75 which included $10 for mailing for the Ivermectin Rx I got.

Ivermectin is also prescribed for scabies, West Nile virus, Zika and HIV. It works on intestinal worms too and is prescribed for river blindness. It is so effective on viruses that I presume it'll work on dengue and Monkeypox.

The disgraceful and tragic thing about this episode in our national life is the way the MSM, Big Tech, the CDC, FDA, NIH and NIAID clamped down to restrict communications and information sharing. Disgraceful.

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Important to remember that IVM for CV19 must be taken with fatty food to enter the bloodstream. Its original purpose and protocol was to take on an empty stomach. Yes, K-2 is essential and yet I hardly ever see it mentioned with VD3 intake.

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They broke the world and must be held accountable "..

News on Vatican and Wef


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Christina Parks explains several biologic/physiological issues with different blacks as why covid and jabs exacts more morbidity and mortality.

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I love her. She wears a red baseball cap with white letters that says "Make vaccine manufacturers liable again"

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Shortly after the vaccine rollout, I became aware of at least five unexpected and sudden deaths (four of cancer, one of sepsis) of friends and family. If someone has an undiagnosed condition, I have long suspected the vaccination may inflame that condition to sudden death.

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I’ve been thinking the same thing and my kids are getting sick.I’m scared to death.

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There definitely is galloping cancer - I know about someone who was dead within a month of diagnosis.

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There is SO MUCH in this post. I’m so grateful to you for doing this work. I sometimes wonder if you could stop, even if you wanted to… this seems to be the nature of being driven to find truth. Thank you for being smart enough to hear the call and brave enough to heed it.

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Lifestyle is of course notoriously difficult to measure, since it would require access to patient records stretching back years. On the other hand, the comorbidities (apart from age and asthma and the like) most associated with death from Covid are all life-style related (being fat, diabetes - the kind you acquire, vitamin D insuffiency, et c). Meaning that your carpet bombing style of correlation/causation-analysis is what we've got, and that'll it have to do.

As or the race thing, that it would be due to income or access to health care falls apart when you look outside the US: in Sweden, we have fully socialised health care meaning everyone has access to it, and that quality of care is very consistent over class, race, educational and other sociometric factors. Yet the group hit hardest by Covid after swedish senior citizens, was negroes (mainly somalis and ethiopians).

While no research is being done here, the authorities noted some contributing factors: vitamin D insufficiency is endemic to the group due to lifestyle factors fully under the control of the individual: no exercise, no physical training, unhealthy food (not income dependent, welfare is on par with low income jobs), heavy use of cannabis and kat, staying indoors most of the day especially in winter, and an all-round sedentary lifestyle - is the probable cause that a somali or ethiopian in their 30s was at about as much risk as an octogenarian swede. This was of course couched in tippy-toes PC-language, and structured to cast aspersions that it was due to "racism", before it was memory-holed.

Racial differences may be very un-PC, but reality does not care.

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"...Compresses life expectancy... jives with what I've seen, just anecdotally. Vaccinated people going off the cliff in terms of disease progression. Also there may be heinous euthanasia (zyklon B vans 2.0) for the seriously mentally ill and learning disabled, but another possible confounder is the fact that those people are often put on long term drugs, maybe lots of them, and many of those drugs progressively strip the body of specific nutrients. There used to be a handbook put out by an American pharmacists' association, but it hasn't been recompiled or republished in awhile. I think med schools teach a seminar on how to blow people off who bring that up based on my experiences trying to advocate for people at Kaiser in California. I think you've called it with CZVE. FLCCC no longer recommends vaccination for anyone!

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There was a family on The Highwire a few weeks+ ago, their daughter had Down's syndrome, treated horribly by the hospital, and died ...

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I rather imagine those individuals had a target on their back with respect to hospital incentives and a sense of freedom from liability.

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Sick but true. Eugenics.

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This is a lot to unpack.

The thought which keeps haunting me has to do with Germ Theory. I think it can be debunked. Throw that into this mix of the jabs killing people along with remdesivir and ventilators and we’ve really got a hot mess.

Every single hospital received massive amounts of money from Big Pharma for counting patients with Covid19, venting them & killing them with remdesivir. That’s why the tests were calibrated so high. If I had a sniffle, I would be a Covid19 patient.

These monsters need to hang for crimes against humanity.

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“… marginalized groups have been euthanized to create fear—perhaps to push people into the arms of history's largest medical experiment.“ Your answer is neatly summed up in Albert Borla’s recent declaration at the WEF (to applause, mind you) that a goal of his Pfizer team is by 2023 to reduce the world’s population by 50%. I half expected him to follow with an uncontrolled straight arm, palm down, salute reminiscent of Dr Strangelove. https://rumble.com/v16fovu-worldwide-pfizer-ceo-goal-is-to-reduce-the-worlds-population-by-50-by-2023.html

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I enjoy reading your articles. I worked in person throughout the pandemic, driving through downtown B'ham during rush hour and a suburban shopping district on the way home 2-3 days a week. People who worked from home never saw what was really going on - mostly normal life. Shops and restaurants where I live were packed as soon as they reopened.

One of the things I check is the excess deaths dashboard. I noticed this about a week ago.

Connecticut, North Carolina, and West Virginia are all reporting high excess deaths in recent weeks, around 40% excess. These deaths aren't being attributed to covid. I would be interested in anyone's thoughts on this. What do these 3 states have in common? I don't know - maybe they report their death data to the CDC faster than other states.


Back in November, I did a CFR vs %Fully Vaccinated chart for AL counties, and there was no correlation. But, as you've shown, I could look at the names of the counties and guess there would be a correlation with CFR and education/income.

I mostly look at state level data. Except for the handful of states which insanely murdered patients with a ventilator in April 2020, the most significant correlation that I saw for high covid death rate seemed to be among states with the highest pre-pandemic mortality rate - mostly the Southeast. We already die at significantly higher rates than other states in the US, so it makes sense that we would also have the highest death rates from covid. We make up the bulk of every bad top 10 list you look at (smoking, obesity, diabetes, etc.) and the bottom of every list like % >HS education. I think a lot about what is the root cause of this, and I've come to the conclusion that it is cultural. When I say cultural, I'm not talking about a race thing. Take a look at 93% white West Virginia, the most obese state in the country. I think if a child spends their first 18 years not caring about doing well in school, then they will likely not care too much about doing well as an adult, thus higher rates of obesity, drug/alcohol abuse, crime, etc. I think about the movies Varsity Blues or Friday Night Lights and believe that's a decent depiction of southern high school culture, celebration of athletics over academics.

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