"There's a reason narcissists don't learn from mistakes and that's because they never get past the first step which is admitting that they made one." -Jeffrey Kluger
Some more active conversation about topics such as this can be found at the RTE Locals channel. Articles on the social engineers can be found here.
This is a rewrite of an article originally published on January 5, 2022. The primary reason that I felt that a rewrite would do is that we are on the backside of an election that follows a curious political realignment that I think few people understand. We are headed into unknown territory, and it is important to identify the social engineers, the Malthusians and eugenicists, and the portion of the populace infected with the Malthusian mind virus.
I felt this article was due a rewrite in light of the way the various culture wars seem to be progressing during World War E.Â
I have grown strong in the belief that these culture wars are designed by social engineers as a form of mindwar. Whatever you might hope or believe, the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election is unlikely to put the breaks on that schismogenic process, which likely involves a heavy dose of eugenics en route to the Cybernetic goals of the techno-utopian empire.
In order to take total global power, the social engineers have infected financial institutions with positive feedback loops, based in part on the design of the mortgage bond market, in order to push global markets to a point of catastrophic collapse. The culture wars divide the populace into micro-tribes fighting for the crumbs, hating and denigrating anyone outside their bubble.
If there is a solution, it is for each of us to re-engineer our own meta-perspective. Once you recognize how pathetic people appear when infected with any ideological flavor of mind virus, you can focus less on fighting the other tribes, educate everyone, and hunt for new solutions to Molochian tyranny. Have empathy for the brainwashed zombies. Some of them may yet turn away from the hall or mirrors.
The Tale of Echo and Narcissus
In his classic epic Metamorphoses, Ovid wrote of Echo and Narcissus. When Narcissus was young, his mother Liriope consulted the seer Tiresias, eager to learn about her son's future. Tiresias told her that Narcissus would only have a long life if he never knows himself. Instead of personally guiding her son along an educational path of interacting with the world, Liriope left her son to observe his reflection in a clear, still pool of water, caught in a state of appreciation of his own extraordinary beauty.
Echo was a mountain nymph who was cursed by the goddess Hera to only repeat the last words spoken by others, after she tried to distract Hera from catching Zeus with other nymphs. One day Echo encountered Narcissus, a handsome but vain young man who spurned anyone who loved him. When she tried to confess her love, he cruelly rejected her. Heartbroken, Echo faded away until only her voice remained.
Meanwhile, Narcissus was punished for his coldness by the goddess Nemesis, who caused him to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Unable to tear himself away, he eventually wasted away and died, transforming into a flower, the narcissus, that still bears his name. The myth explores themes of unrequited love, self-obsession, and the consequences of vanity.
You can bet that the social engineers who design the Matrix, fed to children through mass media, now in the form of the internet, are keenly aware of this tale.
Why Would a Parent Harm Their Own Child?
At sometime around the age of ten, I recall opening a newspaper and reading a story about a father who murdered his wife and family. I recall no other details of the story, which is to say that the idea itself was too incomprehensible to me to form a mental scaffolding for the facts surrounding the case. A decade or so later, it occurred to me that I'd seen several such stories over the years. We might dismiss such behavior with, "Out of billions of people, some horrific stuff happens," but some behavioral patterns, repeated time and again, warrant attention. This is the stuff of nightmares. These are lives destroyed.Â
Feb 20, 2002 (NY Post) Man murders family, starts new life, eventually caught.
Mar 16, 2002 (Lawrence Journal-World) Father kills wife and four children after filing for bankruptcy.
Dec 10, 2002 (Washington Post) Fairfax man admits to killing parents and brother.
Apr 8, 2003, (Kitsap Sun) Christian Longo admits to strangling wife and child to death.
Sep 23, 2021 (Daily Mail) Father kills wife, two children. Finances overstretched. Bragged about the unseen Porsche in the garage.
We might dismiss all this as the work of psychopaths, who exist in some small proportion in society. Perhaps that describes a portion of such cases. But the primary problem is narcissism. The empathy is there, but it gets misdirected, re-patterned into an overly introspective loop.
If you're wondering why I searched a past date range to find a few such stories, that's primarily because my first search without a date range is littered with pages of the same story repeated in numerous new outlets (why even have so many news outlets?) that seems to make it appear that only a QAnon follower could suffer from mental illness. Intentional search manipulation? If you dare scan search ranges, you'll find such narcissistic murderous parents come from all walks of life from the elites through the upper class to the middle class to the impoverished. Anyone can construct a perceptual hall of mirrors, or one can be constructed for them—some trap with a carrot and a stick.
I searched specifically for stories about fathers first because men are more likely to take such a "burn it to the ground" path of direct destruction. Sadly, it happens with some mothers, too.
But why?
We're All in This Together, and It's All Your Fault
"No game designer ever went wrong by overestimating the narcissism of their players." -Will Wright
"Since this cannot possibly be my fault, it must be yours," said every narcissistic guru ever, observing their own exceptional beauty.
Some narcissists are the quiet, covert type. Others seek to actively engage others in their reflection so that their own reflection cannot suffer (change) directly. It's that arrangement of the hall of mirrors that inhibits self-reflection, which would be personally existential to the narcissist. It would feel like suffering death.
The United States of America is one of the most misunderstood entities in the universe. Perhaps it was the most noble experiment of an era. The founders recognized the tyranny not simply of a crazy king, but of corporations that reversed Europe's progress in abolishing slavery, bypassing all community judgment and responsibility in the process. Free of legal constraints, the Kunlangeta who rose to the top of these East India, West India, and South Africa Companies took divide and rule approaches everywhere around the world. They would bribe one prince with excess power or wealth to join in an attack on another, then subjugate the losers of battle in civilization after civilization. Having slaves cultivate opium is one way to protect the bank's silver while trading for silk, tea, and jade.Â
Every time news of the exploits of the Dutch East India Company appeared in the newspapers, it was scandalous. But what could anyone do about it aside from not letting their babies grow up to be Kunlangeta?
For decades after the founding of the U.S., large corporations were difficult to charter. The founders were wary of unchecked accumulation of capital in ungovernable corporate structures. But eventually the corporations took over, starting with the banks, but not before a more symmetric economic ethic grew the economic body into a thriving juggernaut the likes of which the world had never known. By the time the Federal Reserve was established in 1913, enough institutions were infected with self-justifying narcissism along with the parasitic Malthusian mind virus that Moloch's America was well underway.
This megalithic corporate parasite that fills the economic body of society is simply a conglomeration of the most talented Kunlangeta. It is their will, and the mind virus is its defense. When times get tough for the withering host, the mind virus instructs the increasingly narcissistic societal Mandarins to tell people that the world will collapse because of them rather than from the parasite. That defines the status of the Mandarin entirely, and that status is withheld given any true display of self-awareness. This way the host's immune system attacks its own body rather than the parasite.
The process involves several steps. It begins with educational brainwashing en route to producing Moloch's Mandarin shell. That makes, for instance, tens of trillions of dollars in theft and consumption easier to manage.
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure---one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." -David Rockefeller
Being entirely honest, I hope and expect that the world matures into a functional community. But I believe that such a community of communities remains dysfunctionally unhealthy in the status quo precisely due to the parasitic "leadership" currently perverting all functional institutions that would aid in cooperative living, which would be more sustainable and less polluting by definition of lack of the parasite. Healthy community includes governance and a social immune system, but that's an organic process, not one of top down control from positions that are easily identified as the largest possible honey pots for predator parasites.
The purpose of the Malthusian mind virus is to keep the people in a mental fog while the parasites feed. The narcissistic parent---a role taken by the parasites---tells their children (serfs), "I love you," even as they torture them. For a child, there is no worse form of torture.
The Theosophical Connection
"Child, it is you are responsible for this."
I grew up in a Neo-Theosophical quasi-cult that referred to itself as the Association for Research and Enlightenment. My father served as Treasurer for the Southeastern chapter in the United States. Such Neo-Theosophy groups teach parents not to parent their children all that much—that's the job of the state, but essentially also the television, computer, or smartphone. This "frees" the parents to waste the opportunity to connect with the voices of their children.
The parents tell their children that everything that happens to them is their own choice. This is the consequence of a belief system in which each individual is their own god. In such a belief system, why would parents bother with guidance?
Hopefully most people can see the problem coming. However, there is a growing population of Neo-Theosophists and New Agers who cannot. That's just how the social engineers want it.
The Theosophical value system subverts the values of Abrahamic religions, though much of the membership of the A.R.E. continued to patronize churches, temples, and synagogues. This creates what MK ULTRA co-architect Gregory Bateson termed double bind schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Children at this camp suffered abuse anywhere from inappropriate touching to violent rape. Some were groomed one step at a time. Ultimately, what went on in the community is worse than even what came out from the dozens of victims who joined in the lawsuit. I have talked with one woman who was kidnapped, and trafficked in what fits the description of a Project Monarch ring.
However, the A.R.E. teaches "unconditional love" and "unconditional forgiveness" as core values. So, when those who were abused at the camp were required to stand up in front of the group, face their assailants, and forgive them. From the video,
"I only spoke up about it, and, um, I was ostracized from the community and blamed because his feelings needed to be prioritized—which is a common theme in our community—women and girls are taught that we need to sacrifice our own feelings, and overcome our own feelings of just comfort…and anger, because these men, who have this karma or this…soul that they need to work on…need the community and need the love and the light that they will get from this community."
"The first time I was sexually assaulted by a male counselor was when I was 13. I was raped and I reported it, and I was silence and victim blamed."
"Lindsay says that when she returned to the camp a few years later, she was ordered to apologize to the counselor she says raped her."
"And I was forced to confront him. I did not know he was going to be there until I showed up. And it was horrific. I had a severe traumatic reaction. I panicked. I was crying. I was…freaking out. I was a 17-year-old even and it just brought back all of these flashbacks and feelings of initially losing my safe space—a place that my whole family had been; a place where I found many dear relationships that I still have. But the setting itself…the A.R.E. has created an environment where children and young women such as myself were not safe. So, when I was confronted with him, it was a horrible experience."
Having talked with a couple of victims from the camp, I doubt any of them understand the connections through the A.R.E. and the Remote Viewing program many of us were exposed to as children. That program ran through military intelligence, bridged by psychic cosplayer Jim Channon, who spent time at the Esalen Institute (where rampant sexual abuse was also excused amidst a twisted form of Gestalt therapy, much as that endured by the Neo-Sanyassans who orchestrated the largest ever bio-terror attack on U.S. soil).Â
This is just one of the many reasons why I have not associated with my family in many years. More frustrating is finding out how many people with a platform seem to do their best to minimize the impact of these trauma-based mind control programs. This includes Intellectual Dark LARPer Claire Lehmann.
Note that this thread in 2020 took place prior to the 2021 lawsuit against the A.R.E., which I was not aware of until months after its filing, though I'd encouraged a couple of women who'd been assaulted at the camp to seek a lawsuit back in 2018. In other words, I gave Claire, who purports to be a journalist, the opportunity to find out what was going on beneath the surface before anyone else, and her response was to block me on X-Twitter.
Fearless, Eric. Pfucking Fearless.
I also explained the story to Eric's brother, Bret in late 2021 after I'd realized that the Remote Viewing program connected back to the COVID-19 vaccine program. He didn't seem particularly interested in the conversation, either. I can't say whether Bret's continual promotion of Esalen instructor Daniel Schmactenberger caused him dissonance.
The Gaslit Path of Expectations
"Narcissism has more in common with self-hatred than with self-admiration." -Christopher Lasch
Is this what fighting for the crumbs looks like?
Is that Hillary's body double that keeps Bill distracted? Never mind…
More likely, the social engineers have run enough experiments to know how to draw people into new religious movements and cults that progress toward eugenics, terrorism, or suicide.
Prior to the mortgage bond crisis, when the bankers could puppet the Mandarins in a seemingly never ending party of Aristocratic narcissism, somebody would have filled the Opinion section with aspirational imagery, baiting further growth of the parasite.
What went wrong?
The sabotaged growth of money and status that defines the narcissistic supply on which the Mandarins feed is running out. Eric Weinstein calls it embedded growth obligations (EGOs), so, you know, you can trust him to lead you into the future.
"I Just Can't Feed You, Anymore"
For the moment, the Mandarins still enjoy soup, salad, and wine along with their main course. But the Giffen goods are starting to taste bland to everybody else.
The Malthusian Marxist Vaccine?
"Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides." -Andre Malraux
Maybe it's just fine if you get sick and die.
There is no doubt that the Marxist vaccine can kill some parasites. The problem is that it so often destroys the health of the host, and the parasites just learn to escape the effects.
Or, the parasite survives in a sick host. Tortured people fork primarily along two paths: they break mentally and embody the narcissistic abuser (running the gulags, the secret police, or just enjoying the power to murder), or they resist the Ovidian metamorphosis, committing to a costly and risky path of separation from the body of the largely infected society. Some survivors reproduce. As in Ovid’s time, civilization eventually repopulates. Barring an end of parasites, the cycle repeats.
Destroying History to Cover the Tracks
"It is especially painful when narcissists suffer memory loss because they are losing parts of the person they love most." -David Brooks
Never mind the Fabian symbolism. Back to the narcissistic, murderous parent.Â
The problem is that they're precommitted to the lie. Even if they somehow find their way through the maze to a path of self-reflection that would allow for them to turn that around, they are financially connected to the body Moloch whom they serve first or face starvation. Since the parent cannot handle the failure, the only option that remains in their world is to rid themselves of the children.Â
The problem is that they're precommitted to the lie.
It's easier for everyone if they're all fully dehumanized first. Those..racist, misogynistic serfs.
Somebody wrote a poem about the original article, so I thought I'd share it:
An interesting post thank you.
One of the consequences of being raised in a powerful family is also never being corrected, at least not by the majority of people.
If everything you do is always praised, no matter how deranged, it is possible to lose sight of reality and become convinced that you really are as wonderful as everyone says.
Another problem is that nobody ever lets go of power already accumulated, they either try to maintain it as is, or they try to grow it.
But, of course, they will eventually reach a limit and come into conflict with the other powerful groups. Culminating in anger and insanity as they cannot all simultaneously have more wealth and power.
Someone has to endure the humiliation of loss, and this is especially true during periods of economic decline.
In the analogy of the parasites you've given, the parasites have grown so large that there isn't enough host to support them all. Then the parasitic empire attacks itself.
Many people who do not have a personal connection to mind control/child abuse think it is some obscure thing that is constantly blown out of proportion. I grew up around many psychiatrists, psychologists etc. I realized early on that their main mission was to provide a label and excuse for things that should be overcome and to string one out in an unproductive way. Many of them where strange people and terrible parents. The history of covid vaccines the last few years has heavily revolved around the idea of demanding the passive acceptance of unwanted penetration. The conditioning of children to accept being held down and injected by adults in charge is an important precursor for future abuse. For decades now, they have tried to make a litmus test out of peoples willingness to take a flu shot that has never worked. One is expected to pretend that getting the flu injection is the same as being asked to drink a small glass of water. One thing that I hope the left will figure out from this election is to stop treating morality like it is an antiquated religious belief. Most people are moral. Most people would not become Diddy if given the opportunity. If a new change is completely radical, it might be wrong. The idea that stealing less than $100 was ok or it is ok to steal this much if your ancestors were wronged this much doesn't fly with people. Likewise, trying to get children to focus on sexuality at a very young age is frowned upon by the vast majority of people. I hope folks can figure this out and can stop trying to drag the lumpen proletariat into their manufactured new world. I also find it very interesting that we made it through this entire election with no one other than Kennedy mentioning the vaccine mandates.