How can you strictly regulate the dose of a vaccine included in any product intended for general consumption? You can't. This is why I think the milk story is intentional scaremongering, perhaps with the aim of cultivating a sense of inevitability in the populace that they WILL be vaccinated, one way or the other. Of course, the reduction or elimination of the consumption of dairy products from methane-farting cows is a key target of the climate alarmist agenda. So, scaring people off milk by telling them it's going to be 'spiked' with potentially killer vaccines might not be a bad idea in the long run.

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I’ve also wondered if the vaccine side affects are possibly overblown for the same reason. Black magic

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RE: "We have now entered a world in which our levels of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) can be fully manipulated by the media to the point of engineering a necessity of action or despair in the minds of most people."

This is such a key point and one to keep in mind. In many cases we are really dealing with paper tigers, and they WANT us to think we are without any power. In others, of course, we need to pay close attention - on those things, they don't tend to advertise it. Fear = Control.

Thank you.

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I'm a huge fan of Gary's work on the subject. I think he has some excellent suggestions regarding moving away from being dominated by fear

The following quoted from: https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/how-to-avoid-a-hybrid-orwellian-huxleyian

"By becoming trauma aware, we can learn to spot the signs of defensive nervous systems at play. We can learn to recognize the Survival Styles in people, and stop electing, rewarding and idolizing the folks who clearly display them.

We can refuse to live in fear, and become aware of the fear mongering for what it is. We can read up on the “science” of Nudging, and learn how the magic is trick done. This makes it much harder for us to be fooled or tricked into fear. "

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Winning requires Faith in God. Faith in God fuels our courage. And Courage among the masses defeats any foe.

The most effective way ever proven to defeat Fear is walking with God. Those armed with God in their hearts can be made courageous enough to fight and defeat any great enemy of man. From biblical times of Moses, David and Goliath, Samson to insurgents opposed to US occupiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, those who believe they are walking with God defeat those who are godless. Every. Single. Time. It may not be instantaneous. Mankind walked without God in our hearts for a long, long time to get us to this crisis. It may take a long, long time. It took twenty years in Afghanistan, has taken centuries in other battles. But there is no greater rallying cry for mankind then rallying to a holy and just God.

This is an epic battle of the ages for the soul of our nation - as the godless Biden told us. For the soul of humanity. When enough of humanity chooses to walk with God in our collective hearts instead of weaponized fear wielded by godless sorcerers humanity will win. Those who walk with God do not fear death. They do not fear anything wielded by man. Logic and knowledge alone isn't sufficient to win this Information War. We walk with God first. Then we can use those weapons of man. There can be no other way without God.

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"As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men's minds more seriously than what they see." Julius Caesar

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

"There is a way out, but that would require the whole world waking up to the way their education and subsequent media warped their minds, and primed them for emotional control." - I agree - that's a tall order. I read the Bailiwicks post - the most important fact being that the EUA is still in effect; it's been 100% fraud from day 1. Check out Patrick Woods work on Technocracy if you want to understand the real roots of the WEF idiocy. I am actually reading Alex Jones book ( thought I would never say that... ) "The Great Reset And The War For The World" - he gives a great overview, with help from Patrick Woods work, on the Trilateral Commission ( precursor to the WEF ) - I was surprised to find out that Jimmy Carter was the first Trilateral Commission sponsored president and that the first country that they installed their technocratic control systems in was China. In summary, these people are phucking bat-shit crazy. Peace. :-)

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Over the weekend I read Paul Robeson's 1958 book, HERE I STAND, which delves into ways people can come together and put aside their differences to work for the overall improvement of humanity.

I had been reading Joost Meerloo's 1956 book, THE RAPE OF THE MIND, and took a break from it to read Paul's book. This evening I read the chapter in this book about fear and the various ways it affects different people, and how totalitarians utilize these methods to control people.

Both books are highly recommended!

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(Banned)Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

I think people would wake up if it were not for the myriad of chemical interferences with their natural brain, that and malnutrition, people, as a whole of course there exist many exceptions, but people as a whole are chemically and nutritionally stunted and then when you add the layer of media and myth building into their brains, a true fabrication has been created that is very difficult to extract people from, numbed out and dumbed down from their initial potential, thats the hurdle, the fix, the trap.

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I think we need to be careful not to do the "Devil's Work" for them, we do have a tendency to share scary stories, work each other up, and frighten ourselves to death, as well as driving those with the potential to be woken up back into hiding and asleep as the truth is too scary to face. I think we have to ensure we share solutions, hope and encouragement, alongside the stories. Richard Vobes had a good monologue about this last week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI9F91EGNh0

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Climate alarmism is at the top of the list

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I'm still hoping for "Mr. Global to Spontaneously Combust."

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

nice to read this even if its only a question about the milk in the food supply chain -

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Yes. There is a Way Out.

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About one year ago I reached a point of despair. Then I started to read and listen to Jon Rappoport. That helped me a lot.

Despair is only one option among many. Learn to use your imagination to stop bullying yourself.



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Yes, manipulation by fear. And some of our dear friends manipulate us too, because of their own histories of trauma or biases. If I had a penny for every time a conservative - medical freedom or not - tells me "government is the Supreme Evil," I could go visit a spa for a week at least. I usually never tell them I have known some people working in government who probably acted to save the lives of such gubmint-haters as they (and I mean that literally, as in transportation safety inspectors, not TSA but rail or highway) who were as noble and devoted to the same ideals of family, country, a spiritual faith, as the one so sure the locus of all evil is in one place. Some days I'm tired of being older and seeing some of these certainties fall the way many certainties fall. Why can't we accept multi-causality? Is it too complicated to grasp?

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