The only data that cannot be "massaged" is that for total mortality from all causes, divided into unvaccinated and vaccinated. Even there they are manipulating the data by classifying "vaccinated" as being only from 14 days after the second dose.

The reason being that most deaths occur in the period between the first dose and 14 days after the second dose. So the classification now used will (deliberately) increase the number of "unvaccinated" deaths and decrease the number of "vaccinated" deaths.

Many countries that previously provided raw data to be able to allocated deaths to the latter 3 (not 2) groups now seem to be getting more "economical" with the data updates and others (including the US) (again deliberately) do not produce such data at all. I'm sure they just overlooked it?

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All data can be massaged. However, sometimes massaging one piece creates a detectible ripple elsewhere, detected from another angle. We can get at that.

At the same time, real time observation is creeping in. I just read about the latest story of a pro athlete going into cardiac arrest. The athletes are in full view of the world. People are noticing.

There are a lot of things people are noticing.

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It's almost a weekly occurrence now, athletes having heart attacks on the field.

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For the pro athletes, I suspect it's more often than weekly. We may not hear about cases in some nations, or what happened in some practices. Below the pro level, it's likely daily. Having talked to a former pro athlete a few weeks ago, it is clear that many are taking it very seriously.

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This is a manifestation of medical iatrogenics, that until now, was easily hidden, discounted as quackery. Now with lots of smart eyes on this one issue, their usual method of hiding the problem isn't working.

Do you think they realize, that when the children start dropping in gym class, or walking between classes, and it isn't reported, how bad that is going to play out for them? CRT has awoken the parent beast in the US, so they are already highly motivated to protect their children.

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I was being conservative, and do not track it closely as I can only take so much before ... well let's just say I can only take so much.

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Are you aware of any studies that have examined athletes and their reactions to the vaccines? I heard second-hand about one that said the rate of myocarditis was higher in those who had Covid but not the vaccine vs. those who did not have Covid and then took the vaccine. However, (1) I don't know anything else about that supposed study and (2) because it seems to be laying the blame for myocarditis on Covid more than the vaccine, it probably failed to consider the risk of myocarditis in those who took the vaccine AND then contracted Covid.

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You're asking the right question, and while I don't have time to become an expert, I engaged with Peter McCullough, and what he told me was that COVID-caused myocarditis and vaccine-caused myocarditis are two different beasts entirely, and that the vaccine-induced version is far worse.

While I haven't had the chance to do the reading on the 22 citations Jessica Rose sent me, I did read one of the papers used to claim great myocarditis hard from COVID, and it was based on 9 cases. For that matter, it isn't clear to me the degree to which those cases were caused by COVID, or were part of disregulated immune systems that made COVID easier to acquire (the more I study about the relationships between autoimmune disorders and C19, the more my opinion leans in this direction).

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Mathew, glad you stopped at Oct 20. For some reason that I do not know, Burkina stopped their reporting of cases, deaths, and no. of vaccinations after Oct. 20. I have tried to search elsewhere on line, but it seems all other places give the latest statistics for Oct 20. Burkina has never done this before. I am trying to figure out who to ask here in Burkina, who might know, or who might be able to find out. Is the person in charge sick? Is it an unannounced policy shift? In order to shift our attention to the growing terrorist attacks, or in order for people not to get alarmed by the growing CFR in October? Were they mixing vax deaths with un vax covid deaths? If I get any clues, I will let you know. It's a good place to be if you are unvaxed, though. Only restrictions are international travel to certain countries.

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Mathew, sent you a private message on Twitter, with some info re- Burkina

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Well I found this just now. What does the CDC in U.S. know that we do not here in Burkina? https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/covid-4/coronavirus-burkina-faso

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I found that people now blame the delta variant. Eugypius seems to think that delta is basically a vaccine escape variant. Therefore, I wonder how vaccine doses correspond to share of delta infections.

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From what I concluded from the same data source, there are many countries where the data is not collected properly, not reported consistently and/or timely, sometimes not reported at all. Also, the disease itself is obfuscating the effects of "vaccinations" in the majority of countries. To that, add the “randomness in effect” observed from batch to batch in mRNA “vaccines”. Nevertheless, there are enough clear-cut cases to be able to come to some definite conclusions. Please read https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/falling-into-place-like-dominoes/comments and the related articles.

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Thank you. I will take a look.

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Another post on the subject is coming out tonight. Could you provide me with a link to Scott Mclachlan's article you quote in “Estimating Vaccine-Induced Mortality, Part I”?

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You may already be aware of the data in this Telegram post, but if not, this is from Peter Dobromylskyj's latest Hyperlipid blog post.

"Controversial addendum: This link is to a less-than-preprint conversational musing piece from someone who has access to NHS data of a detail beyond anyone's wildest dreams in Twitterland, hence it's on Telegraph. So some serious caveats have to be applied but his conclusion is that the vaccines do absolutely nothing. At all. An interesting idea."

From https://t.me/JohnDeesAlmanac/639

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An interesting tidbit - Our World In Data is supported by grants from:

- Gates Foundation

- Susanne Klatten (BMW heiress, richest woman in Germany and one of richest persons in the world)

- Quadrature Climate Foundation, launched in 2019 by a private equity firm directed by Dmitri Chernyshenko ... Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

Interesting times, indeed. Nothing is as it seems. Including 'data'.

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You're probably going to want to check this out, which is insane:


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It’s sadly too par for the course now. How anyone can trust Pfizer’s data/process at this point is the truly insane part... damn good thing (for them) that they’ve invested all the money into favorable media coverage.

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Thanks for this.

A friend who's just as skeptical as I am in the narrative pushers on these vaccines shared an article from the economist that claims covid19 jabs reduce other causes of deaths....

My first suspicion is that its a weak attempt to try to convince the unvaccinated to receive the shots for reasons OTHER than its intended purpose (efficacy of which is questionable). Or its a punt, "while the job can't protect well from covid19 it will protect from other things! Just take it. One of us, one of us gooble gobble gooble...." You get the point.

Link to the article:


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I suppose the response to these findings, namely the increase in deaths worldwide after the vaccine rollout, and to the suggestion that the vaccines are not very effective will be something along the lines of: you haven't distinguished between vaccinated and unvaccinated and so it could be from the time of the vaccines rolling out, transmissions have continued to increase so there are simply more deaths. In other words, they'll argue that this data doesn't suggest anything one way or another about the efficacy, or lack thereof, of the vaccines because it could just be that the virus has continued to spread and cause these deaths. It's true that if you zoom out, it would be very odd indeed to observe an *increase* in deaths worldwide *after* the vaccines have rolled out (assuming the vaccines worked at all), but -- they will argue -- one needs to look at who is dying (vaccinated vs unvaccinated) in order to infer anything about the efficacy of the vaccines. Am I looking at this wrong?

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These points are all answered in other articles.

There is not yet a single trial or study that cannot be interpreted under the lens of zero efficacy.

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I'm still catching up haha. I have learned an incredible amount from your Cloroquine Wars series in terms how to think about statistics and data, re-reading several of the posts multiple times. I've come to feel strongly that they should focus a large percentage of the time in highschool teaching stats and how to interpret data. Thanks so much for this incredible work.

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Could I trouble you to tell me which posts and in what order to read to get the main points or is it really just start at the beginning of this newsletter and go straight through? Thank you.

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Too busy. Just check the pinned post for some direction. That's the best I can do for everyone.

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I'm glad to see that you are not trying to handle the confounder of testing rates (did testing surveys change following the start of the vaccine rollout?) when talking about the changes in "cases". They never did this for the public when they created the casedemic so why do it now?

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Case rates don't seem very useful as they vary, up to a point, with the amount of testing done. Test more, and case rates rise. What we really need to measure is infection rate, perhaps from random testing.

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Matt I don’t know if it was you who wrote the defense of Berenson's ‘ Why Athletes matter’ …I wholeheartedly agreed with the criticism

of his post. I changed my mind after reading your defense of it ( and Berenson’s of course)

And that’s as it should be. When people can lay out an argument well and leave out the personal attacks it really works. Makes

Me think and see different points of view. Don’t be like Twitter. It works.

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More suspicious data: vaccines AEs and deaths are concentrated in a few lot numbers, across all vaccine brands.


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Is there evidence that the vaccines decouple cases and deaths, or at least reduce CFR over time? That would be consonant with the idea of the vaccine as a therapeutic, not a real vaccine. Granted, this winter will probably be the big test of that, so the data might not be in yet.

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I believe the decoupling is the result of a statistical sieve in its entirety.

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Of course, depending on the rates for and types of VIAEs, it could become difficult to classify it even as a therapeutic.

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