Dude, Covid doesn’t exist. It’s entirely an artifact of the mind.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

"I'm going to ignore the data and jump to the mantra."

Thank you for serving as the flying monkey case in point.

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Too many people still don't get that Covid-19 had absolutely zero to do with a medical or epidemiological event. There was nothing for which any alleged treatment for this fictional disease could be beneficial.

Covid was a monetary event. bankers told us in 2019 they needed a "global economic reset" because real rates went negative in a deflationary environment which would collapse banking. they needed inflation from stimmies and supply disruptions to raise rates... it all played out.

The COVID phenomenon cannot be understood without understanding the un-televised 2019-2020 unprecedented financial collapse threatening the entire global financial system. The COVID fraud timing became necessary as world markets were faced with an emergency debt crisis that popped up in formerly mostly liquid markets: Repo markets, money markets and FX markets. This is what 'triggered' the engineered pandemic in March 2020.

"Covid" the disease is pure fiction. There was no pandemic- it's all fraud.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy. It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assaults against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.

The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it.

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In response to an article that chastizes pushing conclusions without warrants, you seek the topic response, and insert a few paragraphs pushing conclusions without warrants.

I'm not saying that I disagree with you on all accounts, but you should understand that this stands out as a sort of self-mockery and promotion of poor behavior.

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Why are the two mutually exclusive?

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I agree. They gathered up all of the symptoms they could think of

and assigned them to Covid. 'Pinkeye' - Covid, Runny nose - Covid,

Fever - Covid, Erectile dysfunction - Covid, Male pattern baldness - Covid, etc...

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It were the economists not medical people that provided the critical info to me that stopped me from getting jabbed.

I questioned everything and bought a lot the stories, ivermectin, variants, spike proteins etc. it was all worth looking at as possible but nothing NOTHING was a rock solid as the money flow issues. It was the only known. And it was fraud.

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You’re mistaken in this one. See Jessica Hockett (NYC covid theatre), Martin Fenton (stats), and Matthew Stone (debunking virology)

Your MOBS is still amazing in my mind, but the idea that exogenous respiratory viruses get people sick is a pernicious myth.

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This article has nothing to do with respiratory viruses.

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It has to do with chaos agents and you being hurt about being lumped in with the “wrong” group.

It has to do with people claiming that one virus was mistaken for another, without supportive data.

It also implicitly shows you don’t have a grasp on this one pay-op that not only is covid, yet all of virology.

The entire topic of this article, to be frank, is beneath you. I don’t understand how you can care to correct a group of people of the interpretation of data between and amongst the equivalent of two ghosts.

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This article is not about me being hurt. You're now telling I don't have a grasp on something that is askew from the topic of the article.

I recommend finding a calm state, then rereading the article carefully.

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Marcus! I'm happy to see fellow Mathew Crawford fans who have explored the germ theory fraud. I believe you meant to say Mike Stone of viroLIEgy.com (not Matthew Stone.)

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Thank you for the correction!

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Data schmata. I lived through it.

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Then surely you can muster a warrant to match the conclusion.

Are you familiar with the concept of falsification?

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So have I. Before the world shut down. Unique experience.

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We didn't see or hear much of flu incidence data during the period in question.

My impression was: covid incidence data + flu incidence data = published covid incidence data. That's how it felt from UK Improperganda.

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Something tells me you didn't read the article.

"Whether or not you turn out to be correct in any given case, you have committed to becoming a useful drone digital soldier in a communication war that serves no purpose aside from raising and muting the profiles of parasocial leaders. I hope this causes some people to take pause and consider the nature of behavioral conditioning that occurs in the orbits of popular icons."

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Gobbledygook. Covid was the cold and flu re-branded.

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Disagree. It’s just not a disease caused by a virus.


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Thank you for posting. I had not seen your article, but I'm very glad people are saying it.

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RickyRants - excellent article. Thank you! I would love to know what you think about it, Mathew.

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CORONA - A Coordinate Routing system for Nanonetworks - ICS-FORTH or ask google!

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Ok then, it's really just another cold. Well the Covidians would claim otherwise but I'm just a heretic.

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The symptomatic profile is clearly more severe than anything we usually call a cold.

Understand, I think that the pandemic response was overblown. I think it was designed to reach a conclusion of a quasi-vaccine. It was almost certainly an engineered situation with a sick agenda. There is a great deal of fraud.

But oversimplifying things with a pithy-but-incorrect statement makes people still fooled by it all believe that "all those antivaxxers are crazy people," and we don't need that sort of thought-termination baked into the program. You can choose to stop participating, or else you're part of the plan.

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You are 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯%. The mental health of the people claiming otherwise is really concerning to me. You allow for every qualification of the f*ckd up nature of the process & MFM, and yet…..Keep going MATHEW.

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Well I'm going to respectfully say that you are talking nonsense. I'm very well informed and my conclusions are very well formed.

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Beautifully put. Thank you for demonstrating one of the most important points of the article.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

The problem is not what this article is suggesting the problem is people thinking that some "unique" set of symptoms for them is unique.

People get ill all the time in ways they never had before and such illness is virtually always easily explained.

That they were force fed Covid-Covid-Covid bullshit made them think that this indeed was some unique clinical situation where some invisible floating particle made them I'll. It's insane nonsense and distracts from the public health despotism and social destruction that wiped people out.

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I’ve been very clear about the virus thing. Still, a wave of illness was used to push the viral narrative. Don’t need to continue reiterating what I have covered numerous times over. You’re beating a dead horse.

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"wave of illness"

Where? Dates-data-etc.

Have heard it a thousand times and still not a soul has been able to provide evidence for the statement. You could be the first.

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Ricky (if that's your name) - excellent article. Thank you! Has Mathew read it?

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Thanks! He commented!

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Peter Marks of the FDA testified that the purpose of Operation Warp Speed was vaccine uptake. Here he is under oath in April, 2024 testifying to Thomas Massie:


Dr. Marks: So this was not a shifting of the mission. This was continuation of the mission as established during the Trump administration to ensure that we had the highest percentage uptake of vaccines to save the maximum number of lives. That was the intent of Operation Warp Speed.

That was the intent of Secretary Azar, General Perna, all of those involved in the Trump administration who then subsequently was transferred over to the Biden administration, and we didn't -- we were doing the same things here, trying to ensure that we saved the maximum number of lives through the vaccines."


Source (PDF page 422):


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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

I have experienced colds the flu, salmonella poisoning and Covid and I can assure you Covid was unique and it laid me low for three weeks and I survived in the high-risk category because I have an immune system that is strong and vibrant. There is so much disinformation misinformation that is intentionally being circulated to confuse and mis direct.

Gain of function, technology is being pushed by the bio warfare gurus because they believe that staying ahead of the enemies with bio warfare weapons requires identifying superior debilitating bio weapons, which require an antidote for the new gain of function weapon. They believe RNA injections is the holy Grail to make this work and that’s why billions and billions and billions are being, poured into this technology with no safeguards as to how we will survive a runaway of function bio weapon. Fauci’s 6 Billion dollar annual budget at NIAID is the funding engine. Combine this with big Pharma seeing RNA injections as a new form of the allopathic medicine model to treat all disease states and you have the current paradigm which will not end well for humanity.

The political clowns in DC with a few exceptions are keeping their mouth shut on this topic because they know they will be an erased from DC and their political career.

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I am still undecided on what "gain of function" entails, precisely, but I think that story is a mixture of bioweapons programs and also malinformation campaigns, which are together part of the military strategy.

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GoF is primarily money laundering with a splash of social control.

No concrete evidence for GoF doing anything ever.

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I think it’s a bio weapon with graphene oxide and venom peptides. Definitely not the flu. It reacts to radiation hence the ‘5g’ towers all over. The same in the shots. And it can be spread from person to person.

The theory that nothing was going around other than the flu is crazy. Almost everyone has experienced it. I don’t doubt that a lot of the symptoms are your body trying to get rid of the toxins.

Zinc and NAC get graphene out.

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I agree, it was strange when I had whatever it was. I was around a newly vaxxed friend then had some strange symptoms. Mild cold, general sick feeling, and a jittery (like drinking too much espresso) type symptom. It felt like my heart was racing but when I checked it, the HR was normal. It lasted for a whole month.

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I'm still a bit mystified about your ongoing (lack of) relationship with JJ Couey and what is at the heart of any supposed schism between you.

Would this be an appropriate time to comment on his simple assertion that "mRNA viruses cannot pandemic" (be they GoF or otherwise)?

You tweeted in Oct'22 "Why did both the J.J. Couey and GigaOhm Biological Twitter accounts recently disappear? Because this. Couey has both studied within his own expertise and listened well to others he trusted. He has a cogent and coherent Big Picture understanding." - What changed?

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I’m 50 now, was fit and healthy, and had plenty of flus to know that you don’t go from fine to delirious with a crazy fever in an hour, and end up in bed for 3 weeks, which is exactly what happened to me in 2022. I still have shortness of breath and until I started on nattokinaise, had shocking brain fog and forgetfulness. The ‘no virus’, ‘no covid’ people are off their rockers.

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Have listened to Doc Malik's recent podcast with the author of "The Indoctrinated Brain" who suggests simple low-dose supplementation with Lithium may be a simple remedy for brain-fog. In case it helps.

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I’m reading that actually. But the nattokinaise (or combination with bromelain, curcumin etc) seems to have solved that for the most part. Thanks though.

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Gain of Function is the poorly selected term for creating ALL synthetic clones that enable ALL virology & vaccine development for RNA virus. Because RNA is fleeting w low replication fidelity they cannot culture and grow these from a human or a bat's ass.

They solve the problem by CRISPR gene jockeys creating DNA clones from consensus PCR sequences. The DNA clones grown in E.coli then purified to RNA in a purity and concentration NEVER possible in nature and that is used in cell culture or animals to simulate what might happen in Nature. As absurd as treating highly enriched uranium and raw earth mineral as the same substance with exposures.

The 2016 Gryphon Review contracted by NIH where 1,000+ pages detail this pre-pandemic planning and FLU shot development by guessing what their clones do in labs. Most fun is to search for "however" where review notes that synthetic clone models may NOT reflect results with "wild type virus" of interaction with human immune systems.

Asside from epic fraud of portraying Gain of Function as something other than the most essential tool to enable study of RNA the lie that the petrie dish concoctions have the ability to proliferate without abiding by the rules of RNA biology but somehow have magical fidelity to circle the globe is the biggest fable since Cat in the Hat pink snow.

Risk and Benefit Analysis of Gain of Function Research

This work was conducted under NIH Contract# HHSN263201500002C with Gryphon Scientific from March 20, 2015 to December 15, 2015. Revisions were made until April 2016.


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Thank you for your micro analysis. It is challenging to understand the complexity of the blueprint of life and understanding that the medicine man believes he can improve on God design. On the macro level it is clearly been shown the risk of creating a bio weapon that cannot be stopped. Rather than live in Harmony with the Earth, the medicine man continues to try to manipulate it for their own benefit. When you have the warrior wanting to create a bio weapons to destroy their enemy it is a toxic combination and has the potential to destroy all life on earth.

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Agree with everything but this.. "A macro level it is clearly been shown the risk of creating a bio weapon that cannot be stopped As possible."

If the bioweapon is the lab constructed clone the delivery is the FLU vaccines and mRNA transfections folks are still misnaming vaccines that bear no resemblance, Just as CRISPR gene jockeys can put wings on a pig they cannot make it fly. No matter how much purified viral clones they create in the labs these can NOT reproduce in the wild.. they do NOT gain fidelity and are perhaps dangerous with direct exposure but RNA can never pandemic. The real threat is an invisible enemy Gates Biotech Mafia can evoke without evidence & impose controls. The real danger is the spread of bad ideas.

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How do you mean RNA can never pandemic?

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Short version: RNA can't replicate consistently with high enough fidelity to travel the world through billions of lungs for years and be the same RNA in England as in Turkey, USA, Australia, India etc

Medium version (9mins):


Long version (c 16 mins - until he says "Holy cow!".)


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when you say: the same what precisely do you mean? THe accounts i have read show subtle changes across time and space and large changes episodically

much like other corona viruses

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Respectfully, Every year someone gets their “cold of a lifetime,”

I’ve had two, both lasting over two weeks: one in my teens and one in my 30’s.

If Covid was claimed to be around, I would no doubt think that was the cause.

And the Nocebo Effect would have likely exacerbated my symptoms.

Anyone susceptible to mainstream narratives, and happened to have a nasty cold during this time, will likely be a believer in a completely made-up *viral* disease.

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Did you read the article before replying?

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Having taken care of patients with a variety of viral illnesses for 35 years in large numbers I can assure you this is not true

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Having worked with seniors for 25+ years in NYC I can assure you it is true.

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Every individual will one day experience the “worst disease of my life”.

In any large enough pool of people (for example, the entire world for covid), many will be having similar experiences—like disease symptoms—at similar times.

This is not because a magic invisible particle has invaded their bodies, but because most people live similarly toxic and neglectful lifestyles and so they are in similarly poor health.

MSM and ‘public health’ agents supply an explanation for a few common symptoms, and that becomes a disease statistic by default.

Especially in the minds of those experiencing it—and that’s a lot of people, and you are one of them.

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Thomas Braun, I too succumbed but for much longer than your three weeks. My poisoning is the only reason I'm online searching for information as before I was always repelled by technology.

The enemy you mention are not nation states but the people and they aim to have less of the enemy.

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Sorry Matthew you or anyone who thinks Covid is a distinct illness hasn't done their homework. The loss of taste and smell as a clinical condition has been around for millennium. That people were conditioned to think that this was a unique symptom is a sign of the success of the social engineering program. The same is true of the "happy hypoxia" nonsense and the "ground glass opacity" canard.

If you want to debate this topic I can arrange a public debate for you.

Further the testing did drop dramatically- for example in the US here is the 2020 CDC Weekly Flu Surveillance Report Weeks 5-14:

Week Date Positives Tests Flu Positive %

5 2/1 15,875 53,247 29.8%

6 2/8 16,934 54,982 30.8%

7 2/15 14,657 49,510 29.6%

8 2/22 11,249 42,587 26.4%

9 2/29 10,829 44,491 24.3%

10 3/7 9,413 43,868 21.5%

11 3/14 6,927 45,167 15.3%

12 3/21 3,581 51,570 6.9%

13 3/28 633 30,656 2.1%

14 4/4 180 22,324 0.8%

Go here:


There was no pandemic and no unique viral pathogen that did anything. It was public health despotism that maimed and killed people in service to the largest racketeering operation in the US since WW2.

What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu and other respiratory illnesses were re-branded and repurposed- the term "Covid-19" was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” in order to terrorize the population with another false construct of the manufactured boogeyman.

The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round. Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces and the world around them is being completely transformed.

The facts on the ground show conclusively that vulnerable elderly, poor and disabled people were killed en masse in hospitals and nursing homes in Spring 2020 mainly via vents/propofol/fentanyl/midazolam applications. Neglect which resulted in starvation and dehydration also played a role in the slaughter as did mass cardiac arrest deaths which occurred at-home in urban centers as people stayed away from hospitals/ER's due to fear so early stage cardiac arrest symptoms were not treated and unilateral DNR's carried out by doctors and nurses.

They continued killing individuals were en masse in hospitals using the same treatments as above as well as remdesivir, barcinitib and other toxic cocktails. This was followed by the toxic mRNA injections. Into that mix we must add deadly impacts of lockdowns and economic devastation.

Any and all talk about a "virus" is superfluous- it was mass murder by policy from which large financial investors profited at a record setting pace- the largest upwards transfer of wealth in history. "Covid" was the cover story for that.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphed into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a racketeering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for the largest wealth transfer in history and complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

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"Other people have had anosmia, so this dramatic change in rate of anosmia means nothing."

You'll have to work at the quantitative level.

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Nothing but vagaries.


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I showed a quantitative dose respond to Covid. Your response does not interact with that observation. That's specific, not vague.

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Like I said if you want to debate this publicly let's arrange it.

Your entire piece is fraught with fundamental errors, conflations and no shortage of vague nonsense.

Nothing personal but you don't even get the basics correct.

I don't think you even understand that the establishment of "the flu" was a construct for vaccine racketeering like all other disease models. The CDC established its "flu" surveillance regime to establish the rationale for the coming onslaught of toxic injections.

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What's to debate? Flu "vanished" worldwide in March 2020 and was replaced with covid-19 that had lower mortality rate in under 70 than the flu.

How? When testing machines, like BioFire, were upgraded with a new chip to " search" for covid, all previously influenza positive patients became covid-19 with no onset of new or unique symptoms. We did 30k tests with 7 positive for influenzas in April.2020 and none after that. It must have been another miracle in virology after the gain of function of dead, inanimate and non-functional particles call viruses lol

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I couldn't have written it better myself.

Covid had no distinct symptoms from flu-like illnesses.

Here is something for you to look into if you so desire: what is the mechanism of smell? One mechanism we now of, which can be tested and has been experimentally confirmed is quantum vibrations.


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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

I had omicron as it was gaining momentum in Jan 22. It was qualitatively different than other colds. It is mild at first, manifesting as a scratchy throat, with a noticeable effect on the voice where people don't realize they are sick. To this day I can hear when someone sounds "Covid-ee." But for my infection, soon after that the "muscle pain" was significant. That was a feature of Omicron supposedly. That lasted about 18 hours. I had Ivermectin, Nigella Sativa, Pulmacort, and did nebulized hydrogen peroxide. Got over it fine. But I knew what I had was different than anything I had previously. I've been much worse with other viral infections.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 22Author

I had Omicron, too. I had the fever, then immediately took early treatment meds, and it abated with mild stuffiness from days 4-7, give or take. I did not have muscle pain with Omicron, though I got COVID last year, did not immediately take meds out of overconfidence, and felt like I got hit back a mack truck.

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Not buying it for a second. There is no vetted, pretested, standardized or accurate test for covid. It sure isn't PCR. If it is, what's the cycle setting standard?

Show me the virus. Surely the experts could have grabbed a few hundred masks and found the virus embedded in some of them, right?

How is it transmitted? How does it move around the world? If I was close to someone who tested positive, including a can of motor oil, why didn't I get sick? If I tested positive (I never had any covid tests) and felt perfectly fine, then explain that.

Perhaps the oddball symptoms came from something else. I don't believe this is the first time a loss of taste might have been present during this type of illness (flu or cold).

I need some real answers from the experts, not some data that can be easily manipulated to show anything.

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Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me that you didn't read the article.

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I’ve read the article, and it makes absolutely no sense if the underlying cause of cases and disease doesn’t exist.

Maybe rewrite the article that would make sense in reality, a reality that does not involve a fake test for a fake pathogen

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I had a horrible "cold" in 2012. I lost my sense of taste and smell as I usually did with colds involving upper respiratory congestion. However, this time, my sense of taste and smell took months to come back and have never been the same ever since. Hmmmm??? this symptom is not unique to covid 19.

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The symptom is not unique to COVID-19, but the rate of occurance seems to be. This is where we need to be making quantitative arguments that allow for hypothesis testing.

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"the rate of occurance seems to be."

Do you have solid data on that? Please link to source documents.

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Mine didn't fully return until I took a course of ivermectin 35 mg a day, 30 mg zinc a day, and as much vitamin C as I could tolerate (varied from a gram every half hour, to 3-4 grams total per day).

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PCR is an amplification process; not a "test".

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No answers here, Crixcyon, just trying to faithfully connect the dots. I agree 100% with you regarding PCR. And to my knowledge, I have never caught Covid. But even in this blasted heat wave, the Japanese Corporate nation-state. (where I live) is ramping up the propaganda again.

I was just wondering if you are implying there is nothing aside from the usual cold and flu viruses going around ... and if that line of reasoning necessarily precludes the existence of technology such as CRISPR, its weaponization, and the chance that a product could either escape from a P4 lab or be intentionally released?

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look into CORONA... "A Coordinate Routing system for Nanonetworks"... use google or go to ICS-FORTH

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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thank you, Matthew, for writing the truth as your experience proved to you, to me, and to thousands of others as well!

And in despite of all the frankly irrational members, imo, of the MFC screaming ridiculous things.

Of course viruses exist, lol! Herpes? Rabies? Chicken-pox? Influenza, yes, I'd say it exists also, despite the repeated failures I've read of when trying to intentionally infect others artificially.

Yes, there is a lot we don't understand & in my opinion, susceptibility for each "virus" that makes us ill depends on genetics, vitamin defiencies, body burden of toxins & electromagnetic frequencies & levels of sunlight, as well.

The picture is complex, with some being virtually harmless & not even perceived by the very healthy while others are virulent enough to infect nearly anyone exposed.

Hence the cute little term, "Gain-Of-Function" in the libraries of the Bio-weaponaires, media, their lap cat, & Government, their enforcement arm, & Academia, their hostage.

As well as for their victims, who if they dig, start to figure this nasty nest of serpents out!

People tend to always grab one idea and run with it, sadly. Even very, very good people at times who normally can access all of their reason & critical thinking skills, but whom at this time & under the terrible oppression & out and out deceit of the Covid Coup, my term, are not perhaps looking at all the evidence before them, or listening to folks like me who caught Sars-cov-2, (likely Delta,) & were quite sick & had difficulties afterwards for a

long time.

Yes it exists. Yes, it's a Bio-weapon, virtually guaranteed

Yes, HCQ, Zinc & Zithromax work Great, early! Yes, Ivermectin has helped people. Yes the vax is super dangerous & not a vaccine at all, in normal definitions, & yes, what we experienced was not a pandemic of something lethal to the vast majority & yes, natural immunity works better than their injections, by far, and yes, the bug is dangerous for some. And yes, watching your cancer risks, cardiovascular health & other health issues post injection is very important, as is watching inflammation, blood-pressure, CD4 & CD8 post Sars-cov-2, live infection.

We have an awful lot to wade through, and we are not done yet. Thank you for all your excellent work & huge efforts to sort fact from fiction, Mr Crawford. It's dark, the corners we are poking into, those of us who want only the truth, while keeping an open mind & analyzing the facts as we can discover them. I respect Dr. McCullough, Charles Rixey, USMC retired, Kevin McCairn, PhD, despite his saltiness,) Kevin McKernan, PhD, Ethical Sceptic, Jessica Rose, and many others trying to move forward. Even Denis Rancourt, despite his "nothing happened until the Covid Measures," because of his excellent work on deaths post injections.

We need to figure out what we agree on & what we disagree on, that might help, lol!

Lots of work still to do!

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Hi Katherine, as a member of the open-minded and truth-seeking RTE community, I invite you to consider the "no virus" position. Just look at what the supporters are saying, look at the research and then decide from an informed place. This position doesn't claim that there are not diseases or that there are not new & unique sets of symptoms that pop up in populations. (Think Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped.) I resisted the germ theory conspiracy mightily but after almost a year of reading and listening, my understanding of dis-ease has completely changed. It's wonderful! In this case, the truth is much better than the lies. I posted a list of resources to get people started elsewhere on this thread and am happy to send it to you again, if you're interested. :)

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Please do not encourage vague statements on behalf of the "RTE community." I find this offensive.

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Mathew, I'm not sure what you mean by "encourage vague statements" but I did not mean to offend you. I'm a little sad that you're writing to me impersonally like this, rather than directly, given our friendship. But I can understand that you may feel under attack and a little defensive. As you know, I am very energized by what I have learned regarding the basis of virology and the lack of evidence to support it. And I have a tremendous amount of respect for your research skills and your ability to connect information into a coherent picture. So a part of me really wants you to dig into this issue because I will be so interested to hear your take on it! That's all.

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I don't have time to sleep, much less wrote and answer the more than thousand emails I get. Having to deal with the promotion of one more information war every time I open comments is aggravating in the extreme. Given that I e made that clear so many times, it seems anything but friendly.

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Dori Ben-DavidI. I myself haven't looked into the "no virus" position in any depth but I understand the general proposition and am open minded to the idea. I think many people at least would be surprised that virus theory (hypothesis) remains rather speculative yet a huge industry, and an expanding bio-technological- industrial monster, is built atop its acceptance despite a lack of evidence. The "no-virus" people I have come across seem sincere in what they believe and I understand that they've researched the seminal science papers that are purported to prove/show that viruses exist and found them to be lacking I beliebe they are open to the possibility that they are wrong. The fact that they are ridiculed and of course heavily censored rather than proven wrong has left me me suspicious of virology. It wouldn't be the first time that "science" has been wroong. I'm not especially triggered by the idea of deadly viruses but given the negative consequences of chronic states of fear and stress I think removing the concept from my thinking can only be positive for my wellbeing.

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My anecdotal evidence: I think I was sick around the same time as you were. I never tested because I don’t think testing has high credibility. Having said that, I was down with fever and body aches for a full week before I decided to take IVM. I didn’t take any other meds. I felt better within the day. Maybe the illness ran its course. But also maybe IVM flushed it out. To this day I don’t think I’ve had covid. Last year was my only illness in years. Even when my household came down with “test positive covid”, I didn’t get sick despite spending four hours in an enclosed car driving back home from Xmas festivities. So much for highly contagious.

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There is something very weird about the story on the whole. I talked to an ambulance driver yesterday who said that people in his network who were quarantined seem to get Covid at the same rate as everyone else. That is both weird and a big clue.

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Ivermectin takes 2 days for me, and then only if I also take zinc and vitamin C.

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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

I have believed in, and followed, the HCQ+ protocol. I had the original Wuhan Covid I believe (December 2020). After paying attention to my symptoms, anosmia for about 6-8 weeks, I liken it more to a cold than the flu.

It is claimed to be a coronavirus, which would place it under the “cold” category rather than the “flu” category anyway.

In reading many articles, posts, (supposed) leaked information, etc., I dug into mechanisms of the infection and of medications and supplements . I spent hours upon hours putting everything together, and began promoting the quinine+ theory, similar to Dr Zelenko’s.

There are many mechanisms affected by Covid, and all of them need to be addressed

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The lab director came to my office in the fall of 2019 to offer me test kits for "the new flu tests" they were going to be using.

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You make a once sentence statement that can only be taken on faith, and that seems to skip past the whole of the article.

Can you point me to documentation, and a complete case [that you seem to be only hinting at]?

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I diagnose flu based on symptoms, and did not accept the "new" tests. There is no documentation, just my suspicion that there was something very different about those "new" tests that might possibly lead to fewer flu diagnoses.

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Thank you. I see the direction you're poking at now. I think it is possible that test changes steered flu metrics, but I don't want to make the assumption without a summary investigation.

I also suspect that *some* COVID cases may really have been flu plus positive PCR for SARS-CoV-2, but that certainly would not explain *all* cases given the divergence in symptom profile.

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This hypothesis should be easy to test

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Another difference: amantadine knocks down influenza (except during a time when Asians deployed kilotons of it, which induced temporary resistance), but has no effect on covid.

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There is non one-to-one relationship anyway between flu test results and ILIs. It’s all modeled. There are multiple pathogens (known and unknown associated) with ILIs.

For “SARS-Cov-2” to have “outcompeted” the cause of “flu” it must have outcompeted myriad other purported pathogens as well.


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I certainly believe that some illnesses were passed off as COVID. But I suspect there is something else that hurt people being stirred into a slurry bucket of "COVID illness."

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I strongly suspect you and others drastically underestimate the biological effects of the negative propaganda, not to mention the sustained physical effects of restrictions.

Rancourt in his latest article calls it “biological stress”, which is as good a term as any.

See the 2 examples of nocebo effect in footnote 2 of my article above, and ask whether in fact it would have been more surprising if such a sustained psychological (and physical) attack on the population as we saw had NOT manifested in real perceived illness.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

None of that would explain why anosmia shot up in the Navy in late 2019 (and by early 2020 in some areas).

What we need to do is bypass rhetorical sparring, and find a way to lay out complete data on emergence of symptoms, and also see if we can find evidence of chemicals or other variables that would explain those symptoms.

Also, I'm more irritated than ever that we are past the point at which we can query month-by-month data for the appropriate ranges in the DMED. Those responsible for turning that investigation into a landslide of work and stress on me gave up uniquely valuable opportunities to ask questions and explore data. Somebody in the military could make monthly data happen, but it would require using the correct data to convince the hierarchy that this is real, and it's important to check it out.

Then again, if the navy is involved (and I learn toward that hypothesis), then we will probably be shut down.

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deletedJul 24
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I don't know, but it would be an interesting analysis.

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Mathew and fellow Rounding the Earth readers:

I encourage you all to explore the "no virus" position. It does not claim that no one got sick or that there was not a new collection of symptoms arising in people during the CV days. After a bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, there was a surge in dis-ease and there were distinct symptoms, but no virus. In a sorority house, you may find the proliferation of menstrual symptoms during the same time of the month, but there is no contagious virus. These doctors, scientists and other motivated individuals have rigorously used the scientific method to show that no "virus" has ever been proven to cause disease. This fact does not mean that HCQ and IVM are not effective at reducing symptoms. My family used IVM when we were symptomatic in 2021 and it was very effective. Be open-minded and consider the Germ Theory fraud before dismissing it as "over simplistic." It took me almost a year of listening and reading to overcome my cognitive dissonance but the clarity I gained around what actually causes states of dis-ease in the brilliant human body is beautiful and tremendously self-empowering.

Partial Resource List:


The Viral Delusion, Mike Wallach, https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/

Terrain, Marcelina Cravat & Dr. Andrew Kaufman, on Amazon

A Farewell to Virology, Steve Falconer & Dr. Sam Bailey, on bitchute

Podcasts (search for episodes with search words “virus,” “germ theory”):

Wise Traditions

Terrain Theory

The Way Forward

Germ Warfare

Most outspoken doctors and scientists who’ve given many interviews:

Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Dr. Mark Bailey

Dr. Sam Bailey

Dr. Amandha Vollmer

Books and essays:

Farewell to Virology (essay), Dr. Mark Bailey,


The Final Pandemic, Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey

Can You Catch a Cold?, Daniel Roytas

An End to Upside Down Medicine, Mark Gober

Good-Bye Germ Theory: Ending a Century of Medical Fraud, Dr. William Trebing

The Contagion Myth (or The Truth About Contagion), Dr. Tom Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell


Dr. Sam Bailey – dozens of videos and articles on every germ theory related topic, https://drsambailey.com/resources/

ViroLIEgy – compilation of many germ theory resources


What Really Makes You Ill


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Excellent list of resources. The Viral Delusion series was the best $11.99 I ever spent - fascinating stuff. And I agree, to dismiss the 'no virus' position as simplistic is simplistic in itself, ignoring the many thousands of hours and research that its proponents have put into detailed scientific study and analysis of the claims of virology over the past four years or so. Another resource to add to your list is Jamie Andrews Substack: https://substack.com/@controlstudies

Jamie is heading up the international team that is analysing and performing control studies based on the process used by virologists to 'prove' the existence of viruses. Now, you and I might know how bogus this isolation process is, but Jamie sees the project as arming us with the evidence that we need to fight the medical tyranny if they ever try 2020 again. The studies and report will be available, on completion, as Open Source.

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Good article! They dispersed some toxins/chemicals to "seed" the pandemic, i.e. make realistic scary symptoms, not deadly to most people. I had it in 2022. It was definitely not flu. I don't know what was used but, they have plenty "legal" things in storage by which to induce stuff like this.

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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

There was something weird for sure. As for hydroxychloroquine , before COVID, you could buy it over the counter in France, but that was banned during COVID. So that suggests to me that it worked.

Personally, I like to keep an open mind as I’m not an expert in any of the fields.

I’d love to listen to you have a chat with Sasha Latapova and also David A Hughes. Maybe time for another episode 🤔

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Who is David Hughes?

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In Washington, DC, it is obvious that ruling elites are working to install global totalitarian state. It is not obvious in France?

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Yes it is, they were severe with vaccine passport, 180€ fine for non mask wearing . I left France a few weeks ago, the digital Euro and ID’s are being implemented next year and I thought no , I’m off

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I was with a couple of "normie" friends today who said Macron is "moderate". Decided not to go there.

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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

How about, "It's just another government engineered virus that is damaging never cells"?

My perception is the cornucopia of gov't engineered viruses is most likely very large, from covid, to lyme, to babeosia, to hiv, to ebola, to hpv, to .... well you get the idea.

The damage to olfactory nerves seems similar to the damage experienced with tinnitus, neuropathy in the hands and feet, facial muscle control nerves, autism, on and on.

I get your point, but people tend to make light of what we don't fully understand. If it helps people deal with the fact their governments are intentionally making them sick, let'm cope, until the truth is exposed.

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While the "It's just the flu" mantra always bugged me, I let it go as a low priority *until* the point that it was used as a false logical leap to smear anyone studying early treatment medicines as "part of the operation" with no further evidence required. When it turns malicious like that, we need to unwind the initial fallacy.

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Jul 21Liked by Mathew Crawford

I fully understand your point.

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