I caught the beginning of this live and can’t wait to finish it!!

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Loved listening to this. Found Jonathan through Walters substack comment section. Very good thoughts and insights from all of you on the livestream!

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I wrote about the DNA Harvesting just s week ago here.


I also played with my band in wuhan in 2006 as a festival to celebrate 10 years of "Capitalism" in wuhan... in front of the Major and politburoe... actually my best friend and bassplayer is from wuhan that is how we got the gig.

I contacted him straight after Covid outbreak and he told me the place was a desert.

There was at the moment a rumor that the Covid was designed actually for Hong Kong to cause a mass pandemic there so that the CCP would have to be called into HK and to take it over.

As it happened HK has been taken over by the CCP.

And I believe these are all related.

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Well, SARS-CoV-2 is an in silico (virtual) non biological entity (i.e. non- existent) so discussing about its origins is as useful as discussing about old folk lore....

Drosten et al. told us so here https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045 (last paragraph of the introduction) but noone bothered to read it or understand it, so...

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Lots I could say, but the most important thing is this: the spike protein is the problem, and it doesn't require a virus to be the problem. Whether or not viruses exist is secondary, in my opinion, as we're all in agreement that a synthetic gene sequence coding for a cytotoxic protein is being mass distributed.

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Agree and disagree.

The spike protein maybe a problem but...

How do you know that the so-called mRNA/ vector vaccines encode for a spike protein?

Where is your certainty coming from?

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Because the spike protein is being found throughout the bodies of dead patients. It may be coming from somewhere else, or it may be something other than the spike. The point is that we know people are being hurt, and we need to stop doing the things that are causing people to be hurt.

If you have solutions to propose that the pro-virus believers might have missed because of bias, I encourage you to share them.

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I believe Dr. Robert Malone has said in the past that the vaccinations actually replicate the creation of spike proteins, which then go on to further inflame the body (since the body hasn't "reacted" to this foreign invader through typical antibody response pathways).

There's a whole other part where Mike Adams, in his Health Ranger Reports mentions that he took some of the clotting material that had been extracted from a cadaver and subjected it to a series of tests, beginning with a nitric acid bath in order to see if this reacted like a typical "blood clot". Short answer: NO. It had a strong exothermic reaction, and was subsequently analyzed after subjecting it to a plasma torch and found it was made up of electrically conductive minerals found in the body. So in some way, it appears to be self-assembling with electrically conductive materials and building up a blockage, leading to a stoppage of blood flow.

I know that's a lot of sequential items beyond what you were asking...

Don't know if this electrically conductive materials becomes an antenna in some way, or can be remotely heated up within an electrical field (directed or perhaps via a proximity to one).

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Here's some video about the last part of my response: https://www.brighteon.com/4ad00d0e-6fbe-4b5f-b786-14b463468536

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Could you please point me to the evidence that spike protein exists in the bodies of dead patients?

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That paragraph in no way says that SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist. That's a nonsensical reading designed to titilate the "viruses don't exist" crowd. That was January 2020.

There is a lot wrong in that report, that claim distracts from the certain problems.

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"In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology."

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"so far not become available" in January 2020.

The authors' statement has nothing at all to do with August, 2022.

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"in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens"

A metaverse virus in plain words

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So, you're dismissing all publications about viral isolation since. Because it hadn't happened, yet.

So, you've never been to the bathroom because at some point, just after your birth, you'd never been to the bathroom? Dude, that's rough.

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Yes, because everything (inclusive of diagnosis and declaration of a pandemic) is dependent on their original premise.

Because, if they decided to manufacture a virtual virus out of thin air, everything that depends on that premise is by logic virtual.

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Not my statement.

This is the authors' statement.

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Drosten is a Fraud.

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SARS-CoV-2 is a bigger one though...

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Great discussion by a great group. I, too, am of the opinion that the "natural origin vs. lab leak" is one big distraction. Don't overthink it!

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In case you missed it, around December 19, 2021, Carlos Tajada died of a heart attack 1 day after his booster. Carlos was a business journalist for the NYT and Wall Street Journal. Self taught in Mandarin, Tajada write powerful informative articles that exposed C and their treatment of minorities. His death and the sircumstances seem to have been swept under the rug but I'm not going to forget anytime soon.


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Excellent! I’ve been following this pandemic as thoroughly as I could since June 2020. Started with Reiner Mullnich’s “zooms” - much in other languages- but much in English. Wolfgang Woodard was nightly/weekly part of that. It was all very very interesting and shockingly frightening even for all of them as they would research and report back to each other & to whoever was listening/ watching.

I subscribe to RTE and look forward to your talks. You make most of this biological nightmare discussion easy enough for me, a controller of a small company, to understand.

In the beginning, as someone in her early 60’s, I knew something wasn’t right and have had the unending and burning need to figure it out with help from people like yourselves, like many others, I suppose - so subscribe to you and other substack writers.

Thank all of you so much for what you are doing.

PS - you’ve heard the expression “over the target”. I wonder if you are still on you tube because the target is not quite close enough...??? Just a fleeting thought I just had. Reminds me tho, of the healthy millions who were over and over tested, waiting in the cold, you discussed . It was all so crazy and directly backwards from anything this country or the world for that matter, had ever done. And I also remember being taught that common colds came from corona viruses. I have an old 2 to 3 inch college virology textbook - my father’s college textbook. I should look it up in there for kicks. I should probably read the entire book before “they” re-write everything we always knew about virology. 🙃

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All the way back in 2004, Chinese researchers from Rockefeller University obtained NIH funding to perform gain of function research on SARS-CoV. The funny thing is that several primate studies were performed on this grant in, you guessed it, Wuhan. NIH also funded some kind of SARS research on primates at a PRIVATE US research institution around the same time. More details here:


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Great discussion (thank you)

You breezed over something about the sequence obtained from China going to both Pfizer and Moderna. Did you document this in another post somewhere? If not could you go into it a bit more? Specifically, I'm trying to determine how the following items fit into that discussion. I'm unable to find how Moderna used the Chinese data, unless Inovio somehow worked with them.

Kate Broderick of Inovio Pharmaceuticals stated she got the sequence from China and then was able to create the vaccine.


The founders of BioNTech, Dr. Ugur Sahin and Dr. Özlem Türeci, talk about how they were able to designed the vaccine in just a few hours by using the sequence data published by China.


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