I’ll be grateful for whatever content you produce on whatever timeline is required to dig as deeply as you do.

I’d settle for a lot less content if in exchange you’d make a good faith effort to get proper sleep.

Please be kind to yourself.

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I have made a good effort to get sleep. I've ignored a lot more emails, for sure.

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Blue light 99% blocking glasses for screen time 2 hours before bed?

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Please take care of yourself Mathew, and thank you for. your great content.

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Last winter I caught 3 separate cold/ flu illnesses probably from my granddaughter. The main illness would be gone in a few days but I would get sinusitis each time that lasted for weeks. It was so frustrating. I read about Xlear nasal spray and decided to try it for the sinusitis. It worked! Now I also use it occasionally as a preventative if I've been in crowded indoor places. So far haven't been sick since.

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I have some nasal sprays, and I use them some, but I haven't been able to shake this yet.

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Xlear is the best...do it Mathew...twice a day....it will help kill stuff in your nasal passages...I can't recall why, but the sugar in the spray inhibits growth...so this is why this spray is best versus other sinus sprays....

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5 carbon glucose instead of 6 like all other sugars. Doesn't kill the stuff in your nasal cavities but it protects the nasal biome preventing the virus from attaching. Apparently they got the idea from the xylitol mouthwashes & gums that dentists were using.

The only thing in Xlear that would be anti-viral would be the grapefruit seed extract.

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thanks, I could not recall what I read...other than it made sense to me and a few of my patients told me about it...having tried everything else

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Any other useful substances to have in a nasal rinse? Hydrogen peroxide?

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Dr Levy advocates that approach (orthomolecular.org) and there is some anecdotal evidence but not much else. I've used the 0.1% H2O2 + saline mix as a nasal rinse but just like the 1% povidone-iodine it should be used when sick as it is a bit harsh on the nasal biome.

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A good, desktop nebulizer should be used with the hydrogen peroxide mixture; I believe that is also what Dr. Levy described (or meant).

Baking soda would be good for a rinse; again, well diluted in water since the treatment is fairly harsh (yes, that word again).

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Yes! Xylitol is an antiviral. I’ve used and recommended since this nonsense started! X Clear works.

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CofixRx is another good nasal spray that you can purchase online.

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Matthew, what supplements are you taking? I’ve been on a great supplement protocol since all this started in 2020 and had my family on it as well. I also keep Ivermectin in case someone is exposed to a more serious virus or needs a boost. It really worked well for my son who is around people constantly. I’ll be happy to share them!

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Same Joni. I was following Dr. Davis' "Undocotored" book prior to the plandemic and added other supplements as well. Wife and I use Ivermectin when traveling or when we are around a lot of people. Have bareley been sick in the last 3 years.

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Oreganol p73 ?

There are also capsule.




Sounds like your immune system is kicking into overdrive too often and needs a reset.

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Mathew, Walter Chesnut has written extensively about natural substances that can prevent spike protein damage. You can get a D-Dimer blood test to see if you have been affected. Check out his substack - specifically his "Friday Hope" series. Grape Seed extract has been shown, clinically, to be a real game changer. There is a UV treatment for those individuals who have been damaged severely by the spike that is amazing. Peace.

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I've been using the home brew version of Xlear as it is easy to make and much less expensive hence I use it more often. Some doctors are now of the opinion that you should irrigate the nasal cavities like you brush your teeth (a couple of times a day). The idea is that a virus will take about 24 hours to adhere and then they start replicating so thin out the herds.

Anyway here is the "similar to Xlear Nasal Spray" recipe:

1 cup of water (8 ounces) (Filtered Water)

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of xylitol crystals

1/2 tsp baking soda

4 drops of grapefruit seed extract (optional for infection)

I like it opposed to full saline nasal purge as this is much easier and pleasant to do.

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You should use distilled water. When I read filtered water that could mean Brita water. There could still be bad things in filtered water that you do not want to put into your sinuses. I had a disagreement with someone that uses a Neti Pot. That guy thinks you can use any bottled water, like Poland Spring. You should not. Only use distilled. My Neti Pot directions say that as well.

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Bottled water is a joke on so many levels. I always use distilled water.

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Thanks! I use grapefruit seed extract in a recipe for cleaning vegetables and fruits so now I will make the nasal spray for seasonal allergies!

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It's also excellent for clearing up athlete's foot!

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Is this applied as a spray?

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XClear is a nasal spray. Use at least once a day. Viruses start in the nasal cavities. I’m retired from Pharmacy. Any nasal irrigation is helpful.

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I was just wondering about the home formula application. The Xlear sounds great.

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TRM, I do similar. When Xlear was out of stock I did a mix with table salt, xylitol, colloidal silver, and a drop or two (0.5 to 1.0 mg) methylene blue. (I assembled from what I had on hand)

Works great but was briefly alarmed when blowing my nose- it was a little blue 😷

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What is the thinking behind adding methylene blue?

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I added it based on three avenues:

• as an anti fungal

• for its known antiviral properties against SARS. I figured a little via the nasal route certainly could help in that area.


• for its known benefit in fighting persistent sinus infections.

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Thank you. I knew it benefitted interstitial cystitis.

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Xlear is Great !

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I second X-Lear! Twice daily.

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Xlear is the best...do it Mathew...twice a day....it will help kill stuff in your nasal passages...I can't recall why, but the sugar in the spray inhibits growth...so this is why this spray is best versus other sinus sprays....

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I’ve had my family using Xlear Nasal Spray for years for fighting colds and viruses. It came out in the last year that the Xylitol in it kills the “covid” virus. So there you have it!!! This is something to never give up in the arsenal of fighting these bugs!

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Your openness is appreciated. There isn't one model for what a Substack is or who a researcher is. Health and finding the time to recuperate and recover is important. Hard thinking takes a toll on the body that people don't often recognize until it's too late —academic burn out.

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My wife, who has degrees in finance, economics, and biochemistry (PhD) says I'm the hardest worker she's ever met. But I've "crashed" four times in my adult life (three that she has seen) when years of exhaustion catch up. My "hobby" is asking, "What is the hardest problem in the world to solve?" and then working on it.

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Sounds like adrenal fatigue. I started using Dr. Wilson’s supplements/protocol 1-2 years ago and they reversed my (19) years of adrenal exhaustion and gave me my life back (and adding 5000iu of vit D daily means I don’t get sick much with respiratory crud anymore).

Because of personal experiences, that word “crash” almost triggers me, lol.

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I've sometimes called it adrenalin fatigue. When you've experienced, you get the relationship intuitively, whether or not there is anything else going on.

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Yeah i was cured of the same problem by Dr. Wilson's protocol and supplements. I added licorice root tea, regular gentle exercise, cut out sugar and stopped wanking so often. The last one wasn't described in his book but really should be underlined.

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JC, can you share the protocol...I am most interested.... thanks in advance..... :)

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Hi, Dr Wilson has a website. I borrowed his book from the library which outlines the vitamin doses in the protocol. You can buy his entire package or, do what I did: sourced the individual vitamins cheaply and just bought his adrenal rebuilder capsules. I’m to the point where I don’t need it every day anymore.

Cheaper than Starbucks and/or fast-food several times a week and worth the revitalization of my health.

I also supplement tiny amounts of Lugol iodine, but started that after I felt better on the adrenal rebuilder.

I have tried supplements/foods and such for years, including a customized plan based on a hair analysis. NOTHING has helped me like this - and within the first bottle timeframe taking the lowest suggested dose.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to lay it all out....I appreciate this.... yes, I don't give my money to fast food or Starbucks.... good to know he has a book that is available.... how long have you been on the adrenal caps?

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Sometime in mid-2022. After I was on them and felt such relief, I vowed I would be on them for life like a prescription. I can’t believe it’s only been a little over a year and I can skip doses and feel good. Maybe I won’t be on them for life. :) And full-disclosure, I don’t eat super healthy- though I do 4-5 home-cooked meals/wk and primarily venison for meat.

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I just searched "Dr Wilson adrenal fatigue" and it came right up. It's $$$.

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I try to shop the sales/coupons on adrenal rebuilder, source my own vitamins for the rest of the protocol, and think of how much cheaper it is than buying coffee several times a week…😂

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Mathew, Please also consider mitochondrial Cellular Danger Response and getting stuck there after intense stress and insult.



I suspect this may be a source of long Covid and may persist due to mRNA being ordered to produce spike. But I’m not a doctor nor have I played one on tv

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Mathew - if you like music and can use some to let go - esp cause you live in Texas, highly recommend this tune from Robert E Keen called Then Came Lo Mein, about crashing...and the lady with him during that who stood by him. Timmins sings w him in beautiful tune. Highly recommended - your comment on crashing made me think of it.

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A lovely tune, thanks for mentioning it.

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1) Tell the truth, or at least don't lie. - Jordan Peterson

2) China is in deep doodoo when it comes to there soon to be massively declining population.

3) I hope your health continues to improve.

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1) When somebody has already called attention to an event, I don't think "not lying by remaining silence" can be interpretted as anything but deception.

2) The whole world will suffer because those with the most power chose to beat China down, build it up again, and then drop it on its head.

3) Thank you.

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I think China will suffer more due to the consequences of its own actions. It missed the boat on embracing economic and civic freedom. They need to give up on the social credit score and putting people in prison for their religious beliefs.

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My perspective on who controls nations has evolved over the past few years. I don't like to talk about nations as forming their own policies because I no longer believe that's the way the world works. I always knew there was plenty of outside influence---particularly from the world's corporate and banking communities. But China may very well be a point of struggle for power among the European banking centers, the U.S. (which may be trying to establish its own hegemony?), and China's people (and/or their own oligarchs).

I think that China has been a laboratory for authoritarian measures that would be later imposed on the West. Was that "China's doing"? That would imply an imaginative inversion of power that I simply do not believe ever took place.

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If you really want to know, George HW Bush was the leader of Project Omega, which was a worldwide takeover by, let's say, certain interests. Bush did some occult thing to Deng Xiaoping, and the Bilderberg Group took over China. Bush also did some occult thing to Abe of Japan, and the Bilderberg Group took over Japan (https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-religious-cult-secretly-running-japan).

The something the CIA did to leaders (including Trudeau's wife and sons) is related to MK-Ultra mind control, but more technologically advanced. This was repeated in every country except Cuba. They even mind-controlled Gorbachev and Putin, but Putin either broke free or was rescued by the U.S. military.

"The Omega Project to bring in the Fourth Reich and the New World Order"

Prescott Bush, George HW Bush, Reinhard Gehlen, Josef Mengele, Walter Kruger and Nikola Tesla


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What surprised me as I’ve read about Chinese history was the Boxers’ rebellion against Western influences to the point of killing westerners. Yet, during the Cultural Revolution the people in power completely destroyed their own culture to implement a “Western” ideology - Marxism/Communism.

I also hadn’t realized how much influence Russia had on the leaders of China during that time and how it much went against ancient Chinese culture.

Unfortunately their country was in such upheaval for decades, the common people were convinced communism would make their lives better.

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"Western" alright: American, Polish, Austrian, English. But with a twist: https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/179731/

As for Russia (USSR), Stalin was (considered) a devoted friend; Mao´s son served in the Red Army, so the two countries were truly brothers in arms.

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Ohhh Matthew, so sorry to hear about your health issues. 😢 Sounds like you have virus spike injuries. Hopefully, you're taking Ivermectin, NAC, bromelain, curcumin, zinc with copper- acts as an ionophore for the ivermectin. Dr Peter McCullough 's protocol. Dr Pierre Kory also treats virus spike sequelae. Look him up on his website. He takes new patients. I've referred a number of spike virus injured people to him. Probiotics are crucial as well. See Dr Sabine Hazen. Thank you for being a truth warrior. Please take care of your health first and foremost, above doing research and writing.

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I take some of these supplements, and have used IVM and HCQ at times.

I do believe that the gut biome is important, and I've made a step here and a step there to improve diet, but I have a couple of bad habits to fix, still.

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There are direct correlation to gut biome health and mucosal tissues lung health. Go to Dr Hazen's twitter and find her website for her company. She does gut research. Spike is known to destroy the flora of the gut. Anyways, there's a specific probiotic she recommended, and types of fermented foods to eat- kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut,etc. Have a chat with Dr Pierre Kory. Praying for improved health.

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I wish I could send you and Mathew some of my wife's kimchi. Totally awesome and spiced up great. Thousand times better than any commercial kimchi I've ever tasted. My family go through a pint a week for each of us!

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Recipe, please..... :)

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My kimchi was made from all garden vegetables: cabbage, onion, garlic, ginger, habanero chile, whey, and salt. The bulk of it is cabbage. Put the vegetables through the food processor (slicing attachment except the ginger and garlic, which work best with the grating attachment), dump them into a large bowl and beat the crap out of it with a wooden mallet. There will be lots of liquid. Add a generous amount of salt (I like Redmond Real Salt), about 1/2 tablespoon per quart. Add whey, about 2 tbs. per quart (if you can get raw milk, just leave a bottle out for a day or two, till it separates). Stir everything in the bowl and pack it into wide-mouth quart jars, leaving a generous 2 inches of top space (it will GROW during fermentation), and leaving the ring loose, to allow the escape of CO2 (don't tell Greta). Leave out three or four days, tighten the ring, then refrigerate. I used to make about two dozen quarts to last the year. I don't make it any more because I've ditched vegetables from my diet (and glad I did).

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me too... I am a recent carnivore. taking cold plunges daily and every cold infection that seems to start up has gone immediately. I am a bit addicted to the cold plunges.

before carnivore I was keto on and off, but then very lapsed! i started off with a 10 day fast, which i'll do yearly. ( I was used to 3 day fasts, I wouldn't recommend 16 weeks on the trot though, at least for me). Had coffee with mct but I went off it and haven't had any since, and fizzy water with acv, lemon, pink salt for electrolytes, also some mineral drops sometimes). apparently you renew 33% of the immune system with fasting of 5 days plus.

Carnivore is a 90 day experiment for me, an elimination diet. I ll have no hesitation adding things back in 1 by 1... if I ever want them.

Thanks for the Kimchi recipe!

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Thank you sooo much..... however, now I am wondering why you ditched veggies.....

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The problem is it's all in her head. She just goes to it. I've offered to scribe it for her if she will tell me what she's doing but she's busy doing it LOL.

I'll try again. She's making another batch this week.

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Yes, I have an Italian mother who is the same..... even if it's just approximate, it will be better than the store bought.... maybe ask her when she is not busy making it.....also, you need to get it before she is gone, one day.....preserve the legacy....... I can't wait..... :)

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Ohhh yes,a good kitchen recipe is gold, and would help Mathew and so many others. We'll give your wife the credit too !! 😊

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Dr. Hazan showed that the bifo bacteria in our guts are critical to staying healthy. She tested people before and after the shots - the shot wipes out the bifo - 100%. Sasha Latypova met with her and disclosed that Siggi's drinkable plain yogurt is the best available to restore bifo. Peace.

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Consider also looking into Microvascular Research Foundation/MedHelp Clinics/Dr Jordan Vaughn MD work with microclots. Dr Jaco Laubscher's work.

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FLCCC protocol might help.

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I wish you good health/wellness Mathew. x

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Feel better Matthew. Sending good vibes your way. Take your time. Grateful for your work and tenacity.

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Thank you for the update, Mathew, and please prioritize your health as your unique, brilliant contributions depend on it.

I have always valued quality over quantity, and thankfully, my readers do, too, as some of my research-intensive pieces can take two, three, or four weeks or even longer (one I’m hoping to finish soon I started about a year and a half ago and have probably collected 1,500+ links for, only a fraction of which will make it into the final article).

In the interview David Josef Volodzko is conducting with me (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-margaret-anna), he notes:

“This is precisely why scientists should be as accurate as possible at all times, especially if their field is a highly politicized one.”

I agree with this sentiment completely as we are no better than the narrative-pushers if we sacrifice truth for a convenient story that supports our aims. The truth will always out, so if we don’t update our knowledge and positions to reflect reality, it will only hurt our cause in the long run.

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Wishing you continued healing & recovery. Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of Spiritual Truth & Healing - prayer works. Sending blessings & gratitude for the work you do ...

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Grateful for anything you can manage. Thank you.

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Matthew please get better soon and I am always looking for more of your articles. I totally understand how circumstances may make it longer between the articles. I have also not been in perfect health mostly due to the broken foot and the inability to walk long distances. Always looking forward to any news from you

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One man can’t save the world! But you can save yourself first, and then you’ll be much better use to the rest of us, so may I suggest you prioritise sleep. Sleep deprivation will trash your immune system and is ultimately fatal such that sleep deprivation experiments are banned. There’s no point lifting weights, eating well, meditating etc if you don’t prioritise sleep. No ‘buts’ ……. !

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Thank you for the link. What an insightful writer miri AF is. She also puts into practice what she talks about and I would recommend her to everyone here.

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Hey Bill Gates,

When, Anyone, In This Case You,

And A Cadre Of Morons

Attempts To Kill Off

Other Humans (In The Millions)

Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is

You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.

I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


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Hi, my experience is that tinnitus comes from any sort of energy deficiency. It could also be tied to more serious kidney function but that is also related to energy deficiency.

My experience with multiple bouts of health problems is that without sufficient sleep at the proper time (9pm to 2am golden hours) recovery is slow and sporadic. Diligently going to bed at 9-10 pm is what does it for me but often it is hard to sleep through and i simply have to persist until i regain enough energy to heal.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Sleep has been a tough game. I have probably averaged nearly 10 hours per night for maybe 8 months now. Sometimes, for a few weeks, it's all perfect, and I regain energy (and the tinnitus minimizes to almost unnoticable). Each time I get sick, my sleep schedule gets disrupted and everything goes haywire again.

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Some good signs IMO, that the Tinnitus goes away with rest. Similar to what you describe, I have also had some problems (particularly during COVID years) where sleep hours alone (and the time I go to bed, almost less than the total hours makes a huge difference for me) didn't make the difference, I would have setbacks like a bout of a nasty bug that could last for weeks.

I believe the second (and now most impactful) contributor for me is lack of exercise. For me, the computer is such an addictive tool but I neglect to move around and now being older, it has caught up with me. It wasn't until my 50's when I finally slayed the "don't go to bed" psychosis, but the exercise demon I have not yet conquered since I don't do the exercise regularly enough.

Then, once I am not feeling good, I feel less inclined to do exercise and thus starts the negative feedback cycle.

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There are anecdotal reports of nicotine patches eliminating tinnitus. And fairly quickly. Nicotine is (I've heard) proven non-addictive by Harvard study. (It's the other 600+ FDA-approved other ingredients in cigarettes that are addictive, one added particularly for that purpose, forget it's name) So there doesn't seem to be any downside to trying the patch that I'm aware of, the ''addiction" question seeming to be the most likely reflexive concern.

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I use passionflower tincture https://newrootsherbal.com/product/id/1410

and l-theanine https://sukuvitamins.com/products/restful-sleep

also, magnesium https://naturalcalm.ca/product/natural-calm-magnesium-citrate-powder-raspberry-lemon-flavour/

.....also, if I wake in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, I spray some Rescue remedy spray https://www.rescueremedy.com/en-us/range/all-products/rescue-remedy-spray/

and am usually able to go back to sleep....I have tried melatonin and other sleep aids but like this protocol the best.... sweet dreams, my friend. 💤

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Melatonin helps me. I had to experiment to find the best dosage for me.

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Have you ever had a sleep study done? Not a big fan of big medicine but there may be some clues there.

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I'm sure you're getting plenty of advice in the comments on your respiratory ailments. Here's mine (I'm not a doctor, so this is not "medical advice"). Food grade hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer works wonders on all respiratory infections, including covid. I've seen it work firsthand with family members and myself. It's somewhat harsh full strength, so I dilute it 1 or 2 ml. H2O2 to 2 1/2 ml. of saline solution (I buy 5 ml. ampules of saline for the convenience and use half at a time). Cheap, safe and effective. For more information about it search for what Drs. Mercola, Thomas Levy and David Brownstein have to say about it.

Also, keep your vitamin D3 level up. Even living in Texas, you should probably be taking 5,000 i.u. per day.

Thank you for every word that you write. When I see one of your articles in my inbox, I stop what I'm doing and read it.

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Good advice!

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These are the docs I was going to recommend--perfect. You are correct that most people don't take enough Vitamin D, but we take 15,000-20,000/day without issue (and we do get our D levels checked--you want to be at least at 60). Other important things people are usually deficient in (again, see above docs) are iodine, magnesium and B vitamins.

Finally, consider finding a "drip bar", or I.V. clinic. At the very least, get one iv of high dose vitamin C. IV allows it to bypass the gastric region, so eliminates any irritation.

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Mathew, have you tried iodine/distilled water as a nasal rinse? Our nasal passages seem to have their own microbiome. Take care of yourself and I look forward to reading your future articles.

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The 1% povidone-iodine is recommended only when sick with nasal congestion (flccc.net). It is too strong to be used regularly as a preventative. When I was sick with covid early 2023 I used it and it's the sledgehammer. Works great but only use for short periods as it toasts everything in the nasal biome.

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Nebulized H2O2, anywhere from .1 to several multiples concentration in saline. Saline made from distilled H2O w/ .9% salt solution (food grade H2O2 and "natural" salt recommended, i.e., Pink Himalyan or Redmon's Real Salt--one of which you should already be using: commercial salt is adulterated with chemical "flow" agents, not to mention micro-plastics.

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Try halving the %.

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If 1% is too harsh you can reduce it but I still wouldn't use it as a preventative as it will do in the good stuff in the nasal cavities as well. That's where the Xlear type mix works great as it is very innocuous.

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Oh, I see. Do you also think this about CoFxRx?

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Do you mean CofixRx (CofixRx Povidone Iodine Antiviral Nasal Spray)?

I've never used that one and I don't see what the % ingredients are on their site. At $25 for a 10ml bottle it is very expensive.

I'll stick with the home made Xlear as it's inexpensive and pleasant to use.

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I'm very glad to see the homemade recipe. I sure understand where you're coming from.

The CoFixRx has 1.25% povidone-iodine, and the other ingredients are listed as "purified water, xylitol, Vitamin D3, polysorbate, gellan gum, carrageenan, sodium hydroxide." It does not have grapefruit seed extract. Yes, it's a bit costly.

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