Over the past few months, I've found it hard to get as much work accomplished for health reasons, so I wanted to talk a moment and briefly explain.
Understand that I have numerous important articles in the works. However, the nature of each of these articles has changed since I started this Substack to freely share what were the chapters and research pieces of The Chloroquine Wars, a book that I never completed due to the rapidly changing need for commentary on aspects of the plandemonium that I saw undercovered (if covered at all) even in the alternative media. The articles I'm working on lately involve the need for deeper research into the nature of power in human civilization, which is the murkiest mystery that we face. The task involves modeling information based on data generated from a limited number of perspectives, but like the German tank problem in many dimensions, where each dimension is its own discipline: history, science, statistics, game theory, economics, propaganda, neurocognition, and so on.
I currently do not know exactly the nature of the health problems I'm experiencing, except to say that I've had more respiratory illnesses reach my chest this year than in the past decade combined. What might usually be a few sneezes from the pollen blowing through seems to turn into congestion, routinely. I'm starting to think that I should take medicine the first time I sneeze as I've repeatedly been overconfident in my recovery from the early sniffles. Each time, tinnitus, which I never had before this year, flares up, and as happened in May when I had apparent COVID, I suffer anywhere from a little hearing loss to being mostly deaf. It's been a rough and bewildering roller coaster ride.
Last year was its own tough year. I may have averaged just 30 hours a week of sleep for the whole year. This was primarily due to the DMED/Unissant research that, because I chose the honest road, resulted in a forceful gaslighting from a combination of people in the alt media of the Medical Freedom Movement and unidentifiable accounts picking up a million views here, a few hundred thousand there. I have often sacrificed sleep for important work, but this reached an extreme level.
Given that Unissant apparently handles the border data now, and the crisis of the day is the unknown effects of unknown demographics into a nation already confused about whether or not its food supply is under intentional attack (spoiler alert: the whole world's food supplies are under attack). Those who were okay with the false DMED story because, "We just need a story," need to now understand that they were likely baited into compromising their virtue for a shock-story-now for which there is no evidence of budging the needle in the grand debate over where to go next. That took pressure off Unissant, the contractor that I believe Robert Malone and his circle are protecting by working around my narrative, instead of helping get eyeballs on the work in which they took an interest [because it's important].
"Your first job is to tell the truth."
Haven't we all lied? Do we not learn that while we usually get away with it, it sometimes haunts us to great magnitude when the shit hits the fan? Isn't that what childhood is for—learning these basic lessons?
Maybe a lawyer or a government insider is often the sort that never has to learn that lesson?
I digress.
We are now stuck with another chapter of what many people might understand is a long-term planned border psyop. I have wondered to myself if this is part of a game of thrones in which the U.S. is shoring up a supply of young workers while China's population pyramid is the thread that unravels the sweater?

I suffered a back injury in the middle of all that work, which is worse because I have scoliosis and a spinal injury from childhood (something I've never shared publicly, but since one of those good, honest freedom fighters blasted that out on Twitter, I guess it's public). I've had seizures, spasms, and migraines much more often since the middle of last year, and had a particularly debilitating round of all that a few months ago, just before apparently getting COVID and the irritating stream of once-a-month respiratory illnesses since.
On a positive note, I did force myself to lift weights for several months, losing 12 pounds at the time and another 8 since, so I've almost shed my 24 pounds of plandemonium weight gain in the past 18 months. We eat fairly well at home, buying our raw milk and butter, organic (no vaccines or antibiotics) meat and eggs, and baskets of vegetables/fruit all direct from organic farmers. We certainly aren't perfect, and we eat out here and there (certainly less since I gave up my job three years ago), but rarely fast food or processed food of indefinite description.
I drink more hot green tea than I used to, though less during the long hot summer that still hasn't fully passed here in Texas.
I suspect that I will be producing fewer articles going forward, as has been the pattern over the past few months. However, more of the articles will be more like the large FTX article from a few months back. Such articles are a week's worth of full time work. Maybe two.
But even such articles are far from perfect, and I learn more every day about the confluence of geopolitical events shaping the present like an ouroboros boa constrictor. I will look for ways at times to separate out building blocks—fundamental units of thought, like the notion of Dunbar slots. After much meditation, I see more of the magic tricks at play, so perhaps some of the writing can be made modular. But it's not easy. Expect some articles that are 50 to 80 book pages. It's not that I'm not working. It's that much of the work doesn't present well unless presented as indivisible.
Please be patient. The propaganda machine is working faster than the money printers, and if I'm going to continue doing this at all, I'd like to do it right. I'm working through new processes for a new stage of the journey, but it's starting to shape up.
I’ll be grateful for whatever content you produce on whatever timeline is required to dig as deeply as you do.
I’d settle for a lot less content if in exchange you’d make a good faith effort to get proper sleep.
Please be kind to yourself.
Last winter I caught 3 separate cold/ flu illnesses probably from my granddaughter. The main illness would be gone in a few days but I would get sinusitis each time that lasted for weeks. It was so frustrating. I read about Xlear nasal spray and decided to try it for the sinusitis. It worked! Now I also use it occasionally as a preventative if I've been in crowded indoor places. So far haven't been sick since.