Robert Malone's Insistence in Ignoring Jonathan Couey (and the Infectious Clone Hypothesis)
Chaos Agents, Part 21
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I call bullshit on Robert Malone. And I have a solid list of reasons to do so at this point. But for the purpose of this article, I'm going to focus primarily on Robert Malone's "I can't see you [because you're invisible]" grade-school passive aggressiveness toward fellow scientist Jonathan (JJ) Couey.
Couey's Infectious Clone Hypothesis (ICH)
This is likely where the story begins. At some point last year, JJ started talking about infectious clones as a hypothesis that COVID-19 was at least partially the result of the release of a particular form of genetically engineered virions called "clones". It took me some time to understand what he tried to explain to me over the phone, but fortunately it turns out that my wife makes clones for research in her lab. I learned a fair bit about the topic from the two of them. In order to best understand the topic, I'm going to briefly explain (to the best of my ability) the difference between a natural virus and an engineered viral clone.
An ordinary natural virus exists as a "quasi-species swarm" with a [tight] genetic spread around a core of highly replication competent genetic sequences. The spread in genetic sequences is due to mutation frequency across thousands of nucleotides. The vast majority of a swarm will have just a handful of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with respect to the highest density sequence. Some SNPs result in lower (or vastly lower) replication competence, so there is less of a feedback loop at those genetic "nodes". Evolution of the virus can only take place along "channels" where there are sequences with sufficient replication competence among the sequence/node cluster.
If you didn't soak all of that up at once, don't worry. You really only need to get the basic idea. And clones are simpler to understand. Clones all have the exact same genetic code. They might or might not be infectious to any particular species (like humans), but they are generally (if not always) lacking in the sufficient replication competence of a swarm. So, if somebody gets sick from an infectious clone, they aren't likely to be infectious to others around them. In other words, a locality suffers together when viral clones are released into the population.
Do you see where this is going?
I recommend reviewing my first article on the topic, which includes one of my interviews with JJ:
(Hello Substack…the problem with RTE links not opening to preview is still a thing.)
Ultimately, JJ caught onto the possibility of the use of infectious clones in warfare from an interview he watched Malone give at some point. I don't have the link to that Malone interview now, but if I get it from JJ after I publish this article, I'll come back and link it here.
Is it possible that Malone made a mistake saying "too much" while simply talking out loud securing his credibility as an expert?
Either way, most people would not have had the expertise to pick up on the notion of viral clones as biowarfare agents, but JJ did.
How the Infectious Clone Biowarfare Hypothesis Might Work
I do not claim to be a complete expert on these topics, but I believe I can do this without veering far from what I know and understand. I am happy to take on new information and further my education on these matters. The following is not a statement of certainty, but a model for how to create a faux-pandemic.
First, recall that the U.S. military—particularly the Navy (which happens to be where a lot of early COVID seems to have been identified, and where some signaling illness spikes occurred in DMED even prior to 2020)---has been testing various biowarfare agents on the U.S. population (and perhaps around the world) for decades. This includes relatively low-level agents that might only make some people sick (and perhaps a tiny few die). There is good evidence that engineered infectious clones are among them.
There are a lot of baffling facts about the plandemonium that are suddenly fixed by a model by which military or intelligence (or even private contractors…only a small portion of the process is high tech) is responsible for releasing infectious clones around the world discreetly. And it could all be covered up by a highly controlled testing program largely built around PCR (whose inventor tells us is a genetic replication system, not a diagnostic technology).
Has nobody else wondered why the PCR tests used never spanned intergenic sequences? Do we even know if the positives for different genes are always from the same virion/swarm?!
Never mind. Moving on…
The strange evidence of earlier illness is abundant, which I've written about here, here, and in the Omicron Hypothesis articles. There is also the suspicious nature of death clusters among world players, including the many African leaders (from nations resistant to Western/WHO public health measures and are moving toward joining BRICS) who succumbed to COVID-19 while their populations remained relatively healthy. All that could be explained by testing and targeted releases of infectious clones to make people sick. Tack on the damage caused by absurd hospital protocols, and perhaps all the information wars and fear porn, and you've got plandemonium.
Don't worry, we can blame it on China?
And what about the superspreader events? If SARS-CoV-2 were a natural swarm that caused scores of people to get sick in individual locations all at once, shouldn't we have seen many more of them? Um…I happen to know a whole lot of people who ignored the advice not to gather with friends and family, but did not wind up in a superspreader event. And even after lockdowns, superspreader events became less and less of a thing in the media.
Note: None of this dismisses the possibility of false positives that credited COVID-19 with some proportion of unrelated illnesses with overlapping symptoms (and COVID-19 does have a suspiciously wide symptom range).
Malone and the Invisible Couey
The story that JJ tells, which I believe to be true for various reasons, is that Malone introduced JJ to RFK Jr. in a video where JJ talked with Charles Rixey. As the story goes, Malone was pushing Rixey on Kennedy, but Kennedy wound up hiring them both (Rixey's contract was later non-renewed). Sometime later, JJ started working up the Infectious clone hypothesis of controlled biowarfare.
At first, JJ had a hard time putting the concept into words. It's not his field of concentration. I think that a few of us helped him explain it better and better through conversation and linguistic improvements. He now explains it more clearly as you might see in one of his recent videos. Still, I do wish that he would write it up, even if the hypothesis branches into multiple scenarios.
Late last year, JJ was going to discuss the ICH on a Children's Health Defense (CHD) podcast. Somehow, this apparently turned into a panel discussion in which JJ got a few short minutes to talk before Robert Malone took over, steering the conversation toward the possibility that something mumble something…the military wanted to guarantee mass production capacity [of a largely untested or fraudulently tested genetic product?]

If anyone on that panel could have fleshed out JJ's points, it was Robert Malone. Personally, I don't think JJ had all the details right in that talk. I doubt that we're looking at a protein inserted into the swarm so much as simply a release of a pure clone virion cloud (if some version of the ICH is correct).
Does anyone believe JJ's talk did not strike Malone as interesting? Did you see Malone constantly reaching back to touch his hair and his ear while JJ speaks? Is that a body language clue? He later blames all that on a fly, but I never could spot one.
Malone does say that he came to some overlapping conclusions as JJ, but without being specific. He then shifts the conversation to amorphous large actors such as the DoD and WEF. From there, the conversation leaves the important pieces of the ICH behind. Malone talks about the "need" to keep facilities constantly operating for various agendas, calling many of those threats "valid" on what I'd consider debatable evidence. Is Malone using that time to sell the narrative that funds the DoD's biowarfare program?
Is it unreasonable to discuss whether a broad swath of respiratory illness is simply due to infectious clone releases? Malone even states that the flu vaccine program is not really about stopping the flu (just about keeping vaccine manufacturing capacity alive). But is that really necessary, or simply a boondoggle?
Sorry, I'm just asking the questions that seem natural to me as my understanding of the issues grows. Perhaps the experts know better, though I'd have loved to be educated by them on the totality of the situation.
Around two days after this recording, the CHD convention got underway in Knoxville. I was in attendance, as were JJ and Malone. I spent substantial time there with JJ, whom I'd never previously met in person. Between discussions, JJ ran into Malone and began to introduce himself when Malone apparently said, "I don't know who you are," turned and hurried away as quickly as he could. According to JJ, Jill Malone later apologized to him, and passed the incident off as Robert being irritated by gout. But I talked with the Malones several times during CHD, including for an hour over lunch, and Robert never seemed anything like disoriented or feeble.
On another note, I liked that Jessica Rose asked whether we knew what sorts of pneumonia spiked during the pandemic. That's a topic that I've also wondered about (I may have even brought it up with her during one of Kirsch's steering committee meetings), and seems like the natural question for anyone examining the ICH alongside the pneumonia data. Pneumonia can be caused by viral infection, bacterial infection, fungal infection, chemical poisoning, and so on. Seeing a confirmed split might tell us a lot about the pandemic, and the ICH in particular.
At the end of the talk, Malone "shovels some 'atta boys'" at JJ, which looks to me like a way to gladhand the man whose ICH deserved an hour of serious discussion.
Now, let's revisit…
Do you buy that Malone finds no value in what JJ brought to the table? And doesn't know who he is? Or do you think he's trying to minimize JJ in order to trick people into not looking into JJ's ICH?
While I won't focus on it for the purpose of this article, I did leave Malone a response:
It is very hard for me to view Malone as a good actor when he refuses to correct his absurd and factually incorrect attack on me. But I'll move on…
If Malone truly doesn't remember having shown Kennedy one of Couey's broadcasts, might that be evidence that Malone's only job in that transaction was to promote Rixey, a former weapons of mass destruction instructor for the Marines? That would fit the profile I've gravitated toward for Malone as a conduit for some Chaos Agents such as Andrew Huff, whom I suspect nobody would have taken seriously without Malone's backing, or Mattias Desmet, whose ideas on totalitarianism strike me as an undergraduate lunch table conversation—not some brilliant breakthrough.
Does anyone at all wonder why nobody who has interviewed Huff has asked for something like a pic/video of the shell casings after his supposed shootout with federal agents? Or the subsequent police report?
I have my own strong (call "strong" a >90% subjective) opinion that Malone wants to use his influence to label JJ (or his ideas) unworthy of discussion or thought. That is a step that I suspect he took because leaving JJ fully invisible was no longer an easy option.
Am I reading too much into Malone's behavior?
I have some experience with Malone.
Making Inconvenient Facts Invisible?
In early February of last year, Robert Malone asked me to jump into the DMED data. That project, which I worked pro bono and without bias, sucked away more than a thousand hours of my life that I'll never get back. Most of that time was needlessly spent trying to get out a story of critical importance that the major influencers in the Medical Freedom Movement (Malone, Kirsch, Weinstein/Darkhorse, Del Bigtree, etc.) still haven't aired. And the contractor involved, Unissant, is critical to national security in numerous ways, handling the military health data, the border data, and Medicare data (among other contracts).
Within the span of a few hours, Malone, Kirsch, and I had all written about the strange tale of the DoD's claim of a glitch in the data. We all expressed skepticism. But within a few days, I had discovered that the DoD was basically correct about the glitch (though in a deeply suspicious sort of way that left a lot of serious questions), and the DoD whistleblowers had no real expertise in handling the data (funny how Malone questions expertise with JJ, but not Dr. Theresa Long who couldn't read the DMED outputs in a very basic way). So, what did Malone do when I briefed on my findings?
Nothing. He simply ceased writing about or reporting on the DMED story, despite all signals that its importance was much larger in scope.
Can you trust a man who sends a soldier into battle, watching that soldier doing a competent job, and then leaves him stranded on the battlefield? Is that a trustworthy leader?
What are Malone's true intentions as he continues to work with intelligence (he even invited me to meet with them), and soaks up attention (and hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in substack subscriptions), steering attention away from critically important stories?
Do your own research. Make up your own mind. That's the only way out.
And now for your moment of zen…
Keep up the great work Mat. You’re a hero, but reading your substack scares the hell out of me. Seems like what we are up against is much more complicated and insidious than i could ever imagine.
“At first, JJ had a hard time putting the concept into words. It's not his field of concentration. I think that a few of us helped him explain it better and better through conversation and linguistic improvements. He now explains it more clearly as you might see in one of his recent videos. Still, I do wish that he would write it up, even if the hypothesis branches into multiple scenarios.”
This seems to be the crux of the matter. JJ needs to write up his ideas in a paper and invite comments on it.