Other Plandemonium Tales can be found here at the Campfire.wiki. Find more discussion at the RTE Locals community. The Summary of the Remote Viewing Program will be updated to reflect the contents of this article.
This past Sunday I gave an interview with Matt Ehret regarding my research into MOBS, the acronym I've begun to use for the Military-Occult-Banking Syndicate that incorporates so much of the world's power networks. The discussion can be viewed here on Rumble:

The discussion includes a lot of the Bigger Picture including elements of apparent controlled opposition (including UFO cults and military intelligence) in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) during the plandemonium. Several new connections came out of the talk, including a gentleman who sent me some of his own research into the connection between the CIA, Scientology, and Remote Viewing. This additional new research helps round out the case I've been building that Starget/Remote Viewing was a fake paranormal investigation that was really a trauma-based mind control experiment conducted on U.S. citizens that is connected to and downstream from MKULTRA.
At least as per my own collection of the evidence, this is firmly past the realm of "conspiracy theory", though I am still organizing documentation of testimony (including my own experiences) about what went on in these experiments.
The following comment on Rumble is particularly interesting:
12 hours ago
Ehret and Crawford - Read "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr. Written in 1954, It helps to provide perspective on how all these various "adversaries" work in lock step towards a global totalitarian technocracy. Thank you both for the prolific work you are doing!
"Truth will ultimately prevail where pains is taken to bring it to light."
- George Washington
That was an incredibly engaging interview. The dots connecting the infiltration of Scientology was a stroke of brilliance.
Growing up my mom believed in Jesus and Christianity but was not fond of traditional Christian churches. She had many books on her shelves some new age (for the time) stuff. Power of positive thinking, Edgar Cayce, etc.
She liked the Unity Church of Christianity out of Missouri. I went to Sunday School there. Later as I busied myself with the usual dating, marriage, mortgage, career, divorce, repeat it all again successfully this time I mostly walked away from it all.
Decades later while in business for myself I wound up meeting a guy that I grew to admire. A staunch Christian, knew the Bible like the back of his hand, had a successful business, lived in the country with a six foot cross in his front yard for all to see.
A weight lifter he didn’t go to church but belonged to a prison ministry. He’d witness to some pretty hardened criminals. He had a gift because he wasn’t the least bit irritating, pushy or cringy he was for lack of a better term, the coolest guy I ever met.
When he wasn’t creating amazing pieces of jewelry for wealthy clients he built hot rods in his spare time.
We were having a conversation over thirty years ago. I never forgot he calmly said they’re going to use aliens to beguile us away from The Lord.
I was stunned. I’d never pondered such a thought.
He said, it’s as plain as day. They’ve conditioned us with a barrage of science fiction, books movies, TV shows, it’s everywhere.
They’re getting us to accept we are not alone in the universe and when the time is right they’ll use high tech trickery to convince most everyone of a super alien race that we were spawned from. The antichrist will probably be billed an extraterrestrial.
My mind was blown because it made perfect sense. Almost everyone I knew would buy it. Just like years later almost everyone I knew bought the scamdemic.
It just has to have the right mixture of fear/expert opinions/media barrage/controlled narrative/and the promise of a better life. Bingo.
Perhaps the antichrist is the creation of a singular religious entity with tentacles all over the world feeding a false godhead beguiling us to believe less human is more humane.
We live in interesting times.
The man I am speaking of was always the picture of health. Un-covid-vaccinated. I’d lost touch with him then found out he died of bacterial pneumonia March 2023.