Jul 11, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Not to mention that early at-home treatment reduces mortality by 85+%.

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Personally, I'll go with the over. After reviewing Dr. Tyson's data and looking through all the early treatment data, including some unpublished, I think a multi-drug regimen from antivirals/macrolides/vitamins/zinc to steroids where needed probably saves 98%.

We should find a way to never again let this happen.

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I completely agree. I quote 85+ because it's easy to defend via IVM & HCQ. But just lysine, lactoferrin, b vitamins, vit c, zn, would likely reduce mortality to near zero, and there are numerous other things that help as well.

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feb 2020 we knew most of this treatment, if media made this info available like they promoted mask and other BS pandemic would have dropped off in 2-3 months. they did the opposite govt. and media went to tremendous aggressive measures to shut down all treatment information and data. one has too assume govt. did this 100% intentional. they could not have dragged this covid out better. now they are using illegals with covid as strategic vectors and ship buss loads where ever they want the covid to spike higher, look at numbers past 6 month and talk to certain boarder agents online and see where and how many illegals with covid were shipped to what areas and look at covid numbers after next 6-8 weeks after.

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You'd have to do away with most of what is now called capitalism. To allow profit-making on what are absolute human necessities is criminal in itself and reliably leads to compounding of that criminality by that 10% categorized by Fromm (mentioned elsewhere yesterday). Health care, medicines, education, even insurance and banking, all need to be nationalized then internationalized, provided as human rights to all, and directed by those who have the required expertise and who have absolutely no need to be corrupted. And who can rapidly be indicted and imprisoned if they should stray. But at present, countries that have used their wealth to provide free health care, higher education, et al. have been quickly destroyed by capitalists.

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"Health care, medicines, education, even insurance and banking, all need to be nationalized then internationalized, provided as human rights to all, and directed by those who have the required expertise and who have absolutely no need to be corrupted. And who can rapidly be indicted and imprisoned if they should stray. "

I love this idea...or used to...or maybe I still do...

But the sticking point is "who can be rapidly indicted and imprisoned if they should stray" who is going to indict and imprison those in power?

And how can we guarantee they have 'absolutely no need to be corrupted?'

This can be a utopia if done right, but the worst dystopia if it goes wrong...

The cynical part of me is thinking this is what the 'globalists' (think World Economic Forum and 'the great reset') are promising us...

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>Health care, medicines, education, even insurance and banking, all need to be nationalized then internationalized, provided as human rights to all, and directed by those who have the required expertise and who have absolutely no need to be corrupted.

Read this, then get back to me: https://cdn.mises.org/Socialism%20An%20Economic%20and%20Sociological%20Analysis_3.pdf

TL;DR version: You must understand incentives and how they interact with human nature before you propose yet another big-government disaster.

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Ahhh... "human nature" : nobody can say definitely what that is. Some have come close, try "Human Universals" by Donald Brown, and "Unto Others" by Sober and Wilson. That would be a good start for "following the science" to see what humans are capable of and under what circumstances. Then "The Enemy of Nature" by Joel Kovel for an understanding of the inevitable meltdown that capitalism must produce. A short review:


an excerpt here:


and further ,


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I repeat, you must understand incentives...so you avoided the important part of my comment and skipped to what you knew best, nonsensical modern definitions of human nature.

Chomsky would be proud of you, comrade.

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I should note that I just watched the Reiner Fuellmich interview with RFK Jr, and am totally furious. In a normal state of disgust I might temper my recommendations but maybe that would be a mistake.

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Jul 16, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Mathew, your blog posts are a joy to read. I have really few sources I trust regarding covid, but here is definitely one. Keep up the good work!

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There are thousands of post vaxx c19 positive patients in VAERS. Maybe as many as ~30K reports, many deaths also show post vaxx c19 +. I would not doubt these get counted as c19 virus deaths rather than vaxx death only because it's not classified as a breakthrough yet! It's a total shimmey sham! I think it's protocol to give a patient with an AE a PCR test. The vaxx is probably feeding the virus stats. It's all spelled out here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HEpBeuAz9n9P/

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"I would not doubt these get counted as c19 virus deaths rather than vaxx death only because it's not classified as a breakthrough yet! "

That makes sense...I was confused, because the vaccines look bad if the deaths are from the vaccines themselves, or if deaths were from COVID-19, but not if they are not yet classified as 'break through cases!'

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The deaths are an easily proven hoax, the CDC and WHO decided in April last year to put covid as primary death after a positive PCR test as long as they die within 60 days. The average now is 95% of ''deaths'' have an average of 4 pre existing conditions and the mean age is 82.

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The moratorium on autopsies grows more suspicious by the day.

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Sure does, just got a report in the UK of a young woman developing MS after the jab and dying

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The CDC released this new "report" last Friday (Sept. 10)...


They state that during the period from June 20 to July 17, 2021, vaccinated persons accounted for 18% of reported COVID-19 cases, 14% of hospitalizations, and 16% of deaths. Vaccination coverage during this period was reportedly 53%.

So they are acknowledging that the earlier reports that "99.2% of recent US deaths were among unvaccinated individuals" were untenable. Furthermore, they note that vaccine effectiveness is dropping over time: estimated at 90% from April 4 thru June 20, dropping to 80% from June 20 to July 17.

But they also admit that they are conflating "partially vaccinated" with unvaccinated individuals, leaving the door wide open for laundering vaccine-caused deaths as unvaxxed COVID-19 deaths.

They don't mention whether unvaxxed and vaccinated populations were tested for SARS-Cov2 infection at the same rates, nor whether the PCR test was set at different thresholds for the two populations. But presumably, the applicable CDC policies (only test for vaccinated breakthrough cases after hospitalization, and even then at much lower CT) were in place to bias the data collection process.

Thanks, Mathew, for providing the insights that make it possible to see through this CDC propaganda disguised as a research report.

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The one potential explanation, not that I believe it, that could be used and would require further look into is the extensive use of the AZ vaccine which is the chimpanzee adenoviral vector rather than the favored mRNA vaccines used Stateside. That would be inconsistent with the original efficacy data posted by all parties involved, though.

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In their vaccine efficacy study, the CDC categorized people with a positive test within 14 days of their first dose as unvaccinated, along with people who never received a dose.

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The high risk group got vaccinated early and vaccination rate is more like 85%. So the 25% number does not apply evenly to all groups. The high risk group's vaccinated exposure number might be like 50-70%? That would bring the implied covid deaths between 200k and 300k, I guesstimate.

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